So here is the new version of 'Dead Man Walking', enough said.

A warning for those that didn't read the original version, this is not a crossover. Naruto's sister Erza is based on the Erza from Fairy tail, but she is part of the Naruto world in this fic. Because of that, this is not under the Crossover category. Same with Soul Eater. I have used a few ideas from it, but not enough for it to be a crossover.

Originally I wasn't going to use anything from my old chapter, but then I realised that there were a few things I just didn't want to write out all over again if they were going to be the same thing. However that is only for this chapter. I am also hoping to go into more detail about the time before they graduate the academy where Naruto is learning about what he can do.

Minato and Kushina are overprotective in this fic rather than trying to distance themselves from Naruto, if anyone doesn't like this then don't read. I will say Naruto will still not like them and act more or less the same as he did in the original version of this fic.

One more thing, I am having a lot of trouble with my account at the moment. For some reason I am not able to read any review posted after the 25th of December, and have no idea why. Because of this any questions will need to be PM or you will have to wait until the problem is fixed for a response.


Disclaimer- I own nothing :(


Summary- The Kyuubi Chakra was split into two halves and sealed into Naruto's sisters, the Yang into Erza, and the Yin into Mito. But there was another being there that night, and three possible hosts. Minato was able to survive the sealing by changing the seal at the last minute, not realizing his mistake until years later.


Chapter 1- Happy Birthday


Naruto sat in his room glaring out the window into the training field out back of his family's house, the curtains mostly closed and the lights off. The room itself was mostly bare, with a bead, desk and dresser. Everything inside it was white, and it looked to have been cleaned obsessively so that there wasn't a spec of dirt.

He hated the colure white, it was too bright and clean, like everything else in his life.

Naruto was one of three children, triplets in fact. He watched as his sisters, Mito, continually hit and kicked a training dummy, their father Minato cheering her on from the side. He could see the pattern of her moves, could almost hear the beat her hits were making as they hit the dummy.

On the other side of the family training ground, he could see his other sister Erza, moving through stances with a wooden sword in her right hand, their mother Kushina smiling as she directed her into different stances.

Both his sisters looked like mini versions of their mother with the same long red hair and light purple eyes, but with three whisker marks on each cheek. Mito was dressed in a white blows, red hakama pants, and white bandages wrapped around her hands and wrists. Erza on the other hand, like to wear armour, with a blue shirt and metal boots. But while they both looked like mini versions of Kushina, the resemblance was nothing compared to how much they looked like each other. The only way to tell them apart was there clothes, and sometimes the hair styles.

Almost seven years ago, on the night he was born, the Kyuubi was forcibly extracted from his mother, who had been weak from giving birth to both Naruto and his two sisters. Luckily Minato had been prepared and able to reseal it before it could do any damage, along with just enough of the chakra in the air into his wife to keep Kushina alive.

The fox was split in half, the Yin chakra being sealed into Mito and the Yang into Erza.

Because of this both his sisters needed training from a young age in order to control the demonic chakra inside their bodies, along with the violent reaction that came with it. Naruto had seen them lose control once from his window, and both had been little more than wild animals until his parents slapped a seal on them.

Unfortunately Naruto had also not been left unaffected that night, though unlike his sisters he didn't get a power boost.

According to the doctors, the Kyuubi's chakra had affected all both Naruto and his sister's bodies while in their mother's womb. Mito and Erza weren't affected by it because they had the Kyuubi sealed inside them, their bodies having it's chakra to fight the effects. Something Naruto did not have.

They didn't even have a name for what Naruto had, and he really hoped they didn't name it after him.

The problem was Naruto's body only converted around 20% of the food he ate into nutrients, making it so that no matter how much he ate he was always starving. His body was painfully thin and weak, and Naruto would tire very quickly. The Doctors had actually expected him to have died before he reached the age of two, and were shocked when he passed what they called the 'danger age'. While they claimed he would never be completely healthy, they also said that he wasn't going to just keel over and die without warning.

However that didn't stop his family treating him like glass, like a strong wind would make him break.

