Chapter 2:

I hear birds tweeting as I awaken, and feel fresh air hit my skin. I'm so relaxed I decide to keep my eyes closed and just take in the peace of an early Spring morning.

When I do open my eyes I see foliage above me.

That isn't normal.

My senses heighten as I push myself up on to my elbows.

There's trees surrounding me and I'm lying on leaves.

I'm in a forest. I'm in a fucking forest.

I stand up quickly in panic and close my eyes, hoping that when I open them this will all disappear and I'll be back in my bedroom like normal.

But it doesn't.

I start to run, I'm not sure from what, but I run. Someone had to have taken me here. For what reason, I have no idea, but it's not like I sleep walked all the way here.

That's not the only worrying thing; I have school today.

I stick my hand into my pocket, and thankfully I pull out my phone.

Yup, biology started half an hour ago.

I'm fucked. How do I even explain that someone or something, even, dragged me into the forest in the middle of the night, and I actually don't remember the rest of what happened.

I get up a map on my phone and, thankfully, discover I'm only about 5 minutes from school.

I run the rest of the way to school. I can't be any later, and also I need to get out of this damn forest.

I finally come to a break in the trees and I walk on to the beacon hills high school lacrosse pitch.

There's a gym lesson going on, and I try to be as sneaky as possible as I run past the pitch.

Coach yells at me, and a couple of students laugh.

I wonder what could be so funny about me running. But I then realize I'm still in pajamas, I'm only wearing socks, and there's definitely gotta be leaves in my hair.

What has my life come to? My best friend is a werewolf, I'm in a pack, and now I'm randomly waking up in forests?

I sprint into the school building and down the hall until I'm come to the biology classroom.

I try and compose myself a little before I walk into the room.

Everyone stares up at me and Scott gives me an explain later" kind of look.

"Why are you so late?" The teacher inquires.

"Um I slept in?" I say as more of a question than an answer.

"That doesn't explain why you're wearing pajamas, don't have your school supplies, and have leaves in your hair."

"Yeah I'm not sure why I'm such a mess either, really." I say with a shrug and move to my seat next to Scott.

A couple of the people in the class laugh at my comment, but little do they know that I'm being completely serious.

The lesson drags on a bit, but finally it's over, and I can talk to Scott.

He drags me to an empty classroom.

"What the hell happened dude, and don't just tell me you slept in."

"I slept in a forest, apparently." I reply, with a shrug.

Scott raises an eyebrow, "explain," he says, simply.

"I honestly do not know, so, like, basically I woke up in a forest this morning, I have no idea how I got there, if anyone took me, or what went on last night."

"This is like how you forgot when you yelled at Derek."

"Yeah..." I say, then, "I think I'm gonna ditch school, and find Derek. We can go talk to deaton together. Plus I don't really feel like wearing pajamas all day at school," I explain.

"Sure, will I see you after school?" He asks.

"There's a lacrosse match, of course you will," I say with a slight grin.

We say our goodbyes and I then go to the nurse to try and convince her to let me go home.

When she asks what's wrong with me, I'll tell her I'm exhausted, hallucinating and stuff. I mean, that would kind of explain why I'm still in my pajamas, and don't even have a bag with me.

Thankfully, she lets me leave, and so I start making the long walk back o my house.

I can't believe I walked all this way last night, and into the woods.

Someone, has to have done this, and somehow they made me forget, too.

When I get home, I get the key from under our flower pot, and let myself in.

I consider getting dressed, but it's just Derek, and I really don't think he cares what I look like. Instead, I just get my car keys, and make my way over to Derek's.

I go up to his apartment, and like always, it's unlocked.

I let myself in, and just hope Derek's doing nothing that I shouldn't see.

"Hello?" I call out.

"Why are you here?" Derek asks from the sofa in his living room.

"It's sorta a long story." I explain.

"Well spit it out then, we don't wanna be here all day."

I explain to him about forgetting that I yelled at him, and how I woke up in the middle of the forest this morning.

"We should go to deaton." Derek says.

"That's exactly what I was thinking."

"Also why're you wearing pajamas?" He asks, a slightly amused look on his face.

"It's comfortable," I say with a small shrug.

As we start to get our stuff to leave, I place a hand on Derek's arm, catching his awareness.

"For whatever I did yell at you the other night, I'm sorry," I say, sincerely.

"It's fine, stiles," Derek says, giving me one of his earth shatteringly hot smiles. Not that that matters right now. We have to focus on how I woke up in the middle of the beacon hills wilderness.

When we arrive at the animal clinic, deaton seems, if anything, extremely surprised to see us. I don't blame him, seeing me and Derek together, in the middle of a school day, all while I'm still wearing pajamas could be fairly shocking.

Deaton welcomes us in. "You're lucky I don't have a patient right now." He says as he leads us into one of the operating rooms in the back.

"So what's the problem?" He asks.

I explain the whole story, for the third time today.

"We might be able to get Derek to see your memories. Even if you can't remember them, the memories could still, potentially be there." Deaton says.

I nod, apprehensive to the fact that Derek is about to stick his claws into the back of my neck.

I sit down, and brace myself for what's about to happen. Suddenly, before I'm even ready, Derek's claws are in my neck. I scream out, and dig my nails into my palm.

Derek closes his eyes in concentration, trying to find the memories.

He starts to sweat and he quickly yanks his claws out, and grips on to a near table. His breathing is labored, and he is extremely pale.

Me and Deaton both rush up to see what's wrong.

"Derek?" Deaton asks, "can you hear me?" He asks.

Derek nods, slowly.

I place a hand on his arm, trying to reassure him that he'll be okay.

Derek slides on to the floor, and his eyes flash blue. I wish I had the werewolf ability to take away pain right now.

Deaton does a bunch of medical things to Derek that I don't really know the name of, and finally Derek seems to be more like himself.

"Did you see anything?" I ask.

"No," he says shaking his head, seemingly a little frustrated. "I think some kind of block was put between you and your memories. When I tried to see them I was affected. Someone really doesn't want you, or anyone to know what's been going on with you."

"I've heard of things like that before," deaton says, "I'll have to do more research about what could've done this to you, though."

I'm trying not to panic right now, but, seriously, there's literally someone after me or something.

For some reason, someone has the incentive to make me do things, and then make me forget about them.

"From what you've told me, Stiles, you seem to forget everything after you've slept. So from now on I recommend being with someone else when you sleep." Deaton says.

I nod in agreement, and then Derek stands up and I follow him.

"I think that's all I can say for the moment, I'll do some more research, though," Deaton says.

Me and Derek both thank him before leaving.

As we get into my car to go back to our homes Derek says "You up for pack sleepovers from now on?"

"I'd rather we kept this on the down low." I say.

"That's fine," he says, then after a moments hesitation "You'll be fine Stiles."