A/N - sorry for the really late update. Life gets in the way and I'm distracted by shiny things. Hopefully some of you like Chapter 3.

Eric looks over his friends in the basement. It's been a few days since his birthday and Hyde and Donna had finally stopped being nervous. There was a long talk with a very upset Bob that he was glad he had avoided but Bob has put his foot down and told his daughter not to see her boyfriend so of course they spent all their time over here now. Fez was sitting there eating a bag of candy. How the hell did he have candy with him at any given moment? Jackie was shooting angry looks at an oblivious Kelso as they all watched Scooby Doo. The calm moment was interrupted by a very angry shrill voice.

"Michael, you are such a jerk!" Jackie screeched making everyone jump. "You haven't even apologized for what you said!"

"What?!" said Kelso incredulously, "I totally said that I was sorry that I think Foreman's sister is totally hot and I even meant it… even though she is really hot" He laughs and goes to grab another popsicle.

"Michael, you have no consideration for my feelings at all telling that bleached up whore, no offence Eric …"

"None taken when you hit the nail right on the head" Eric replied.

Jackie nods and smiles at Eric before she turns back to Kelso with the same venom she had a moment before, "telling that slut you didn't have a girlfriend!"

Everyone one is so silent you can hear a pin drop and Eric scans the room to see nervousness on everyone's faces until he stops on Hyde who grins at him and nods his head.

"How was study hall today Kelso?" Hyde smirks as Kelso turns chalk white.

"I learned that a cat always falls on his feet" Kelso blurts out.

"No No Kelso, you weren't in study hall today." Fez looks up from his candy for the first time with a clueless grin on his face.

"No way Fez, I was there!" Kelso leaps off the freezer and twitches as he throws up his hands, "Funny Foreigners mixing up their days!" He shakes his head and laughs nervously.

"No Kelso. I remember at lunch" Fez nods as he looks off in the distance recalling "You were skipping study hall because you wanted to get to second base with Pam Macy. I was upset because I love the baseball and I wanted to play!" Fez pouted.

Hyde falls back in his chair from laughing too hard as Kelso makes a bee line for the side door followed hot on his heels by a very ticked off devil with fire in her eyes "Michael Kelso, you get back here right now!" is the last thing everyone hears before the door slams.

"Why is everyone leaving?" Fez pouts even more as Hyde returns his chair and then himself to the sitting position.

"He wasn't talking about baseball, Fez. He was talking about making out with Pam Macy behind Jackie's back" Hyde shook his head and continued to chuckle as he drapes his arm back around Donna.

"Ahhhh…. I see. Kelso is a whore!" Fez responds.

"Exactly" Hyde shakes his head.


Eric, Hyde, Donna and Fez are hanging out in the kitchen when his mom comes buzzing in and out of the kitchen, very flustered and running all around the house. His dad just looked up from his paper at the kids and told them not to eat him out of house and home and went back to his paper only dropping it occasionally to shake his head at his wife.

"Hey Dad, why is mom running around so much?" Eric enquired.

"The President is coming to town." His dad grumbled.

"What President?"

Kitty zoomed backed into the kitchen, "The President of the United States, Gerald R. Ford. The thirty-sixth, eighth, fortieth, I don't know, he's the President! I need to vacuum. Eric, you tidy up this basement! A pie! I gotta make a pie!" and with that she ran back out.

"It's not like he's coming to our house. And if he did, I'd kick him in the kiester." Red hollered at the door that was now almost revolving.

"We will not pay an homage to a corrupt electoral system." Hyde said thrusting his fist in the air.

"Shut up Steven. I can say what I say because I was in Korea. You're just a kid with a smart mouth and an ass in need of a foot" Red shakes his finger then he turns his attention to Eric.

"So how's the car?"

"Real good" Eric says as he snaps to attention.

"By real good you mean you rotated those tires like I asked you to?" Red leans forward.

