Chapter 16: Separation

Tears escaped Hotaru's eyes as she held on tightly to Sho, who displayed his affection with his big, slobbery tongue and nudging his massive head lovingly against her. She grabbed a handful of his soft feathers, as genuine laughter and joy filled her well being. The deathly silent air surrounding them dissipated, like the evil that was disrupting the peace was no longer present.

She couldn't believe it. He was without a doubt the phoenix dragon from her dream and here he stood right in front of her. Hotaru couldn't even warp her head around what all this could mean. Sho, like Kyo, was trapped in her staff this whole time. Botan and Reina, were real and she was connected to them somehow. There were so many questions she needed answers to but without her memory, she felt helpless.

She rubbed Sho's head tenderly. It felt like she was reuniting with a long lost friend. Even though he was no longer in her staff, Hotaru still felt their energies intertwined with one another. It brought her comfort knowing that their connection couldn't be broken. Hotaru took a step back and smiled at Sho. "You're my animal guide, aren't you?" Sho rumbled happily, his wings flapping excitedly.

"I don't understand Sho. There's so much I don't remember." She whispered.

Tiny footsteps began to ruffle the grass behind her and the energies Hotaru had momentarily forgotten came rushing back to her. She turned around swiftly only to find a tiny spirit in the shape of rabbit of some sort approaching her. Its figure was adorned with intricate, colorful patterns that only made it even more stunning to look at. The spirit's wide yellow eyes stared deep into her own in awe.

Suddenly, more and more spirits began to appear around the field circling her and Sho. These spirits were nothing like the dark spirits that attacked them relentlessly before. They were absolutely incredible, innocent in nature even.

The tiny rabbit like spirit stood in front of her. "You came back Hotaru."

Hotaru took a double take, pointing to herself. "You… know who I am?"

Another spirit stepped forward, a deer like creature that could walk perfectly on its two legs. It crossed its arms and scoffed at her. "Figures she would forget about us, typical human."

The spirit felt familiar to her but she was distracted by its rudeness. She repeated the motion, crossing her arms and glaring back at it. "Well I'm sorry for being such a 'typical human' but I don't really remember anything from my past."

The spirit glanced at her for a moment before walking away, "I liked you better in the past."

The rabbit spirit turned to her, it's voice almost childlike. "Don't mind Aye Aye. You really don't remember us Hotaru? You used to come play with us when you were little. You look different now but we could never forget that hair."

Hotaru smiled at the spirit, crouching down on her knees. Sho rested next her as all the spirits nearby gathered around. She felt at ease despite them surrounding her. These were nothing like the ones that attacked them before. "I'm sorry. I woke up not too long ago without any recollection of who I am. I still haven't gotten my memories back. Please tell me more. I used to come here?"

"Yup. All the time. We couldn't believe it when Tsubasa came around with a little human swearing up and down that we had to keep the Avatar safe. You grew up here with all of us. We used to have so much fun together, until you disappeared one day and never returned." The rabbit spirit's ears dropped, it's voice laced with sadness.

Hotaru reached her hand out to the little spirit, petting its head softly. The action jolted something in her. Little sporadic visions of a little girl chasing after magnificent beasts and a little rabbit like creature.


The spirit perked its head hurriedly. "You remember me?"

Hotaru smiled. "I think so. I wish I could remember more. I'm sorry I disappeared, I didn't mean to leave you all."

"It's okay Hotaru. When you left here, you saved the spirit world and we know you came back now to do it again!" The spirits in the field cheered happily.

Hotaru's eyes widened, "Wha..What do mean?"

The clearing suddenly became silent as Kaja and the other spirits turned their heads. In the distance, beyond the tall mountains, a dark luminous cloud lurked over. It looked so foreign in the spirit world, its sinister appearance clashing with the bright, beautiful colors and oddities around it. Hotaru felt disturbed by not only its appearance but also overpowering energy. It felt like death.

Hotaru stood and Sho moved beside her, a deep growl escaping him as he too felt it. "What is that?"

Aye Aye, who was leaning against a tree, spoke up. "It appeared not too long ago. Seems like something bad found its way in and is causing serious trouble in the spirit world again, only worse this time. Spirits are attacking other spirits, some not even acting like spirits and many of them are forcing their way out of here. The balance in this is place is slipping."

"It's happening in the physical world too. Portals leading from here are appearing randomly in my world and the spirits are attacking humans…"

Aye Aye looked at her seriously, this time with no judgment in his eyes. "This wouldn't be the first time but you don't remember that do you?"

