She used to live for the nighttime. Nighttime meant robberies and fun times and peace and quiet from her idiot teammates. Now it just means that she has disturbed slumber because of a robbery or—more recently—because of nightmares.

They weren't all the same but they were similar. The first one started after See-more died. Jinx can't say she is surprised that she has them but she expects them to pass. They do, but not completely. What first started out as a nightmare of her watching See-more be killed, turned into watching herself be killed from a distance, and then Wally became the main subject of the nightmare. She could only watch, helplessly as Wally was killed Blackfire.

Jinx would be startled awake and would have to force herself to calm down. After she could get her breathing under control, she would lay her head on Wally's back, in between his shoulder blades, listening to him breath, as if confirming he's alive and just fine.

The nightmares would disappear for only days at a time and make the most random appearances. Sometimes they would occur when she's having girl's night with the other titans, most of the time they would happen at her apartment. One even occurred at Wally's parents' house when they were visiting for the holidays.

She finally concedes and talks to Raven, who even with all her magic and oh so very reassuring words, can't get rid of them. She talks to Starfire, hoping for some weird alien solution but it doesn't happen. Jinx finally tells Wally and all he does is frown and hug her. She doesn't know that sometimes he stays awake at night to make sure she's sleeping peacefully.

The nightmares started to cause problems.

Sometimes she would rather stay awake than risk getting a nightmare, other times she would sleep so terribly she would've been better off had she stayed awake.

Fighting criminals become harder. She gets sloppier, can't make the right decisions, and she nearly gets killed because of it one day. Wally puts her on "no fighting, hero arrest" for weeks because he's so scared he'll lose her in a battle.

Things eventually get better. The nightmares start to go away, only occurring on a monthly basis. She goes to See-more's gravesite from time to time. She draws anytime she has a nightmare to lower her anxiety. She starts doing yoga daily and tries not to drink as much coffee – even if it's the best damn thing she's ever tasted.

They don't completely go away however—they don't for any hero. She still has nightmares about people that have died from the destruction she caused trying to stop a criminal. She sometimes dreams of Wally dying.

Nighttime does start to become her friend again though. As long as she has her drawings, her friends, and most importantly her Wally, she knows that the nightmares won't control her.