
Iriana lay back and tried hard to relax. She was safe. Janna was safe. But she could not relax despite the comfortable bed she was lying on. The medical equipment was all familiar and unobtrusive. She was only under observation now. But it was very hard to get comfortable.

"Healer?" Iriana turned her head to see Alicia enter the room. The Trinity warframe looked a bit fuzzy through the eyewear that Iriana had to wear, but it was safer for everyone if they made sure that no one could spy through her. No one was sure what some of the changes wrought in Iriana's body were for. Well, the Rising knew, but no one was going to 'talk' to them again. Except maybe Sun. They were working to undo everything that had been done to Iriana, but it would take time. Alicia nodded to the Healer and her faceplate opened. She was smiling. "She us back and wants to talk to you when you feel up to it."

"I am good now." Iriana said with a smile that faded. "Alicia..."

"He would want us to protect you both." Alicia said softly. "We are. End of story." Steel might have bent under the Trinity's calm words. Iriana just shook her head. There were some fights even Tenno could not win. Alicia moved to Iriana's bedside and held out a hand that the Healer took. "They want to talk to you too. How you doing?"

"Aside from not being able to get comfortable, I am still a bit fuzzy from Sun's debriefing." Iriana said sadly. "I hope he got everything with that session. Not something I want to do again." Five virtual hours with the interrogator. She would be a while recovering.

Alicia nodded understanding. None of what the interrogator had done had been physical, but that made it worse in a way. Physical pain could be alleviated, medicated or ignored. Mental pain? Not so much. It had to heal in its own time.

"We can have the talk here." Alicia wasn't being protective. This time anyway. She understood exactly how badly Iriana had been twisted, spindled and mutilated psychologically even before Sun got his claws into her. "Even Sun's 'gentle' debriefings take a while to recover from."

"Yeah." Irina shook her head, staring down at herself. The medics had removed the golden uniform that had been bonded to her skin. But she still felt as if she was sealed away, detached. That too would fade. She hoped. "No time like the present?"

"You work too hard, Mom." Janna's voice came and Iriana smiled, but that smile faltered as two warframes entered the room. She didn't recognize either of them. Both were prime frames from the gold that encrusted them, but... One bowed to her. That one looked kind of like Alicia's warframe, but it had a long braid like thing that looped down from helmet. Janna's voice came from it. She was amused. "You like?"

"Trinity..." Iriana felt faint and Alicia bent down to take her hand.

"Prime." Alicia said with a grin. "She argued, but some people have less give than you do."

"That they do." Janna said sourly. But she had a smile in her voice too. It faded with her next words. "I know you wanted me safe, Mom. But..."

"As safe as we can be. Surrounded by a clan who will die for us is pretty darn safe. Even if you are determined to follow the Path of the Warrior." Iriana held out the hand that Alicia wasn't holding to her daughter and Janna stepped close to take it. "They... scanned?"

"Yes." Janna gave Iriana's hand a squeeze. Her faceplate retracted and the ghosts of old pain and fear shone in her eyes. At least they were not glowing anymore. If only Iriana's could stop doing so. They couldn't find any real cause for it. "All gone. When you have recovered, you are to come as well. Let them check."

"I can't, Janna." Iriana said sadly. "That is just the kind of thing that evil witch would have planned. Set me up to get something nasty in there. No. I will manage out here." Alicia and Janna both looked at each other, but there really wasn't anything they could say to that. Just the possibility of a bomb or bioweapon going off in Avalon was a horrible thought. "Tiana?" The Healer asked the other. The golden crested warframe bowed to her. "I thought you preferred Mirage."

"I did. I do." Tiana sounded resigned. "But I was overruled." The Nyx Prime shook her head. "Still think they have all flipped."

"You are a good choice." Iriana said with a grin at Tiana's self deprecation."But... they want to talk?" Tiana nodded. "I am not going anywhere for a bit."

The Nyx Prime that was Tiana nodded again and her faceplate turned to the ceiling. A moment later, holograms started appearing. Each was an ageless form that sat in a chair. Seven of them. Iriana smiled at the kids and they smiled back, even Hawk.

Healer. Falcon's voice was firmer. Still kind, but there was something more to it now. A confidence that she had lacked. You are well?

"As well as I can be, Falcon." Iriana said with a tiny shrug. "The programming is gone. Most of the controls are gone. Not that she dared to do much physically to me. It was doing it to Janna that tipped the scales."

