I do not own WWE the Wrestlers, the Diva's or their families, all I own is the plot and the story. Hope you enjoy and please review if you would like to see more. This will be the third and final sequel to my first story on Dean Ambrose, Called Retaliation, along with my second story called Darkest Hour. I hope to do it Justice for all those who love WWE as much as I do. Now then on with the story...

Author's Note: Wow! The Finale for this story is finally here! YAY! I'm not sure how long this will be, but I hope you enjoyed reading part 4 and are ready to read part 5, which is the finale! and I promise it will be as spectacular as I can get it, so I hope you enjoy and as always please review! Also be on the lookout for a direct stroy which will follow this story starring Roman Reigns!

Bold underlined – Chapter Titles/Character's Perspective

Bold Italics – Memories

Italics – Thinking (In thought)

Previously on Lockdown Asylum - "If anything goes wrong Jon, I want you to promise me to watch out for Dean and Jimmy for me in case I don't make it." Moxley clapped Roman on the back and replied, "What makes you think something's going to go wrong? You got this bro. I know you can beat him, you just got have a little faith remember?" Roman nodded and recounted everything he and Dean had gon through at the hands of the Waytt's when something suddenly flashed through his mind. This whole battle was never about the Wyatt's at all. This was all leading up to Roman's true destiny as being the savior of the world against the ultimate evil, but yet did he really have the heart and courage to go through it by himself?

"Well now, it appears as though I have a challenger in my midst." He said in a somewhat sarcastic tone. "Who are you exactly?" Roman opened his eyes and narrowed them in anger as he called out, "I'm Roman Reigns of the Anoa'i Family, and you have just met your match demon!" A sarcastic smile spread across Lucifer's face as anyone in the room could tell he was not terrified at all by Roman's presence as he let out a booming laughter that cracked like thunder. "You think you can take me on then? Let's see what you got. I'll be sure to crush all those you care about in front of you before I finish you off last." "We'll see about that." Roman said with another deep breath as he felt his body starting to rise up into the air.

"Roman, he's too strong!" Jimmy called out still weak from the loss of his twin. "It's no use, you'll never beat him bro!" Roman shook his head. "I can't give up Jim." He said as his eyes narrowed and his powers flowed around him like lightning. "Dad wouldn't want me to give up and neither would Peter Maivia. Defeating Lucifer's my destiny, and I have to fullfill it or die trying." Lucifer laughed which shook the ground like an earthquake as he reached out and grabbed Roman squeezing him until he was screaming out in pain. "Don't you get it now? You Anoa'i's will never be able to defeat me!" He declared. "I am the true conqueror of worlds, and there is nothing you can do to stop me!"

"Maybe he can defeat you by himself, but maybe he just needs a little bit of help from us!" Yelled out a voice that surprised everyone as they all turned to see of course none other then Bray standing in tow with the rest of the Wyatts. "Somebody pinch me and tell me Im dreaming." Kane said nodding over at his brother who just shook his head and replied, "No Glen, your not dreaming little bro. This is real." Lucifer laughed again and just smirked at Bray as he replied, "And just who do you think you are?" "I am the one who originally sought out your power in order to revive my sister. I am Bray Wyatt, the warrior who will now send your ass back to hell!"


Chapter 22 - Good Vs. Evil (Part 5)

"Roman...Roman..." The sound of his father's voice once again broke through the hazy rain of pain that was now shooting through his body as Lucifer's strength squeezed down on his already battered and bruised body, it was already becoming too much for him to handle. "Roman, you must listen to me son, this is it, it's now or never son, you have to tap into your inner power." "What inner power?" Roman asked weakly as he stopped struggling against the devil's strength. "Jimmy's right, he's too strong."

"You are not a quiter Roman. Listen to me, do you remember when I first told you the source of your powers and how if you use your strength wisley it can be strong enough to move mountains?" "Yeah, but what does this have to do with anything?" Roman asked trying to shake off the haze of pain, that was now flowing through his body as he fought the urge not to pass out.

"You need to tap into all of that power and use it all at once to banish Lucifer back to the depths of hell." Sika explained. "That's just it dad, I have no idea how to do that." Roman said with a heavy sigh. "All you need to do is channel all you power at once into your fist, exucute a massive superman punch and chant out, "Ka mate! Ka mate! Ka ora! Ka mate! Ka mate! Ka ora! Le Manu Samoa e ua malo ona fai o le faiva, Ua ou sau nei ma le mea atoa, O lou malosi ua atoatoa, Ia e faatafa ma e soso ese, Leaga o lenei manu e uiga ese!"

