This time Derek heard the door to his loft slide open early the next day. No need for him to even question who'd come by; it would be Scott again no doubt. Not even bothering to sit up and acknowledge his uninvited guest, Derek just continue to lay in bed staring at the ceiling as he'd been doing for the past three hours.
"Derek!" Scott exclaimed angrily, ripping the blankets off Derek's body with a violent tug.
The werewolf rolled his head to the side pinning Scott with a scowl.
"Get out."
Crossing his arms across his chest, Scott stared down at him stubbornly.
Filled with a sudden rush of anger Derek found himself on his feet in front of Scott and yelling at him senselessly, "He's afraid of me Scott! This whole thing is pointless, I don't know what I was thinking."
"Derek you can't just invite yourself into his room, force him up against a wall and make moves on him! Of course he was scared!"
"You were the one that told me he enjoys aggression! He didn't seem to mind it when that mall rat was trying to choke him with his tongue."
Scotts expression was surprised, he seemed not to know how to answer. Finally, he said, "When I mentioned aggression that wasn't quite what I had in mind." Shaking his head and appearing to make up his mind, Scott walked around Derek to sit on the bed. "Lets try this again, Derek. This time, listen."
So Derek had sat down and this time he had really listened. When Scott explained to him that Stiles had always been somewhat afraid of him, the green eyed man had been about to scoff in denial but Stiles words from the previous night drifted through his mind and he inwardly cringed.
"Snarling, red eyed werewolf who has a habit of threatening to rip your throat out with his teeth."
He had threatened Stiles bodily harm on numerous occasions. Had once taken pleasure in the frightened state he could reduce Stiles too. Why wouldn't the boy be afraid of him? Hadn't that been Derek's goal from the start? If he could take it all back...he vaguely remembered slamming Stiles' head against his steering wheel and winced again. He couldn't take it back.
Scott gingerly approached the topic that technically Stiles and Derek weren't even friends. The unspoken terms of their relationship were to tolerate each other. Derek was the braun, Stiles was the brain, they both had their respective parts to play in the group and so an uneasy alliance had built between them but friends? No, Derek realized feeling overwhelmingly naive, friends they were not.
By the time the two had finished their discussion, Derek knew what he had to do.

Derek wasn't particularly good at making friends. His stony demeanor and lack of dialogue made sure of that but he was willing to try. He wanted Stiles trust him. As Scott had said, if they could build trust he might stand a chance. That is how Derek found himself on the doorstep to the Stilinski household for possibly the first time ever. Taking a deep breath, he raised his hand and knocked on the door, he only had to wait a moment before the door was answered and Derek was inhaling the intoxicating scent of Stiles again. He stood in the entryway of his house, door still partially closed, just his head peeking out and his large, expressive eyes widened when he saw Derek.
"Um. Hey." He said his voice a notch higher than usual.
Derek surveyed the younger man closely. He could hear Stiles heartbeat pounding frantically within his chest, could practically see the wheels turning in his head as he tried to find a way to deal with the situation, those amber eyes, lined with a thick fringe of dark lashes, were filling with a glimmer of panic. Well they were off to a good start weren't they?
Placing his hand on the door frame he cleared his throat, willing himself not to mess this up.
"I'm using the door." He said quirking an eyebrow.
Stiles mouth curved up in a small smile at that. "Ya I noticed that. Good werewolf."
Derek returned the smile relaxing a bit. "Can I come in?"
Instantly the muscles in Stiles neck tensed, his adams apple bobbing as he swallowed hard seeming uneasy all over again. Ah, and there was that racing heartbeat again.
"You mean inside here? I don't think-I mean my dads home so..." The teen babbled in an apologetic tone.
"Stiles I know the Sheriff isn't home. His car is gone and even if it wasn't the only heartbeat I can hear in there is your own." Derek said, moving his hand from the door frame to the door to gently apply pressure.
Looking put out Stiles took a few steps back and allowed the door to swing open all the way.
Derek stepped through the threshold heavily. This was it, it was to late to turn back now. He clenched his hands into fists and was disturbed to realize they were clammy with sweat. How was this skinny, gangly teenager reducing him to this mess? It had been a long time since he'd felt this nervous he'd damn near forgotten what it felt like. Glancing at Stiles face and seeing what he was feeling reflected in those wide, mesmerizing depths he almost backed out. Almost. But then Stiles was closing the door behind him and the older male was making his way into what he assumed was the living area. Pictures were placed haphazardly around the room without any rhyme or reason. Derek bent down to survey one of a young Stiles sitting in front of a ruined birthday cake, Scott standing next to him. Derek figured it was safe to assume that the cake was ruined because someone had shoved Stiles face in it, if the broad smile on Scotts face and cake scattered all over Stiles face was any indication.