Hotaru shook her head slowly, feeling useless once again. All she could think about was how she didn't sign up for this. All of this was just unraveling way too fast before her eyes and the feeling of not being able to keep up suffocated her. She was a pathetic excuse of an Avatar and she never asked to be one. But as she looked upon all the spirits that surrounded her, watching her with wide eyes filled only with genuine fondness towards her, she couldn't help but feel like she owed it to them. That she had to protect them and this world.

She turned to Aye Aye, determination shining in her eyes. "I'm going to fix this, I promise."

Aye Aye nodded and turned away quickly as he tried to hide the small smile forming on his face, "You're still a stupid human."

Hotaru couldn't help but smile. She definitely heard that one before, maybe in a past life. She turned to Kaja, remembering what she needed to do first. "I need your help Kaja. Will you help me?"

The spirit moved its floppy ears eagerly, agreeing to help. "I'm looking for someone. A rude, mouthy wolf spirit."

Zuko's lungs were on fire. There wasn't a moment to catch his breath as he and the avatar ran from Zhao's soldiers. The alarms blaring out into the courtyard were almost drowned out by his heavy breathing. Zuko held onto his broad swords in anticipation. They weren't going to get out of this easy.

"Stay close to me!"

He didn't dare question. The three main exits were closing rapidly in the distance forcing his legs to move faster. The avatar sent a powerful gust of wind towards the incoming soldiers giving them a clear passage but before Zuko could feel any relief a spear shot right through his left side barely missing him. Zuko spun quickly, swinging his swords to block the hoard of soldiers who caught up from behind.


He began to count in his head like his old sword master had taught him. When Zuko was younger, he had picked up swordsmanship by Iroh's suggestion. He had always been a clumsy boy, always tripping on his own two feet. Iroh thought learning to wield a sword would fix that and also make him feel better about his firebending. What Zuko lacked in firebending, he excelled in swordsmanship.


A gust of wind suddenly lifted Zuko off the ground. He rolled onto his back to soften his landing and immediately fell into his fighting stance. Even he was taken by surprise as the avatar looped his legs around his torso and propelled them into the air towards the next gate. One more to go and they would be free. Arrows suddenly soared through the sky, barely scathing them as Zuko blocked the incoming shots. The weight was becoming too much for the avatar and they landed roughly onto the second gate.


He remembered his master's words clearly, fight like your life depended on it. The first time he had ever looked upon his opponent, he was afraid and fear, he had learned, could cost you your life. That was one lesson that repeated itself many times over in his lifetime. His master had noticed the fear in his movements, the very fear that made him falter in his steps and doubt himself whenever they sparred. He had told Zuko to concentrate on counting in his head. The idea was so silly to his younger self, but the more Zuko concentrated on counting to ten, the more he began to concentrate on his opponent's movements and his own. The counting, he realized, was a distraction and by the count of ten, he had always won.


Aang and Zuko stood back-to-back, adrenaline pumping in their veins as they simultaneously charged at the soldiers. The urge to firebend was overpowering. He could feel the heat reach his fingertips as he tried to push the feeling away. All of this would be so easy if he could just firebend his way out, but Zhao would now exactly who he was if he did. He glanced at Aang and watched with slight curiosity as he took on the soldiers. It was different not being at the receiving end of his attacks. He had to commend Aang, he was force to be reckoned with and the boy hadn't even learned the other elements. Zuko grimaced under his masked, realizing he had acknowledged the Avatar by his real name.

He watched humorously at the soldier's frightened faces as Aang sent another blast of wind, knocking them unceremoniously off the bamboo ladder. They had managed to get rid of the soldiers for the moment and Zuko couldn't help but think they actually made a good team. At that disturbing thought, he silenced his thoughts immediately.


Aang turned to him, "Take these and get on my back!"

Was he serious? Zuko found out he most certainly was as Aang used the ladder to propel him forward. Zuko cursed the spirits for getting him into this mess and jumped as far as he could, landing on the boy's back and hoping for the best. Zuko handed him the next ladder, watching as the third gate approached them painstakingly slow. They were so close…Zuko's head snapped to the end of the ladder as soon as he felt the heat emanating below his feet. Aang let out a cry, jumping for the wall but they weren't close enough. They both frantically grasped for the wall until their hands slipped, both landing roughly on the ground below.