Roman's eyes widnend in disbelief. "You mean that's all I have to do?" He asked as his father nodded in response. "Yes, and that will be enough to send Lucifer back to the depths of hell and restore the Earth to it's former glory." Roman was about to respond but hung his head in sadness. "Then what does that mean for you and Jey?" He asked sadly. "If Lucifer is defeated, it should restore you guys back to life right?" "It may, but it may not, I'm sorry to say son."

A burst of pain shot through Roman's body as he cried out. "You can do this son," Sika said softly. "The entire fate of the world depends on you. I know you got what it takes to do this." Roman opened his eyes weakly and looked up at his father as he noticed him glowing with golden energy. "Dad? What are you doing?" He asked trying to block out the pain. "I'm giving you the last bit of my strength, You can do this Rome." Roman smiled weakly and could feel the strength of Lucifer's grip loosening on his body, as a surge of rage filled up within his body and he began to float into the air again.

"What the hell?!" Lucifer's golden eyes widened in shock and surprise as he couldn't believe what was happening. How could a mere human be more powerful then him? He was the most powerful being in the universe, how was this possible? "This fight ends right here and now Lucifer!" Roman shouted as he felt his powers surging through his body again. "I won't let you hurt anymore innocent lives, this ends right here and now!"

Bray on the other hand along with the rest of the Wyatt's stood side by side each other and focused all their demonic auras, until they were all glowing with dark purple and blue energy and their eyes were all glowing crimson red. "Bray, are you sure you know what you're doing?" Harper asked. "I mean I thought Roman was the enemy, and you want to help him take out the most poweful being in the world?" Bray looked up at the now darkened sky above them which was swirling with intense dark energy and closed his eyes. I'm glad to know your proud of me Abby. He then opened his eyes and turned his attention now toward the man known as Hunter who was standing on top of the balcony ready to fire a shot of glowing red energy at Roman. "You guys distract Hunter, while I go in for the kill." Bray ordered as the others nodded. "Go!"

The rest of the Wyatt's used the strength of their demonic energy to lift up into the air and surround Hunter, who looked at them all with looks of shock. "How is it that your all still alive?" He gasped as an evil smile crept on his face. "No matter, I will still destroy you all!" Suddenly, an intense bright white light shimmered all around them momentarily blinding the enemies as Roman looked around hoping to catch a glimpse of his father, but instead he caught a glimpse of a woman with a long white gown, long flowing black hair like a raven's wings and intense brown eyes that shimmered with determination as she stared at Hunter and Lucifer.

"Abigail!" Bray's eyes shimmered with tears as he couldn't believe he was seeing his sister's spirit as she floated down beside him. "Yes little brother." She said softly. "I'm here, but not for long." "What do you mean?" He asked sadly. "God only allowed me a certain time here on Earth to help you and the others in the fight." She said with a smile as she planted a kiss upon Bray's forhead. "What is the meaning of this?!" Lucifer shouted out. "This is about your demise Lucifer!" Abigail cried out triumphedly as another burst of light floated in from behind her to reveal several devine angels all bathed in golden light. "Now, let's help to end this little bro." She said smiling down at Bray who smiled back and nodded.

Meanwhile, Sika and Jey both watched from the white clouds above as Jey seemed on edge, unil he felt Sika's hand on his shoulder. "Fear not Jey, Roman knows what he's doing." He said softly as Jey looked up at his cousin and replied, "Why didn't you tell him? Roman has to know about the downside of our powers." Sika shook his head. "He doesn't need to have that weight upon his concious right now, all that matters is making sure the world is safe." "At what cost?" Jey asked his eyes widening in shock.

"At the cost of Roman's humanity? You know what happens to an Anoa'i if they overuse the strength of their powers Sika, it triggers a horrible transformation within them, that they may not be able to recover from. Do you really want Roman to go through that?" Sika's eyes filled with regret and guilt, as he know realized Jey was right, but on the other hand what was he going to do now? It wasn't like he could protect his son from whatever it was that was about to happen. All he could do now was hope and pray that whatever was about to happen would cease, and that his son would be okay.

With God's Devine Angels on the attack against Hunter, that left Bray and Abigail an opening they needed to be able to take the Cerebral Assassin out, but as always Hunter didn't seem amused in anyway, shape or form as he held out a ball of pure white energy. "Hold it Bray." He said his eyes glowing with crimson intensity. "If you kill me now, you'll never see your sister whole again." "What the hell are you talking about?" He growled in anger. "I'm holding your sister's soul here in my hand." Hunter said as he walked over toward the endge of the balcony. "If you kill me, you'll lose your chance of ever being with her again. You don't really want that do you Bray?"

Bray shook his head and closed his eyes. He knew Hunter was bluffing, but on the other hand he also realized something else, no matter how hard he tried, he was never going to be reunited with Abigail until God decided it was his time, so he now knew what he had to do. With a heavy heart of sadness but full of anger and rage, he charged up as much energy as he could into one final attack and charged forward into the Game knocking him clean over the edge of the balcony and sending him careening to the ground below.

