Hey Everyone this is my new Buffy crossover. This one I will try and update a few times a month but my other stories will be updated more often. Anyway please review if you want me to continue with this.

Disclaimer: I do not own Buffy or Firefly nor any of the characters in this story.

PS: There is a little Avengers easter egg in this chapter see if you can spot it.

Sunnydale California – The Day the Hellmouth Fell

Buffy stares at the remains of Sunnydale with a smile on her face. It's over they had stopped the apocalypse, they had survived an unsurvivable war with The First. It was over. She no longer has to fight, no longer has to sacrifice everything in her life for the sake of the world. Buffy Summers no longer has to live with the weight of the world on her shoulders. For the first time in a long time, Buffy feels free.

"Well, well, kid never thought you would actually destroy the whole town." Buffy spins around to see none other than Whistler standing behind her. She glares at the demon "What the hel—"
The demon just continues as though Buffy had never spoken "Damn and you blew my favourite coffee place up as well. You know how hard it is to find a decent coffee place with reasonable prices these days. In every town there is nothing but Starbucks."
As the demon pouts Giles comes over to the blonde slayer "Buffy, who is this?"
"Giles meet Whistler, Whistler meet Giles. Great now that you have meet we can get to the part where I rip out your ribcage and wear it as a hat." Buffy growls at the demon, currently playing with his hair.
Whistler looks up "Geez your still big with imagery I see. Glad to see that hasn't changed. Still slightly scary if you ask me though."
"I didn't ask you. Now why don't you tell me why your here, cause I'm starting to get irritated."
Whistler raises his hands in surrender "Ok, Ok before you start removing things I rather like. The guys upstairs wanna have a chat."
"Wait The Powers? They want to talk to us?" Willow asks as she steps towards them, Xander following her.
Whistler shakes his head "Not you." He gestures to the small group standing by the yellow school bus "Just her." Whistler points to Buffy.
Buffy's eyes widen "Huh?"
Whistler sighs and rubs the back of his neck "They have an offer for you kid. We gotta go right now. So I suggest you say your goodbyes, cause you ain't coming back."
"Again, I repeat an extreme huh?"
Whistler rolls his eyes "The big boys will explain once we get up there. Now say your goodbyes we got to get going, come on chop-chop."
Xander steps forward and glares at the demon "Who the hell do you think you are? You can't just tell Buffy that she is being...summoned by some douchebags in the sky. And that she won't ever be coming back."
Whistler stands up to Xander not backing down despite the height difference "Actually. I can. If Buffy doesn't go now, the Powers will just bring her themselves and lets just say they won't be too happy with you lot trying to keep them from their champion."
"Okay." Buffy interjects "I do not belong to the freaking power that whatever. I'm just me...I belong to – well me."Whistler turns back to Buffy "Girl trust me you will wanna hear what they have to say."

Buffy sighs knowing that she really didn't have a choice. She stares at the demon and huffs "Fine. I'll go talk to you oh so powerful bosses. You know after everything this deal better be sweet and involve some type of shopping trip."
Buffy steps around Whistler and walks over to her friends "So." The blonde says awkwardly "I guess I'll see you guys around."
Dawn practically runs at Buffy and throws her arms around her "I know you have to go but it still sucks, promise you'll be ok and will be back soon." Buffy pulls away from her younger sister "I love you, Dawn. Remember that." Dawn nods and steps away from her sister slowly and ends up crying on one of the slayers shoulders. Buffy turns to Faith. Faith gives her a smile "I ain't hugging you B."
Buffy chuckles "Wouldn't expect you too, F." Buffy then looks at the dark haired slayer seriously "Take care of them."
Faith nods "Will do. Try not to die out there and come back. I don't care what some scrawny ass little demon says, if you wanna come back you do just that."
Buffy gives Faith a small smile before turning to Willow, Xander and Giles. Buffy could not come up with anything to say she simply hugs them all and turns back to the demon keeping the tears from falling uncontrollably. "Let's get this over with." She says to the demon.
"Wow. Your enthusiasm is overwhelming." Whistler says sarcastically before offering his hand for Buffy to take. Buffy stares at his hand for a moment and quickly looks back at her friends, she takes several deep breaths then places her hand in his. The moment she does Buffy and Whistler disappear from sight.