Zuko jumped to his feet quickly, ready to drop his swords and firebend as the soldiers fire blasted simultaneously at them. Surprisingly, Aang put himself between the flames and Zuko, protecting them in an air bubble.

"Hold your fire!" Zuko glared under his mask at the sound of that voice. The soldiers moved aside to let Zhao pass. "The avatar must be captured alive!"

Alive, huh? Zuko rushed forward, putting both swords to Aang's neck. He heard Aang gasp, and although he was facing away, he could practically feel Aang's betrayal-ridden face as Zuko turned on him. Zuko buried the silly feelings of guilt that threatened to distract him. The Avatar and him were enemies, not allies.


He turned his attention back to Zhao, who was glaring menacingly at him. Seconds that felt like hours passed by until Zhao spoke up. "Open the gates."

"What?! Are you mad? You can't let them get away!"

"I said do it!" Zhao barked, standing firm on his order.

Zuko felt the gate open, and he backed away slowly, dragging the avatar along with him. His eyes never leaving the general's as they got further and further away from the gate. Zuko felt Aang's hand tighten around his wrist, reminding him that once they were out of sight, he needed to come up with a plan to subdue the boy. He could hear the leaves on the trees rustle close behind him. He just needed to reach the forest and he was free.

With a sigh, Zuko whispered, "Ten."

A sharp pain suddenly struck him, his ears ringing as the all consuming pain spread through his body and darkness engulfed him.

Hotaru walked along side Sho and Aye Aye through a thick forest with a single path that seemed to stretch endlessly. Kaja was a few steps ahead of them, hopping jubilantly despite the daunting place they were headed to. Kyo was last seen heading towards the mysterious dark cloud so that's where they were headed.

Hotaru was glad to have Aye Aye, Kaja and Sho by her side. She most definitely would've gotten lost had she gone alone. The spirit world was unlike anything she had ever seen. The paths seem to change on their own accord, which made her believe if someone did not wish for you to find something here, you wouldn't. Not only that but strange, other worldly plants and trees of the most peculiar colors seemed to have a mind of their own. There was a moment where she felt like they were being followed but it turned out to be the trees of the forest watching her. Aye Aye had said it was normal, that they were spirits like they were and that they were only curious about her.

Apparently it was not only because she was a human roaming about in the spirit world but also because she gave off this energy that made her stick out like a sore thumb. This worried her considering she couldn't actually bend in this world. She had to find that out the hard way when a dark spirit attacked them and her firebending was nowhere to be found. It didn't matter to her though, Kyo was her only concern.

They reached the edge of the hill, giving them a clear view of the ominous cloud ahead. Its energy seemed to disturb the atmosphere around it as large, thick vines with protruding thorns ran across the entire area for miles. The thorns and thick fog made it hard to see what awaited them.

Hotaru stopped and turned to the others, "Alright. Sho and I got it from here."

Kaja jumped up and down before her, riled up. "But we can help! Let us come with you!"

Hotaru smiled, catching Kaja mid-jump and hugged him tightly. The overwhelming feeling of familiarity clutched at her heart. "You helped me more than enough by getting me here. I don't want you guys to get hurt."

Kaja pulled back, setting its tiny hand on her check. "I believe in you Hotaru. You'll save us all again. Just don't forget this time, okay?"

Hotaru smiled, swallowing the tightness in her throat and her heavy heart. She set him down before turning to Aye Aye. He had his arms crossed, trying to look like he didn't care much but she could feel his uneasiness. He scoffed, before turning away, "We'll meet again."

Hotaru chuckled, "I'm know we will. Let's go Sho."

They reached the edge of the thorns to find an opening, just enough to get through and follow the path. Hotaru glanced behind her, waving back at Kaja and Aye Aye. She didn't want this to feel like goodbye, but she couldn't fight the feeling that things were going to change from here on out. She took a deep breath before climbing through, Sho following close behind her.

Hotaru did not expect to actually feel such heavy silence as they wandered through the thick maze of vines. The leaves on the trees and flowers were wilted, like the life was sucked right out of them leaving nothing left to admire. The vines looked like they had taken over the entire area, colonizing what was left of the forest. The air was thick, their footsteps echoing loudly as they treaded through the rough, dirt path.