Stiles came up behind him, peering at the photograph over his shoulder. "That was my thirteenth birthday. Scott thought I should give the cake a taste" he snickered.
Derek's focus was immediately focused on the feel of Stiles breath sweeping across the back of his neck and against the shell of his ear. His senses were enveloped in the intoxicating scent that was purely Stiles, he couldn't help but inhale it deeply, letting his eyes slip shut as he basked in it. Suddenly Stiles was backing away and Derek could smell that fear again. Opening his eyes he turned around to face the younger man.
"Stiles I'm not going to hurt you."
Stiles looked like a deer caught in headlights. "I know that" he said quietly.
Derek nodded taking a cautious step closer to the teen, "I will never hurt you again."
Amber eyes hardened,"That's what I'm worried about. What is this, Derek? Late night visits to my room to leave me presents and accost me?"
Derek grimaced. "Did you like it?"
Stiles began gaping like a fish. "Did I like it when you manhandled the crap out of me? Let me see. No."
The taller man scowled. " I was referring to the sweater. Do you like it?" He was pleased to see Stiles face flush pink in embarrassment.
"It's okay" he mumbled not meeting Derek's gaze.
Derek crossed the short distance between them, hesitating only for a moment before reaching a hand up to lightly graze Stiles' jaw, relishing in the feeling of his flesh, warm and alive under the backs of his fingers. "Look at me." His fingers trailed down to the other man's chin to grasp it tenderly and tilt his face up.
Stiles eyes were shining with uncertainty and contempt all at once but he didn't try to wrench his face from the other mans hold.
"Why did you let that man kiss you?" This question had been bothering Derek over the past three days more then he'd like to admit.
Turning his face out of Derek's grip but still meeting his eyes Stiles answered, "It was a kissing booth. It was for charity."
Derek knew that of course. It didn't mean Stiles had to moan obscenely in front of a crowd of strangers. Or that he'd had to eagerly return the kiss for that matter.
Derek's hands balled into fist of their own accord at the memory of another enjoying Stiles in such a matter.
"Would you let me kiss you?"
This clearly hadn't been what the other man had been expecting.
"Come again?" He asked looking dumbstruck.
"You heard me" Derek said staring down at Stiles face earnestly. "I want to kiss you. It's all I've wanted since that day."
"But- you're Derek Hale. What would you want with me? I'm a guy and I'"
"I've wondered that same thing, but," and here he looked Stiles up and down slowly, appreciatively. He had slim hips and a slim waist but his arms were defined lightly with muscle and his shoulders were broad. He had a long slender neck, full lips, intelligent eyes and wild, tousled hair. "you have a certain appeal."
Stiles heart rate picked up speed again and this time Derek was glad to notice it was not accompanied by the unpleasant scent of Stiles fear this time. Feeling confident, he grasped Stiles chin once more tilting his head delicately to the side and leaned his head into the man's neck breathing in the scents of rain water and vanilla.
Stiles made a strangled noise in his throat and Derek raised his face back to the other man's.
Their eyes met and Derek heard Stiles' heart stutter. That was his cue. Hand still grasping Stiles jaw he let his eyes drop to that tempting mouth. Stiles lips were parted and his tongue darted out to moisten his slightly fuller bottom lip. He couldn't possibly know how arousing Derek would find that.
"This is so weird" Stiles whispered.
"Tell me to stop" Derek whispered back. There was a deep intake of breath and then silence.
Derek's own heartbeat was racing furiously now. Slowly, he brought his lips to Stiles, tasting him for the first time. His senses were immediately overwhelmed. If Stiles lips looked good, it was nothing in comparison to how they felt, how they tasted. He would never tire of this, was addicted from the first uncertain caress of lips. He didn't think it could get better but then he was swiping his tongue against that plump bottom lip and Stiles was allowing him access to his mouth and suddenly their tongues were entwined and then Stiles did it. He moaned. It was what had started this whole thing and now it belonged to Derek. He slowly broke away from Stiles' mouth grinning wickedly, "That'll be twenty-five cents."