Chapter One

All she wanted to was to quit running, she was tired of running and hiding from Ron.

Ever since she told him that she didn't want to marry him or that she didn't want children early on, he had tried to keep her locked up in their Flat.

She finally got a break from being held hostage and was given a chance to go out with the girls. She was even given her wand for being such a good little witch. So after he left for work, she got busy packing and shrinking the stuff she wanted to take with her, she was leaving Ron and never coming back.

She had been secretly corresponding with a supernatural Hunter, he said he needed help getting something called the Mark of Cain off his brother before it consumed him and made him go off the deep end.

She thanked her lucky stars that Ron had let her have internet and a laptop (she told him it was for keeping in contact with her parents), so every day while he was at work she would plan her escape. First she was going to Diagon Alley and closing her Gringotts Account, then she would take the money and run to America.

She knew that would be the last place Ron or anyone would look for her, after she got there she would use her status as a war hero to gain sanctuary and a temporary visa. She already had three people (well two men and an angel) willing to help her out. It really hadn't taken all that long for her to gain their trust, in fact it was easy.

It turned out that her great grandfather on her mother's side was a Man of Letter's and her Great Grandfather on her dad's side was a Hunter. It was why her parent's didn't freak out when she was declared a Witch, they already knew that Witches and Wizards existed. Now that her parents were actually dead (even though she told Ron they had regained their memories but wanted to stay where they were) she really had no one to turn to.

So when she came across Sam on a Man of Letter's chat page asking for help with the Mark of Cain, she knew that he might be able to help her if she helped him. Once she got picture of the Mark, she began what research she could during the day while Ron was working. When she told them that she needed to get away from Ron and why they were eager to lend a hand (in Castiel's case, a wing) to get her free.

Today was the day she going to make her escape, in fact she already had Castiel and Sam waiting in a Hotel in the middle of Muggle London.

After she made sure she wasn't leaving anything behind, she quickly left. She even left a note telling Ron that she would be back around dinner (when really she was hoping to be long gone by then) and left before he came home for Lunch.

As soon as she apparited into Knockturn Alley, quickly throwing on a cloak she had hidden from Ron and walked as fast as she could to Gringotts. Once inside she quickly asked to speak to the branch manager about closing her account and withdrawing the money in Muggle currency.

She knew that Bill still worked at Gringotts and was on the lookout for him, if he spotted her then all her hard work would be for nothing. After a few minutes she was escorted into see Griphook, since he was the only Goblin still willing to work with her, Harry and Ron after they broke into the bank two years ago.

Removing the hood of her cloak she said "I need your discretion Griphook. I know that by Goblin law you can't reveal bank information of your proprietor's to other people. I want to either cash out my accounts or have them transferred to an American Branch of your bank and I need it done fast. I am leaving the magical world here in England and I am going across the pond for good." She said as quickly as she could.

Before Griphook respond there was a knock at his door, acting fast she placed her hood back on and went to stand in the shadows, it was Harry and Ron coming to withdrawal some funds for a business trip.

Since they were Auror's it was their job to hunt down rouge Death Eaters, "Ahh Mister Potter and Mister Weasley I am afraid you have caught me in the middle of a delicate meeting. I was just about to transfer this young woman's inheritance to Spain, it seems she just recently found out that her grandmother past and she is the sole heir. If you give me a few minutes to get her papers signed I can deal with your request.

"If you're in a hurry I am sure that Mister Weasley's brother would be more than happy to assist you. Now Miss Novak, I just need your magical signature and we will be all finished, I am sorry for the loss of your entire family." Griphook said.

Without a word Hermione used the backup wand she had purchased on her on her last 'good witch outing' and magically signed the paperwork transferring her accounts to a branch in America.

Luckily she had used a glamour to hide her scar before entering the bank; once the paperwork was safely in her hands, she left quickly before Ron or Harry could stop her.

Once she made it past the crowds of students getting their Hogwarts supplies, the people gawking at the latest Quidditch brooms or the students coming from George's Joke shop that he ran alongside Lee Jordon; she was safety at that back entrance of the Leaky Cauldron.

