In the mornings, we roll over in each other's arms, finding our lips for a kiss before beginning our day. At school, we watch each other out of the corner of our eyes, carrying on conversations with friends but dreaming of our next moment alone. In the Host Club, we play the games we've always played, but they are so different now. When Kaoru becomes afraid, I grasp his hands, and I'm transported back to our bed, where I fall asleep wrapped in his arms, his hands in mine. His face will come close to mine, and I remember his soft kisses on my jaw as we laid in bed the night before. He'll puts his hand on my neck, and I shiver, my body remembering how he loves to tug my hair, right at the nape, when he's on top.

This is our life now. We play games during the day, and play ourselves at night. And strangely, we wouldn't have it any other way. For every night, when we crawl into each other arms and turn off the lights, we know that our love is ours and ours alone.

A/N: Thanks to everyone who reviewed and followed the story! It was great fun to write. As always, feel free to review, PM, send me your final thoughts, etc. If you have any requests for future stories, let me know, I can use the inspiration!

As for my next project - I'm working now on an adult version of the Little Mermaid, so stay tuned!