Since I'm having some trouble with 'Road to Peace' I had this idea floating in my mind for a bit and decided to get it down before I forgot. This one will be a bit different than the other one as Naruto will be a devil already. Though he will not belong to anyone, he'll have his own peerage which I'll let you all make suggestions on. Note that this Naruto will also have Rinnegan but how he got it will be explained.

Kuoh Academy known mostly for being a prestigious all girl academy has gone co-ed. After the announcement the school was flooded with male students wanting to join, mostly because the male to female ratio was more females than males. Most guys went with the expectation to get laid or get many girlfriends. Naruto however was there for a different reason. To lay low.

He and his peerage had been found by some older devils wishing to kill him to finally make the Uzumaki clan extinct. He was handled easily. He and his peerage needed to flee though, if one guy was able to find him, then more would undoubtedly follow.

He wasn't happy that he had to go to school but he knew it was necessary, he needed to blend in and what better place to do so than a high school?

Naruto is 5'9 ft. tall with short blonde hair spiked up in different directions. He's wearing the Kuoh Academy standard boy's uniform which consists of a black blazer that he keeps open, a white undershirt, matching black trousers, and black shoes.

Once he reaches the building he can't help but be a bit amazed. The architecture is really astounding. He walks inside and is not surprised to see a lot more women than men roaming the halls. He roams for about ten minutes before finding the administration office and heads inside to get his schedule.

As the secretary is busy on her computer he sends out a small pulse of power to see how many devils were here. He senses about fifteen devils. Two high class, a Gremory and a Sitri. The rest are low class, most likely their peerage. A minute later he got his schedule and heads to his first class.

Again no surprise that it's about ninety percent female with about three other guys. Looking around at everyone he recognizes one. It's the Sitri he had sensed a few minutes ago. Like all the other girls, she is wearing the female uniform. (Forgive me it's pretty hard to describe it). She has some red glasses adorning her face and has short black hair in a bob cut. Naruto immediately realizes. She is gorgeous. She has this strict no nonsense vibe coming off of her which Naruto likes a lot.

"Class we have a new transfer student joining us today, please make him feel welcome. Introduce yourself to the class young man." Says the teacher.

Clearing his throat he speaks, "My name is Namikaze Naruto, I'm seventeen and I just moved to town. Nice to meet all of you, please treat me well." He finishes bowing. He can't use his real name since that would be counterproductive, so he'll just use his dads for now.

"Great, now why don't you take a seat next to Shitori-san. Please raise your hand so he can know who you are." Instructs the teacher. The Sitri raises her hand. Naruto makes no outward indication that something is wrong but inside, "Shitori? So she's using an alias as well. Smart."

Throughout the whole class period Naruto would steal glances at her while concealing his devil power. No need to be caught yet, though one thing that he was afraid of was anyone sensing his chakra. But what are the chances of another chakra user being here?

Once the class period was over he begins walking to his next class which was Math. As he's walking the notices that everyone, both men and women alike were moving out of the way for two girls. Recognizing both of them as the other high class devil, along with her peerage member. It was the Gremory and a black haired beauty.

The Gremory is an average sized red head with some strands sticking out from the top of her head. She wears the standard woman's uniform, though it looks like the shirt might burst due to the size of her breasts.

Her companion was also average sized. He had black hair tied into a ponytail being held together by an orange ribbon. She wore the woman's uniform as well and she had boobs just as, if not bigger than the Gremory.

Everyone's moving calling them the two great 'Onee-sans' and the guys drooling over their breasts, which he had to admit were pretty damn big.

"So that's his fiancée huh? I can see why he would brag about it with boobs like that. Though I still think the Sitri is better." He thinks to himself. They notice him and he nods and continues on his merry way. He didn't turn around so he didn't see the shocked faces on them since he so casually ignored them.

His second and third classes were pretty boring, everyone in there was an average human, though most of them were stupid. The girls would gossip all period long while the guys would be talking about who they wanted to bone. Naruto had to shake his head, if you were going to talk about something like that at least do it when you're not in earshot.

