A/N: Okay, so I know I shouldn't be writing another story when I can barley handle the ones I have, but if I don't write this it is going to eat me alive! Okay, so this a HermioneXJasper, and I think I kind of have a preset plot, but you're ideas always help me! XD Also, Jasper and Alice were never mates. Not even dating.


"How could you be so weak? She's my singer and even I didn't attack her! What's wrong with you?"Edward yelled, baring his teeth at Jasper. Jasper growled back, jumping out of his seat.

"Look here boy! You seem to forget that I feel everyone else's blood lust. That includes yours! You were about ready to jump her! I was trying to jump in the way, but then you pretended that it was me trying to rip her jugular out!" He said, walking passed the golden haired vamp.

"Hey! We're not done here!" Edward said, grabbing jaspers arm trying to turn him around. Jasper quickly grabbed his harm and flipped him over onto his back before placing his hand at his neck.

"No, I believe we are. Tell the rest of the family I had to go, and when they ask why, tell them it was because of you're sorry ass!" And then Jasper ran away.


"Peter?" Jasper said into the phone.

"Sup Major?" Peter answered.

"I need a place to stay for a while, can I come with yall?"

"Tell Jasper he's always more than welcome to be where ever we are! And that I can't wait to see him!" Came Charlottes voice, making jasper roll his eyes.

"Where are yall at?" Jasper asked.

"Scotland." Peter said, making Jasper laugh.

"Really? You guys finally got out of the country? Where at in Scotland?"

"Some where near this little town called Hogsmeade. I don't think it's on a map. Just get on a plane and we'll meet you at the airport."

"Alright, see you then."


"Nice to see you bro!" Peter said, taking Jasper into a man hug.

"Its great to see you Jaz." Charlotte said, kissing his cheek.

Jasper was happy to see both of them, especially since he needed the company.

"Its good to see both of you. How have you been?"

"Great! There are a few towns semi close to where we are staying, so its easy blood access. What about you? Still on that whole 'Veggie Vamp' diet?" Charlotte said jokingly.

"Yes, and it could be better." Jasper said, sighing."Edward blames me for his mate getting hurt, when I was only trying to protect her from him, his blood lust was too much. I don't particularly like the girl, but I didn't want them to have to deal with her death."

"Well, no worries, we are always here for ya man!" Peter said, claping him on the back.

Jasper smiled, and followed as they showed him towards their new 'home'.


"Who the hell are you?" Peter demanded as they stepped into the house to find a man with greasy black hair, and a crocked nose sitting on one of the love seats.

"I am Severus Snape, and I am here on behave of the dark lord."

A/N: I really hope you guys liked it. Please tell me if I should continue! Thanks so much! Please have safe holidays.