A/N: I know I said that I was taking a break, but I decided to reconsider. The feedback is nice, but the real reason for my writing on here is just for the sake of my absolute love of writing. Although, I do hope everyone enjoys this new little Arclight piece.

Disclaimer: It's a New Year, but I still don't own Yu-Gi-Oh Zexal, Shin Yoshida does.


Michael Arclight couldn't believe what was happening. After three years in the Heartland Children's Home with his brother Thomas, he had been adopted.

Thomas, who was now fifteen, had gone and started a career as a duelist. He was pretty young, but his age was overlooked when it came to his dueling.

Their older brother, Christopher, still worked and stayed with Dr. Faker at Heartland Tower, but he had always made time to see his brothers whenever he could.

And now, a woman named Anna Ryland had adopted Michael. She had told him she was unable to have children and since she was so desperate for at least one child, her only option was to adopt. Why she wanted a child who was over ten years old somewhat confused him, Michael didn't question it.

As he climbed the stairs to his new bedroom, the pink-haired Arclight thought about his older brothers. Thomas was usually off dueling but when he did come home, he stayed with Chris.

'Well at least we're both out of that place,' he sighed inwardly.

And Miss Ryland had told him that he and his brothers were allowed to call, write, and visit each other whenever Thomas was home or Chris had a day off.

Michael stepped into his room. He supposed it was nice, but it was nothing like the room he had once had when he had lived with his father and brothers. Not a single thing in the room had been owned by him previously.

The bed was fairly good-sized, with a crimson duvet and white pillowcase. There was a closet and next to it a small desk and a chair, but not much else.

"This will be your room," Miss Ryland was still smiling. "I hope you'll be happy here."

"I'm sure I will be," Michael smiled in return.

"Dinner will be at six," Miss Ryland indicated a clock above the desk. "So, I expect no excuses for being late."

The woman turned on her heel and walked out, closing the door behind her.

Michael sat down on the bed and stared out the window on the other side of the room. It overlooked the street below. It was all so much to take in. Miss Ryland seemed to be a pleasant lady and his room was rather nice. But he still felt a tinge of sadness for the family that he no longer had; his father was gone and his older brothers, while still around, were unable to be physically there. Chris was in Heartland City, miles away from the suburbs Michael would now call home. And Thomas was away on a Dueling tour. But he reminded himself that both had promised to write and Miss Ryland had said again that they were more than welcome to visit. Michael was incredibly grateful to the woman who had taken him in because of this; while they would no longer actually live together, the pinknette was pleased that he hadn't lost his entire family for good. His father was still gone, but the youngest Arclight brother still had his older siblings.

He stared up at the clock. It was only four o'clock, plenty of time to get a nap in before dinner. After the long ride from the city, Michael felt rather tired. So, without another thought, the twelve-year-old curled up on the bed and drifted off to sleep.



So, how was this new update? Please leave your opinions, no flames please, by clicking that little review button below.

And in the spirit of the New Year, I've decided to actually keep my word on the days I promise to update. I won't miss one guaranteed.

The next update here will be out on Thursday, January 7th.