While his sisters were being trained by his parents to be ninja Naruto was forced to simple watch, and if he even looked like he might ask for training they would give him this…look, like the mere idea of him training terrified them.

They always said they would train him when he was older and healthier, that they needed to focus on his sisters because of the fox, but Naruto knew they were just trying to placate him. They never intended to train him, at least no unless he gave them no choice.

Unlike Mito and Erza who took after their mother, Naruto took more after their father Minato. In fact, in the same way his sisters looked like their mother Naruto was a near copy of his father. He had the same hair colours with random spikes sticking up in every direction, and the same blue eyes. At least he would have been if he wasn't so thin and pale. His skin was so pale it had an almost grey tinge to it, and was wrapped so tight around his body you could see the bones.

Like his sisters Naruto had three whisker like birthmarks on his cheeks, though said cheeks were sunken in. There were also dark rings around his eyes, making it look like someone had punched them both and given him a pair of black eyes.

Despite the fact that his room was white, Naruto's clothes were black. Black jeans, black shirt and a black hoddie with the hood pulled up to cover his hair. This was mostly so that his skin was covered, leaving only his face and hands uncovered.

With a small grunt, Naruto turned away from the window and closed the curtain fully and plunging the room into complete darkness. Yet despite this, Naruto could still see perfectly as if the room was full of like. Naruto always hated bright like, it hurt his eyes and burned his skin. He much preferred the dark, where he could see even if other people couldn't.

Moving to his bed Naruto quickly got on his knees and reached under it, pulling out a scroll a moment later with a sign. It was a scroll he had taken from his father's library, a very important scroll even if the information it held wasn't considered hard to find.

The scroll contained the method to unlock a person's chakra system, giving them access to the energy running through their body. If his family knew he had this, they would undoubtable take it from him.

His father thought he was too weak to try and unlock his chakra, and didn't want Naruto to even try for fear of him getting hurt. His mother would be more than happy to never even let him leave the house again, and if she had her way Naruto would be forced to walk around in a bubble. Mito and Erza were no better than their parents, and despite them being the same age treated him like a little brother.

Naruto had been studying the scroll for the last week, making sure he understood everything. He didn't dare try and unlock his chakra in the house while his family was around through, his mother was a Sensory Type after all and would be able to feel him unlock it if she was nearby.

That was why he had been waiting for today, or more precisely tonight.

Tonight his parents would be out of the house, leaving only his sisters for Naruto to get passed. While Mito was starting to show signs of being a Sensory Type like their mother she was inexperienced, and wouldn't be able to tell if he wasn't in the house. She would however feel it if he unlocked his chakra, which meant he would need to get out the house without them knowing.

Naruto found his right hand moving to his pocket, absently palming the kunai inside it that he had stolen from his Erza's room. He would unlock his chakra and prove to his family that he wasn't weak and could be a ninja, just like them.


It had been easier than usual to sneak out of the house, not that Naruto was complaining. Both Mito and Erza had been busy reading some scrolls there mother had given them, and didn't even notice him sneak passed. Ironic that the son they thought was incapable of being a shinobi could sneak passed his already in training sisters.

After he was out the door Naruto sprinted to the fence at the back of the training ground, aiming for one specific part of the fence behind a bush. By the time he reached it Naruto was panting and red in the face from sprinting, leaning on his knees for support.

It was times like this he really hated his body.

Quickly moving behind the bush so he was out of sight of the house, Naruto took a moment to get his breath back before glancing back to make sure no one had seen him. When he was sure Naruto turned his attention to the fence, pushing on the bottom of a particular plant and smirking when it moved.

Quickly squeezing through Naruto paused just long enough to make sure it closed behind him before running off into the forest that took up the space behind his family's home, the shadows between the trees soon covering him as he disappeared from sight.

For the next half hour Naruto slowly made his way further away from his home and deeper into the forest, only stopping when he found a small clearing and could no longer hear the sound of the village behind him.

Licking his dry lips Naruto sat himself down in the middle of the clearing on a rock with a flat surface, taking the scroll out and unrolling it.

