I do not own WWE the Wrestlers, the Diva's or their families, all I own is the plot and the story. Hope you enjoy and please review if you would like to see more. This will be the third and final sequel to my first story on Dean Ambrose, Called Retaliation, along with my second story called Darkest Hour. I hope to do it Justice for all those who love WWE as much as I do. Now then on with the story...

Bold underlined – Chapter Titles/Character's Perspective

Bold Italics – Memories

Italics – Thinking (In thought)

Previously from Darkest Hour - "You and your brother are going to learn one way or another who's in charge around here Roman. Even if we have to take drastic measures then so be it."

"I'm not backing down from this fight." "You know that's really too bad." Jon continued. "I mean really, it's not too late to run back and hide behind your little bitches back there." He said as the crowd cheered and laughed. Seth's eyes narrowed angrily as he yelled up toward the audience, "Shut up!" Then he turned his angry gaze toward Jon again, and said in a soft tone, "Don't you want to know how and what I know about your little secret Moxley?"

That set Jon off as he worked on maintaining control over his anger. He couldn't risk anything happening to Dean. "If you want to find out how and what I know, then you'll have to beat me first." Jon smiled dangerously as he got into the ring and up to Rollins so that both men were practically nose to nose with each other. "I can wait to send your ass streight to the hospital after this." Moxley said angrily as his hazel eyes narrowed in rage and anger. "Only if you beat me first."

"Great." Roman thought with a heavy sigh as he flopped down on the rolling chair infront of Hunter's desk. "What do I do now?" Just then the sound of the door opening, made the hairs on the back of Roman's neck stand on in as panic immediatly began to set in. Someone was coming in. He was about to be caught!

"Get the fuck out here and face me like a man Bray!" Bray shook his head. "Well, you know I would love to be down there to face you Jon, but unfortunatly, I have some buisness to deal with here." The sound of swirling wind cut Bray off as he laughed and Jon caught sight of thick black vines surrounding him as his brown eyes now suddenly shifted to a menacing purplish blue, which sent shivers of fear down Jon's back. What the hell? He wondered. What the hell is he doing? "Hope you enjoy the little gift I gave you Jon." Bray said letting out a sadistic laugh. Jon's body tensed in anger as Bray continued to laugh until the Titron went black.

He came up to the Authority's room, where he could see Roman falling backward with blood spraying from his chest. "ROMAN!" Jon shouted in horror as he ran over toward his fallen brother. Crashing down on his knees beside Roman, Jon immediatly began putting his hands over Roman's wound on his chest in a vain attempt to stop the gushing blood, as Roman looked up at him with his brown eyes full of shock and pain. Oh god no! Jon thought trying not to panic and stay calm. Was he going to die? He didn't want to think about what would happen if Roman died.

"No, Roman." Immediatly thoughts and flashes of Rachel shot through his mind and he had to do everything in his body to stay calm. If he lost control and went into a panic attack, he knew that it would be the end of everything. Not just Roman, but him and Jon. "Got any last words to say there son?" His father asked as Dean drew in ashaky breath. He couldn't let his father see him scared and wrecked with panic. "Yeah just one," Dean said trying to keep his voice calm and strong. "Fuck you."

"Like the present I gave you?" Just then he heard Bray's voice as the Eater of Worlds now appeared out of nowhere and stood beside Dean as he tried not to flinch in fear as he looked down at Roman, who started to cough up blood. "This is all apart of your plan?" Dean asked now looking up at Bray just in time to see his now purplish blue eyes glow supernaturally. "What the hell are you Bray?" Bray let out a laugh.

"Don't you get it Dean? I'm not human. My family and are not human. We're demons." Demons? Dean tried to shake off the feeling of fear that coursed through him as he now saw the rest of the Wyatt's now appear and they all circled around him. "Don't worry Dean, you'll be seeing your sister very soon." Bray said with a laugh as Dean turned his head back toward his father again and the last thing he heard was the sound of a gunshot ringing out followed by a blanket of darkness covering his vision.

NOW onto Lockdown Asylum...