Hunter gave one final cry as a sickening thud was heard next as Bray looked over the side of the balcony to see Hunter's crushed body lying on the ground with blood pooling out all around him and let out a heavy sigh. He had done it. He had finally gotten revenge against the Authority for using him as a damn puppet. After all, he was the Eater of Worlds, not a damn puppet for amusement, but now as he caught sight of his sister's fading spirit, he realized he might've made a mistake as a round of tears blurred his vision. "I'm afraid time is up for me little brother." Abigail said with a small smile on her face. "No, don't go Abby!" Bray pleaded. "I need you." Abigail shook her head. "You're strong enough without me to protect you Bray, you have your own family now." She said gesturing over toward Harper, Strowman and Rowan. "They're your family now, you don't need me to keep protecting you because I know your strong enough to handle things on you own."

"Bray, we got to go now!" Harper's voice suddenly called out breaking the Eater of Worlds out of his sad thoughts as he turned to look at him and asked, "What do you mean?" "Things are heating up between Roman and Lucifer, and we don't get out here we'll all be killed!" Bray looked over and could see that Harper was right, as the entire area surounding Roman and Lucifer was nearly reduced to dust as Roman looked about spent. His body was sparking with green and blue energy and he looked exausted just as Lucifer came down for the final strike ready to finish the Samoan man off. "Come on Bray, we got to get out here!" Rowan cried out in horror. Bray closed his eyes and shook his head. "If you all want to leave then that's fine, but I've got a mission that still needs to be finished." He drew in a deep breath and felt his powers swirling around him like an electrical current of dark purple energy. This is it. He thought. It's now or never.

He drew in a deep breath and focused all of his powers at once into propelling himself forward like a jet towards Lucifer. "Bray! What the hell are you doing?!" Harper called out after his leader, but Bray didn't respond. This was after all his true plan all along. If he couldn't gather enough strength to revive his beloved sister then the next part of his mission was to die by the devil's own hands so that he would be free of this life and misery. He was tired of living day in and day out with being viewed as a freak due to his powers, and he was tired of living as a broken and battered man who had no sense for living anymore. After all the only true person in his life who he had a reason to live for was gone, so what was he going to do now?

"Any final words to say before I destroy you Roman Reigns?" Lucifer asked as he body shimmered with demonic energy as he laughed. Roman looked up at the devil and tried to make it back to his feet, but his body was just too weak to even make the attempt. "You'll never win Lucifer!" Lucifer turend and caught sight of another human now making his way toward him flying through the air and just laughed. "You think you can stop me?" He roared in laughter as Bray nodded in determination. "You want to prove that you're the true face of fear devil? Then let's see what you got. Give me all you got!"

"Bray what are you doing?! Undertaker called from down below. "You can't take on Lucifer by yourself you crazy lunatic, are you out of your mind?!" Bray looked down at the Dead Man and just replied, "I know what I'm doing Mark don't worry." "Don't worry? Has this deranged crazy madman lost his mind?" Kane asked turning to his brother as Undertaker shrugged his shoulders and replied, "We can't worry about that right now, we have to get everyone else out of here so we can finally end this." Kane nodded and turned to rest of the team who was still alive as Moxley just glared at him intently. "If you think I'm gonna abandon my brother, you got another thing coming." He said his hazel eyes narrowing. "I'm not leaving Roman."

"I'm not giving you a choice pretty boy." Kane said his voice harsh with seriousness. "Well actually yeah I am giving you an option. You can either come with my brother and I so we can get you someplace safe, or I can knock your ass out and we can take you by force. Your choice." Moxley's eyes clouded with anger as he stodd face to face with the Big Red Monster, but a loud blast of power shook the ground like an earthquake as the Earth began to open up like an egg cracking again. "Not this shit again!" Kane cried out struggling to keep his balance. "Mark do something!" Undertaker's eyes glowed a shade of royal purple as he chaged a massive streak of blue and purple lightning into his hands and propelled his arms forward sending the lightning streaks toward the ground which stopped the earth from opening up. Chills of relief shot down everyone's spines which suddenly faded as Randy pointed up and cried out, "Guys! look!"

Everyone all looked up to see where the Viper was pointing to, just in time to see the Devil screaming out in pain as a huge splash of blood erupted from his chest as Bray charged right through him like a bullet. It was both horrifying and amazing to watch at the same time as not even Roman could believe what he had just whitnessed. "Now it's your turn Roman!" Bray declared as he could feel himself starting to fade away now. "Finish off this monster once and for all and set the world free!" Roman slowly rose to his feet despite the pain shooting through his body and realized Bray was right. The was his time now, the Devil was weak, so he had to strike now. Feeling his powers welling up within him, he could suddenly hear the chants of his ancestors pounding in his ears like a beating drum. Closing his eyes, he channeled all of the strength he could into his fists and with his traditional war cry he always did before executing a spear, he felt himself flying up into the air like Superman toward the Devil. This is it. He thought while opening his eyes with jets of green and blue flowing through his entire body. It's now or never.