Naruto was about to start reading when he heard a noise coming from one of the trees around the edge of the clearing, and faster than his weak body should have been able pulled the kunai out of his pocket and threw it towards the sound with deadly aim. He had spent hours learning to throw that kunai while his parents were training his sisters, and it seemed to pay off.

He watched as what looked like a hawk fell out of the tree, the kunai having hit it right in the centre of its chest. As he walked over to retrieve his blade Naruto also noted with dull curiosity that it's left wing hand broken when it hit the ground, but didn't think any more about it was he wrenched his kunai out and wiped the blood off on the grass.

Returning to his previous position on the rock, Naruto turning his attention back to the scroll and slowly started to form the hand seal it said was needed to focus his unlocked chakra.

Closing his eyes Naruto turned all his focus inwards, looking for the 'streams of chakra' as the scroll called them running through his body like water. He started by feeling around his stomach for the mine pool of chakra, where all the small streams ran to and from. It was supposed to be the easiest to find because it was also the biggest, followed by the head and then the heart.

Slowing his breathing as he went deeper and deeper into himself, the world outside slowly started to fade away from his senses and Naruto found himself in a world of darkness. It was cold and dark, nothing around him and Naruto was starting to worry when it didn't change. This was supposed to be where his chakra was stored, the scroll said it should have been a blue light flowing like water in the darkness.

Panic starting to set in Naruto's mental image started to turn in every direction as his breathing picked up, looking around desperately for any sign of light until finally he stopped and just seemed to shrink into himself. His family was right, he was too weak to be a ninja. He couldn't even find his chakra, or worse yet he had so little it was invisible to him.

Naruto was ready to give up completely at that moment and was about to leave something in the dark grabbed his wrist. It felt like a hand, but was hard as stone and old as ice. He could almost feel the bruise forming under its grip as it started trying to pull him even deeper into the darkness. Eyes widening in fear Naruto tried to pull away from whatever it was holding him, the darkness hiding it from him. But it was too strong, its grip unyielding as it pulled him down.

This was impossible, he was in his mind.

Nothing else should be in his mind!

Naruto wanted to scream, but when he opened his mouth no sound came out.

Finally the thing let go of his wrist, Naruto quickly hugging it to his body as he tried in vain to see what had been holding it. He turned in every direction, unsure of what was up or down at his moment as his eyes shot about looking for movement in the darkness. However instead of movement, Naruto's eyes found something else. Something that made his heart skip a beat and tears form in the corners of his eyes.


Not blue like the scroll had said it would be, but a dark purple ball of light surrounded by what seemed like grey flames. It almost remained Naruto of an egg, but as he got closer it got larger and larger. By the time he was only a few feet from it, the egg looked to be the size of the Hokage Tower. As he slowly reached a hand towards the grey outline, Naruto noticed that his hand and arm were bleached of colour, like the negative of a picture.

All thoughts of whatever it had been that brought him here were gone from Naruto's mind, all his focus on the light as his hand slowly inched towards it. He let out a slight gasp as his palm hit the light and it turned out to be solid, with the texture of ice cold glass.

Naruto pushed against it slightly and was surprised to find that while it still felt as sold as glass, it gave slightly under the pressure like rubber. Pushing a little more, Naruto soon found the limit and frowned before trying to use both hands. It gave a little more until there was an indent about as deep as his elbows, before it pushed back and Naruto was thrown away slightly.

He tried again, only to be pushed back again as a deep frown grew on his lips and he started pounding against the light it little success.

"Your knife…use your kunai…"

Spinning around in fear, Naruto strained his eyes looking out into the darkness, trying to find what had spoken. The voice had sounded odd, like dry leaves in the wind and had sent a shiver down his spin. But no matter how hard he looked there was nothing, no movement just darkness stretching out as far as his eyes could see.

Slowly turning back to the egg, Naruto reached into his pocket and pulled out the kunai. How he still had it when was in his mind Naruto didn't know, but at the moment he really didn't care.