Chapter 1 - Fighting for Survival

There was a blur surrounding him as Dean opened his eyes to find himself in a dark room. The only visible ray of light was coming from the moonlight shining in through the window beside him. Where the hell am I? He wondered looking at the window and seeing bars on it. He had no idea how long he had been out for, or even what day, month, time, or even what year it was. Where the hell am I and what the fuck had happened? He closed his eyes for a moment as he tried to recount all that had previously happened. He istantly saw images of seeing Roman, his brother in arms lying on the ground on of the Authority's office, with his father being risen from the grave with a shotgun rifle aimed at his face, then suudenly Bray Wyatt's face appeared in his mind with his glowing purplish blue eyes glowing unaturally. Just then Dean opened his eyes again with a sharp gasp. "Roman." He whispered.

As his eyes now came back into focus, he could see that he was in a white room. Glancing over his shoulder toward the door, he could see that it was white like the rest of the room with a barred window on the front of it. Great. Dean thought sadly. I'm in a damn psychiatric hospital. He raised up in the bed feeling sharp waves of pain in his head, back, and torso, and glancing down at himself he realized his entire torso was bandgaged up and soaked slightly in dark blood. How the hell am I still alive? He wondered remembering that his father had shot him in the head. How the hell is this even possible? Swallowing deep breaths as sharp waves of pain flowed through his body as he tried to move, he knew what he had to do. He had to find Roman, and he prayed that his brother was somehow still alive. If he could survive, then was it possible that Roman could too? He knew he had to believe it.

After getting shakily to his feet, he wobbled his way toward the door, trying to keep his balance as he did so. His vision wavered but he didn't care. He shook his head trying to clear it as he reached out for the door knob and turned it. Surprised he let out a gasp as he realised the door wasn't locked as it opened with ease, and he now found himself looking around a dimly lit hallway. Carefully looking around, he felt a slight twinge of fear when he didn't see anyone walking around. What the hell is going on? He wondered.

Shutting the door carefully behind him, he saw a nurse's station not that far away and saw that no one was there. "What the fuck is going on?" He murmured to himself. "Where the hell am I?" Suddenly he felt an unknown presence behind him followed by a tap on his shoulder. Whirling around in a panic, he quickly grabbed ahold of the figure behind him and ran into the nearest wall. A Quick groan of pain quickly told Dean that it was a man and a hiss of anger made him blink in confusion as he looked to see a pair of ice cold blue eyes staring back at him. "Randy?"

The viper's eyes flashed angrily as he looked the Lunatic Fringe up and down as Dean let go of him. "Who the hell'd you think it was Ambrose?" He said angrily. "Damn." Dean gave him an apologetic glance as he asked, "I thought I was alone, what are you doing here anyway?" Randy shrugged his shoulders in response. "Don't know." He replied softly while looking around. "Last thing I remember was being jumped by the Wyatt's and then I ended up in here." Dean nodded as he whiped beads of sweat from his drenched sandy blonde bangs. "Anyone else here?" He asked. "Nobody that I reconized." Randy replied as Dean let out a small shaky breath. "Great." He muttered as he suddenly fell against the wall.

"Whoa." Randy said in alarm as he inspected Dean's frail body. "You don't look so good." "I'm fine." Dean muttered as a wave of dizziness suddenly swept over him. "Where's Roman?" Randy asked as a twinge of guilt now flowed through Dean's body. "Aren't you guys always together? What happened?" Dean shook his head sadly as he felt a round of tears threatening to fill up in his eyes as he blinked them back. "I'm not sure anymore." He said sadly. "What do you mean?" Randy asked. "Did you guys have a fight or something?" Dean shook his head sadly again and said, "You wouldn't believe me if I told you." Randy's eys flashed with sudden concern as he sensed the feeling of guilt inside Dean and placed his hand gently on his shoulder. "Well I don't see us moving anywhere anytime soon, so you might as well just say then Ambrose."