His fourth class however was amusing. After introducing himself yet again, he found out he had three other devils in the class. Two woman both small and white haired. One of them had the woman's uniform although without the black cape thing the others wore. She had short hair and had almost no expression on her face. This is Koneko Toujo servant of the Gremory. Other than them the rest were just males and females.

The other one had longer white hair and had it somewhat curled towards the end. She had a serious look on her face. This is Momo Hanakai, servant of the Sitri.

The last one was a fellow blonde. He had short blonde hair and a mole under his left eye. He wore the male uniform though instead of a blazer he wore a short sleeved white button up with a black bolo tie.

Normally it would be weird seeing the two girls here considering they're first years but he assumes they must have been too advanced for their own course.

Throughout the class period he couldn't concentrate. He knew that he was getting looks from the blonde boy and the short haired girl. Seeing that they were so focused on him he decided it was time to troll him to get them off his back.

He noticed the teacher looking in his direction so he made it seem like he was conversing with the boy. Knowing that teachers usually pick those talking he lured her in.

"Kiba-san. Would you mind answering the question I just asked?" Said the teacher somewhat upset at having to speak over a student.

Naruto tapped his desk to get the boy's attention. Once he looked over Naruto moved his mouth so the boy could read his lips. Knowing that the boy was a devil he should have no problem reading his lips.

Kiba looked back at the teacher and said confidently, "Asa Akira."

The girl's jaws dropped. Naruto along with the other males of the class were doing their best to hold in their laughter, though they were failing miserably since you could hear the snickering going on.

"Please sit down and do not speak again Kiba-san." Said the teacher obviously upset. Kiba looked so confused as to what happened but did as he was told anyways.

The rest of the class period went as expected. The boy didn't look his way again.

The rest of the day passed by quickly, he didn't have any other devils in his classes so it was pretty boring. As he headed out the door he noticed the two white haired girls from his English class.

He had to hold back a chuckle as he remembered what had transpired. Looking at them with an eye brow raised the short haired one spoke first.

"Naruto-senpai, our president would like for you to meet her at our club room if you wouldn't mind." She spoke in a monotone voice.

"Wait before that what's your name?" He questioned.

"Toujo Koneko." She said just as dull.

"And you?" He says looking at the other girl.

"My name is Hanakai Momo, and the student council president would also like to meet with you." She said.

"I'll go with Toujo-san first since she did tell me first, after I'm finished I'll head to the Student council room. Is that acceptable?" He asks

"That's fine senpai, I'll let her know." She says before walking away.

"Well lead the way Toujo-san." He says smiling. Though he couldn't help but think, "Ok, so they must know something is up with me since the Gremory wants to talk to me but how did they find out? There's no way they could've felt my devil energy."

Upon reaching the 'Occult Research Club' room he couldn't help but wonder how did the school afford such a place. It had a built in shower crying out loud.

He hears a cough and looks up and sees the Gremory girl and her black haired servant standing behind her. She's sitting behind her Victorian style desk. Now he's no expert of décor but it goes good with the room.

"Welcome the occult research club Namikaze-san, I'm Rias Gremory, and this is Akeno Himejima." Rias states motioning to herself than to the black haired girl.

Taking a seat he asks, "So what did you call me here for?"

She smiles and asks, "Would you like some tea?" He shakes his head negative.

"Very well, then let's get down to business shall we?" She says.

"Good idea, I wish I would've thought of that." He says, trying to contain a smile as he sees her eyebrow twitch.

Getting a hold of herself she looks at him with a straight face and asks, "I'd like to know exactly what you are."

"I beg your pardon?" He asks feigning ignorance.

Her eyes narrow as she speaks, "I know you're not human, Koneko told us that she could sense chakra from you."

"So that's how they found out, the little girl sensed me. Most likely the other girl did too and told her master." He thinks.

Before he could answer back the door opened and three people walked in. The first was Kiba Yuuto who upon looking at him gave him a dirty look. The next was Koneko looking as dull as ever, eating a cookie. Finally was someone he hadn't seen.

He was about the same height as himself and wore the male uniform just like him. Although he wore a red undershirt and used blue shoes rather than black. He looked at him before asking, "What's the new student doing here?" Right after he spoke his eyes sparkled with recognition "You're the one who tricked Kiba into answering a question with a porn stars name." He says laughing.

