Author's Note:


This is a sequel to: Undercover As Steve's Girlfriend. I highly recommend you read it first, but if don't want to that's fine, but you may be a tad confused!

Co-Writer: ThisVioletofMine, of as I call her; Sailor!

The category has changed to 'Avengers' instead of 'Captain America' so I could select different characters :)

Let's get straight to it!

Natasha pushed herself up off of her bed and walked into her bathroom. She took pain medication- not that she'd let anybody else know. Before following her normal routine after that- foregoing the shower- and ended up standing in the middle of the gym, doing nothing.

So much had changed in one day- she had nearly gotten herself blown up, had convinced Clint to go home, even though she had desperately wanted him to stay with her and help with her injuries, she decided to stay at the Avengers Tower instead of going to Clint and Laura's, which was like her home, and, most scarily, had agreed to start a relationship with Steve.

Her agreeing to date Steve was an impulsive thing; there wasn't a solid reason for her not to go out with him. She hadn't meant to do it, but it had just felt right. She decided that she was going to give this a shot- a real, honest open shot- like she had attempted with Bruce. Even though she was confident it'd end with him running for the hills, like Bruce, she wasn't going to back down.

"Hey, Natasha." Steve greeted warmly as he walked through the door. "What are you doing in here? You're supposed to resting."

She turned and looked at him. "Morning. I am resting- I just came here automatically."

He nodded. "I see." His expression then melted ever so slightly into something a little more insecure. "Natasha? You're not regretting agreeing to a relationship, are you?"

"Not yet," Natasha replied automatically. Her expression didn't change, but she cringed internally at the cold response. "I didn't change my mind." She added, her tone more softer and warmer.

"Oh. Good!" Steve answered, a little happier than before. "I'm sure you won't regret it!" He seemed so confident in this.

"I think I'll make my own decision on that matter," Natasha informed him. "What did you want to do today as a couple? Obviously I can't train."

"Well, we could… Eat out? Doesn't have to be fancy, just something edible and… out." He suggested.

Natasha tilted her head at him- damn, she hated to reject his first suggestion. "Sitting in a car right now is not the best idea, and don't get me started on going on a motorcycle- we'll have to stay on base; unless you wanted to walk."

"I could pick something up and bring it back, if you'd like- you shouldn't be walking such long distances."

"The nearest place is at least a thirty minute drive. How about I just cook for us?" Natasha suggested. She noted the time. "How about pancakes, or a full english breakfast, or waffles?" She said, listing a variety of breakfasts. She wondered who knew she could cook- probably just Clint, Laura and the kids.

Steve's stomach gave a little rumble and he smiled in embarrassment. "Pancakes sound great, actually- I would love to try your cooking, too!"

"Did you want to train?" Natasha asked him, not wanting to pull him away from it. She loved training and would do it right now if she wasn't concerned about letting herself heal.

He shook his head emphatically. "No, I can do it later- I've got all day, basically. Besides, why should I train on an empty stomach?" He asked with a rather goofy smile. "I'll help you cook, if you want." Steve began leading her out the door.

"I'll do all the cooking," Natasha spoke as she walked past him, sending him a smile. "I don't trust anybody to help me after Clint tried… he's a good cook, but we butted heads."

Steve laughed. "That sounds hilarious! Did you catch it on video?"

Natasha smirked. "It's currently in the capable hands of Cooper- ready for future blackmailing." She headed down the hallway towards the kitchen.

Steve laughed again and followed her into the kitchen, pulling out a few of the things she'd need before sitting on a stool at the counter.

Natasha picked up a knife and threw it into the air, catching it expertly before placing it on the counter- she didn't actually need a knife, but it was fun. She got out eggs, milk and flour, deciding to make crepes instead; they were healthier. "Any preferences?" She asked, breaking the first egg.

"No, I'm not too picky when it comes to food." He replied, watching her with interest. "How long have you been cooking for?"

Natasha looked at him, deep in thought; how long had she been cooking? She used to be creative as a child when she was sneaking additional food, making it more interesting for herself- but when had she started? "I can't think of a specific age; it just came naturally me." She answered as she added in the other ingredients and began whisking the mixture.

"Ah- you're very talented!" Steve complimented.

She turned on the hob, watching the fire dance around for a second before taking out a frying pan. "Thank you. Do you cook?"

He rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. "I've tried a few times- key word being 'tried'. I can make eggs, and that's about it."

"I guess, coming from the forties, you could just expect every woman to know how to cook and… would expect them to wait at home for you with dinner on the table when you got home from work," Natasha spoke, pouring some mixture into the pan and turning her back to him. "You know, when you got married."

He looked contemplative for a moment. "Well, considering I was never married in the forties, no, I never learned to expect dinner on the table when I got home from getting beaten up or, after the procedure, super-soldiering."

Natasha turned to look at him for a moment. "I can't imagine you as a skinny little boy- I've seen the files and a picture… but still." She admitted honestly. "Did the serum change you? I mean, besides the physical changes?"

"Not really- not directly, at least. The pride and temporary cockiness I developed from suddenly being bigger than everyone else could be considered an indirect effect, I suppose." He answered sincerely. "Are you sure you don't need any help with that?" He asked, gesturing to the food she was still preparing.

"It's pancakes- I can manage it," Natasha replied, flipping the pancake. "And I think you have a right to be cocky, I mean…" She paused, turning around to look at him. "Did your cock get bigger?"

Steve, of course, had intelligently chosen that moment to take a sip of water, and consequently spent the next few moments choking insanely. "What.. the hell… why would you-" He gasped between coughs, face purple.

