Salene sat on Clary's lap reading the codex. "There sure are a lot of angels Mama."

"You'll learn the names soon enough." Clary said ruffling her hair. "It took me a long time to remember, but Daddy helped me and before I knew it I didn't have to think about the names."

"Daddy's really good at fighting isn't he?"

Clary smiled. "He's the best, but don't ever tell him I said that. He might get a big head."

"He'll definitely get a big head." Simon said from the doorway.

"Uncle Simon!" Salene cried and jumped off the bed to run to him.

Laughing he swept her up into his arms. "You are getting heavy young lady. How much pie have you been eating?"

She bent to whisper in his ear. "Uncle Magnus brings me apple pie every day don't tell Mama or Daddy."

He put his pinky up and she hooked hers through his. "Your secret's safe with me."

"I don't like the sound of that." Clary said grinning.

"Uncle's privilege," Simon said winking at Salene conspiratorially.

"Why don't you run and find Daddy," Simon said. "I saw him going toward the kitchen."

Salene looked at Clary. "Am I done for the day?"

Clary nodded. "Yes my love, go on and find daddy. Tell him not to eat too many cookies."

Salene mock saluted and rushed out the door.

Simon laughed, "Cookies?"

"Yes, chocolate chip." Clary answered. "Tessa hired a new cook and Jace fell in love with her chocolate chip cookies."

"And you know this how?"

"I heard her scolding him in the kitchen."

"As if anyone scolds Jace,"

"Well Millie sure does." Clary laughed. "She threatened him with a wooden spoon."

Simon's eyes widened. "He's not afraid of her…is he?"

Clary shrugged. "I'm not sure, he does respect her though."

Simon winked at her. "Does he respect her, or her cookies?" Clary laughed. He sobered. "So there's the unspoken discussion of the angel….has he been sending you runes?"

Clary shook her head, "Only in my dreams."

"You haven't been practicing alone." Simon asked warily.

"No," Clary answered taking Simon's hand. "I think I'm better off practicing with my parabatai. Don't you think?"

Simon nodded. "I think that's a great idea."

I'm finishing this story here, there will be sequels once it starts speaking to me again. However look forward to an all new story coming soon.