Author's note.

Since you reviewed as a guest, I still feel the need to reply to you. As for the purpose of the fic, there wasn't any. I was bored, as happens to be the case a lot lately. However, I also need to correct you. Hermione isn't sleeping with Ron because she's with Snape. If you remember, Ron in both movies and books happened to be rather obtuse to Hermione. Ergo why he refers to her as a frigid bitch. My view on any relationship between Ron and Hermione doesn't extend farther than rocky friendship at best. For the purpose of this fic, I made Ron an arrogant ego centered prick who believes he can just jump into any girl's pants. As of yet, because the fic is so sparse in detail, the reader can make their own inferences about the characters and the situation they ultimately find themselves in. Even though I wasn't elated to read your reply, it's still a review and I treat them all the same. So thank you, and I hope one day you'll read my other stories and find they aren't in the same way.