He goes up to Naruto and sticks his fist out. Naruto holds his up as well and they fist bump. "I'm Issei Hyoudo." He introduces himself.

"Namikaze Naruto."

He looks over at Kiba who still has a nasty look on his face. He had been told who Asa Akira was and he wasn't amused.

"I take it you're still mad about what happened in class?" He asks smiling.

Not surprisingly the boy just narrowed his eyes further. He looked away from him when he heard Rias cough to get his attention.

"Oh, right, well I do have chakra and I'm also a devil just like you guys." He says

The group was somewhat shocked, while it wasn't unheard of it was rare for a devil to have chakra. The only known ones were Koneko and her sister Kuroka, both of which were reincarnated yokai.

"I see, and what are you doing in my territory without my permission?" She questions raising her power up a bit.

"I don't exactly like your tone of voice but if you must know I haven't been in the underworld for a long time, I don't know what place belongs to who." He said, it was a lie he knew who it belonged to but he didn't need a headache right now.

"So you're a stray?" She asks, though she didn't say it menacingly. It sounded more among the lines of someone scheming something.

"He's pretty weak from what I'm feeling but if trained correctly he could be a valuable asset. It will even help out with my problem even more." She thinks before speaking.

"Namikaze-san, I have a proposition for you, how would you like to join my peerage? It would grant you protection from being hunted down and you'd be more powerful than you are now." She says smiling.

"Hmm, no." Her eyes widen.

"Why not?"

"Because I already have my own peerage." He says shocking her. Only high class devils had peerages, as heir to the Gremory clan she had to know every high class devil there was.

"If you were a high class devil I'd know about it." She says

"I'm a special case." He says before looking at the clock. "If you'll excuse me I have to go visit Shitori-san as well. Goodbye." He says leaving.

"I don't like her attitude, and her display of power was pathetic for a king." He thinks upset at how she spoke to him as if she were stronger than him. It didn't take him long to get to the student council room.

He walks inside and sees the Sitri working on some papers. Next to her is a girl wearing the woman's uniform. She has long flowing black hair that reaches far down her back, and wears blue framed glasses.

The Sitri looks up and notices him and stops what she's doing.

"Thank you for coming Namikaze-san. My name is Sona Sitri. Would you like some tea?" She asks.

"That would be great." He says.

"Tsubaki, please get him some tea." She orders. The now named Tsubaki nods and does as she's told.

He sees Sona motion him over to a small area in the room where two small couches are along with a small coffee table. She pulls out a chess board and sets it up. She motions him to sit.

"First I'd like to tell you that I heard about the incident in your class today." She says straight faced. Naruto once again can't help but laugh at the memory.

He sees his tea being placed in front of him, and notices that Tsubaki's eyes narrow as he laughs.

"Is something wrong?" He asks. Before she can speak he snaps his fingers in realization. "AHA, I know why you're mad, you're upset that I embarrassed your crush aren't you?" He says smiling.

She blushes and looks away. He hit it right on the mark.

"If you would please stop teasing her we can continue." Sona says. "Since you already spoke to Rias you know that we're devils. She either told you or you figured it out on your own." She says moving a piece.

"One of the members of my peerage told me that she sensed chakra from you. So I have to ask, are you a yokai?"

He moves a piece stopping her strategy. "No, I'm a devil." He says.

"We're you aware that you were in shared property between the Gremory's and the Sitri's?" She asks moving another piece. Unlike Rias she sounded calm and didn't try to intimidate him. He likes this one.

"No, like I told Gremory I haven't been to the underworld in a very long time, so I don't know what belongs to who." Another piece moved. She furrowed her brows at the board. He was good.

"No doubt Rias is trying to get him to join her peerage too. She already got Hyoudo I need to at least get this one. Chakra capable devils are hard to come by and rias already has one."

Looking up from the board she says, "Namikaze-san I would like for you to join my peerage." Looking straight into his eyes. He can't help but stare back for a bit before snapping out of it.

"I'm afraid I can't do that, I already have my own peerage. Now before you ask how that's possible I'll tell you what I told Gremory. I'm a special case. However if you'd like I would be more than willing to become allies with you. Under one condition." He says moving another piece. Just a bit more and he wins.