Sho's growl tore her from her thoughts as something yanked at her ankle, forcing her to her knees. Hotaru looked around frantically to find that the vines that surrounded them completely were attacking them…

Multiply vines wrapped themselves around Sho as he tore away at the vines, desperately trying to reach her but more and more vines replaced themselves the more he ripped them apart. They warped themselves around his snout like a muzzle keeping him from spouting his icy flames. Vines from overhead suddenly yanked at her arms and wrapped themselves around her body like they were devouring her. Her eyes widened as vines began to sprout from the ground. The ground at her feet began to sink in, her legs slowly sinking into the rough dirt as more vines pulled at her limbs.

Hotaru pulled frantically at the vines, panic setting in that they were going to be devoured by these creatures. A vine slowly warped around her neck, cutting her breathing off sharply. Desperation gripped her body as she gasped for air, tiny black dots beginning to invade her vision.

A deep growl suddenly cut through the air, one that sent a chill down her spine. Through her cloudy vision she could make out something moving incredibly fast towards her from above before a bright light engulfed the field. She felt the vines being ripped from her body, setting her free. Before she could thank the spirits for the air filling her lungs once again, she noticed the vines around her were still, like time had stopped.

"Quit gawking and get on Hotaru! I don't know how long I can hold it!"

Her head snapped to Kyo's voice, finally finding a white wolf spirit standing before her to match her friend's voice. He was big, intimidating almost, with black patterns adorning his fur. She ran to him, grasping his fur tightly and slipping onto his back. They made their way out of the other side of the forest easily, leaving the vines far behind them. Hotaru buried her head into Kyo's fur, visions of a carefree little girl giggling as she held on tightly to her wolf spirit friend.

"I missed you Kyo." Hotaru muttered, forgetting their situation if only for a moment.

Sho sighed heavily. She could tell he was angry with her and expected him to yell at her. "I missed you kid."

They landed by a clearing where three divided paths laid out before them. Hotaru climbed off of Kyo and turned to Sho who was pulling out remaining thorns from his skin. He nudged her letting her know he was okay. She examined herself to find that her clothing was tattered and her skin was adorned with small cuts all over. She realized she was going to have a hard time explaining that one to Zuko and Iroh. Kyo groaned obnoxiously and spread out on his belly with a loud thump.

"You okay?"

"You try stopping time and see how much it takes out of you!"

Hotaru bent down in front of him, amazed. "That's why they stopped attacking? You stopped time with energybending! Who knew you were so cool Kyo!"

His ears perked up, as well as his ego. "Of course I am!"

"But how can you energybend here? I couldn't firebend in the spirit world earlier."

"That's because energybending is- Hey! Quit distracting me. What in your right mind compelled you to come here after I told you to stay out of this?"

Kyo turned to Sho, making him lower his head like he was guilty. Kyo growled at the phoenix dragon, "And you! You led her here didn't you? After I told you not to!"

Hotaru sighed, "It's not his fault. I was just worried about you Kyo. We can help."

"I made it this far without your help and I was doing just fine."

"But…but you can't just expect me to sit on the other side hoping you're alright while you're out here fighting my battles!"

"I'm doing this because I don't want it to be your battle Hotaru!"

"But it is!"

"It doesn't have to be! Everything that's going on, it's like history repeating itself and the last time this happened you disappeared. I'm trying to figure this out without getting you involved, before it gets to that point."

That shut her up immediately. The weight of his words sunk in, having their effect. She understood what he couldn't articulate clearly. Just how she didn't want to lose him, he didn't want to lose her. It never left like it to her but for Kyo, they were apart for a thousand years too long and she felt warmed over the fact that he would go to this length to keep her safe. But so would she.

Goosebumps suddenly trickled across her skin, a feeling so powerful hit her by such grating force that she forgot to let go of the breath she was holding in. She turned, not being able to tear her eyes from the path furthest to the right. The wind suddenly picked up, and lightening began to strike not too far from where they were. The sudden storm felt like an omen. Something was calling her, urging her to follow that path. She knew she shouldn't but absentmindedly she stood up, hesitantly taking a step towards that direction.


Lightening began to strike all around them, setting off explosion like sounds and rumbles all throughout the clearing. Her ears were ringing, and she could barely hear Kyo shout that they were under attack as dark spirits surrounded them. Wild, crazed monsters charged at them ruthlessly. All Hotaru could do was cower helplessly in shock as Kyo and Sho crowded around her, protecting her from the spirits.

