Hey readers!

Sorry for not updating in... over almost a year and a half, however, I've run into a dilemma and wasn't sure how to go about this story and continuing it. I learned new writing styles since I started this story and there are things I don't like about it that I want to change.

So, I wanted to run this by you to hear your thoughts on the matter.

I've had other ideas that fit into this story, I couldn't decide as to whether I wanted to rewrite this story with these ideas in mind or start a whole new story. I like the idea of Anakin being Vader, suitless and young when he's found without the Jedi interfering but I had other ideas and here is a brief summary of what I have:

Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader- Emperor of the Galactic Empire (Outer Rim Territories/Unknown Regions)

Born in 41.9 BBY on Tatooine to Shmi Skywalker, Anakin was always a miracle child. He was born of a virgin birth, fatherless without an explanation as to how he came to be. Shmi wouldn't tell people, and nobody really asked. She was a slave, Anakin was born into slavery but that wasn't his destiny.

Anakin was only two years old when he first killed and he hadn't even realized it. Nobody did. When he was four, he killed again and this time it was of his own free-will. He was angry and lashed out, invading the mind of the culprit and literally imploded his mind.

His mother always knew he was capable of things beyond her imagination and understanding but she knew what he did and tried to help him. She knew it was his anger that took control of him when he killed, so she tried to help him control his anger. She tried to help him find a release for that anger that didn't result in killing.

It didn't work, he was too emotional and when he was six years old, he killed again. This time, it was Watto and the sentence for killing your Master was death. Shmi did what she could, she looted Watto's money (and stole his slave transmitter remote for both her and Anakin) and was taking Anakin and running away with him, to protect him and keep him safe but before they could hire a smuggler or pilot to fly them away, they were found.

They were captured and brought before Jabba the Hutt where Anakin was sentenced to death for killing his Master and Shmi was to watch her son die and then killed after for trying to help him escape. Anakin knew they were in trouble and did what the voices in his head whispered. He knew he was stronger than them, he knew they should be bowing to him. He knew he could kill them without moving a muscle. Giving them a chance to continue living, they laughed at him and then Jabba gave the order to his henchmen to execute him by pushing him onto the hidden trap door where Jabba would feed him to his pet Rancor.

Anakin made his move and within minutes, everyone in the room was dead except for him and his mother. Little six year old Anakin did what nobody else ever could, not even the Republic who just left them to run the Outer Rim.

Word spread fast, Anakin was the new ruler. His name was known and word spread beyond Tatooine. Word even got to the Jedi Order and to the Sith who all felt the deeply seeded hatred, anger and pain. All manifestations of the dark side and one that the Sith wanted.

Tatooine was his home, Anakin remained there and ruled. He was the de facto ruler and whenever someone tried to off him, he killed them and had their bodies sent back to those who hired them and as he grew older, people learned to fear him. It didn't take long before bounty hunters and mercenaries refused to go after him, only the young, stupid and brazen ones would and would end up dead as a result.

There was only one thing in the galaxy that Anakin loved and cherished above all others and that was the only person who loved him for who he was and is and had always protected him and did her best to keep him safe. He knew he was a monster, one who killed without hesitation or remorse. He may not have killed unprovoked but he did kill and liked it. He got off on the pain they endured and he got off on causing the pain. He knew he shouldn't feel that but how could he not? It was so alluring and the voices in his head always begged for more and celebrated when they got what they wanted. The power he felt, also increased as he gained strength and every time he used the power, it increased.

He didn't know anything about the Force of the Sith or that that is what he essentially was. He didn't use the light side, he only had love for his mother and that was all he felt capable of. As time went on though, he felt he deserved more and he truly wanted more. Ruling a planet like Tatooine wasn't enough, he wanted a challenge and that is what he sought.

The Hutt's wanted to take him on? He brought the fight to them. He started his own organization and that organization grew into a government of people that had his back, supported him and equally wanted the Hutt's gone. His campaign started with an attack on Nal Hutta and then Nar Shaddaa and it went on and on until he had the whole Outer Rim under his control.

Power was consolidated under him and he didn't hide who he was. During this time, he practiced his powers and learned more and more on his own. He was self-taught though the voices in his head also taught him. He was given a Sith name and taught the ways of the Sith by this voice, he was named Darth Vader, Sith Lord.

Death Vader though was a secret name to him, he didn't tell others of that name or the fact that he was a Sith, he just didn't hide his powers or what he was capable of. The Jedi and the Sith destroyed all public knowledge of the Sith anyway, so it wasn't hard to conceal what he truly was.

In the beginning of the story, Anakin is the Emperor of the Galactic Empire. He reorganized his government into an Empire and named himself Emperor.

With the help of some advisors including his mother, he formed a Senate comprised of representative of the worlds and sectors in the Outer Rim. Slavery was abolished and outlawed with the penalty for being a slaver being automatic death. Former slaves call Anakin, the breaker of chains. Others call him a god, especially after his eyes turn golden-red when he's angry and those people worship him as a God Emperor.

Galactic Empire

Skywalker's Empire is different from the Galactic Empire of canon. He's a Sith Lord, not known as Darth Vader but as his birth name of Anakin Skywalker. He is the Emperor of the Empire he formed with the help of bounty hunters, mercenaries, slaves (that were freed by him) and by the people that live in the Outer Rim.

They overthrew the Hutt's and the slavers, killing them all or driving them out of the Outer Rim Territories which is where the Empire rules. The Empire also rules part of the Unknown Regions and is actively expanding in that direction, as it is largely unknown.

The Empire was officially reorganized and called the Empire in 24 BBY, when Anakin was just seventeen years old. He formed the Imperial Armed Forces at the same time and has two branches of military. The Imperial Army which make up the ground forces and the Imperial Navy which makes up the air and space forces.

Bounty hunters help with certain missions and work with Imperial Intelligence. Mercenaries help with certain missions and some form elite units, like the Sun Guard which swore allegiance to Anakin (as they're a Sith cult and believe in him and his mission). The Sun Guard have different elite units with one being the Emperor's Royal Guard who protect the Emperor and others he may assign them too. They also have units for sabotage, infiltration and assassination missions.

There is more to it than this but this is just the brief summary. There are a lot of holes up there that I am leaving, I wouldn't want to ruin the backstory but that is essentially what the summary is. The beginning of the story would be taking place when he's 19 years old, Emperor of the Galactic Empire (which is just in the Outer Rim and some parts of the Unknown Regions) and the galaxy is falling into turmoil because of the threat the Empire poses to the Republic and because of the Republic and Jedi's possible threat to the expanding Empire.

This story will be in the first person present tense pov of Emperor Anakin Skywalker (who is essentially like Darth Vader but not formally a Sith, we'll get into that backstory part later) and this is also an Anidala story. The Jedi and Republic will obviously want to open up diplomatic talks with the Empire and I'm sure you can guess who the Republic's Ambassador will be, or at least one of them.

This isn't just a drama or romance though, it is many and this Empire is different than that of the Empire we know for the obvious reasons. It should also be noted that Palpatine is dead, as well as Plagueis.

What do you think of this idea? Please review and let me know! Thanks!