a/n: if you didn't notice in the story summary, i am discontinuing this fic! thank you to the people that had messaged me and have been patient until now!


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It took seconds, maybe minutes, for Lucy's brain to register that she was staring at her hardwood floors through her lashes. She was under all her sheets and pillows again like she had woken up this morning.

The blonde slowly blinked as her groggy vision adjusted to the faint light and focused on waking up. She inhaled deeply through her nose and carefully moved her legs and arms towards her chest, stretching her limbs before pushing the blanket and pillows to the side, not thinking to care as they rolled to the floor at her feet. A bolt shot up her leg the moment her toes touched her cold floors, both palms of her hands pressing and rubbing the sleep from her eyes. She ran a hand through her hair, careful to avoid the angry bump on the top side of her head, but not careful enough to miss the new one on the back.

"Ahh," Lucy hissed, holding her hand above the sore area. She winced visibly and lowered her hand to her lap, moving to stand from her bed but the action fell futile the moment two curious coral arms emerged from beneath her legs, and grabbed a hold of her bed-spring. Lucy gasped and brought her legs up from the ground and stood upon her mattress, moving to the corner by her window as the brute pushed himself up. The memories in the bathroom returned the moment her eyes locked with his, and subconsciously fell to his lips which had carelessly pressed themselves into hers just minutes or hours before.

Just how long had she been out?

Lucy cursed, feeling her face heat up in unwelcome embarrassment. Her gut rolled uncomfortably and a nauseous feeling was working its way through her gut.

The brute worked its way on the mattress on all fours, Lucy not allowing it near her as she moved to the other side of the bed, suddenly becoming trapped braced against the wall and the alien crouching before her. He seemed to have sensed her fear and kept a distance from her heaving form, but kept an arm raised in concern, Lucy not realizing he was eyeing her front head injury with a worried eye.

She, on the other hand, had her attention on his fingertips, the long and sharp nails he was pointing towards her abdomen. Lucy felt threatened and was unsure of the situation. It was already a proven fact that he could very well toss and drag her like a rag doll with a single arm.

She remembered the creature called himself Natsu, and then it was blank after that. Lucy guessed that would explain the new lump she had on the back of her head. She partially thanked her overly sensitive nerves and was grateful she did not have a concussion from the damage she had managed to give herself so far in one day. The shock was still very real as she recalled it, but again, the pain was too much for her to think. But if it weren't for the pain that seemed to pulse itself around her head, Lucy might have as well thought she was dead.

She suddenly felt sick, feeling the burning and nausiating sensation in the pit of her stomach work its way to the back of her throat. Discarding what was in front of her, Lucy pressed a hand to her mouth and stumbled off the bed, barely making it a few feet before her vision wavered and her head felt faint. The moment she felt conscious again, she was on her knees with her head within inches of the floor. It took longer for her to register the arm that was wrapped around her chest, holding her weight up from the ground, her right shoulder pressed into the crease of his arm.

He caught her again.

Lucy jerked, but the brute's strength kept her in place. The clear concern was drenched on his features, but Lucy was now too occupied with trying to crawl to her bathroom door to notice.

Finally slipping from the hold, she quickly pushed to her feet and bolted for the toilet, both her knees crashing into her tile floors a her arms hugged the bowl as a lifeline. Lucy coughed and let out a string of whines, feeling her nose and eyes start to burn. Once her body was satisfied with its release, Lucy leaned up and flushed, climbing the sink to rinse out her mouth. She didn't dare look up to mirror. If she looked anything like she felt, she would rather not be hugging the toilet bowl again.

Lucy decided she needed a hospital visit. Her household medications weren't going to be of much help, she needed a professional eye to take a look at her head and scold her for her careless actions. She could blame the alien all she wanted, but her slamming her head into her table was her own reckless doing, even though it was far from purpose. Though, she couldn't say the same for the bathroom incident. Anyone probably would have fainted in that situation.

And getting out of her apartment and into the fresh air was the most thing she yearned for.

With both her flats slipped on her feet, Lucy carefully stood from the floor, using the wall to balance and keep her body steady. She moved slowly, fearing another blackout.

"I'm leaving," Lucy muttered her voice soft and sharp. It was a habit she still had from still living with her father, and one she decided to keep for her own sake. Her mind had wandered away from the brute for the moment she was standing, but as she opened the door to step out, she caught a glance of his movements from the corner of her eye. He was moving towards her from her bed. Lucy had to blink a few times to register his expression. He looked alarmed upon her leaving and Lucy held her breath, hiding half her body behind her opened door.