"What would that be?" She asked with a straight face. Though on the inside she was curious as to what he would want. She moved another piece. Unaware of the trap set.

"We call each other by our first names. Even in public, complete with suffixes and everything." He says smiling at her. Moving one more piece.

She can't help but let a little pink appear on her cheeks at the familiarity of calling someone by their first name.

"How would I benefit from this? From what I know apart from chakra you're not releasing much power." She says concentrating on the board again.

"Hmm, do you know how to put up barriers to seal in power?" He asks. She nods

"Please do so." He says. She calls Tsubaki and they erect a strong barrier around themselves. At first nothing happened but then they felt it. Overwhelming pressure coming from Naruto. Right before the barrier would have broken he stopped.

He displayed to them a fraction of what he was capable of. Sona didn't need to be told twice. She accepted the deal.

"Very well, I will accept your condition Namikaze-san." She says looking at Naruto, who was looking back at her with one eyebrow raised. Realizing her mistake she says it again.

She looks away blushing a bit before repeating herself. "Very well, I accept your condition… Naruto-Kun."

Smiling brightly he shakes her hand. "Good to hear it Sona-Chan." He once again looks at the clock, he needs to get going. "Well, I'll talk to you tomorrow Sona-Chan, I need to get home. Oh and by the way, checkmate." He says before leaving.

Looking down she sees her king is completely cornered. She's shocked, someone just beat her without really trying. That and she got herself a powerful new ally. Rias may have gotten the red dragon emperor, but she got the better deal in the end.

Naruto got home within fifteen minutes. He bought a house for him and his peerage while they stay here indefinitely. It might as well be called a mansion. It was three stories tall and had enough back yard space to build a training ground. Walking inside he could hear two people arguing.

Heading to the living room he saw the two culprits. One of them was eating chips on the couch making a mess with the crumbs. He is 6'1 ft. tall has spiky blue hair, wears a black somewhat unzipped shirt with a white upturned collar over it. He wears black pants with two belts around his waist, one of which is holding a sword. His most distinct feature though is the jaw like bone on the right side of his face. This is his Knight Grimmjow Jeagerjaques. A stray yokai he found on his travels. He refused to join at first but eventually joined when he saw what power Naruto had.

The other one was a shorter female. Long white hair that reached to her mid back. She has red eyes and wears a black choker on her neck with two chains dangling from it. She has a white long sleeve button up shirt and a brown plaid skirt. She's a shinso vampire. Naruto was able to get her to join by helping her get out of a mess with her family. (Will be explained later, same with Grimmjow). Her name is Moka Akashiya his bishop.

"I'm telling you Naruto-Sama will be upset when he sees the couch this dirty you imbecile." She yells at the blue haired man.

"Shup the fuck up woman, I'm trying to watch wrestling." He says as he eats more chips and purposely makes more of a mess. Before they can kill each other Naruto makes himself known.

"Alright that's enough." He says as he sits down on the other couch perpendicular to the one Grimmjow is on.

"So how was school?" Grimmjow asks mockingly knowing the blonde didn't want to go.

Ignoring the obvious jab he replied. "It was alright, I've managed to ally us with the Sitri heir so I think that's a good thing." He says before asking something else. "Have the others come back from their task yet?"

This time it was Moka who answered. "Not yet, they should be back from recon tomorrow." Nodding he heads upstairs and hears them start arguing again. He makes a mental note never to leave them alone again if he wants peace.

Once his peerage returns he can ask them about any potential recruits. Maybe, if he was lucky there would be some as he still had a few unused pieces.

Well that was chapter one. I know I shouldn't be writing any more new stories since I have others to work on but I couldn't help it. Anyways leave your suggestions for who you want in the peerage. Anyone from any anime you want, but please add a bit on how you think they could be acquired. I also would like both male and female members not just an all-female peerage. How he has one will be explained as well. Also starting next chapter I'll slow the pacing down a bit. I know this one was kind of fast.


Naruto – King

Queen - ?

Grimmjow – Knight

Moka – Bishop

Knight - ?

Bishop - ?

Rooks - ?

Pawns - ?