Enslaving Tenno tends to piss them off. Hawk laughed without mirth.

"That it does." Iriana agreed. "You wanted to speak to me?"

Actually, we want to offer you our aid. Falcon said quietly. Iriana stiffened and Falcon nodded. We were only going to spilt parts of ourselves into Tenno who wear warframes. Janna is deciding now which school to focus on. Iriana could not keep a momentary flash of fear from her face and Falcon shook her head. We will not harm her, Healer.

"I know." Iriana said weakly. "I do believe that now. But that woman... that monster made me believe you all were demons." She gave a sob. "I really believed. She had me. Totally." She shook her head. "I know there was no way for me to beat her. She had plans within plans and tricks within tricks. But I wonder if she planned for this? She must have." The healer let out a deep breath. "I cannot. It is too dangerous to you. She will have done something to me and-" She broke off with an 'eep' as Falcon suddenly started to glow. "Falcon?"

The Executors were old, crafty and utterly devoid of anything resembling empathy or mercy. Falcon said quietly. But no matter their desires, none of them were omniscient. Be still, Healer. Be calm. The girl reached out a holographic hand and Janna took it without a word. Iriana stared as the warframe pulled the hologram close enough so that Falcon's other hand could reach down and touch Iriana's cheek. So brave. So strong. So hurt and alone. No. You will not be alone again, Healer. Never again.

Iriana gasped as alien thoughts flooded into hers. But it wasn't a controlling presence. Indeed, it was gentle and soothing. It was also pervasive, floating everywhere, seeing everything. She felt something -no, someone!- give a screech in her mind and then vanish.

"She... was..." Iriana gasped as Falcon held her hand. "Sun didn't see her. No one... I..."

Yes, but she will not spy through you again. Falcon promised. We are not perfect, so caution is warranted. But we will help you, Healer. We will all help you. Fear not, Healer. We are with you. Sister to sister. Yours in life and death.

"I... No." Iriana swallowed hard as all six of the other holograms spoke the ancient words. "I can't. Falcon, Heron, Owl... I can't. I cannot. My oaths are to everyone. Not any one group."

As are ours. Falcon's voice was still kind as her eyes started to glow gently. We serve all Tenno. You are kin to us now, Healer. We will never forsake you.

"I..." Iriana was crying and Janna gave her hand a squeeze. "I can't stop my eyes from glowing. I have tried. So hard. Whatever she did... I can't stop it."

Healer. Falcon said gently. I don't think she did it. Iriana jerked as Falcon smiled at her. There is a feel about you. A feel we all can sense. That comes from you, not her. Sparrow's energy left it's mark on you. All of the other holos nodded as Iriana looked at them. It isn't the same. You have been hurt and hurt and hurt, Healer. So many pains. So many betrayals. So much horror and you keep going. You are an inspiration to us all.

"I just... It is all I can do." Iriana said weakly as Falcon touched her cheek gently. The hologram couldn't actually press her flesh, but there was a connection of some kind. "We go on."

We know. Falcon smiled. But now? You are not alone. You will not be alone, ever again. I too, wish to be a Healer. I will need instruction. You cannot just throw power at a problem. She smiled a bit self deprecating.

"Works sometimes." Iriana was trying to get a mental grip on this. "You ask me to teach you? Me?"

We will teach each other, Healer. Falcon promised. For now? Look me in the eyes please.

Iriana did and then gasped as Falcon's eyes flashed. Something passed between the holographic form and herself. It felt...good. Energizing. It felt like a warm bath or a gentle breeze on flesh or... Iriana was staring as Falcon smiled and withdrew a bit. Janna sat beside Iriana on the bed.

"What?" Iriana asked through her bemusement.

"You needed some ease." Janna said sadly. "You have pushed yourself far too hard, Mother. You cheated using your own power to heal the damage you were doing to yourself..." Iriana jerked and Janna held her down gently. "No. Mother. No." She commanded. "This time, you listen to me."

Where had this aura of command come from? This wasn't the Janna that Iriana was so fond of. It was still her, but... older. Wiser. Calmer.

"Janna?" Iriana pleaded.

