He stood outside the hospital room, his father was a sleeping thanks to the medical induce coma. His chest was covered in bandages an oxygen mask was over his nose and mouth while machines beeped and they kept telling him that he was alive. Stiles wiped his eyes into his bloody and torn hoody. He felt a hand on his good shoulder and he turned to see Derek standing there, his body trembled as he tuned to Derek and let him pull him into his arms.

"Shhh." The alpha wolf whispered as he warped his arms around the teen and let his sob into his chest. Derek looked into the room at the Sheriff and he then kissed the top of Stiles head. "Shhhh it's okay." He whispered "I will make it okay." He told him softly as the teen balled his hands up in Derek's jacket as he cried. There was footsteps that came running down the hall towards them and they stopped when they saw the pair hugging

"Derek?" The wolf turned to the owner's voice and saw Scott "Y…Your back?" He said in shock, the teen looked worse for wear

"I was called back." He told him

"W…Who…Who called you back?" He asked, as he saw Stiles pull away from him.

The teen had red puffy eyes from crying blooded covered his jeans, shirt and hoodie as he turned to face Scott "I called him, we need a real alpha." Stiles told him coldly, Scott filched as his eyes widen as he looked at the normally hyper bouncy teen

"He…he isn't an alpha."

"I am, Scott I become alpha again a little over 3 months ago, I told Stiles as he's been help us with research." He informed the true alpha, Scott felt a stab of guilt in his chest as he watched Stiles. His eyes turned to the hospital room and he just stared at the door s

"Stiles I'm sorry abou…"

"SHUT UP!" The whisky eyed teen screamed, the hall away went quiet as they looked at the three people standing there "JUST SHUT UP!" He spat out when tears rolled down his cheeks "I TOLD YOU FROM THE BEING THAT THEO COULDN'T BE TRUSTED AND YOU DIDN'T BELIEVE ME!" He screamed "LOOK WHERE THAT TRUST GOT YOU! KIRA IS GONA, MAILA IS MISSING, LYDIA IS IN A CATAONIC STATE, LIAM HATE YOU AND YOU DON'T TRUST ME!"

"YOU KILLED SOMEONE!" Scott yelled, Stiles let out a scream before he started shouting at Scott once again

"IT WAS IN SELF DEFENCES, HE WOULD HAVE KILLED ME! I DIDN'T WANT TO KILL HIM JUST TO STOP HIM!" He cried "I just wanted to stop him. I…I pulled the pin from the scaffolding and it fell." Tears once again filled his eyes and rolled down his cheeks "You…you choice to believe Tho, you brought him into your pack and destroyed it… you don't get to say you're sorry about my dad." Stiles said to the dark haired teen, Scott was frozen to the spot as he watched Stiles knees buckle from under him leaving Derek to catch him as he fell.

Derek stood back up holding the unconscious teen in his arms just as Melissa came running around the corner as she heard Stiles scream at her son and saw Derek holding the limp teen in his arms. She spotted blood was dripping from Stiles finger tips as Derek pulled Stiles close to his chest. She pulled the hoodie back and the shirt and saw the wound on the teen's shoulder "It's infected get him into one of the other rooms." Melissa ordered the wolf. Derek looked at her and then to Scott who was growling at Derek "We don't have time for alpha growling match get in there now!" She growled at him as she grabbed Scott by his arms and dragged him into the room.

The elder wolf placed Stiles on the bed and stepped aside and let the nurse work on the teen "How long as he had this?" She asked, Derek frowned and shook his head

"I don't know, since that boy attacked him." Derek told her, she frowned and turned to Scott who shook his head as he stared at the infected bite

"I…I don't know two weeks ago." His throat hurt to talk. As Melissa cleaned the wound to get a better look at it. "Do you know what type of bite this is?" She asked, Derek walked over to her and looked down at Stiles shoulder

"Wendigo." Derek said to her. She nodded as she placed Stiles back down before he pulled her gloves off and turned to walk to the door


"If he started to breath funny bite him!" She told them as she bolted out the room. Scott moved to the bed as he felt his own tears burn his face as he looked down at his friend.

Derek walked over to the bed and stood on the other side of Stiles and looked at him "I messed everything up." Scott whispered, as he took Stiles hand into his own "I'm not like Stiles I don't know whose bad just by looking at them or talking to them." he told Derek, he wanted to take Stiles pain away but he couldn't.

"He knows and that should be enough for you, he can read people in a way none of us can, maybe he picked that up from his father or maybe it's his spark that reads people. But either way he's been right many times Scott and how many times have you pushed him away." Scott nodded and wiped his tears away as he looked up at Derek "What are you going to do?" He asked the young wolf

"I don't know." Scott answered weakly. The older wolf growled at him and leaned in flashing red eyes at him

"Alpha McCall what are you going to do?" Derek growled again, Scott looked up at him his own red eyes flashing

"I'm going to fix my pack." He told him as he kept holding Stiles arms "How long are you staying?"

"A while."