Tiberius had thought there was no chance that anyone could stop him now. However, just to be sure he had finished the job; he had Jarred pulling a train of gunpowder wagons back towards Vicarstown. Jacob, the class 14, was pushing from behind. What they didn't expect was to see Daniella up ahead, accompanied by Lady and Phoenix.

Then, to Tiberius' surprise, Jarred slammed his brakes on. "What are you doing?!" Tiberius snapped.

Jarred looked at Daniella for a moment, then said, "Thinking for myself for once!"

"Now is not the time! You have a job to do!" Tiberius barked. "That damned warship is right there! Finish her off! That's an order!"

"NO!" Jarred shouted.

"WHAT?!" Tiberius exclaimed.

"I SAID NO!" Jarred shouted at the top of his voice, "You've gone way too far with this! And you know what, The Reaper is RIGHT! You can take your orders and shove them up your fucking asshole!" At that, Jarred began to reverse as fast as he could.

"What do you think you're doing?!" Tiberius shouted.

"Putting an end to this! You've done more than enough damage, and You're not going to be doing any more!" Jarred said as he continued to push the train backwards. He struggled against his driver's controls, and against Jacob, who was trying to push the train forwards. However, the Deltic was strong, and soon they were barreling backwards down Gordon's hill. Jacob's brakes finally gave out, and they were soon out of control. Jarred smiled slightly as he saw Daniella following at a safe distance. Finally, they hit a curve. Jacob came off the rails first, followed by the dangerous cargo, which exploded upon impact.

Jarred heard the screams of his crew, along with Tiberius, as his back cab was torn apart by the force of the explosion. The pain was intense as his chassis was warped. He knew that Tiberius was dead; no one could have survived that crash.

As his vision began to fade, Jarred noticed Daniella approaching. He looked at her with deep regret, wishing that he'd turned against Tiberius sooner. "I…I'm sorry…if I could change what happened…I'm a monster…a murderer…a…" Jarred suddenly became silent. A single tear escaped his eye before his face stilled, freezing in an expression of pain and deep remorse.

Phoenix and Lady watched as Daniella reached out with her claw and gently closed his eyes. "C'mon, let's go back," she said glumly.

At the Dieselworks, cleanup had already begun. Those who hadn't been severely damaged had gone and gotten help. Both Rocky and the old breakdown crane were there, along with the Pack, and the entire Sodor search and rescue team. Diesel, Mavis, Thomas, Duck, Den, and Dart were all helping, having been lucky enough to escape with only minor damage. Sadly, not everyone had been so fortunate. James was lying in pieces, and Gordon lay lifeless on his side, with a huge portion of his face having been torn off.

Paxton was sobbing uncontrollably; he had never witnessed anything this horrific before. His cab had been severely damaged, and he had lost his driver. Though his injuries weren't fatal, he had lost far too much that day to be able to handle it.

Both Edward and BoCo had sustained severe damage, however Lorelei demanded that anyone who had even the slightest chance to be saved be restored, or at least have everything done to save them.

Diesel 10 was jolted awake by sudden movement. Wincing, he noticed that he was being lifted up by one of the cranes.

"Easy there, you'll be alright," a kind, feminine voice spoke.

Opening his eyes completely, Diesel 10 saw that it was the old breakdown cranes. With great care, they lifted the big diesel onto a flatbed, and he was moved out of the destroyed building by Dart. Then, Arry and Paul were pulled outside. Both of them were shaken and stunned, but not severely damaged.

Daniella, upon seeing her brother give her a reassuring smile, went to help with the cleanup. However, before she had a chance to do anything, she was caught off guard as a big blue engine bumped into her front end.

Dennis, upon seeing that Daniella was still in one piece, broke down in tears as he nuzzled and kissed her cheek affectionately. "You're alright—I was—I was afraid—I don't want to lose you! I already—I almost lost you once—" he sobbed.

"Sssshh, Dennis," Daniella said as she patted him gently with her claw, "I'm here to stay."

"You…you mean it?" Dennis said as he looked at her tearfully.

"Yeah, I really mean it. But now's not the time for makin' out. We can do that later, after all this mess is cleaned up," said Daniella.

Eventually, the aftermath of the worst disaster to ever hit Sodor was cleared up, and a new Dieselworks was built. James, Gordon, and Daniel had been killed in the blasts that had torn the place apart. Sadly, Oliver and Sidney later died, having been too badly damaged to restore. Diesel 10 was eventually repaired, and Paxton eventually got over the loss of his driver, and two of his brothers. He would always miss them, but deep down, he knew that wherever they were now, they were alright.

Paul's life was saved, though he could no longer run under his own power without risking becoming ill. He didn't mind though, after all, he got to spend his time with Paxton, and he ended up making a lot of friends.

Arry had changed his mind about giving up when the disaster had struck. Too many lives had been lost already, and he knew that he would be needed. Phoenix had also helped him realize that his twin wouldn't have wanted him to waste away.

Bill and Ben's frequent visits to the scrapyard helped to encourage others to visit, and eventually Madison was taken to Sodor and successfully restored. Derek died peacefully, shortly after his siblings had passed.

Both BoCo and Edward survived, and went on to advocate for fair treatment of engines. Overall, the wheels of change were in motion, and more railways began adopting policies preventing mistreatment of engines. On top of that, cruelty in scrapyards, though not illegal, was very much frowned upon, and most scrapyard owners ended up changing their policies.

For years to come, stories would be passed down about the Grim Reaper of the Other Railway. However, these stories were no longer horrid rumors about her hunting down shunters and viciously tearing them apart. No, these were stories about how she saved lives, stood her ground, and set things in motion by daring to think outside the box.