"God, I hate teleporting! Teleporting equals bad in my book. Right up there with Evil Willow and The First, it's as bad as Farrah hair." Buffy moans as she wobbles due to the dizziness she was now experiencing. Buffy finally steadies her self, and looks around the room Whistler had brought her to. Buffy whistles "Wow." Everything in the room was white; from the walls, to the flowers on the tables. "Not what you were expecting kid?" Whistler asks.
Buffy shrugs "I just didn't think it would be so...so...white."
Whistler chuckles "Yeah bit much for my taste as well. Now come on we have business to attend to."
Whistler leads her to a another room, very similar to that of the one they were in originally. Inside is a woman with golden and silver skin. The woman turns to Buffy and Whistler "Ahh. Ms. Summers it is a pleasure."
Buffy gives the woman a small smile "Yeah, um...so who are you sorry?"
The woman clasps her hands together and smiles at the slayer "I am what is known as an Oracle, I am or at least I was a servant of The Powers That Be."
Buffy gulps "Was as in..."
The woman nods "Yes. Sadly I was killed by Vocah many years ago. Whistler leave us."
Whistler nods "See ya later kid." He says to Buffy before quickly leaving the room. Buffy turns to The Oracle woman "So, if your dead then how—"
"Ahh yes, The Powers have given me a body temporally so that I may speak with you in there place. Unfortunately there seems to be a problem in one of the other worlds that they had to deal with immediately. So instead you and I will be the ones speaking."
Buffy nods trying to absorb all the information "Cool. Okay then, so why exactly am I here."

The woman gestures at one of the chairs "Please sit. Oh and you may not worry about your wound any more, that has been taken care of." Buffy looks at the woman confused then quickly looks down to her own stomach, to see the sword wound she had endured during the battle had disappeared. "Wow. That's...wow."
The woman smiles "Indeed. Now please." She gestures at one of the chairs again. Buffy moves from her position and sits in the white leather chair opposite the Oracle.
"Now Ms. Summers you are here because The Powers require your assistance."
Buffy's eyes widen "Wait what?"
"After everything you have done, you have proven that you are the only one right for the job. By removing that ancient weapon from it's stone you have shown yourself as the greatest warrior or champion that has ever walked the earth."
Buffy looks at the woman confused "Yeah, I'm still not getting what this is all about."
The woman smiles "The Powers are prepared to offer you a choice. Almost two years ago you were ripped from your peace am I correct."
Buffy nods sadly "Yes." She said is nothing more than a whisper.
"By having your witch bring all the potential slayers to their full power. You no longer have to be their warrior. You and that weapon" She points to the Scythe in Buffy's hands "Are too powerful. It will disrupt the balance. Therefore the Powers are giving you an option: the first is to return to your rest."
Buffy's head shoots up but then she realises something "You said that The Powers required my assistance I'm guessing that has to do with the other option thingy."
"Quite right. You see in many years slayers no longer exist. Vampire and demons are no longer a danger. But there are new dangers in this world. There will be a war that will kill many. There will also be a girl one who will receive visions much like Whistler. The Powers ask that you go to this time and help as many as you can in this war and when the time comes protect the girl. She will be young and confused, she will need guidance. The Powers believe you can provide this."
Buffy can't believe it "So either I go back to wherever the hell I was before the whole grave digging thing, or I go to the future. What about my friends, my sister. Can't I go back?"
The Oracle shakes her head "Unfortunately no. By awaking those potentials there are many slayers. If you were still here with that Scythe as you call it, the balance between good and evil will tip. And it is not the time for the final battle between good and evil. The scale must stay equal. Which mean you must leave. The choice is yours."

