Book One: Water

Long ago, spirits and humans lived together in the physical world. In order to uphold the balance between them, by decree of the first avatar, humans and spirits were separated. With the portals connecting the two worlds severed, spirits and humans no longer coexist. For a long time, there was peace until the spirits found their way back into the physical world. Wars between the spirits and the humans raged on; the humans outmatched.

Only the avatar, the bridge between the two, could restore balance to the world but when the world needed him the most he passed on. For many years, the new avatar was nowhere to be found. All hope was lost until one day the unknown avatar appeared and took back the physical world in an intense battle, closing the portals once again. After the battle, she vanished. Soon after, a new avatar was born and the cycle continued. No one knows what happened to the mysterious avatar or even her identity. Her story remained a mystery until now. This is the tale of the forgotten avatar.

Zuko, banished prince of the fire nation, stood at the head of his naval ship glaring out into the vast ocean and snowy glaciers that spread out before him. Cold, golden eyes calculate the familiar scenery. The same snowy landscape that those very golden eyes have stared at for weeks now in their dire attempt to locate the avatar. The cold air stings against his warm skin, making his scarred eye ache. He ignores the pain for now as the frown on his face deepens.

'Another day with no sign of him…I must find him.' As if to silence his thought, a bright blue light suddenly flares up in the distance.

"Finally… Uncle, do you know what this means? It must be the avatar."

"Prince Zuko, we've been down this road before. It is probably the celestial lights. I don't want you to get your hopes up once again over nothing." The old general sighs as he takes another sip of his tea in his vain attempt to settle his ecstatic nephew.

"But it must be him, there's no other explanation. Captain, head course for the light!"

A strong gust of wind suddenly blows him of his feet while a bright light engulfs the ship. Zuko and General Iroh try to regain their balance as the tides begin to pound violently against the ship. Not a moment after, an eerie calm takes over.

"What just happened?" Zuko turns to his uncle for answers, just as a commotion below deck breaks out.

Zuko and Iroh head down towards the commotion only to discover the soldiers crowded around something.

"Out of my way! What is the meaning of thi-…?"

The words became stuck in the young prince's throat as he laid eyes on the sight before him. A girl, no older than he, was collapsed onto the metal surface of the deck. Wide, bright blue eyes bore into his golden ones as she focused her attention on him. Her long, sand colored hair, a color Zuko has never seen before, clings to her wet slender frame. Her eyes stare deep into his, a confused glaze engulfs the sea blue eyes almost as if he was familiar to her and she was trying to remember. Her strange appearance would have surprised him the most if it weren't for the fact that she laid before him completely naked. The soldiers stand around gawking at the freezing girl not exactly sure of what to do. Zuko could feel the heat rise up to his cheeks, when he sees his uncle run up to the girl and cover her with a blanket. He finally composes himself and turns to the soldiers.

"All you fools stop staring like idiots and get back to your posts, now!"

He turns and faces the girl with red tinted cheeks and deep scowl locking her eyes to his once again.

"Who… who are you?" the flustered boy ordered as she continues to stare up at him. Her eyes widen as his fiery golden stare holds her in place.

"I said," Zuko takes a few steps towards the girl until he is directly in front of her and grasps her chin. "Who are you?"

"I don't know…"

Zuko had to pause for a moment to see if he was hearing this right. He looked to his uncle for guidance when he noticed his uncle's thoughtful gaze on the girl. It was as almost as if he recognized her…

"You don't know…? What do you mean you don't know! You don't know your own name?"

At this point, the young prince was losing his patience. First what looked like the sure chance that Zuko had finally found the avatar and now a strange looking girl with no recollection of who she is appears before him?


"Stop yelling, will you? My head is killing me." She winces slightly as a sharp pain pierces her skull once more. It was almost as if her mind was trying to force her to remember the obvious. With each intake of the cold air, another pain strikes. Everything hurt, looking into the boy's golden eyes hurt especially.

"Prince Zuko, perhaps it is best we get her out of the cold and into some warm clothes. You will get the answers to your questions later." The wise general stands extending his hand to the shivering girl. The girl looks to the extended hand, then up to Iroh's face. In that instance, her whole demeanor changed.

"No, I don't owe you people anything. You demand to know who I am? Well I hate to break it to you, but I have no clue."

"I hate to break it to you, stupid girl but you're on my ship in the middle of the ocean nonetheless. The very ship you oh so magically appeared on. I think an explanation is in order don't you think?" Zuko narrows his eyes at the girl. No one from the fire nation would be dumb enough to raise their voice to the prince of the fire nation even if he was banished and especially to his esteemed uncle. The men on his ship know their place.

The girl takes a slight step back; fear and distrust swirl in her blue eyes. Something deep within the girl's mind was telling her to be cautious. The familiar feeling of betrayal etched at her heart. A feeling her mind seems to know all to well if only she could remember why.

"My dear, it is clear that you are wary of my nephew and I and with good reason for we are only… strangers to you but I assure you, we mean you no harm. We wish to help you in any way we can." Iroh smiles kindly at the girl leaving her with an overwhelming sense of warmth and familiarity.


"Enough, Prince Zuko. Come child, you can trust me." Zuko's eyes widen slightly. His uncle was completely serious with him. His uncle's mind was completely set on helping this stupid girl. The girl looks at his outstretched hand once more finally deciding to accept his help. As Iroh leads the girl into the ship, she turns her head to look back at the scarred boy only to notice the bright blue light shining behind him in the distance.