From there all she had to do was reach the hotel Sam and Castiel were at waiting for her. She quietly slipped into the loo and changed her appearance so she could catch a cab without a problem from outside the pub.

Afterwards she slipped out just as quietly and found a cab that was willing to stop, from there she told him which Hotel to go too and not to stop for any reason other than lights.

Once there she quickly went into the loo again and removed her glamour charm, she also unshrank her bags. She was going to make it seem like she was just another guest checking in. Fixing her skirt and adjusting her headband (it had been quite a while since she wore muggle clothing) she headed out to 'check in'.

"Hi I am here to meet my fiancée's brother and Uncle; I believe the reservation is under Sam Winchester or James Novak. Would you please tell them that Mia Granger has arrived?" she said as she was trying to calm the nervousness in her voice.

"Yes Mr. Winchester, I have a young woman here claiming to be your brother's fiancée; she says her name is Mia Granger. Of course sir, I will have her brought up right away. Please let us know if there is anything else we can do for you Mr. Winchester." The concierge said to the person on the other end.

It had worked, the ruse that they had come up with; the one saying she was his brother's Fiancée. She was almost home free, she just needed to get up to the suite and she would be one step closer to freedom.

As the bell hop took her bags she heard Ron's voice coming from behind her, 'Shit' she thought to herself. What was he doing here when he should have been at lunch with Harry or getting ready for his mission.

"Right this way Miss…." The bell hop said as if he was waiting for her name. Using an American accent, she had worked hours on perfecting she said "It's Mrs. Winchester, I am on my way up to meet with my brother-in-law. I am afraid that my holiday is being cut short, it seems my dear husband got hurt on the job."

"What does he do if you don't mind me asking?" the bell hop asked.

"He is a Private Detective, too be honest it's a family business that he and his brother run out of Sioux Falls. It does quite well as you can see, it not only paid for my yearly vacation but my brother-in-law's stay here." She said laying it on thick.

Just then the person she assumed was Sam came walking out of the elevator. "Why Sammy I am a big girl I can walk up to our rooms by myself. Is that husband of mine making you play escort again?" She asked hoping he would go along with it.

"Of course Mia, he just wants to make sure you arrive safely; after all it's not every day his lovely wife gets threatened while on vacation." Sam said as he took her baggage from the bell hop.

Once they were in the elevator she started to calm down, "Did you happen to see who that Red head was with, when you came down?" she asked.

"Yes, he was on the arm of some bleach blonde bimbo that would make the woman Dean sees look like librarians." Sam said as they headed up to their floor.

"Of course, I should have known that while he kept me locked up he was cheating on me. All those so called late nights or lunch meetings where nothing but lies. We need to get out of here before he puts two and two together and tries to come find me here." She said.

"We leave first thing in the morning, that is the earliest I can get us a flight to the US. Seeing as you need to report to the American Ministry as you called it, we have to travel by plane. Castiel on the other hand will meet us at the airport with Dean, once we land. From there we can get your visa and start the research into getting that mark removed." Sam said.

She had to admit he was pretty good looking but he wasn't her type, she would never admit it but she had a thing for the bad boys. The type she couldn't take home to meet mom and dad, not that it really mattered anymore. Sam looked like he belonged on the cover of GQ or in a court room, not out hunting supernatural creatures.

It made her wonder what Dean looked like was he like him or was he more of a bad boy, right now all she cared was getting out of London before Ron came looking for her. It was the last thing she needed was to be caught leaving the country and dragged back by her hair.

This time being forced to were a magical tracking device or having her wands broken. She was trying to get away from the abuse not get sucked back into it and of course Harry was oblivious to it all.

Whenever he and Ginny or any of the Weasley clan came over, he played the dutiful and attentive boyfriend. That and her being aloud out of the Flat for a 'girls' day was the only time she was granted privileges, such as being allowed to use her wand unsupervised.

When it was just them, she was only to use her wand when he was home and it was to cook all HIS favorite meals. It was all about him and what he wanted for dinner, anytime she would try to incorporate a muggle meal she loved he would throw a fit. Saying she was a Witch and she needed to drop the muggle part of her or he was going to make her.

She was lucky that he never left a bruise on her otherwise she would have had to hurt him.