Disclaimer : I don't own anybody from LOTR.

A/N : The second part of "~A Last Farewell~".


~A Last Farewell~ (Part Two) ~A Love That Could Not Be~

Unchecked tears ran in silver rivers down her cheeks.

He gazed at her sadly.

A love that could not be...

Sobs wrecked her body.

He drew her into a comforting hug.

A love that could not be...

'I will always remember thee,' she whispered.

'I will always remember thee,' he whispered.

More tears flowed.

A love that could not be...

He stroked her hair.



He sighed.

A love that could not be...

She caressed his face.

Committing to memory...

An everlasting memory...

A sob escaped.

A love that could not be...

A last hug.

A last kiss.

'Farewell,' he whispered.

'Farewell,' she whispered.

A love that simply could not and would not be...


Evening Nightshade - Your welcome! It's my way for thanking you for reviewing my writings!

jenn - thank you for reviewing! Hope you liked this one!

Albinofrog88 - I know. I pity him. But I want Aragorn and Arwen to be together!! =)

Ashlyn - hands out tissues shhh, don't cry, preciousss. Thank you for reviewing! I didn't know so many people read my "poem-thingys"! LOL!