Liking his lips Naruto pushed the tip into the surface of the egg, feeling as it resisted slightly before cutting through. Smiling the he started using the kunai to cut a line through the light until it was almost as tall as him, before quickly putting the kunai back in his pocket. Not giving himself time to over think what he was out to do, Naruto pushed himself through the hole he had just make in the egg and plunged headfirst into the light.

For a moment Naruto was overcome with a feeling off absolute peace, warmth flooded his body and for the first time it didn't make him uncomfortable. All the aches in his body he had grown used to for as long as he could remember were being soothed away, all pain and sadness gone…

…only to be replaced by new pain.

It hit like a hammer, slamming into his body and knocking the wind out of him. Burning, he was burning from the inside. He could feel as the fire burned its way through…something, like veins inside his body that he had never known about and didn't carry blood. His mouth opened in a silent scream as his fingers dug into his body trying to get the fire out.

Naruto was burning for a few second, before finally his mind could take no more and simple blacked out.


When Naruto woke up he knew he was back in his body in the real world, mostly because of the feel of the cold stone under him. He pulled in deep, wheezing breaths as he used his hands to push himself up into a sitting position. His body ached more than he could ever remember it doing, and although the fire was no longer raging through him he could still feeling something moving around in its place.

When he finally opened his eyes the world was spinning, or maybe it was his head. He couldn't think very clearly yet, the memory of the pain running through his now numb body was clouding his thoughts.

Yet at the same time he was aware of everything around him, the sweat dripping off his skin and hitting the rock underneath him.

The wind pushing its way through the trees and their leaves, whistling as it passed his ears. He could…feel, every living thing in the forest around him. He could feel the birds in the trees, the deer moving as a group not a hundred meters from where he was. Naruto could feel every insect in the grass and under the ground, he knew the exact number of every ant in three different colonies in the clearing around him and feel as they worked tirelessly. A beehive hanging on a tree to his right, thousands of bees flying in and out in a constant stream.

It was all just so much.

Slowly Naruto started to calm down, pull himself together to a point he could think somewhat clearly again.

If he stayed out too long one of his sisters might decide to check on him, and it he wasn't there they would go straight to their parents who would probably forma whole search party to find him.

That was the last thing he needed.

Slowly getting to his feet on legs that felt like water under his weight, Naruto was about to start making his way home when he noticed something odd. Floating above the hawk he had killed was a strange, blue ball with a pure white core. At first he had trouble focusing on it, his eyes blurring slightly, but the more he tried to see it clearly the clearer it became. It looked a lot like the egg he had found in his mind, though a lot smaller and different colours.

Unknown to Naruto was that fact that was his eyes were adjusting to the point they could see the egg, his irises had leaked out and covered his eyes until they were nothing but two pools of darkness. When added to his usual thin and pale appearance, it gave him the appearance of skeleton with nothing in its eyeholes.

For about a minute Naruto had just stared at the ball, transfixed at the pale light it gave off shined in his eyes, unaware of the changes or even that he had been slowly walking towards it.

Then Naruto was suddenly struck with a craving, his mouth dry as he licked his lips. He didn't know what this thing was, if it was dangerous or some kind of Jutsu he had never heard of, but there was one thing he did know. The pale blue egg made out of light was the most delicious thing he had ever seen, and he wanted nothing more than to eat it whole.

Slowly reaching out towards it, Naruto wrapped his hands around the orb and pulled it towards him.

It was bigger than he had first realised, but still only the size of a duck egg and for a moment he was worried he wouldn't be able to fit it in his mouth, because something inside told Naruto he needed to swallow the thing whole. But he didn't care, he was so hungry and the egg looked so good.

Bringing it up Naruto opened as wide as he could, not realising his mouth had opened to twice what should have been possible, and shoved the egg in. For a moment Naruto feared he was going to choke as he tried to swallow, the orb seeming to get stuck in his throat, but then he felt it moving and when it passed his windpipe the young blonde took in a deep breath.

Then he felt it.

The moment the orb hit his stomach, Naruto felt his chakra increase ever so slightly, a cold sensation spreading through his body as it seemed to dissipate inside him and add to his reserves. He felt as the new pathways he had just opened pulsed, and couldn't help the pleased sigh that escaped his throat was for the first time in his life Naruto's body didn't hurt.

