Chapter 1: Dreams

Rey tossed restlessly in her bed on the Millennium Falcon, trying to get some sleep during the long journey through space to find Luke Skywalker. Sleep would not come, however. Images kept flashing in her mind: Han being killed, Finn lying unconscious in the healing capsule, the rocky island she always saw in her dreams. Could that be where she was heading now?

Her stomach clenched anxiously thinking about what she would say if she even found Luke. Would she be able to persuade him to leave his exile and join the fight against the First Order? Would he train her in the ways of the force? Kylo Ren had said she needed a teacher. If Luke wouldn't train her, who would? Certainly not Kylo Ren. That wasn't a side of the force she wanted to get tangled up with, no matter how tempting his offer. No, she needed a Jedi. And Luke might just be the last one alive.

She tried to force her mind to be calm. Rey needed sleep or she wouldn't be able to convince anyone of anything. When sleep finally took her, however, it was not restful. Tossing and turning, she dreamed...

Rey was training. A dark forest surrounded her. Snow covered the ground and fell lightly from the cloudy night sky, but she couldn't feel the cold. She was concentrating hard, arm outstretched to keep a large boulder levitating a few feet above the ground. Beads of sweat were breaking out on her temple and between her breasts. One bead trickled down her neck and made her shiver. Her concentration broke and the boulder fell to the ground, causing snow to flurry up around her.

"Not bad," said a low voice behind her. She turned expecting to see her master, but it wasn't Luke Skywalker who now approached her. It was Kylo Ren. He looked the same as the last time she saw him: mask gone, long robes trailing in the snow, and a long scar across the right side of his face. She had done that. Regret flashed in her briefly before the rush of fear came over her. Fear and then anger.

"You!" she screamed at him. She reached for Luke's light saber, but it wasn't there. Before she could think to do anything else, Ren force pushed her against the nearest tree and held her there. She tried to move but couldn't. She thought their strength had been nearly equal when they fought before, and she had been training since then. Had he gotten stronger since they met last? He stalked slowly closer to her, dark eyes never leaving her face.

"I have not come to fight you," he said calmly. "I just want to talk."

"I have nothing to say to a monster like you," she spat at him. But even as she spoke, she could feel her resolve falter. She felt hate for this man, true, but there was something else too. Empathy? Attraction? How could she be attracted to someone who had killed so many? She calmed her mind and attempted to break his force hold again, but to no avail. He was so powerful.

"A monster I may be, but you and I are not so different," he came closer. Uncomfortably close. "You feed off of anger and fear for your strength, just as I do. You are tapping into the dark side of the force, whether you are aware of it or not."

Rey didn't have a comeback for that. She knew next to nothing about the force, so how could she know which side she was drawing from. "You don't seem scared or angry right now," she threw out, not knowing what else to say. "How are you so strong?"

"There are many things that one can draw power from. Pain...passion." At the last word, his dark eyes flickered briefly to her lips. She felt her cheeks flush and her heart begin to beat faster. "One simply has to know how to channel those feelings. I can teach you that."

"No, I don't need a teacher. Luke Skywalker is going to train me." She tried to sound as confident as she could, but she had doubt. Would he train her?

"If Skywalker is so powerful, why is he hiding?" Kylo Ren's voice started to rise in anger. She had hit a nerve, she thought, but he regained his composure quickly. "How will he train you to beat me when he himself couldn't do so? The dark side is stronger, and you know it. You can feel it. Just let it in." His face was inches from hers now. She could feel his breath on her cheek, warm in the cold air. Rey was still stuck against the tree, but she was able to turn her face away. She couldn't look at him. It confused things even more. She knew she couldn't say yes to him, but she wanted to so badly. He was right. Why was Luke hiding if he was strong enough to beat Kylo Ren? Maybe he had given up and was simply hiding to avoid the torture and death that would surely await him at the hands of Ren or Snoke.

"And if I said yes, what then?" Rey asked quietly. "You turn me over to your master and let me become some pawn of the First Order?"

"That would be for you to decide," he said, releasing his force hold on her and stepping a small pace back. She fell to her knees, breathing hard. Her muscles ached from the strain of trying to break free. After catching her breath, so stood slowly and looked up at him. He was waiting for her response with an expression she could not read, his eyes searching hers. "You are so beautiful," he said slowly, reaching a tentative hand towards her face but not touching her.

"What?" Rey said confused, stepping back and bumping into the tree she had been held against a moment before. She fumbled for words, the intense way he stared into her eyes making her stomach clench and heat rise in her cheeks. He spoke again before she could say anything else.

"Let me train you," he said, stepping forward again, his body nearly pressing against hers. His hand moved to caress her cheek. She flinched slightly at his touch but couldn't look away from his heated stare. Her face burned hot and her heart was pounding in her ears. Surely he could hear it. "Let me train you, and when you have completed your training you can decide if you want to join me... or kill me." He was quiet for a long moment, and then said, "It would not be such a terrible death if yours was the last face I ever saw."

