A/N: I'm late, I'll admit that, so now all I can do is hope and pray those of you that enjoyed this story before haven't abandoned it yet. Thank you to zexal39, Ariera Death Angel, FoxLover96, and Dark Yugi for the reviews on the previous chapter. I hope everyone enjoys this brand new chapter.

Disclaimer: I'm still not Shin Yoshida, therefore I still do not own Yu-Gi-Oh Zexal or any of the characters.

Michael lay on his stomach, sprawled out across his bed, groaning softly. His back still ached from Miss Ryland shoving him into thekitchen table when she screamed that she had told him not to come out during his older brother's visit.

As he had seen Chris storm down the street and out of sight, the pink-haired teen wanted to call out to his older brother that he wanted to go with him, but was afraid that Miss Ryland would hear and come upstairs before he had a chance to escape.


Chris was beyond livid. How dare that woman! How dare she and her despicable friend say Michael did not want to see him!

With a sigh, the silver-haired teen forced himself to calm down. He couldn't allow himself to lose his temper. If he was going to sort this mess out properly, he had too keep a cool head. Besides, Thomas was the one who always flew off the handle.

The eldest Arclight couldn't help but chuckle at the truth of this last thought. He knew he needed to hurry back to Heartland City before Thomas made it back. For if he didn't, he just knew he would have to hear the younger boy complain about not receiving a welcome home.

He took one last look at the house that his youngest brother now called home and headed for the train station, hoping to reach it before his train left.


Michael stared out the window longingly, wishing he could have gone with his brother and thinking to himself that while he lived in this house, it had become anything but a home.


Thomas sighed in annoyance as the pilot of the plane he was riding back to Heartland City in announced that the flight was taking an unplanned stop due to poor weather conditions. He knew that his brother Chris would be returning from his visit with Michael.


The middle Arclight hadn't seen his younger brother since their separation at the facility where they had been taken shortly after Byron's disappearance. He sighed again and leaned back in his seat as he remembered that night. How he had cried out for Chris not to let the man from the facility take them. He knew Chris still felt incredibly guilty about the incident.

When he returned to the city, Thomas decided he would ask Chris to take him with him the next time he visited Michael. Maybe they could take Michael to one of the Dueling Tournaments.

Maybe...It would depend on what Chris said...



I hope everyone enjoyed this, even though it was incredibly short. Feel free to let me know.

The next chapter will be out on Monday, July 17th.

Until then, everyone.