He had done it, he had unlocked his chakra. Now his family would see that he wasn't weak, and that they would have to train him just like his sisters. He could be a ninja just like his father and protect the village.

Licking his lips Naruto opened his eyes to relive that they had returned to normal, turned to the direction of his home and started walking.

By the time he had gotten home the adrenalin rush from activating his chakra had worn off, and the moment he reached his bed Naruto collapsed onto it and was asleep the moment his head hit the pillow.


The next day Naruto was woken up by the sound of someone banging on his door and calling his name over and over again, and though it took a moment for his mind to fully wake up he easily recognised the voice of his sister Erza and let out a groan.

He didn't hate his sisters or anything, though they weren't as close as they had once been. When they were younger he did everything with them, hell he would go to them if he had a nightmare in the night instead of his parents. But then they had started training and he was left out, their parents refusing to even consider letting him join.

That was a year ago and since then he had become…distant from Erza and Mito. Not that either of his sisters actually noticed, there were too busy training to realised he was being left out.

It wasn't fair that they were being trained while he was being treated like glass, and even though they tried to spend time with him they were usually busy with something to do with training. But that was going to change now he had unlocked his chakra, now he could train with them. Then there was the fact he wanted to ask his parents what that weird egg he had swallowed last night had been, the fact he had done something so stupid scaring him.

His back clicking as he got out of bed still dressed in the clothes he had worn last night, Naruto moved to the door and opened it. He was a little surprised to see that not only Erza standing on the other side but Mito as well, both smiling at him.

Mito was the first to step forward and pull Naruto into a hug, though the blonde was annoyed when he noticed that she was being overly gentle. Still treating him like glass…

"Happy Birthday Naruto-Onii!"

It took a moment for the words to sink into his head, though he did notice Erza taking Mito's place and hug him.


Both girls frowned at him, Erza stepping back from the hug so she was once again next to Mito and place her hands on her hips in a way Naruto had seen their mother do.

"Really Naruto-Onii, you should get out of your room more often if you don't even know it's our birthday."

"If I had a reason to leave my room more often maybe I would…"

His comment was met with uncomfortable silence, both girls suddenly looking…guilty? Maybe they weren't as clueless as Naruto had first thought, they at least realised what he was hinting at.

But as quick as it came the moment was gone and Mito was bouncing on the balls of her feet and grabbed his arm, pulling him out of his room and towards the stairs.

"Come on Naruto-Onii, mum and dad are waiting for us downstairs. Don't forget we still have to get everything ready for our party, everyone is coming."

Naruto's face darkened slightly at the mention of the arty, not that either of his sisters seemed to notice as he whispered under his breath.

"You mean your party…"


Throughout the day Naruto had tried to talk to either his mother or father with little successes, at least beyond them saying happy birthday. When they weren't telling him to eat to help keep his strength up, they were moving around the house setting up everything for when the clan heads and their children arrived for the party.

Since they were young the clan heir and the Namikaze triplets had been forced to interact with each other, their parents trying to ensure they would all get along when they were older and running the village. Naruto was sure the fact at least all of the main clans had children the same age was not a coincidence.

However out of all of the other clan heirs the only one there age that Naruto actually got along with was Shikamaru, and even then they only ever played chess.(1) Shikamaru was winning at 34 wins to Naruto's 17, but according to the lazy boy he was the only person outside his clan that had ever beaten him.

He did however get along well with Itachi, the older of the Uchiha children. While they didn't speak often the few times they did Naruto enjoyed his company, and the older teen was probably the only person that didn't treat him like he was made of glass.

His brother on the other hand was a whinny little mummies boy, that followed his brother around like a shadow. Unfortunately he was also one of Erza and Mito's best friends, so he was around more often than not.

Naruto was still trying to talk to either both or even one of his parents when the party started, and it was all but hopeless then because they were too busy talking with the other adults. Naruto just found a quiet corner of the room to sit in and watch as his family moved around the room, laughing and talking to everyone.