"I'll be back!" She said in a hurry, quickly slipping outside the door and shutting it before he reached her. Once the barrier was between them, she pressed her forehead to the surface, taking a moment to take in a few shaking breaths.

In truth, she did not know if she would come back. She did not want to. Not as long as that thing was in there.

Lucy's hands glided on the railing as she made her way carefully down the metal steps of her apartment building, afraid of her body swaying and giving out on her. The air that blew over her smelled of rain, the earthly scent doing well at settling her jumbled nerves. But did little for everything else.

Lucy hugged her arms around her frame as she stepped off the steps and slowly inched her way into the bustling pavements. She allowed herself one glance up at her apartment building as she walked.

Her bedroom window was open, the ripped curtains gently blowing with the breeze.

Lucy turned straight ahead, sucking in some air as her eyes fell to her feet, unclear thoughts going through her mind.

She became aware of all her surroundings but the one that was watching her the most.

. . .


Lucy pressed her mouth together as her doctor walked in the room, her folder in hand. The expression on his features was one she could only define as displeasure. He was scowling, a thick brow raised, rubber gloved hands barely flickering through her files before the document was tossed on the counter.


Was all he said, and Lucy found herself staring at her feet in shame, watching his broad figure step into her line of vision. The warm feeling of his rubber covered hands that guided her chin to face him was the gentlest feeling she had felt all weekend, and Lucy could not help but stare at his handsome face while all of his attention was on examining her head.

A large scar adored his right eye, a healed injury from his youth she had always assumed, not having the courage or place to ask. It took the shape of a lighting bolt, amusingly, and Cana had gave him a daring comment and called him 'the second coming of Potter'. The two had been on bad terms ever since, and Lucy had not once brought the brunette as company to another appointment again.

His striking blond hair, not like her fair own, spiked in almost all directions gave him the wrong character, a character Lucy feared and felt intense discomfort upon first meeting him. But as far as misunderstandings went, he was actually one of the kindest people you'd meet in this old fashioned city if you dug deep enough. Everyone showed their kindness in different ways, and his so happened to be insulting. Lucy grew used to it quickly much to her surprise, and found the male to grow on her.

Though he was almost always scowling, he was still someone to admire and adore. Many women would jump at the opportunity to have such a stud as their doctor. Heck, she was a bit infatuated with him after meeting a few times. She was a sucker for a handsome face, but Lucy was not sure what her heart yearned for. She would not complain for a date or two with a handsome man, but she was sure that was all there was to it.

Lucy blinked a few times, knowing that if he caught her staring she would have a third bump to go with the other two.

"Seems you got lucky this time, Lucy," The doctor said, eyes slipping down to meet her own. "Tests came back just fine, just a minor concussion, but no real damaged was caused. Though you should avoid going under tables and low places for the time being," His brow raised, his own way of showing even the smallest bit of amusement or teasing.

Lucy frowned. "Then why did I throw up?"

"Did you look in the mirror?"

"Laxus!" Lucy gasped, moving to kick him as he walked over to the trash bin to remove his gloves, but met the air. "Why are you such a bully to me? You're so nice to your other patients, I've seen it!"

"You're so easy to pick on, though," He mused lightly, glancing at her while he plucked her document off the counter "And many of my other patients are children, much like yourself."

Lucy huffed. "I'm a reliable adult, thank you."

"And the only adult in this city I know of that could manage to nearly crack her skull twice in one day," Lucy glowered, but Laxus went on. "But it's rather amazing that you woke up and brought yourself here to see me today."

"Then shouldn't I be praised?" Lucy smiled, straightening her spine and pushing her shoulders back, appearing tall. The strain was sore and did not help the pain still eating at her head, but the teasing was fun.

Laxus walked over and looked down on her, making Lucy feel small and open under his hard gaze. "Hardly," Lucy opened her mouth to resort, but her eyes fell down to his jaw line, making her words die in the back of her throat. "Just in case, I will prescribe you a small medication to help with any pain and inflammation," Laxus said, taking a clickable pen from his coat pocket and scribbling something down, not noticing Lucy was staring at his collar line. "The swelling and bruising should go down in a few days, but the areas will be tender for a few weeks. Refrain from needlessly touching them."

