My Heart Don't Understand it

Chapter 1


Disclaimer: I don't own the characters or get paid to write this story. JE owns the characters, I just enjoy playing with them from time to time.


I finally told Joe, my on again/off again boyfriend that I would marry him. Ranger has been in the wind for almost three months and I didn't expect to see him anymore anyway since he sent me back to Joe after our one night together. Ranger was my mentor/partner who was helping me learn the art of bounty hunting. Joe and I were on a break at the time and I couldn't deny the attraction I felt for Ranger anymore. We had one glorious night together and then in the morning he had to ruin it by telling me to go back to Joe. I never told Joe why I suddenly said yes this time he asked me to marry him, I think it shocked both of us.

Joe wanted to elope as to avoid the whole 'burg wedding spectacle. I agreed and we had made plans for the following weekend to go to Atlantic City and tie the knot. I was trying to tie up loose ends and check things off my to-do list. I needed to go to the gyno for my check up and renew my birth control pills and I wanted to talk to her about them before Joe and I stopped using condoms. I was having really light periods the last few months and was feeling light headed and weak sometimes. I thought I needed a stronger dosage.

My doctor's appointment was at 10:00 am Tuesday morning. I sat in the waiting room impatiently tapping my foot waiting to be called back to the exam room. "Stephanie Plum," called the nurse at the door, so I got up and followed her down the hall and stopped beside the scales. "Let's check your weight, Stephanie, before we go in the exam room." Said Nurse Nora, waiting for me to step on. "Hmmm, it looks like you're up 7 lbs. from last year," she said, writing it down on my chart.

"Great," I said with a sigh. Just what I need, weight gain before my wedding, I thought.

"Ok, Stephanie, let's take your blood pressure, hop up on the table please." Said Nurse Nora kindly. "140 over 90. Let's check that again in a minute, it seems a little high. Go ahead and change into this gown for your exam. I'll come back in a few minutes." She said and left the room.

"Um, ok." Said Stephanie as she changed behind the curtain. The nurse comes back in after she changed and is sitting on the exam table. "Let's check your blood pressure again, I want to see if it is the same this time. Sometimes there is a high reading if the patient is nervous, just relax." She said patting her hand. "Well, it's still 140 over 90. I'm going to have you lie down on the exam table while you are waiting for the doctor. She will be with you shortly."

"Ok, I will rest a minute while I wait. I'm tired and haven't been sleeping well lately due to waking up in the middle of the night with really bad headaches." Explained Stephanie.

"How long have you been having these headaches?" Asked the nurse, concerned.

"Past couple of months," she said. "But I've been under a lot of stress at work."

"Well, just stay lying down until the doctor comes in, dear." Said the nurse, leaving the room and shutting the door behind her.

Dr. Ross comes in and washes her hands in the sink before turning to Stephanie. "Good morning Stephanie. Nurse Nora said your blood pressure was high and you've been having severe headaches? Is that what brought you in today?" Asked the doctor.

"No, I'm getting married next weekend and I wanted to check my birth control pills. I've had light periods the last three months and some light headedness as well as fatigue and the headaches." Stephanie explained to the doctor. "I didn't know about the high blood pressure until today."

"Before we change your birth control bills, let's do a pregnancy test. Some of the symptoms you described could mean you're pregnant." Said the doctor, getting a cup for Stephanie to pee in. "Slip into the restroom and pee in this cup and leave it on the shelf for the nurse to collect, then come back in here and lie down on the table. Let's find out what's causing your problems." She said kindly to Stephanie, patting her hand.

"Ok," said Stephanie taking a shaky breath as she sat up with the doctor's help.

"I'll be back in a few minutes Stephanie." Said the doctor, leaving the room.

Stephanie gets up off the table and takes the cup into the bathroom and pees in the cup. She places it on the shelf with shaky hands then washes her hands and goes back to the table and lies back down. Fifteen minutes later the doctor comes in and closes the door. "Stephanie, the pregnancy test was positive. Congratulations, you're going to have a baby. I would like to examine you then do an ultrasound to make sure everything is ok with the pregnancy."

"Good, I would like to know that too!" She said to the doctor.

After the exam, the doctor wheels over a portable ultrasound machine and takes the wand and puts a condom over it. "Relax your knees and prepare for a little pressure as I insert the wand."

Stephanie turns bright red as she realizes where the wand will go. "Is this really necessary?" She mumbles.

"Yes, this is the most accurate ultrasound for early pregnancy detection." The doctor said turning the screen around. "Right here is your baby, it looks like you are about 12 weeks pregnant, more or less. Almost through the first trimester."

"What?" Said Stephanie, sitting up on the exam table. "That can't be right. I would know I was that far along, wouldn't I? But that would mean….OH MY GOD" She said then started hyperventilating. "Oh, no, oh no!" She faints and comes to as the doctor puts a blood pressure cuff on her arm.

"You need to calm down, your blood pressure is very high Stephanie." Said the doctor. Stephanie starts hyperventilating again. "You don't understand, three months ago, I wasn't with my fiancé." She said with tears in her eyes.

The doctor puts the oxygen mask back over her nose and mouth. "You have to calm down or you're going to have to go to the hospital." Stephanie is crying hysterically now.

The doctor calls the nurse into the room and she calls for an ambulance to come get Stephanie. It doesn't take long for the ambulance to come and take Steph to the hospital. The doctor rides along with her.

They get to the hospital and take her to the maternity ward. Stephanie is still sobbing and hysterical. One of the Merry Men from Rangeman was in the lobby when they brought her in. He calls the control room. "Tank, Stephanie Plum was just brought in to the hospital on a stretcher. She was hysterical and crying and they had her on oxygen. I don't know what is wrong."

"Ok Binkie. I will send Bobby to check on her. Stay there until he gets there." Said Tank. "Ok, Tank, will do." He says hanging up.

By the time Bobby got there, finds her and gets to her room, Stephanie is somewhat calmer. The minute she sees Bobby though, she starts crying again. "Bomber, what's wrong?" He asks, going to her and wrapping her in his arms.

"I'm pregnant with Ranger's baby and engaged to Joe." She whispers. "What do I do now?"