The young girl stood in front of the mirror examining her self. The kind man Iroh, he had said his name was, had given her some spare clothes and some time to think. Instructing her to change and that he would return with some tea and a hot meal. Her eyes trailed through her image beginning with her hair. She had felt the soldiers stare as she walked along the corridor with general Iroh. At the time she felt it was because of her sudden not so subtle appearance but now she can't help but wonder if it was the hair that they were staring at. Every man she walked past on the ship had dark colored hair, a drastic contrast from the light sand colored texture that was her own. Her hair cascaded down to her lower back in loose natural curls. Her pale skin radiated through the dim lit room. Bright blue blues stared back at her through the mirror.

'Who am I?'

A knock was heard at the door before she could think anything more of it. General Iroh enters the doorway with a kind smile on his face. The girl couldn't help but be grateful for his kindness. As they made their way to the top deck, a warm meal and pai sho table awaited her.

"Pai sho?" The girl stated timidly, her head pounding slightly as she ran her fingers on the table, her hand stopping at a piece and picking it up to examine it.

"Ah yes, are you familiar with the game? It is indeed my favorite. The piece you hold in your hands is called…"

"The white lotus tile." The girl smiled slightly. The words had slipped out of her mouth without thinking. "Yes, I think I am familiar with this game. Maybe we could play?"

General Iroh smiles knowingly and nods eagerly taking his seat.

The girl returns the smile and settles down in her seat, taking a sip of her tea.

'Maybe there is hope.'

"My dear, clearly you have tricked me when you told me you were merely familiar with Pai sho. Why, you are a pro! You have beaten me twice already and it looks like it might be a third time!" Iroh exclaims with a hearty laugh. The girl laughs along with him as the crewmembers crowd around the table. Their faces were in complete and utter shock that someone was capable of beating the great General Iroh at pai sho!

"This is simply unheard of!"

"She beat the general!"

"I can't believe this!"

The girl laughs even harder at their exclaims of disbelief. She makes her next move on the board.

"Iroh, don't be silly! I-…oh um sorry, General Iroh…I.I mean…." The young teen frantically tries to compose her self after her slip up.

Iroh smiled, "Nonsense dear, Iroh is just fine."

The girl smiles back and musters up the courage to ask, "Iroh… I have to ask. Have we…met before?"

The general looks up from the game and stares deep into the girl's eyes. The same pang of hurt she felt when she looked into his nephew's eyes resurfaced. Iroh held a knowing, mischievous look as he glanced at her. A look as if to challenge her to think. After a moment, the general looks away and smiles to himself, making his next move.

"Perhaps, in another lifetime… wouldn't you agree?"

The question stunned her, 'Another lifetime…?'

"Any who, any luck with remembering your name? I would like the privilege to call my challenging pai sho opponent by her name."

The girl sighed, making her next move, "No…no luck yet. Every time I try to think too hard about my memories, I get a migraine."

"Well all in due time, you should not force these things. But I do urge you to keep an open mind and to follow your instincts. Do what your heart tells you and your mind will soon follow after."

"Excuse me sir, but Prince Zuko requests your presence immediately."

Iroh lifts himself from the table and begins to walk to the door, "I'm afraid our game has been cut short. Why don't you get some rest for the night and we'll continue this tomorrow? Jee, would be so kind as to escort the young lady to her room."

"Iroh… thank you." Iroh took a slight pause at the door before exiting the room. Once back in her room, she laid hours in bed, desperately trying to remember the slightest detail about her identity. Her mind begins to wander to the fire nation prince. She had a genuine curiosity for the boy despite his rude behavior towards her earlier. She couldn't help but wonder why his eyes made her so sad or why hidden in his eyes, he looked so sad as well.

Zuko walked along the long, metal corridor of his ship after a long day of training. He needed to be absolutely ready before he faced the avatar. It would be his most difficult battle yet but he needed to capture the avatar by all means necessary. Home had never felt within his reach until today. To his annoyance, he couldn't help but let his thoughts wander to that strange girl again. She was a mystery in it of itself. He had never once in his travel's seen someone look and feel as strange as she does. She was something… different. He couldn't explain the feeling he got when he laid eyes on her but it was as if she radiated energy, powerful wavelike energy that was almost suffocating. He had no doubt his uncle had felt it too.

The fact that she claimed she has no idea who she was annoyed him to no end. He wanted to figure her out, every detail. It was no coincidence that both she and the avatar appeared to him on the same day. He knew better than to doubt fate. He decided that after he captured the avatar, he would interrogate the girl. Zuko was almost to his room when he felt her again followed by a bloodcurdling scream coming from down the hall. He ran to her room knocking the door wide open only to see that she was having a nightmare. She was curled up in a ball, griping her head. Tears were spilling from her eyes.

He grasped her shoulders trying to shake her awake, "Wake up, peasant. It's just a dream…. girl, wake up!"

Her eyes flew open as she began to focus where she was. Silent tears where now flowing freely from her eyes and Zuko couldn't help but feel sorry for her. She was terrified. They stared into each other's eyes for a moment until his uncle ran into the room.

"Are you alright dear? What happened?" Uncle asked the girl while holding on to one of her hands to comfort her.

She was lost in thought for a moment, starring at their joined hands until she turned to the young prince who was still holding on to her shoulders to keep her steady.

"My name…my name is Hotaru."

Hi, unkn0wnartist here. This is my first story and first time ever writing, so please go easy on me. I expect my writing to only get better. That being said, I've had this story stuck in my head for a long time now and I feel like I need to write it down. I hope you all enjoy it!