One Year Later

Our wedding day was perfect, and wouldn't have been possible without the help of our families. They planned most of it, while we dealt with classes, exams, tests and Edward's return to baseball.

Rose, Alice, Bree, and Vickie were in my wedding party, along with Heidi. His cousin's kids made the most adorable ring bearer and flower girl I'd ever seen. Jasper, Emmett, James, and Riley looked so handsome in their tuxedos, but Edward, Edward stole the show.

The look on his face, as I walked toward him down the aisle on my father's arm, would be one I cherished for the rest of my days. The absolute love on his face, his wide smile, and tearing eyes. Incredible.

We exchanged vows in front of one hundred and fifty guests. The reception was amazing; the food and speeches unforgettable. It was a day I would cherish and remember forever. We managed to go on a weekend getaway, before returning for our classes, but we were fine with that. We would go on a longer honeymoon when we graduated in a year and a half.

Some of our extended family thought we were crazy, getting married so young, and maybe we were. After Edward's near death experience, though, we weren't willing to wait to be together. We wanted to live together and wake up together—every day; call us old fashioned—which James and Vickie did—but we wanted to be married when we did so.

Whoever would have thought that on the first day of college at Harvard, alone in my dorm room with my brother Alec, I would see the man I would love forever? Certainly not me at the time. But now, I knew, it was meant to be.

It was going to be a wonderful life.

A/N: And that's all she wrote folks. No seriously. This is the end, my only friend, the end. Mad love to Kenny, Annie, Missy and Mid. They read my words, to make sure they make sense, and to make sure they are correct. Thank you to all who read and reviewed, and who read and didn't review. I appreciate you all. School is in full swing, and so is work, so there won't be anything more right now... but my motto is never say never, you may just see these folks again (I'm actually kind of shocked at the amount of people that are asking for EPOV now :D )