"It is still me, Mom." Janna relented and her face softened. "But you scared me. You scared us all. I was...instructed not to take any crap from you. You are not going to work yourself to death." This was firm. "You will work. You will have lots to do. But we will monitor you. I will monitor you. If you start pushing yourself too hard, I will act. Don't make me." Janna pleaded as she pulled Iriana's hand to her lips and kissed it.

"But... you..." Iriana was rocking now. Or spinning. She felt faint. Falcon's eyes glowed momentarily and she felt better. She smiled at the holo and Falcon smiled back.

"I have a lot of training ahead of me." Janna said gently. "But my mother takes precedence." She turned to Tiana. "Clan Leader?"

Iriana had to smile at the disgusted noise that came from the Nyx Prime. Tiana had not expected to be elevated to the position. Many had known that Karl had been grooming Tiana to take a leadership role, but few had even suspected that he had planned her as a successor in case anything happened to him. She hadn't taken the new very well, by all accounts. But no one had died, so it was all good.

"I think the old title is better here and now." Tiana said softly. "'Warlord'. We are at war with the Rising. With the testimony you provided, Iriana , we have authorization from the Elders as a whole. We will kill the Rising anywhere we find them. No quarter will be asked or given. They started this. We will end it."

"May that day be soon." Iriana said sadly. "I dislike the idea of conflict between Tenno, but... they started it as you say. They killed Karl." Something twinged in her memory, but it faded and she shook her head. "What would have you have of me, Warlord?" She asked carefully.

"Just do what you do." Tiana replied. "Heal. But... try to stay out of trouble for a while, please? One heart attack this week is more than enough."

"No promises." Iriana said with a grin. "But..." She bowed her head. "Sister to Sister, yours in life and death." To Tiana and to Falcon.

"Sister to Sister." Tiana replied formally, accepting Iriana into the clan. "Yours in life and death." She chuckled. "And now that the less important stuff is done... We have your new staff for you to meet."

"Wait. What?" Iriana demanded. "Staff?"

"We know better than to deny you the ability to help people." Tiana said firmly. "Janna. You are up." The holograms of the kids all bowed their heads to Iriana and vanished. "She is not to get out of that bed for a day. Sit on her if you have to. That is a direct order."

"Yes, Warlord." Janna said in a meek voice that was utterly at odds with the twinkle in her eyes as Alicia smothered a laugh with a totally unconvincing cough.

"What do you mean 'staff?'" Iriana demanded. Tiana and Alicia shook their heads and strode from the room. "Janna?"

"The hospital is up and running." Janna said softly. "You trained them well. But it is not secure. It cannot be secured." Iriana stared at her daughter and then slumped. "I am sorry, Mother. You cannot return there. The danger is too great."

"To them and me." Iriana said weakly. Janna took her both her hands in the Trinity Prime's and held them gently. "I... It was home."

"It was." Janna said sadly. "And everyone is sorry. But we are upgrading the security here." Iriana stared at her daughter. This dojo had the best security anywhere outside of... Avalon. Janna nodded. "Yes. Such an attack will not succeed again."

"But only here." Iriana felt tears threaten. "If they attack the hospital again..."

"We cannot be everywhere." Janna gave her mom's hands another squeeze. "But you are the target. We think you were all along. We think that the energy you were hit with would not have killed you, sucked you into a virtual prison maybe or maybe put you in a coma or something. We don't know. It won't happen again. It won't." Janna said firmly.

"Karl is gone." Iriana said sadly.

"Uh... yeah. About that..." Janna actually looked uncomfortable. "You know Nikis promised you that he would did whatever he could? He has some options, but they are kind of... unsavory." Iriana stared at the Trinity Prime and then slumped a bit. "He hasn't done anything yet. He is waiting to talk to you."

"Not today." Iriana said sadly. "I cannot handle it today."

"I know." Janna squeezed her mom's hand again. "Anyway... The idea is to set up a critical care facility here."

"Here?" Iriana demanded. "This is a Tenno dojo!" Janna just looked at her and Iriana relaxed. "A highly secure Tenno dojo with a history of attracting people with issues." She shook her head. "Like me."

"The staff are not Tenno." Janna said quietly. "They will be under your direct supervision. The Rising will go after the Clergy soon and the staff of the relay were vulnerable."

"You didn't..." Iriana said slowly. Janna smiled and nodded to the door which hissed open. Three humans and a violet hulled MOA entered the room. All seemed hesitant. "Vina? Mercedes? Sheila? And... who is...? Wait." She smiled. "Zacharias?"

