I'm B-b-b-b-back!...yay?...Okay, before I go on to the chapter. I actually have a WHOLE time line in my head for this universe?(...story? Thing?) All planned out, all the way up to the beginning of Transformers: Prime. And afterward I may do one-shots that take place during or after TFP, I don't know, that's all in the future but if you like the idea, drop me a line, I always read reviews, I may not always have time to responded, but I do read ALL of them! (Oh, and how happy I am that there are so many! :3) But as of this moment, you probably don't care for my ramblings of the future do you? Nah, you probably just want to read the chapter! And your wish is my command as they say, So heeeeeeere ya go, Plus There's also some Bee being a stubborn lil'Yougling in this, you know how he gets, he wants to do it all by his lonesome, and it's slightly adorable! (If you don't believe me, re-watch Operation: Bumblebee Pt-1-2) XD

Chapter 7-When The Light Of Morning Shines In, We Forget That Night Is Always Waiting.

It had been a two weeks since Bumblebee had been found and brought to base, and the 11 year-old had been stuck in the med-bay for the entirety of the time, lets just say he was less then pleased at the arrangement.

"But, Arcee, I'm fiiiiine!" The youngling whined, his doorwings down as he pouted up at his sister. Arcee just gave him a stern look and shook her helm. "Aw, Come on! I'm not gonna topple over in the hall if you let me up from the berth!" That earned him a sharp look from the overprotective femme.

"Bumblebee, I swear, you will stay on this berth for a whole year if need be, and you'll like it!" she snapped at him for what seemed the hundredth time that week. The week before he had still been recovering from the stab wound, so Ratchet had him supped up on medication. Arcee remembered how silent it had been, she had been to worried to appreciate it then, but she sure did miss it now.

"I doubt that..." Bumblebee mumbled to himself "Besides you can't be in here for a whole year, you have Decepticon aft to kick!" he reasoned, his tone becoming enthusiastic at the end, punching the air rapidly. Arcee tapped him on the helm as a way of warring him.

"Watch your language, little guy" She halfheartedly scolded him "although I do suppose your right...plus you should probably meet everyone else here on base.." she trailed off, looking at her brother in thought before she sighed in defeat.

"If Ratchet says you're okay to leave, you can get out of the med-bay" She relented, smirking slightly when Bumblebee whooped with joy. "BUT, only if Ratchet says it's okay" she reminded him. As if he had heard his name, Ratchet came walking in muttering under his breath.

"Hey, Ratchet?" Arcee called out to him, he glanced up from the data-pad he had been reading at her call. "You think Bee's okay to leave?" The orange and white medic walked over and looked at all the readings he had collected over the week.

"I suppose he is..." Ratchet muttered before looking at Bumblebee. "How are you feeling?" The medics tone changed into a more warm one as he spoke to the youngling, showing a side of himself he tried to keep under wraps. He couldn't have bots thinking he'd gone soft.

"I feel good Ratchet!" The Praxian bounced a little in the berth, earning a small laugh from Ratchet and Arcee.

"Then I believe you are okay to leave, everything looks to be back to normal" He directed the last part at Arcee who nodded and helped Bumblebee off the berth, the two headed to the door and Ratchet turned back to his work, only to feel something latch onto his legs a second later. Looking down, the medic saw Bumblebee's bright blue optics starring up at him, and a grin adorning his face.

"Thank you for fixing me, Ratchet" The small bot purred. Ratchet softly smiled down at the youngling.

"Your welcome" he responded fondly, before he shook the yellow bot off gently "Now go on- get! " he gave Bumblebee a small pat in the direction of the Med-bay door and Bumblebee giggled, running up to Arcee who smiled gratefully at Ratchet.

The two siblings walked out of the med-bay, Arcee's servo on Bumblebee's shoulder joint. Arcee looked at her little brother as she walked, he had grown so much in the two years she had gone without seeing him. He reached her waist now, a fact she still couldn't believe, he used to be at her knee. His doorwings were also more sensitive emotionally and literally, as happened with many Praxian young as they grew up. She remembered Ratchet telling her it was because they weren't as likely to be dropped by anyone so the sensitivity peaked up, and the emotional side? Hormones and growing up in general, at least that's what she assumed, she may have zoned out during Ratchet's full medical explanation to everything, but she got the gist of it. Her thoughts were stopped by a red form zooming past her, almost hitting her into a wall.