"Dad, don't they rotate every time I drive?" Eric snickers until Red gives him a glare "I'm sorry."


Jackie gave up on looking for Kelso and made her way home. She overheard her father.

"This is when normal folks step up to the microphone and ask the President questions, now you the important thing is to choose the right person. A working class guy, your average Joe. I guess someone you and I would call loser."

Sometimes her dad could be a real Jerk.


Donna stormed into the basement with fury in her eyes.

"Can you believe this?" She flops down beside Hyde with her arms crossed.

He looks at her with a look of confusion, somehow still pulling off his always present aura of zen.

"My dad," she tosses me her arms in the air, "He wants me to wear this stupid part of the flag jumpsuit and was totally insulted when I refused. Said it was something we can do as a "family"." She just tries to laugh it off "Anyway, what are you dill holes up to?"

"WE'RE GOING TO STREAK" Kelso jumps up and fist pumps in the air.

"Shut your hole, Kelso" Hyde chides pointing up to the floor above "You want Red's foot to meet your ass repeatedly?"


The day of the Presidential visit Donna was surprised to come downstairs and find her boyfriend sitting on her couch.

"What are you doing here Hyde?" Donna rushed down the steps, "You better get out of here or my dad is going to kill … well give you a stern talking to!"

"He kind of invited me." Hyde said as he uncharacteristically squirmed.

"Why would he invite you … OH NO "The fear crept onto her face and she saw the kitchen door start to sway "NO DAD, YOU AREN'T ALLOWED TO KILL HIM!" She leapt into the air trying to cover as much of Hyde as humanly possible blocking him from whatever her father had in store.

She looked up to see a confused look on both their faces.

"Hi Honey, what did you do that for …. Wait … before you tell me …. Steven, I'm happy to say we were able to get what we were looking for …. I had a hope that I was wrong about you … and my boy … you came through in spades and I'm just tickled pink"

Donna finally came to her senses to see her father in his hideous tracksuit holding smaller copies in each of his hands.

"I'll go get Midgy to press them for you and my little Turtle Dove … Welcome to the Family Steven" Bob said over his shoulder as he ran back in the kitchen.

"What the HELL, Hyde? " Donna turned back with a confused look on her face.

"Look Donna …. My mom doesn't care if I'm alive or dead and my old man … I don't even know him. Do you know how lucky you are to have two parents who care so much about you that it breaks their hearts when you don't want to do a family activity"

Donna's confused face fell and she flopped beside him.

"My dad really is all heart, isn't he?" Hyde nodded.

"And it's only one day of sheer embarrassment" Hyde nodded again.

"And you are gonna wear that thing, just to support me"

"Yeah Donna," Hyde sat up and put his arm around his girlfriend "That and the fact that I am so getting sex for bowing to the man like this."

His chuckle made her heart swell so much she almost didn't frog him in the arm … almost.


He had actually done it! He had streaked in front of the President. Even if it was yesterday Eric felt so alive.

When Jackie had come to him and told him that her dad was trying to get his dad to ask a stupid question because they weren't supposed to rock the boat and Red being the prideful man he was, was tripping over his own words and feeling like a Jackass in that crowd. So along came naked Eric to the rescue! His dad had even been his own version of grateful.

Why couldn't he be more impulsive like that; not worry about what other people would think or how he would look…

Like Jackie at the concert…

Or Jackie in the basement with his sister …

Or Jackie during the assembly….

Or…. Jackie …

… Repercussions BE DAMED!

Eric dropped his rake and prayed to God that his feet would beat his brain.

He made his way out from the backyard and down the outside basement steps before he even had a chance to blink.

The door slamming made everyone jump.

Fez dropped his candy all over the place.

Donna thought it was Kelso and was getting ready to deck him.

Hyde regretted switching from his chair to the couch to be with Donna as Forman actually stepped on his leg to get to his destination.

And Jackie could only feel her heart flutter as Eric's lips crashed into hers.