Hanayo: And we're back for the final First Year Corner!

Rin: Don't say that, Kayo-chin! It may not be the last one yet!

Maki: But this is the final episode right?

Rin: That's true but…

Hanayo: Let's just get started on the reviews! Our replacements didn't do a good job last time!

Rin: R-Right...the first one is from TsUNaMyWaVe

Hanayo: You better bet we're cute! We're the youngest! By the way, Maki-chan, why did you leave us in the credits?

Maki: Wasn't it obvious? You said that the endings were mostly Nico-chan and Nozomi being cute together and then Eri getting in the way until she got kicked out right?

Hanayo: Yeah, so?

Maki: I made it easier by leaving at the beginning.

Rin: *gets it* *embarrassed*

Hanayo: I still don't get it.

Maki: That's fine. I have a pretty nice view of Rin's red face right now.

Hanayo: Wha-?! Rin-chan, why are you red? Don't tell me! You have a fever?! *touches forehead*

Rin: *steam escapes her head*

Hanayo: Ah...I broke her…

Maki: Next review is from Revengermajestyliberator. Yep, we're back and in full action at the beginning of the chapter again!

Hanayo: Except for Rin-chan. I think she'll rest for a while…

Maki: But we're not Makirinpana. It's just Maki and then in this setting, we're not all dating each other.

Hanayo: Nozomi-chan used those pairing names before too, right? *finally understood why Maki left* Oh….

Maki: *smug look*

Hanayo: Well then. Next review. From lychee-ran. Maki-chan is an idiot.

Maki: Excuse me?

Hanayo: You heard me. There's no point in trying to mimic the third years if you leave before we get to kick you out! That takes the fun out of it!

Maki: I was trying to be helpful!

Hanayo: And all that happened was that Rin-chan broke on us!

Maki: And you're saying that's my fault?! You're the one who didn't understand why I left in the first place and had to explain!

Hanayo: That's because you were so vague about it!

Rin: *recovered* P-Please stop fighting…

*Technical Difficulties*

Maki: *has a bandage on her cheek* So they're calling Honoka and Eri hetares now?

Hanayo: *has a bandage on her forehead* Sure seems that way.

Rin: *putting away first aid kit* Hetare means 'useless' doesn't it?

Maki: They are useless though. Especially at their own relationship.

Hanayo: Nothing ever gets done between them.

Maki: Just like with you and Rin? :D

Hanayo: Oi, you want another fight?

Maki: Bring it! :D

Rin: Here we go again...

"Oh, I have an idea on how to come up with ideas for writing the graduation speech!"

"Honoka-chan...that's kind of not the point…"

"Let's just hear her out, Kotori."

"How about we just stop staring at the blank paper and play some games instead?"


"Okay, I'm sorry…" Honoka returned her attention to the blank page in front of her. She had been staring at it, pencil in hand, for the past half an hour and her attention span was threatening to make her give up. Kotori and Umi were in the room with her, seeing as they were also on the student council, and they were having the same mental block she was.

The competition was over, as was the majority of the business aspect of their show. They could afford to take it easy-at least, the members that were not on the student council could. Honoka knew that the third years were getting prepared for their graduation ceremony-though she could really care less what the first years were doing-and her job was to prepare a proper speech to recite as the student council president. But even though her mind was buzzing with ideas, nothing made it onto the paper. "Maybe this is why I'm bad at writing~" She laughed at herself before hanging her head in pathetic recognition of her shortcomings.

Umi and Kotori went home for the night, leaving Honoka alone with the still white sheet of paper sitting on her desk. She played a game for a few minutes, but the fact that the paper was there kept bothering her until she had to put her controller down and return to her desk. Sitting there, she soon became bored. The cycle repeated itself a few times until she decided to alleviate her boredom by calling someone.

"Shh…" Rin waved at Maki as she held her ringing cell phone in her hand. The redhead scowled at being stopped mid-play, but she took her hands off the piano. Rin answered the phone. "Hello, Honoka-chan! What's up? Oh, I'm staying at Maki-chan's house tonight. Uh-huh, Kayo-chin was supposed to be with us. She has a fever though, so she's staying home. Maki-chan's here, yeah." Maki turned back to her piano and resumed playing, irritated with waiting for the phone call to finish. She was testing a new composition, and really didn't appreciate being stopped halfway through the progress, even if it was one of her friends. Rin should have just taken the call outside, in her mind. "Ah, that's just Maki-chan playing the piano. Okay, I'll put it on speaker."

"Maki-chan!" Honoka's voice rang out from the cell phone in Rin's hand. "What's that song you're playing? I haven't heard it before!"

"It's just something I'm testing right now. Like, right now." Maki snapped back, not wanting her attention to waver again.