"Nevermind," Natasha giggled, flipping the pancake onto a plate and handing it to him. "Would you like any sugar or syrup with that?" She asked flirtatiously.

Steve sucked in a huge gulp of oxygen before replying, "Syrup, please." His voice was a dull croak and his cheeks were still fiery red.

Natasha placed it on the table next to him before making a pile of them, placing them between them and eating some for herself. "Did you want me to stop asking questions like that? I can- we can keep the conversations civilised and…" She paused, trying to think of exactly what a normal relationship would entail. "Make out at night."

If his face had been red before, it was now two seconds from bursting into flames or imploding. "Th-that's not- Why do you love doing this to me?" He whimpered pathetically.

"Wait… Making out is literally the only thing I am certain you do in a relationship-I presumed you wouldn't want to have sex yet, being all.. noble and stuff."

"Uh- yeah… Can we talk about something else, please?" He requested.

Natasha thought for a moment; the only other conversation she could really engage in was about her job. But Steve had made it clear that that wasn't relationship talk. She was really at a loss about what they were supposed to talk about. Thankfully, he spoke.

"This is amazing, Natasha!"

"Thanks," Natasha shrugged. There was a comfortable silence between them as they ate, but as time went by, it was more strained. She decided to speak up before he had to. "What are you planning for the rest of the week?"

Steve chewed his pancake thoughtfully before answering, "Not too much- I've got training every day, and on Friday I'm needed for some special training with Rhodey, but other than that, I'm free."

Natasha finished her mouthful. "Great, we can hang out. But for now, how about I observe your cooking skills?" She smirked at him; there was still some mixture left, enough for two pancakes at least. It would be interesting to see his skillset in this area.

"I guess I could give it a try." He acquiesced. He went to the stove and began pouring the batter into the pan. "How many do you want?"

"One at a time-not that much mixture!" Natasha cringed. "Maybe just one more," she decided.

"One more, coming up!" He exclaimed with exaggeration after correcting his mistake and slowing the pour of batter. "Hey, Natasha- want to go to an actual movie theater to watch a movie? If you're free, that is?"

"Can't head out anywhere until my back heals up a bit, unless you wanted to walk," Natasha reminded him, watching him make the pancake intently. "Pay attention to what you're doing."

He frowned. "Ah, that's right- I forgot! Sorry, when you're busy you tend to forget things. Also, you're freakishly good at hiding the fact that your back is a painful, burned mess."

"It's not that painful," Natasha lied to him; her back was inflamed and constantly burning. "We could just watch a movie later- no need to leave the base."

Steve turned and offered her a smile. "Our relationship is totally based on movie-watching." He teased, absentmindedly poking at the forming pancake with the spatula. "But that sounds nice. If you make something for us to eat while we watch it, that is." He winked and turned back to the stove. The frown returned. "Was I supposed to re-apply the nonstick spray?" The question almost seemed guilty.

"That would have been advisable… just use the spatula to pry it off; it'll be fine." Natasha peered over his shoulder; she was not looking forward to eating that pancake already.

"I'm trying… It's fused to the pan!" He cried, putting more force into it. "Is this even physically possible? It's not budging-!" He put one final burst of strength into his efforts and was rewarded- somewhat. The spatula snapped in two as the half of the blackened pancake detached from the pan- and due to his strength and the angle, the hotcake went flying across the room and out the window, falling two storeys to the ground. Steve's eyes were wide and his body was completely frozen in shock.

Natasha had to hold back a laugh, not getting up to help. "Maybe I'll teach you how to boil water… take the pan off the hob before you burn it any more." She told him casually, an amused smile on her lips. At least she didn't have to eat it.

Steve hadn't appeared to hear her, however, as he hurriedly crossed the room. "Do you hear that? Someone's yelling!" He cautiously leaned his head out the window and peered down at the ground. "Oh my-! Sam's poor face!" He exclaimed before cupping his hands around his mouth, "Sorry! Did it break any bones?" He called.

"What the hell, man?" Came the shouted and furious reply. Steve winced and ducked back inside before any projectiles could be launched in retaliation.

"I said I was sorry!"

Natasha walked over and poked her head out. "You're supposed to be training. Next time I catch you slacking, there'll be bigger consequences than a pancake to the face." She shouted, watching Sam nod obediently and run off- she then turned to Steve. "Did you want to sort out that fire?" She asked casually.

He blinked stupidly. "That what?" Then he turned and, seeing the formidable flame sprouting from the other half of the offending pancake, left on the stove, he shouted several expletives and sprinted back to deal with it. "Why didn't you do anything?" He demanded of Natasha as he broke out the fire extinguisher.

"I've just burnt my back, I didn't want to get burnt again," Natasha replied casually, walking back over but keeping her distance. She wasn't scared of getting burnt again, but didn't want to have to deal with another injury right now- and she knew that Steve would heal fast if he did get injured.

Steve grunted and started spraying the base of the fire with foam. "Still, you could've said something!" He argued.

"I told you to take it off of the stove- you didn't listen to me," Natasha pointed out. Typical men- they never listened.

Once the fire had been successfully extinguished, Steve looked at the charred and foamy kitchen with embarrassment. "Well, I think it's safe to call this breakfast a failure." He sighed and began cleaning up.

"I'll call Stark and let him know about the fire- he'll get it sorted," Natasha told him, slipping out her phone. She glanced at him, seeing him nod before walking from the room.

After dropping a quick text to Tony, she dialed Laura. She needed some advice- some proper advice.

Thank you for reading :D I have some plans for this story, but if you'd like to see anything happen, let me know :D