"Hey!" she hollered, the red form turned and she immediately recognized it as Sideswipe, his usual grin on his face. He backed up a bit.

"Sorry, Arcee. But I'm sort of on the run from- Hey who's the teenybopper?" The red mech suddenly asked mid-explanation, pointing down at Bumblebee who was looking up at Sideswipe with curiosity.

"That's, Bumblebee, my little brother, remember?" The Lamborghini seemed to think for a moment, before he snapped his digits and grinned down at Bumblebee.

"I remember, you're the little squirt who's been in the med-bay right?" he asked Bumblebee, who nodded up at him, smiling a little bit, he liked this mech. Sideswipe smirked and knelt down to Bumblebee's level.

"Hey, you like pranking?" He asked, to which the yellow youngling nodded frantically, earning him a laugh from Sideswipe. "Then, little mech, you and me are gonna get along just fine!"

standing up again, Sideswipe gave Arcee a wave before he resumed his escape out into the next hall, giving a shout for someone to move out of the way when the sound of stumbling pedes came flowing through the hall he had just ran down. Arcee was about to start wondering who he was running from when booming footsteps came from down the hall from her.

"I SWEAR WHEN I GET MY SERVOS ON YOU, RATCHET WON'T HAVE ANYTHING LEFT TO REPAIR!" A deep voice yelled as the large form of Ironhide came running out of the rec room. The black mech snarled in frustration when he saw the hall was 'Sideswipe-free'. Arcee gave the large Autobot an amused look, which he huffed at.

"What did he do this time?" The blue femme bemusedly questioned. Ironhide growled and brought out one of his cannons, only instead of the normal Energon residue, there was pink glitter stuck to the brims of the large guns. Arcee sighed.

"He really should learn not to do this sort of stuff, it only ends up with a visit to Ratchet" She commented as Ironhide put his guns back away. Looking down the weapons specialist saw Bumblebee, and raised an optic ridge at Arcee

"Who's the youngling?" He gruffly asked. Bumblebee didn't seemed fazed by his gruff attitude and just smiled and waved when Arcee told him his name.

"Hm, well, best go tell Prime he's out. Mechs been worrying bout the kid, since Ratchet wouldn't let him in to see him these last two days" with that Ironhide walked away, no doubt in search of Sideswipe.

"Who were they? They seem nice!" Bumblebee excitedly looked at Arcee who smiled fondly down at him.

"The red one was Sideswipe, and the second one was Ironhide" she filled him in as they continued down the hallway towards Optimus's office.

Once they reached the office, Arcee knocked on the door and waited for a response. A second later the door opened and Optimus looked at her in surprise, obviously not expecting to see her. He was about to greet her when Bumblebee suddenly flung himself at Optimus's leg in a hug.

"Optimus!" Bumblebee called cheerfully as he attached himself to the Prime's knee joint. Optimus laughed softly bending over a little bit to stroke the small bots helm affectionately.

"Hello, little one, how are you feeling?" he asked warmly. The yellow youngling grinned up at him cutely, his doorwings high in happiness.

"I feel awesome! Plus I can move around now so that makes it even better!" He told the Prime excitedly. Optimus bent down and picked the youngling up, making him hum happily at the Prime. The atmosphere was shattered when prowl came walking in, somewhat urgently.

"Arcee, I need you to get ready, you and Bulkhead are departing soon" He told the Femme who nodded. Bumblebee looked at her in sadness.

"Where are you going, Cee?" He whimpered. She sighed and gave him a soft smile.

"I have a mission. Me and Bulkhead have to go kick some Con butt" Arcee tried lightening the mood, Bumblebee just nodded sadly, before his head shot up in alarm.

"Your going to come back right?!" he demanded. Arcee nodded and rubbed his helm in a comforting manner.

"Always, little brother" With that she walked out with Prowl on her heels. Bumblebee just whimpered in Primes arms.

Dude, I wrote this and then, like, totally forgot about itfor like two weeks straight. Me? Scatterbrained? Pfft...Oh and btw I made up that stuff about the doorwings (Bit of a head canon) I just feel they don't have enough information on doorwings, fan made or not...Any-who, see you guys later!