"I like it! Send me the complete version tonight! I'll be waiting!" And then Honoka hung up on them. Maki stared at Rin's cell phone, then at the other first year, who looked just as confused as she felt. The song she was composing wasn't supposed to be used for anything; she had just started to make it because Rin wanted to hear her play the piano.

"I guess I have no choice." Maki said, stretching her arms above her head. "Rin, sorry 'bout this."

"No, it's okay! If it's what Honoka-chan wants, then there must be a reason! I'll go find the kitchen and get us some drinks!" Rin dashed out of the room, leaving Maki alone with her piano and the unfinished score.

To: Umi~Umi~

From: Honoka

I just got an amazing idea for what we could do for the graduation speech! Also, your name on my phone is Umi~Umi~.

To: Honoka

From: Umi

Why is my name on your contacts so weird? And what is the idea? It better not be playing video games.

To: Umi~Umi~

From: Honoka

I got your phone number from Kotori-chan. She put the name in for me. I didn't look at it until now. Anyway, my idea is a song! We can sing a song instead of saying a speech!

To: Honoka

From: Umi

What song? Anything we use, the third years already know. Plus, you have to say something.

To: Kotori

From: Umi

Why did you use "Umi~Umi~" as my name for Honoka's contacts?

To: Umi~Umi~

From: Honoka

I called Rin-chan and she was staying at Maki-chan's place and Maki-chan was making a song so I told her to send me the complete version. You can make the lyrics! :D

To: Umi-chan Love-Arrow-Shoot~

From: Koto-Kotori

I don't know what you're talking about. ('8')

To: Honoka

From: Umi

I'm okay with writing the lyrics if I get the song. And do write something.

To: Kotori

From: Umi

I know my contact on your phone is just as strange as the one you put on Honoka's phone. I'll just change it myself.

To: Umi

From: Honoka

Hang on, I just got a text from Maki.

To: Leader

From: Maki

Get on video call after you listen to it.

Honoka plugged her headphones into her cell phone and pressed play on the file Maki had sent to her. Her eyes widened as she listened to the song, which already had its own lyrics. After the last note ended, Honoka switched over to video call on her phone. Maki, it seemed, was waiting for her.

"So...what did you want it for?" Maki asked, looking somewhat irritated. Honoka could see Rin in the background, poking at the keys of the piano.

"For the graduation speech. I couldn't come up with anything, but I got an idea as soon as I heard you playing. It's not very long...but it sounded familiar?"

"That was the song they had me play in the first season. You know, for the scene where you met me?" Honoka thought back and nodded, remembering that they had supposedly met when Maki was playing a song in the music room. "Since we were done, I thought I would finish it. But I only got this much done-writing lyrics is harder than I thought."

"I helped too!" Rin shouted, crowding into the camera view next to Maki.

"Thanks, both of you. Listen, I'm going to need your help in the graduation ceremony…"

Eri stood in the student council room, her hand resting on the cool metal table top as she gazed out the window. She hadn't spent much time here, not after she had joined up with the rest of Muse, and especially not after Honoka had taken over her position. "And Nozomi was the vice pres too...I wonder how the rest of the council got along without us there?"

"Huh? Eri-chan, what are you doing here?" She turned to find Honoka staring at her blankly, a stack of papers clutched tightly to her chest.

"Just reminiscing, I guess." Eri looked back out the window again. "It's hard to believe...that the graduation is finally today."

"Right? I thought I would have more time to prepare." Honoka laughed lightly as she brought the files into the room and put them onto the table.

"Did you make a proper speech? I know Umi was going after you on that." Eri asked, looking out at the family members gathering to see the ceremony.

"Yep. It's right here." Honoka patted the pocket of her blazer. "All typed up too. Look forward to it! Anyway, I have to get back to the stage, so I'll see you afterwards. Nozomi-chan and Nico-chan were looking for you, by the way." And the second year was gone. Standing around in the student council room was a much lonelier prospect than meeting up with her two friends, so Eri set off in search of them.

"As usual, your speech was useless." Umi grumbled, now that the ceremony was over and all nine of them had met up outside the Idol Research Club room. Honoka looked sheepish. "You just completely ignored everything you wrote. I know because you let me read it."

"I forgot I had it…" Honoka said, trying to ease Umi's temper. "I was only focused on the song…"

"Now, now, Umi-chan. Don't be so upset on a happy occasion." Kotori said gently, reminding her friend of the ceremony that had just finished.

"And such an important occasion too." Nico scoffed, emerging from the club room with their trophy that showed they won the Love Live. "Here, Hanayo."