Buffy stares at the woman, as she continues to sit in silence for what felt like at least 10 minutes. Buffy tries to contemplate her options she could go back to her peace something that had been torn away from her. She could be with her mother again, which was something she wanted more than anything. But then all Buffy can think about is the war and that girl. If she did this she can help during the war, try to safe as many innocent people as she could, she could help this girl. Buffy continues to think, for once this was really her choice there was no destiny, no prophecy telling her she had to do this, it was completely and utterly her choice. Buffy thinks of her mother, as much as she wants to be at rest finally, she knows what her mother would want her to do. It was in that moment that Buffy knows what she is going to do. She looks back at The Oracle "I'll do it. I'll help in this war, with the girl."
The Oracle smiles "Well then there is much we must do before we send you off. We will be sending you to a time a few months before the start of the war, while they are still recruiting." The woman gestures for Buffy to follow her, Buffy stands from her seat and follows the woman, and listens as she continues to inform Buffy on where she is being sent. "Now in this time people no longer live on the earth, people leave on a range of different planets."
Buffy's eyebrows shoot up "Wait, seriously?"
The Oracle chuckles "Indeed. Now we will input some history and facts into your mind so that you will be able to adapt much easier to this world."
Buffy nods "Okay. So tell me about this war."
"It is between the alliance and independents. The alliance well, you would think of them as a mix of The Old Watcher's council, as well as The Initiative."
Buffy sucks in a breath "Wow. I'm guessing that is bad."
The Oracle nods "Very much so. Fight with The Independents. Other than that you are free to start a new life, be who you want to be."
Buffy looks at the woman confused "What about the girl?"
"You need not threat. It is her destiny to find you. You do not need to do anything. Live your life. You are no longer bound by destiny we just request when she does find you, you protect her, teach her, until she no longer needs you."
Buffy stops in her place "I can do that." She smiles softly, for once the idea that she can actually have a normal life could actually become a reality. Once she helps this girl she can do whatever she wants.

The Oracle stops in a room full of clothes, some of which looked really weird to Buffy. There was even a leather catsuit with some eagle symbol on it. 'Weird' Buffy thinks. "These are clothes from every time, world and reality. We keep them here for situations much like yours."
Buffy nods "Cool. It's like my own personal, yet weird wardrobe."
The woman chuckles "What?" Buffy asks.
"It is rather interesting. The way you speak I have been told that you do that rather often."
Buffy gives the woman an odd look then continues to look around the room "So what's for little old me."

The woman walks towards the back shelf and pulls out a rugged black leather jacket as well as some cream cargo trousers and a black tank top. She walks towards Buffy and hands her the clothes "We will provide you with everything you need to purchase any other requirements that you may need, once you arrive." The Oracle gestures to a curtain. Buffy nods in understanding and heads behind the curtain and changes into her new clothes. Buffy looks down at her clothes after she dressed, she shrugs "It could be worse, I could be stuck in that leather cat suit. No thank you."

Buffy picks the scythe back off the ground and walks back over to the Oracle. The Oracle looks Buffy up and down before nodding "This will do." She then passes Buffy a bag for the Scythe, as well as some cash which looked really weird in Buffy's opinion. "Whistler!" The Oracle calls. A moment later Whistler appears in the middle of the room and looks at Buffy "Well, look you made their choice. Well done kid."
"There is one more thing you must know." The Oracle tells her. "People in this time, may share very similar characteristics with those you have seen before. There is a man, that looks exactly like the man Caleb that you battled. But you need not worry, he is not a danger to you, he fights on the right side." Buffy nods slightly creeped out, but she figures after the whole Willow vampire and the Buffy-bot thing she will be fine.
"In other words. Don't slice the man in half." Whistler adds.
Buffy turns and glares at him quickly before turning back to the Oracle. "What now?" Buffy asks.
The Oracle raises her hands, which were now glowing with a blue light "I will give you glimpses of this time you are going to. It will help you understand what has happened and how to live in this new world." Buffy nods. As soon as she does The Oracle places her hands on the side of Buffy's temples. Buffy froze as she sees images of other planets and ships.
When The Oracle finally removes her hands Buffy almost fell backwards, but Whistler stands behind her and stops her from falling "Woah kid."
Buffy shakes her head "I'm good."
The Oracle nods "It is time."
Buffy quickly turns to Whistler "Tell my family and my friends that I'm okay, please."
Whistler nods "I will kid. I'll be seeing you."
Buffy gives the demon a soft smile before turning back to The Oracle "Let me guess teleporting. Oh, joy." Suddenly a portal opens in front of Buffy, and the next thing she knows she is being thrown through it.