No one seemed to even notice him other than Shikamaru sending him a nod with his usual bored expression on his face, though he thought he saw his sisters sending him the odd look out of the corner of their eyes.

"Happy Birthday Naruto-san."

Slowly turning to look at the person that had walked over to him while he had his eyes closed, Naruto let a small smile cross hi lips when he saw the ever stoic Itachi taking the seat next to him.

"Hey Itachi…thanks I guess."

They sat in silence for a few minutes after that, both simple watching the other people in the room until the older teen finally spoke again.

"I see you found that scroll I recommended, I can see it flowing through your body. Though it is a…odd colour for some reason."

Looking at the teen out of the corner of his eyes, Naruto wasn't surprised to see his eyes flashing red as they stared at him.

It was true Itachi had told him which scroll he needed to find to unlock his chakra, not that anyone other than the two of them knew this fact. While everyone else saw him as nothing but a weak sick little boy, Itachi said he saw Naruto's potential and that he wanted to help insure he could reach it. He told Naruto what scrolls to read, recommended different training methods that he would be able to do until his body was stronger and even showed him the proper way to throw the kunai he stole.

Making sure not to look like they were doing more than exchanging pleasantries after seeing his mother glancing in their direction, Naruto gave a small nod.

"I was able to sneak out last night and unlock it, though it wasn't exactly like the scroll said it did push me in the right direction."


It was then that Itachi reached into his pocket and pulled out a fist sized scroll, placing it on the younger blondes lap.

"Your Birthday present, your room looked a little bare the last time I saw it and I thought you might like something to put on the wall…"

Raising an eyebrow at the teen's words, Naruto unrolled the scroll to see the kanji for the words 'Underneath the Underneath'. It was a popular saying in Konoha o look underneath the underneath to find the truth, and was one of his favourites. There was a little string on the top so it could be hung, and Naruto was sure Itachi had written it himself.

However it was what was on the back of the paper that really caught his attention, a small smirk creeping onto his lips before he pushed it down. On the back of the scroll was a storage seal, small enough that it would go unnoticed unless you were looking for it and invisible when he hung it up.

Naruto already knew that his real present was sealed inside it, most likely so his parent or sisters didn't find it and try and take it off him. That was why Itachi had asked about him unlocking his chakra, he wanted to make sure Naruto would be able to open it later when no one was watching.

"Thank you, I think you might be right and my room could do with a little personality."

His only response was a nod, before Itachi stood up and walked off without a word.


The next hour or so was mostly the same was the first for Naruto after Itachi left, though his sisters and a few of the other clan heirs had come over at one point to talk to him.

Naruto knew he made the others uncomfortable, they didn't know how to act around him and were worried about offending his sister or even his parents by saying the wrong thing. His usual sickly appearance had that effect on a lot of people, both kids his own age and the adults. He was the son of two powerful ninja one of which was the Hokage himself, and he being so weak and sickly didn't fit with their idea of what a son of Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki-Namikaze should be.

Even his Godfather Jiraiya acted weird around him, if not outside tried to ignore him. The pervert would spend most of the time during his visits either talking with his father and sister, or perving on his mother only to get his arse kicked.

Even know Naruto saw the man's face swollen after his mum punched him for making a comment about her body, still smile and talking to people as if nothing was wrong even as it started turning purple as the bruise formed.

Naruto was about ready to head up when the sound of a glass ringing reached his ears and he turned to see his dad in the middle of the room, his mum stood next to him with a large smile as everyone turned to look at them.

"Attention everyone, I have an announcement! Erza, Mito could you come over here for a moment?"

Naruto watched with narrowed eyes as his sisters moved to stand in front of their dad, getting up from his seat and moving closer so he could see as the crowd started to block his view. He went mostly unnoticed as he watched his dad knee down in front of his sisters while there mother continued to look on with a proud expression on her face, and when he saw it Naruto felt a ball form in his stomach.

"Now after talking it over with your mum, and seeing how much work you have been putting into your training we both agreed you are ready. So first thing tomorrow, I am going to start teaching you both the Rasengan! Happy Birthday girls!"