"H-Huh?!" The first year almost stumbled as she caught the heavy trophy that Nico dropped into her hands. "What is this-"

"You're the next Idol Research Club president, duh. Honoka and the others will be busy with the student council, so you were next in line. Do me proud, new president." Hanayo looked around at the rest of the group as they applauded her new position.

"And to Rin-chan, here!" Honoka put her unused speech paper into Rin's hands. The first year unfolded it and read it.

"Honoka-chan...isn't this your speech?"

"I couldn't find anything else to give you to mark this occasion. Ahem. From this day forward, Rin-chan is the center for Muse! Or whatever we're going to call ourselves from now on." Rin looked mildly embarrassed as she stood there with the printed paper in her hands while the rest of them applauded for her just as they had done for Hanayo.

"That's not fair! What about Maki-chan?!" Hanayo shouted, pointing at the redheaded first year. "How come she doesn't get embarrassed at being recognized?!"

"We ran out of positions." Nico said, shrugging. Honoka gave her an apologetic look but shrugged as well.

"Maybe I'll just run for student council president." Maki said, off-handedly.

"No way! You're getting embarrassed right here and now! I'm appointing you as vice president of the Idol Research Club!" Hanayo declared, pointing a finger at her friend.

"We don't even have that position! It doesn't exist!"

"It does now!" Maki and Hanayo looked like they were going to get into an argument with each other but Rin got in the way and hit both of them on the head. Sulking, they glared at each other but made no other actions to get into conflict.

"All right, now that's over with….I'm going home. See ya." Nico took Nozomi by the hand and started walking off with her girlfriend. Eri fretted, looking between staying with Honoka and following the other third years out of the school. In the end, she trailed after them, seeing as she didn't need to stay any longer.

"We should go too." Umi said. "There's no school until the next semester."

The graduated third years were waiting for them at the school gate. "Huh? What are you still doing here?" Honoka asked as they neared them.

"It's hard to leave, you know. We won't be coming back." Nico responded, scowling. Eri and Nozomi nodded solemnly. All nine of them turned to look at the school that had given them the chance to become friends and school idols. Hanayo's phone vibrated.

"Couldn't you have picked a better time?" She grumbled, knowing full well that her friends were staring at her for the interupted moment. As she read the message, her mind went blank. "This is big news!" She shouted as she went into a dash for the school's entrance.

"What is it, Kayo-chin?!" Rin shouted, hurrying after her.

"It's big! I can't tell you until I confirm it but its something really really big!"

"I want to know!"

"Nozomi, we're supposed to go now!"

"Let's just go find out what it is!"

I don't know why I included text messages in this chapter. I just thought it would be funny.

Honoka: Hey, we're all here for the credits.

Nozomi: Yeah...weird…

Umi: The first years got the beginning part, and the third years got the ending part. Us second years never had any extra lines.

Kotori: Honoka-chan appeared occassionally in the end and was a part of the beginning last chapter.

Honoka: I was asked to by Rin-chan!

Rin: That's because we couldn't do our First Year Corner like normal!

Eri: By the way...what happened to Hanayo and Maki?

Rin: They got into a fight at the beginning of the chapter…

Nozomi: Was it because of Rin-chan? :3

Maki: My heart belongs to Tsubasa-san! (At least in this work.)

Hanayo: It's because she made Rin-chan pass out!

Nico: So it was because of Rin then.

Rin: Don't say it in a way that makes them misunderstand!

Hanayo: Maki-chan. You, me, now.

Maki: You're on.

Nozomi: I'm betting on Maki-chan!~

Nico: I'll side with Nozomi.

Eri: Shouldn't we stop them?

Umi: I'm betting on Hanayo!

Eri: U-Umi?!

Kotori: She's upset that we don't get many lines. I'll also bet on Hanayo-chan~

Rin: Please stop fighting! It's the last chapter!

Hanayo: Stupid Maki-chan!

Maki: The one that says stupid is stupid!

Rin: Both of you please stop!

Honoka: They're not listening. No one's listening, so I may as well say my stuff here. Thanks for following along with Documentary up until this point, even if we may be useless at times and use cliche comedic lines.

Umi: Honoka's saying the final lines! The story's going to be over! Everyone say something!

Maki: Hanayo is an idiot!

Hanayo: Maki-chan is an idiot!

Rin: Will both of you stop fighting?!

Umi: I want more lines!

Kotori: Let's meet again in another story!

Honoka: Why's everyone getting in now…?

Eri: H-Harasho! *confused*

Nozomi: Buy me yakiniku!

Nico: I said I'd take you to a cafe!

The End.

The Love Live Movie will also be adapted in this format, but will most likely be done as a separate story. Please wait patiently until it comes out! Thank you to everyone who supported this story! :D