Jace kneeled down beside the pyre holding Robert Lightwood's body, on the pyre beside his was Maryse's. He laid a bunch of white flowers on the dry wood, then did the same with Maryse's. He stood up looking at the two people he knew as parents after he was brought to the Clave. He turned and looked at Alec who had his arms around a sobbing Isabelle. Magnus stood beside them looking helpless holding Salene's hand.

Jace walked over to Salene and knelt down. "Do you want to say goodbye to your Grandparents?" He asked.

Salene nodded somberly. She held two bunches of white flowers. Jace took her hand and led her to where he had put his flowers. "Do you remember why we do this?" He asked her.

The seven year old paused and thought for a moment playing with her long red braid. "We burn the bodies so that their ashes and bones can be given to the Silent Brothers so they can build their city and make the Shadowhunters stronger."

Jace smiled. "That's right."

She placed a bunch of flowers beside each pyre and stood up brushing off her white mourning dress. It was brand new and she didn't want to ruin it.

"After the funeral we'll go see how Mom's doing okay?" He said picking her up.

A smile brightened Salene's face. "Okay." She agreed.

He carried her over to stand beside Isabelle and Alec. He could feel the pain Alec was feeling. Alec had been quiet and somber since his parents were killed in an attack on the Institute by the Unseelie Court. They had been in Idris when the attack occurred, and he knew Alec blamed himself for leaving them unprotected. Clary had been gravely injured in the attack, but managed to make it through the portal before it closed landing in Lake Lyn. She'd been at the Basilias ever since fighting fever and hallucinations ever since.

Jace had been called to several meetings while Clary recovered. The Clave was now making plans for war and they wanted only the best strategists to plan their next move.

"Alec," Jace said quietly putting his hand on his shoulder.

Alec looked over at him; he could see the dark circles underneath Alec's eyes. He'd been walking the halls of the Institute at night. The Clave had asked him to take over until a new Guardian could be assigned. He'd reluctantly agreed.

Brother John came and lit the pyres; he raised his arms committing the souls of Maryse and Robert to the heavens. Isabelle sobbed even harder. Jace put Salene down leaving her in Magnus' care and put his arms around her. A tear slid down his cheek.

"Ave atque vale," he whispered.