Lucy nodded numbly, barely registering his words as she zoned out on his neck. Plump and bruised, red patches of skin peeked out from the collar of his shirt, trailing to the edge of his jaw and disappearing down the side of his neck. Lucy felt herself gaping, her lips going dry.

Laxus continued talking and writing, but Lucy was at the point of not being able to hear him at all. Some of the hickies that bloomed across his skin looked fresh, while others looked as if they had already been healing for a day or two. She was no expert, far from it, since she had never been in the heat of a passionate situation before to give her enough back up knowledge. A part of her was shocked that a rough man such as Laxus could be getting some action.

Lucy was almost twenty years old and felt threatened if a sketchy looking man so much as looked at her in public. She had always had Cana with her, who had many times tried to hook her up with a schoolmate. Lucy had always kindly refused, but it was always a reminder of her relationship status.

Lucy was pulled from her trance when the man standing in front of her made a noise, and she rapidly blinked her eyes before looking back to meet his, cheeks darkening.

"I—I'm sorry! I was just—" She fumbled to apologies, but knew it was futile seeing how the damage was already done and noticed. Laxus rolled his shoulders uncomfortably, raising and covering the welts with a hand as he handed Lucy her prescription for medication. Both stood in an awkward and heavy silence and refused to look at the other, but Laxus made the bigger effort in backing up and opening the room door for Lucy to slip through.

"You didn't see anything," He whispered behind her as they both exited the room and closed the door. Lucy watched his broad back as he walked down the hall with his clipboard and file tucked beneath his arm. Her eyes scanned the his female colleagues that smiled as he passed, wondering which woman had the pleasure of and reeled in the interest of the doctor.

. . .

Lucy breathed deep and quick, hugging her arms and trying to pull her clothing closer to her body as much as they possibly could. Her steps were sloppy against the pavement, and she had just spent an unnecessary two hours at the pharmacy after getting her medication. She walked around and at least looked through every aisle three times before she finally got tired of the disapproved glances she was receiving from the clerk, and decided to leave. Her apartment was in the opposite direction of where she was walking because Lucy knew one thing for sure.

She did not want to go home.

Since she now knew that she wasn't concussed or that her body wasn't lying dead in her tub and that this simply was all just a scenario that her consciousness had created, the absolute thought of returning to her apartment made her stomach turn.

Going to Cana's had crossed her mind, but there were one of two issues to that. One, the woman was either still sleeping or was awake and dealing with a hangover, and that was something Lucy had learned not to walk in on. She loved Cana, yes, very dearly. But when she was hungover, she was an absolute menace. And Lucy knew her friend would never hurt her or cause harm and danger to anyone, but catch her on a bad morning and she just might change your life. And Lucy found herself turning and flipping over the second reason, which would be Cana was spending time with her father.

And more than anything, that was something Lucy would not want walk in on. The relationship between Cana and her father was in the process of sprouting and growing. It was still being watered, and she would not want to interrupt that even for a moment.

Lucy sighed and looked up at the building that she had stopped herself in front of, glancing inside to see if the person she was looking for was presently on duty. A smile of relief adored her lips when she saw the dark mob of hair and immediately pushed her way through the threshold. Her body absorbed the warm and welcoming air as her legs took her towards the front counter.

"Lucy! God, what the hell happened to your face?"

Even the rough question made her relax, and that was something to be said. Lucy would usually fire back and act insulted, but as she closed the distance between her and the male standing by the register, all the tension in her upper body released and practically caused her to deflate.

"Gray! I am so happy to see you," Lucy said, her voice sounding more frail than she would had liked to let him hear. The male she had her arms wrapped around hesitated before raising his own, his expression softening as his arms slipped around her shaken figure. Lucy leaned into the embrace, going over in her mind just how much she appreciated his friendship. Gray was a friend she could turn to.

They pulled away after minutes of enduring many questioning glances, and Gray gripped her shoulders and met her eyes with a stern question. "What happened?"

It was obvious Lucy looked like she didn't want to answer, but keeping secrets from her friends was something she hated doing. But of course secrets were necessary in the situation she was in. How would she even began to explain that? Gray was looking at her with genuine concern and worry, and here she was biting her tongue while coming to him bruised and beaten.

Lucy sighed. She placed her hand on top of his as a physically dedication that she appreciated him and his efforts, and a silent promise that she would not keep quiet for long. "I'm a clutz," Gray's brows twitch together, and she knew he wasn't buying it. "I could really use a warm drink right about now. Care to join me?"