The room burst into cheers as Mito and Erza both started grinning and hugged Minato, Kushina soon bending down and turning it into a group hug.

Naruto felt the ball in his stomach explode, spreading numbness around his body as the room around him started spinning. He saw Itachi watching him while leaning against the wall to his left with his usual blank expression, his eyes flashing red for a moment as if waiting to see what Naruto was going to do.

When the room finally did stop spinning around could only feel numbness for a moment, only for it to be replaced by cold rage.

Naruto went to step forward only for someone to grab his arm and hold him in place, and he wasn't overly surprised to see it was Shikamaru. The usually lazy boy was giving him a worried look while his hand gripped his arm in an iron grip, shaking his head slightly as his eyes moved from Naruto to his family as they pulled away from the hug.

"It's not going to change anything Naruto, just let it go…"

For moment Naruto thought about listening to his friend's words, the rational part of his mind telling him Shikamaru was right and that it would change anything. But the other part of his mind, the part consumed by his anger was louder.

Jerking his arm from Shikamaru's grip, Naruto turned his glare on the boy and snarled slightly. However what he didn't know was that as he glared, his eyes started to bleed to black. The young Nara's eye's widened in shock and he backed away in slight fear, but in the time it took him to blink Naruto's eyes were back to normal and he was moving towards his family.

It wasn't until he was stood right in front of them that Kushina noticed him, by which point he had set his face into a blank expression. For a moment he saw her eyes widen at him, like she suddenly realised he was there before they moved to the others then back to him. He saw the flash of guilt in her eyes, but it was only there for a moment before they seemed to harden with resolve.


He didn't give her the chance to make an excuse.

"Are you going to lie to me again and claim the Rasengan is part of their training to help control the fox's chakra?"

His words seemed to be getting the attention of several other people around the room, and Naruto could see it was making his mum and now his dad uncomfortable.

"Naruto-kun please, we can talk about this later…"


Now everyone's attention was on him, including his wide eyes sisters.

"You always say we'll talk later, or that you need to focus on Erza and Mito's training because of that bloody fox! I've had enough or your lies! I've had enough…just tell me the truth. You were never going to train me, were you…?"

Silence, heavy and thick silence settled throughout the whole room like a too warm blanket. Naruto could see the adults sending each other looks…yet no one seemed surprised to hear his allegations against his parents.

Finally after what seemed like forever Minato stepped forward, standing between Naruto and the rest of their family and sending Naruto a sad look as he sighed. Naruto could also see Jiraiya moving to stand next to his father, his face stern but mostly blank.

"Your right Naruto…we never intended to train you. But you have to understand why, understand that your condition makes it too dangerous. Your body is too-."

"Weak! That's what you think isn't it, that I'm weak."

The words seemed to hit his family like a physical blow, making his Minato flinch while Kushina, Erza and Mito looked away from him. Finally it was Jiraiya who snapped, stepping forward and starring at Naruto with an impassive face that made the young blonde's body tense.

"That's exactly why kid, you are weak. Your body is not strong enough to go through the strain of Shinobi training, you can barely carry yourself from day to day. It's time you saw the truth Naruto…you will never be a ninja…"

Naruto had started taking steps back the more Jiraiya spoke, his words ringing in his head over and over. The tears he had been holding for so long finally started to escape his eyes and stream down his face as people backed away from him, no one seeming to be able to look him in the eye as he ran from the room.


(1)- I don't know the pieces or how to play shogi, so instead am using chess. Deal with it! :P

So this chapter ended up being longer than I thought it would :)

Hope you all like it, I tried to make it a little more believable then the first version.

Jiraiya is not a bad guy in this fic. He simple did what he knew Minato and Kushina couldn't and tell Naruto the hard truth, at least as they all see it. To him it was a mercy, and while cruel necessary.

There have been a few people PM'ing me about not deleting the original version, so I have decided to put up a poll.

Understand that the old version will not be updated either way, this poll is too decided if it id deleted or not.

Let me know what you think of the chapter :)