Sho let out a deep roar, shaking the earth as icy flames escaped him. The flames seem to disintegrate the spirits into thin air, but more and more replaced themselves in numbers. Kyo's eyes glowed an eerie white as he stilled. Hotaru was about to call out to him until various explosions filled the clearing, obliterating any spirits in its path. Kyo's eyes met her for a moment. They stared deep into hers and Hotaru felt nothing but a deep sadness from the look in his eyes.

"Get her out of here Sho."

Hotaru eyes widened, realizing what he meant. "No! We came here for you. We're not going to be separated again!"

Hotaru ran towards him but Sho circled her with his body, shielding her from Kyo. "No! No! Kyo please!"

Kyo turned his back to her, facing the army of spirits who were now storming towards him. "GO!" He yelled.

Sho nudged her on, taking flight and forcing her to hold on. Kyo's eyes glowed white once more as he stared ahead. The spirits pounced on him, until she couldn't see him anymore from under them. "KYO!" Hotaru shrieked.

A bright light engulfed the field, followed by an explosion with such force Hotaru closed her eyes tightly, tears escaping her eyes as Sho took them higher through the dark clouds. The storm began to pick up around them. Lightening suddenly struck dangerously close to Sho, almost hitting him as he dodged it. Cascades of lightening began to downpour at all directions.

"Sho, we need to go down now!"

But before he could, lightening stuck one of his wings sending him barreling down towards the earth, only they were met with cold, hard water instead. She felt a sudden pull, before brightness engulfed them. Hotaru grasped for air as she awoke back in her room in the ship. She laid sprawled out on the floor, her staff next to her. She reach for it frantically, faintly feeling Sho's energy. It was weak but it was there, and as if to reassure her, his wings fluttered gently as if to say he would be alright.

Music could be heard playing softly outside as the ship swayed in the moonlight. A strangled sob escaped Hotaru as she called out for Kyo repeatedly but received no answer.

Zuko rubbed his forehead gingerly as he approached the ship. He signaled for the guard to lower the docking lever to let him in. Tonight had to be one of the strangest nights he has ever had. He tried to push what happened tonight past him but he couldn't stop thinking about what the Avatar said to him.

To his surprise, Aang didn't leave him there after he was knocked out. The boy went as far as carrying him out of Zhao's grasp and stayed with him until he woke up. When Zuko awoke, he found the avatar perched up on a tree branch with a sad, thoughtful expression on his face.

"You know…a long time ago, I had a friend named Kuzon. He and I…" Aang shook his head slowly, smiling fondly at memory.

"We used to get into so much trouble together. He was one of the best friends I've ever had…." Aang turned to look at him, his expression oddly serious for the thirteen year old boy. "And he was from the fire nation. I've been gone for a hundred years and the world isn't what I remember it to be. Everything's changed."

Zuko knew he should attack, knew he should do something, anything but he remained still, listening to the boy's thoughts. It reminded him of Hotaru's dream, of the firebender and airbender. How not too long ago, the world was different from what it is now.

Aang gave him a small hopeful smile, "Maybe…maybe we're not all so different, you know? If we knew each other back then, maybe we could have been friends."

Hotaru gave him a sad smile, "Who knows Zuko, maybe we're not all so different."

Hotaru's haunting voice resounded in his head. For a split moment, it felt like Zuko was talking to Hotaru. The strong sensation of deja vu consumed him and he didn't know how to answer, so he attacked. The Avatar left without a word after that, not looking back and Zuko stood there, without enough energy to chase after him.

He made it up to the main deck and to his surprise, his uncle was still there, playing his tsungi horn. Zuko had a feeling his uncle knew what he had been doing. His uncle wasn't as naïve as he played himself out to be. After telling his uncle not to disturb him for the rest of the day, he made his way past Hotaru's room only to hear soft crying on the other side. This stopped him immediately.

"Hotaru?" He called out from the other side of the door.

He heard a sharp intake, followed by silence. He could hear her footsteps lead up to the door, her hand on the handle like she was contemplating opening it or not.

"Come on, open the door. Its okay…" He tried to say it as softly as he could. He could tell something was very wrong.

He heard something slide down the door. "No it's not."

Her broken voice shattered his resolve. "Please, Hotaru, I'm not leaving until you open the door."

She started to cry as silently as she could but Zuko could hear it all. He slid down the door, resting his back against it. Her cries pierced his chest, leaving him to ache on the other side of door wishing he could comfort her. He didn't know when he drifted off to sleep, only that her cries sent him into a restless sleep.