Lucifer groaned in pain as he couldn't believe the thought of a mere human could have eaily overpowered him, he was supposed to be stronger then that, he was after all the almighty devil who was supossed to lay the entire world to waste. "It's over Lucifer!" Roman shouted as he executed a massive superman punch, while crying out, "Ka mate! Ka mate! Ka ora! Ka mate! Ka mate! Ka ora! Le Manu Samoa e ua malo ona fai o le faiva, Ua ou sau nei ma le mea atoa, O lou malosi ua atoatoa, Ia e faatafa ma e soso ese, Leaga o lenei manu e uiga ese!"

Lucifer screamed out in agony as Roman's punch connected with the Devil's chest hitting his blackened heart and shattering it, as Undertaker and Kane both held hands and cried out, while sparks of lightning and blasts of fire erupted from their hands, "In the name of the father, the son and the holy spirit, we the Brothers of Destruction banish you back to the depths of eternal damnation!" "NOOO!" Lucifer screamed out as the ground erupted in another earthquake, followed by a huge blast that covered the entire earth in a blast of dark and light power.

The sounds of birds chirping was enough to wake Undertaker first as he opend his eyes and realized that the earth was no longer covered in dark energy. Rising to his feet, he shook his brother, who woke with a daze. "What happened?" He asked weakly. "Did we win? Is Lucifer gone?" Undertaker smiled and replied, "Why don't you ask the singing birds that little bro?" Kane looked around and could see that all though everything around them was in rubble that the Earth was okay and that it was now daytime rather then nighttime. "I don't believe it." he breathed in awe. "We managed to take out the Devil himself. We saved the entire world." Undertaker looked around and suddenly caught sight of Roman who was moaning in pain and was glowing with energy. "Uh, is that supposed to happen?" Kane asked looking over at his brother who just shook his head in response.

Roman looked down at his hands and tried to stop his powers from overflowing around him, but as hard as he tried, the more his powers swarmed around him like a cloud of intense green and blue jets causing him to cry out in agony. He fell to his knees as his body became engulfed in his powers like cocoon. "Somebody help!" He cried out. Just then he felt a gentle hand of power land down on his shoulder and looked up to see his father. "Dad? Is it really you? Are you back?" Sika's eyes were full of tears of regret as a burst of pain shot through Roman's body as he looked at him, and his father replied, "Son listen to me, I should've told you this a long time ago, but I was worried it would affect the outcome of the battle with Lucifer." He said as Roman shook his head and asked, "What are you talking about? What the hell is happening to me?"

"There's a downside to our powers." Sika explained, "See, the thing is although we come from a long line of powerful Shamans with powers that can be used for both good and evil, when an Anoa'i overuses the strength of his powers, it triggers a horrible transformation within us, that we may not be able to recover from." Roman cried out in a burst of pain and his powers began to flow through him like needles poking him all over his body. "What does this have to do with me?" He asked looking at his father with a look of pleading.

"Please help dad, make it stop." Sika's hand glowed a bright gold as he replied, "I'm afraid I can only stop the transformation temporarily son, the rest, will be up to you to you to keep yourself in check." Roman's eyes widened in shock as he couldn't believe the words that were coming out of his father's mouth. Was this really the end of all he knew? Was he really going to turn into some sort of a monster after everything he had worked so hard to achieve? "I'm so sorry son, I wish this wasn't happening to you." Sika said softly as the next thing Roman heard was his father chanting out a few words in Samoan just as the pain began to cease and he passed out.

Ka mate! Ka mate! Ka ora! Ka mate! Ka mate! Ka ora!

Translated: I live! I live! I die! I live! I live! I die!

Le Manu Samoa e ua malo ona fai o le faiva

Translated: The Manu Samoa, may you succeed in your mission

Ua ou sau nei ma le mea atoa

Translated: Here I come completely prepared

O lou malosi ua atoatoa

Translated: My strength is at its peak

Ia e faatafa ma e soso ese

Translated: Make way and move aside

Leaga o lenei manu e uiga ese

Translated: Because this Manu is unique

Well That's that, Lockdown Asylum is complete, or is it...There will be a story following this one that will not be a complete sequel but will follow Roman as he struggles to contain this new found power within him before he kills someone close to him. Want to find out more, then stay tuned for a story called The Hound of Malice to find out what happens next for Rman, Dean, the Usos and all your favorite WWE Superstars and Divas! Hope you enjoyed and as always please leave positive reviews only!