She looked up at him, eyes searching hers in a sad kind of way. Before she could think about what she was doing, she leaned up and kissed him, deeply. He stiffened for a moment but then relaxed against her kiss, body melting against hers. Rey's hands were in his hair, pulling him closer, needing him to be closer. His arms wrapped around her, hands sliding down her back. He pulled her against him and braced their bodies against the tree.

Rey pulled away from the kiss, breathless. Ren's mouth immediately moved to her neck, kissing and running his teeth against her earlobe. Rey moaned and felt goosebumps rise on her flesh, drowning in the sensations. What was she doing? The thought flickered briefly in her mind, but then Ren was moving lower. Still holding her up against the tree, he moved down her neck and kissed along the length of her collarbone, black hair brushing lightly against her skin.

Rey gasped, hands tightening in Ren's hair. He picked up his head to look at her, eyes meeting hers briefly and then brought his lips to hers again. Gently, he slid his tongue across her lower lip as they kissed. Rey parted her lips ever so slightly to allow him entrance and he took full advantage of the opportunity. His hands came down lower to cup her buttocks and lift her up so that he was positioned between her opened thighs, pining her against the tree.

"Wait," Rey gasped, pulling away from his kiss. "What are we doing? We can't…" Her breathing was ragged. She couldn't find the words. Ren still held her pinned against the tree. She could feel him hard between her legs, but he didn't move. He just looked her in the eyes, searching for what he should do next.

Finally he spoke. "This is your dream," he said. "You decide how you want it to end."

A dream… None of this was real. How had she not seen it before? It sure felt pretty damn real. She looked back into his eyes, a pained expression on her face. Did her subconscious really want Kylo Ren so badly? She knew the answer before she finished asking herself the question. Of course, she did.

Leaning in slowly, she put her forehead against his. "I want you," she breathed, barely a whisper. With Rey's permission given, Ren kissed her hard, more urgently than before. Rey's hands reached down to fumble with his belt while he let her feet down to the ground. Before she could get the belt undone, Ren was tugging her pants down over her knees. He bent to help her untangle her feet from the clothing and threw it to the side. Staying on his knees, he leaned in to kiss her inner thigh. Rey breathed in sharply as he moved higher up her leg, kissing slowly as he went.

He paused when he reached her middle, reaching a gloved hand up to part her folds, then leaned in and sucked hard on her swollen clit. Rey screamed with pleasure, head falling back against the tree, hands holding on to his arms for dear life. She squeezed her eyes shut against the light snow as it landed on her cheeks and melted. She was surprised it didn't turn right to steam, as hot as her cheeks felt. Whatever he was doing felt amazing. She briefly wondered if he'd had much practice or was just naturally good at this.

Rey felt him moving up, but the pleasure between her thighs didn't stop. She opened her eyes and met his gaze as his face came level to hers. The side of his mouth quirked up at her confused expression. "The force isn't just good for fighting and levitating rocks," he smirked at her, pushing his body against hers.

"Good to know," Rey said hoarsely, the sensations causing her to tremble slightly. Her hands moved to his belt again, this time getting it unclasped and pushing his black pants down over his ass. His lips were on hers in an instant, hot tongue moving hard against hers. He lifted her against him again, and she felt his warm girth rubbing against her clit. She reached down to caress it, moving her hand up and down his length and rubbing the tip along the insides of her folds.

Ren was the one to break away from the kiss this time. He was breathing heavily and searched her eyes again, looking for any sign of doubt. Rey guided him so that he was just above her entrance and then looked up to meet his gaze, willing him to make the final move. He pushed swiftly, both of them letting out a sigh of relief and pleasure. A few quick strokes and Rey was coming, her nails digging into the robes he still wore. Ren watched her come undone, savoring each noise and expression she made.

He went still as the last of her tremors subsided and felt himself spilling into her, sweet release washing over him. He leaned to kiss her forehead, then her nose, and finally her lips. When he pulled away, she was saying something.

"All personnel to the flight deck immediately!"

"What?" he said confused. His vision was starting to blur.

"All personnel to the flight deck immediately!"

Kylo Ren awoke with a start, naked in his bed. He looked around, almost expecting to see Rey somewhere. It was dark except for a red light blinking above his door. His cock was painfully stiff. He went about relieving the pain, clutching at the last remnants of his dream. It had seemed so real. And had he convinced Rey to be his apprentice? How had he done that? The dream was disappearing from his mind quickly. With a few quick final strokes, he released his frustration, seed spilling onto his stomach.

The loudspeaker sounded again. It was general Hux's voice. "All personnel to the flight deck immediately! We are preparing for landing!" Deciding to ponder the meaning of his dream at a later time, Kylo Ren cleaned himself off and dressed, pulling his helmet down tightly. It was time to focus on his upcoming training with Supreme Leader Snoke.