"Hello again, Healer." Vina spoke for them all. She was -had been- the highest rank, so it was natural for the others to defer to her. "I am glad to see you alive." Was she about to cry?

"Tell me those scum didn't blow up the Convent!" Iriana asked, horrified.

"They didn't." Vina said softly. "They only had moments to flee with you. But we all thoight you and Janna were dead when the connection cut out. We mourned. They left a bomb, but Grandmaster Nikis defused it."

"I only saw bits of it." Iriana said softly. "But... It is a piece of history. I am glad they didn't manage." She smiled at Vina's partner who was well into her second trimester." Mercedes. Have you been putting your feet up?" The girl jerked and Iriana sighed, but it was utterly fake. "Didn't think so. That stops now. Sheila?"

"We were told what happened." The MOA said sadly. "We cannot go back to the Clergy. None of us. Vina is officially dead. Mercedes is..."

"A piece of meat." The pregnant girl said sharply. "To be dissected." The MOA looked at her and Mercedes slumped. "And what they would want with Sheila is worse." To restart a horrific program that used the brains of young human girls as cyborg components. Iriana nodded and turned her eyes to the sole male in the room who nodded.

"To do what had to be done, I broke a bunch of rules." Zacharias said quietly. "I knew there would be repercussions. I couldn't stay with Jesse. She offered, but... No. I couldn't stay. I am a doctor and no one trusts me."

"Trust must be earned." Iriana smiled at them all. "So...a critical care facility?" She asked Janna.

"Tell me more..."


"Will you tell her?" The Nyx Prime asked the pitch black Nekros as they watched Iriana settle into her new circumstances.

"Would you?" Nikis challenged.

"No. Neither of them know and it is better for that. The records are all sealed or destroyed." Tiana admitted. "You know that people will still hunt her. That she will in danger any time she goes out."

"Any time she leaves, she will have an army around her." Nikis retorted. "Let them try. After all this... Let them try." The fires of hell sounded in the Nekros' voice. "I am going hunting after this. I need some stress relief."

"Me too." Tiana said sadly. "What about Kat? Will you...?"

"As long as he never shows any sign of who he was..." The Nekros said firmly. "... he is not my problem or Sun's. Sun will be watching, but that one has a heart too, if jaded and hidden from the universe. But we all have reason to hate them now."

"Nikis..." Tiana tried, but the Nekros just shook his head.

"Three Tenno lives, Warlord." Nikis snapped. "One would have been cause for vengeance. But three? As far as anyone else knows, we are only avenging Karl. No one else will ever know about Janna or Iriana. What that bitch did to them. None of the medics knew what it was and they accepted my command to seal the records. I... did what I had to. Neither would have been viable. Iriana may guess, but I hope not. Janna didn't have a clue."

"I thought I knew what evil was." Tiana said sadly. "That... I didn't have a clue."

"I am going hunting." Nikis replied as he started for the door. "Keep me in the loop."

"Nikis?" Tiana did not turn but the Nekros paused at the door.


"Make it hurt. A lot." The Nekros looked at her and then nodded. Then, like a wisp of nightmare, he was gone. Tiana turned back to the monitor and shook her head.

"We will protect her and hers. By Blood and by Steel, we will protect her and hers."

Four hours later

Iriana was tired. It had been a hell of a day. She felt good, happy to be alive and it looked as if she would be useful. But she was tired. She sighed as the door opened again. Someone else needing her?

"Yes?" She asked, not looking. An utterly unexpected voice answered her hesitantly.

"Is this a bad time?" Iriana's eyes jerked to where a male Tenno stood in the doorway. He stared at her eyes and gulped. "The docs said...we knew each other?" He looked ready to bolt!

"Don't mind the eyes, Kat." Iriana said through her sudden tears. "I won't hurt you. They are scary, I know."

"I think they are beautiful. The blue sets off your hair nicely." The being known as Kat said as he stepped closer. "You are sick. I don't want to hurt you."

"We will not always agree. We may fight." Iriana was crying now as she held out her hand. "But I do love you. You don't remember me." It wasn't a question.

"I wish I did." The man came to the beside and took her hand. "You are pretty."

"And you are the greatest." Iriana was sobbing as she pulled her mate close. He was crying too.

Drops of joy falling from windows to the soul to banish the darkness.