Dean nodded and drew in as deep of a breath as he could without feeling pain as he informed Randy on everything that had happened, from the Wyatt's kidnapping him, to his father rising from the grave thanks to Bray's newfound power, and lastly to Roman getting shot with a shotgun rifle. "Damn, that's some sick twisted shit." Randy murmured once Dean was through telling him the story. "You have no idea." He murmured closing his eyes as a wave of pain shot through his torso. "So do you know if Roman's alive or-" The Viper cut himself off as he caught sight of Dean's pale face as the Lunatic Fringe muttered out in a weakened voice, "No idea."

The sound of a crow alerted Roman as he slowly opened his eyes and a soft moan escaped from his throat. What the fuck? He wondered looking around as his vision blurred. Wasn't I just dead? How the hell am I still alive? Looking around he cast his gaze upon the outlines of two men, one tall wearing what appeared to be a cowboy hat, and the other smaller then the first one but seemed timid. "Where the hell am I?" The Samoan man asked weakly trying to regian his eyesight back into focus. "He's awake." came the sound of a frail scared man which he though he reconized. Why the hell does that voice sound framiliar? He thought as he tried to move, but he felt a gloved hand on his shoulder holding him still. "Don't move." Came a gruff deep voice. "You're still to weak to move yet."

Roman groaned as he opened his eyes again as he felt his vision slowly come back into focus. He heard the sound of footsteps moving about and sharp waves of pain coming from his chest. "Are you sure we need to do this Mark?" He heard the smaller timid man ask softly. "Calm down Paul, we need to do this. If we don't he'll die from an infection." Roman groaned and tried to move again but he felt a hand on his shoulder. "I said don't move." The same gruff voice said again this time more firmly then before. "I have to clean out you're wound, so this is going to hurt a lot."

"Undertaker?" Roman asked weakly as his vision finally came back into focus and sure enough he found himsef staring up at Undertaker and Paul Bearer beside him. "Hold him steady." Undertaker said nodding over to Bearer. Roman closed his eyes and gritted his teeth as he felt the burn of the alcohol, but he couldn't keep himself from screaming out in agony, and once it was over, he looked over toward Undertaker as he watched him put the bottle of alcohol on a nearby shelf. "How the hell did you find me?" He asked weakly. "Aren't you on the Wyatt's side?"

Undertaker let out a soft growl. "You're kidding right? The Wyatt's are dangerous. Especially Bray I've been hunting them down trying to kill them for years." Roman blinked his eyes in confusion. "What are you talking about?" "The Wyatt Family aren't human." The Dead Man replied. "Their demons. Demons who can roam freely among the human world because they have no soul." "No soul?" Roman shook his head weakly as he tried to make sense of all this, but he couldn't find anything that was logical. Nothing made sense anymore.

"Bray was a man who sold his soul long ago after his sister Abigail was murdered." Undertaker explained. "He did everything he could to try and bring her back, but nothing worked, so instead he sold his soul to the devil for power strong enough to revive the dead." "So what does all this have to do with me and Dean?" Roman asked as his thoughts now drifted toward his brother. "Where is Dean anyway?" "He's being held up in a place called the Ambrose Asylum, a mentally facility built by his family." Undertaker continued. "But the Wyatt's have since taken control over it, and will do whatever they can to hurt him and anyone else trapped there."

"Why are they after Dean?" Roman demanded to know. "What do they want from him?" "That I'm not sure of." The Dead Man replied. "But whatever it is, it can't be good." Roman groaned as waves of agony shot through his chest as he tried to move. "I have to find him." He said gasping in pain as Undertaker held him back. "You're too weak Roman." He said sternly. "You'll be no good to Dean, in you're current condition. You need to rest." Roman sighed weakly and laid back as the Dead Man instructed and soon found himself drifting off to sleep, with his thoughts and dreams focused on his brother. Please be safe bro. He thought weakly as the darkness consumed him. Be...Safe...

TOO BE CONTINUED...Dean and Roman are still alive YAY! But the question is for how long will they be? Is Undertaker really against the Wyatt's? Will Dean and Roman find each other again? Stay tuned to find out more, Chapter 2 of Lockdown Asylum will be up as soon as I can get it. Hope you enjoyed and as always please review!