So! This is my first every anime fic, like ever! So please no flames, but I do recommend that you leave suggestions of improvement I could work on in the review section. Also this is a Non-Con fic (look it up if you don't know what it means) so if you're not interested in that kinda stuff. Well enough with my babbling and on with the story!

WARNINGS: Self-harm, violence, language, slash implications and later non-con.

DISCLAIMER: I don't own these volleyball wierdos.

Chapter 1 – Where this all started

It was a rainy day at Karasuno High School. Despite the depressing weather, everything at this high school seemed normal. Well, sorta normal.

School was almost over, and Volleyball Club was about to start. Finally the bell rang and the famous, idiotic duo was racing towards the school gym.

"I will never lose to you, King!" Hinata yelled

"Shut up carrot head, neither will I!" Kageyama spat back at Hinata.

As the two neared the gym, Hinata stopped with a sudden halt.


"What is it Hinata?"

"Sorry, Kageyama, but can you go tell our senpais that I will be late to volleyball practice."

"Why?" Kageyama asked.

"I think that I might have left my gym bag in my locker, I'll be right back!"

"You moro-"

Kageyama never got to finish his sentence. Instead he just sighed as he watched Hinata race towards the school. Kageyama just sighed and headed into the gym. He set his gym bag in the Club Room and headed towards the gym. He grabbed a volleyball and started spiking towards the wall.

15 minutes later

Tanaka and Nishinoya were the last Volleyball Club members to arrive at the gym. Hinata still hasn't arrived yet and Kageyama was starting to get worried. How long does it take to get a gym bag he thought?

"Oi, Kageyama, didn't Hinata come to practice early with you to the gym to start practicing a little early?" the captain of the team, Daichi Sawamura, asked.

"He said he left his gym bag in his locker but he hasn't come back yet, so I don't know where he currently is." As Kageyama finished his sentence, the whole gym fell into a state of silence. Everyone had worried expressions on their faces, even their sensei and coach. One might think that this situation isn't a big deal, but for Hinata this isn't considers normal of him.

Sugawara dashed to the Club Room and came back with Kageyama's cell phone. He then tossed it to him, who caught the cell the cell phone with ease.

"Call him, and see what's taking him so long. The rest of you, go on ahead and start practice while Kageyama is calling." Sugawara ordered.

"Aye." Replied the team

As Kageyama started dialing Hinata's number, butterflies started forming in his stomach. What if he doesn't answer he thought to himself.

The good news is Hinata actually answered.


"What do you mean 'Hello'. Hinata where the hell are you you dumbass?!"

"Oh… um well yeah uhhh about that."

"About what?"

"Can you please tell the coach that I won't be coming to practice today? I don't really fell all that well, and I just threw up. Since I don't feel well, I decided to leave early. I'm on my way home right now.

Kageyama was starting to get worried, because Hinata's voice sounded really shaky and broken. Sure he was sort of sick, but he's never heard his voice so depressing and scared before.

It's only because he's sick he told himself.

After of what felt like an hour of self-reassuring Kageyama finally began to speak.

"Uh…sure I guess." Was all that came out of Kageyama's mouth.

"Ok, thanks."

"Sure no problem, Hinata. Oh by the wa-"


The most cursed sound ever.

The sound of being hanged up on.

Lord help us all! Hinata just hung up. Sure, the conversation was practically over, but Hinata is not like that. Something was terribly off. Kageyama felt severely ill minded right now. He felt as if on the verge of feinting and falling over in front of all of his teammates.

"Um…Kageyama are you uh, ummmm, uhhh, how do I say this, alright?" Tsukishima asked sheepishly.

Sucks for him, because Kageyama completely ignored his question of semi-hospitality and sprinted towards his captain/senpai in a rush of panic.

"Hey Daichi-senpai, Hinata answered the phone."

"What did he say?" the captain asked Kageyama

"Well he answered saying that he didn't fell all that fell and asked for me to tell you that he won't be showing up to practice today. He also said that he is on his way home right now."

"Well that's too bad. Next time you see him tell him that I wish for him to get better soon."

"Sure thing. Oh and also I will be a little late, because I need to use the rest room. I promise it will be quick.

Kageyama didn't hear what his senpai had to say after that, nor did he care. His first priority was to find out if Hinata was ok. It was sort of a hunch, but Kageyama knew Hinata wasn't sick. This was off by a lot. Right now he was going to see if his hunch was correct. He sure wished it wasn't.

As Kageyama reached the hallway where Hinata's locker was located, he was beginning to panic. His heart was beating so hard and so fast he thought he would drop dead because of a heart attack right then and there. When he arrived at his destination panic spread throughout his body. He's never been this anxious and nervous in his entire life. Nope, not once not ever.

Kageyama's cold orbs stared at the steel locker, as if the locker and he where having an intense staring contest. He eventually gathered up all of his nerves and decided to do it. Yep. He was about to find out if his hunch was, in fact, a part of reality. He reached out his had to touch the cold, dark silver locker.

This is it, the moment of truth

With one sold swing the locker door was open, and the sight before Kageyama's cold, blue eyes was enough to make Kageyama, yet again, on the verge of feinting.




Kageyama was at a loss for words. His heart was pounding. Even though what lied ahead of him where normal, everyday items, they sure where scary as hell.

Inside Hinata's lockers was his gym bag and his cell phone.

This isn't right, this isn't right.

Yes, Kageyama, this is reality.

The gym bag that Hinata supposedly forgot in his locker and was to take home

And the cell phone that, supposedly Hinata, just called him on.

Sorry if the whole "Open locker thing" was a little too intense for just an opening for a locker. I tried to make it emotional. And also sorry if Kageyama was a bit OOC. By the way this is only a prologue type chapter. The next chapter will be what happened to Hinata, and the chapter after that will be the start of the real story! So stay tuned! The next chapter will be up really soon by the way. Hope you enjoyed this!