Erin stumbled out of the room, her vision blurred by the tears. She wasn't really sure how far away she was going to run or where she would go if she did run, but she knew that she couldn't stay in there. Murdered. Camille had been murdered. I can't believe this, she thought to herself. How could this be happening? Why would anyone murder Camille? It didn't make sense. Camille had been a school teacher, how had this guy seen her as a target? Someone touched her shoulder and she jerked away. She didn't want anyone touching her! She just wanted to be alone! Before she knew what was happening, she was being pulled into a hug.

"I've got you," someone murmured and she tried to pull away. Jay. That was Jay. She didn't want him seeing her like this. However, he just tightened his grip on her. "It's okay. Let it out. I'm here," he assured. Damn, I can't even imagine what she must be feeling right now. If this had happened to my mother…he thought. Suddenly, he was glad that Dad had raised a stink when Mom had first been diagnosed, getting a second opinion and throwing his weight around.

"No. I-I don't want-" she began to say with a shake of her head.

"Hey. If I had just found out that my mother or someone I loved like a mother had been murdered, I'd be crying too," he responded and she sniffled and then threw her arms around him.

"I can't-I can't-" she let out a choked sob. She couldn't do this. She couldn't believe that this was real. It couldn't be real. Please don't let it be real, she thought. It was a nightmare that she wanted to wake up from. But it was no nightmare: it was real. Camille had been murdered: stolen from them and this guy had bragged about it. What were they going to do? How were they going to stop him? They needed to stop him. They couldn't let any other family go through this. "I can't believe-Oh damn. This is gonna kill Justin," she sobbed.

"Yeah," he said softly.

"It's not fair," she stated and then banged a fist on his chest. The action seemed to be a trigger for her and she continued the actions. "It's not fair! It's not fair! IT'S…NOT…FAIR!" the sentence ended in a wail and Jay tightened his grip on the woman. He wished he could think of something to say to her, but he knew that there wasn't anything. She just had to let her emotions out. And he wasn't going to stop her from doing that. She need this, he knew that. Erin continued to hit Jay until she ran out of steam and her breaths came in gasping gulps. It's not fair, she thought as she continued to cry. Why Camille? What had she ever done to anyone? She had never hurt anyone. Jay was silent, his eyes clouded in pain. He couldn't even imagine what she and Hank were going through. Hope this doesn't send her spiraling. We just got her back, he thought to himself. It had been hell watching her destroy herself after Nadia's murder and he didn't want to go through that again. Not that he would blame Erin for wanting to numb this out anyone she could. He'd probably want to do the same thing if he had been in the same position.

"We'll get this guy. We'll make him pay," he vowed. And they would: one way or another. If the system didn't catch this guy, Voight would probably toss him in the river with cement blocks tied to his feet. Hell, he'd help him push him in if he asked him to. Like he had told Erin, one way or another, they would make the bastard pay for stealing Voight's wife and taking her away from them. Erin didn't say anything, but instead, just stayed in Jay's arms, sobbing.