The man remained silent for a long minute, studying her eyes and obviously seeing through the curtain she was trying to put up. But instead of pestering, he nodded and pulled himself up and over the counter, and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. Lucy leaned into the hug as they walked towards the store entrance.

"There is a café that opened just a few doors over. I think you'll really like it."

"Sounds great."

And it was. Gray provided Lucy with a relaxing atmosphere that took so much tension from her body, and even took her mind away from what awaited her when she returned home.

The café was small and had a very home-y feel to it, and judging from the lack of presence in the room, Lucy could tell the place was just getting on its feet. She took quiet and calming breathes as she seated herself at the nearest two-seated empty table, and watched Gray for a moment while he ordered their drinks. To describe what she was feeling at the moment would be . . . embarrassed.

She suddenly became very aware of her appearance and the quality of the place she was in. From the bruising and welting to the way she was dressed, she looked like a ragged doll. Rushing herself out of her apartment the way she did, Lucy did not give a single thought to the garments she threw on before she was out the door. An oversized sweater over a pair of sleeping shorts and a tank-top, Lucy consciously hugged the outerwear closer. Ducking her head and glaring at the flats on her feet, she knew she couldn't blame herself for her underdressed state.

"So," Lucy jumped up when Gray plopped in the seat in front of her, accepting the cup he slipped to her over the tabletop. "I have a few minutes before my boss will be blowing up my phone. You look terrible."

Lucy scoffed, a small smile on her lips. "Thank you."

"Sorry," Gray chuckled. "I've never seen you . . . not wearing heels and a skirt," Lucy quietly sipped her drink, her eyes wandering the room. Gray mentally punched himself and sighed. "Cana called me," Lucy perked and he grinned, continuing. "Yesterday. She was drinking with Gildarts and accidentally dialed me. Never been yelled at so much before in my life."

Lucy pulled away from her drink and laughed.

. . .

Gray ended up returning to work over an hour late and received an earful from his boss, and Lucy practically got to her knees in apologies. A carefree mood followed her all the way home where it evaporated when she came face to face with her door. Her key hovered near the lock, body shaking and too stiff to move. Not one thought was going through her mind.

Her heart pounded audibly in her ears as she slowly inched her hand forward, gripping the knob as she turned the key. The door cracked as it jerked open, and Lucy sucked in a breath and moved her feet towards the threshold.

The space in her room appeared empty and in the same condition it was in when she left hours before. No lights were on and only the street lights shining through her single window illuminated her path as she walked further inside, quietly clicking the door shut behind her.

Her flats were off her feet and Lucy was pulling her sweater off in an instant, frantically moving towards her kitchen and slapping her prescription meds on the counter and ripping open the packet. Her head circulated with pounding rage and curing the pain was the only thing she desired. After gulping down half a glass of tap water and her pills, Lucy turned scanned the room with a fresh sense of caution.

Movement from the edge of her hall caught the corner of her eye, and Lucy was certain her stomach physically dropped to her knees. She thrashed back, her glass cup falling and shattering at her feet, and practically clawed her way over her countertop. The brute moved towards her around the other side of the counter, ducking under her table and coming up right beside her. Lucy screamed and grabbed the nearest item next to her, air freshener spray, and held it above her like she was going to throw it all while about to make a break for it.


Foreign the voice was. Too foreign to her ears. Unrecognizable, yet oddly understandable.

Lucy's lip trembled between her teeth as she turned to face him, still gripping the spray can and pointing it towards him. She watched him raise himself from all fours and stand on his two feet, his back straightening until his tall height nearly towered over her slanted figure. Golden eyes met hers and didn't falter as he reached up and gripped the spray can she was refusing to let go. Her fingers twitched and the air between the both of them suddenly smelled of a warm summer breeze.

Tears filled her eyes and for a moment, they wandered to her cell phone that was blinking on the other side of the room. Police, Cana, Gray, or even her father.

"I'm not going to hurt you."

"Who are you?" Lucy voiced back immediately, still not looking at him.

She had a feeling of what he was going to say next. Just a feeling. Lucy was still scared for her life, but the memories of a little orb in her bedroom flickered in the front of her mind, memories she thought she had tucked away long before. The little voice she called her friend.

"Natsu," The can slipped from her hand and clattered against the counter before it rolled to the floor. He leaned closer and she unconsciously leaned away, boring into his eyes as her gut flipped and turned. "I promised we would meet again."