Family Man.

By Kes.

Disclaimer: All the wonderful characters belong to the oh-so-god-damn-holy JK Rowling. The woman may (or may not....) belong to her. It's up to you just who she is....

A/N: This is pure fluff. It's so fluffy, even Hagrid would like it, despite its lack of fangs (no pun intended....)


The exhausted woman on the bed waggled her finger at him, wanting him to come over. Although he felt nothing, his brain must have somehow registered it on some sort of level, as his legs started - slowly - to move. When he reached her bedside, and looked down at the little wonder in her hands, his heart melted for a second time in his life.
"Do you want to hold her, Severus?" she asked looking away from the little girl in her hands and up to her husband.
"It's a her?" he asked, his voice filled with emotion.
"Yes. This is our daughter, you're a daddy now," she answered smiling.
"I don't know what to say....I, I wouldn't know how to hold her. I might drop her-" he started to panic.
"Ssh! Severus," she cut him off. "I'm sure you won't drop her."
She handed the treasured little girl over to him gently. When she removed her arms the child awoke, but she didn't make a sound. Somehow understanding that this new person was safe. He though that was the best gift ever.

Complete and total trust.

Severus looked down to his - their - own small miracle in his arms, and felt his face breaking out into a rare huge smile. His daughter. No, their daughter.

"What shall we call her?" He asked her quietly.

"How about in the Snape tradition?"

"But what about your mother? I thought we were going to name her after her if she was a girl?"

"We can do both...." She replied cryptically.


Serena Morgana Snape, born two weeks early, was named after both of her parents mothers, and was introduced to the students of Hogwarts by Professor Dumbledore. There was a collective maternal sigh from the girls, causing the boys to stare ominously as one, from the baby to their fellow students.

Even Professor Snape was smiling slightly, with what seemed to be pride.

Harry looked over at Ron quizzically, raising his eyebrows.

Ron shrugged.

Hermione sighed.

The boys looked at her, wide-eyed, staring. "Is she okay?" Mouthed Ron. Harry prodded her in response. "'Mionie, you alright?" Hermione slowly drifted back into this world, and stared longingly at the baby in one, last lingering look before returning Ron and Harry's worried expressions with a glazed one of her own.

"Hmm? Oh, yes, I've eaten thanks." Two pairs eyebrows rose simultaneously.

Oh. Dear. God.

'Book-girl' has regained her maternal instinct.

After the 'incident' in their 5th year with a baby girl giant named Kia - let's just say she escaped - no one spoke much about Hermionie's attempts to be maternal.


Oblivious to the awed expression on many of the students faces, Severus Snape, Ex-death eater, Professor and Potions Master at Hogwarts, and now, most importantly - husband and father, bent down and picked up his daughter, and watched her expression change from one of sleepy boredom, to one of utter delight.

Yes! Thought Severus. She's a Daddy's girl!

A/N: Ok, so not my usual 'style' if you can call it that, but hey 'a change is as good as a rest' and all that! Hope you like, if so R/R people! Oh, and don't forget to check out my 'Imaginary Inamorato' story - but it's rated R, so please be careful!