A/N: Hi everyone! I'm so sorry I haven't uploaded in a while work has taken over my life! Thanks for all the kind reviews, follows and favourites and hope you enjoy my new chapter :)

Alex entered her apartment with a very energetic younger sister behind her. Kara had been finally cleared to leave the DEO with much persuasion from Hank, there was so much a terrestrial alien from Mars could deal with a flamboyant little Kryptonian. Alex really hand her hands cut out for her.

The past couple of days had taken a toll on Alex, not only was she worried about her sister's well being but the effect that a younger Kara could have on their lives.

She was brought out of her thoughts when she saw her younger sister climbing on her kitchen worktops assuredly trying to find some food.

"Kara, get down from there!" Alex shrieked making her way over to the blonde. Kara turned around to the voice, misplacing her feet on the counters gaining a yelp from the alien. Before she hit the floor she was caught in the Knick of time by her elder sister.

Alex let out a sigh of relief but her face turned to a stern look "Kara, you should know better than not to climb the counters"

"Sorry?" She grinned up guiltily to the elder Danver sister, who in turn rolled her eyes.

"Just don't do it again" Alex placed Kara's feet on the ground "Kara I need you to be careful okay? You're not invincible" She stressed

"I know you keep reminding me" Kara dramatically huffed "I'm hungry, Alex" She stated in a serious tone.

"I'll cook us something special, okay?" Alex made her way into her underused kitchen

Kara nodded her head in defiance "I want pizza and a Chinese, Alex" The Kryptonian bounced about "Ohh and I want lots and lots of ice cream"

"Kara, calm down" Alex put both her hands on her hips staring down at her younger sister "We can't have everything! Decide on one?"

"Ice cream" Kara stated in approval her tone serious.

Alex rolled her eyes "We can't have ice cream for dinner, Kara"

"I do it all the time though" The pout present on the little aliens face "It's delicious" Her face beaming with excitement "Mr Henshaw always lets me have ice cream after a mission"

"Does he now?" Alex raised her eyebrow quite surprised at that new found information "Well I'll bring that to a stop now" The elder Danver stated firmly, seeing the fire within Kara's eyes diminish as soon as she said that "I mean once in a while it's okay, but not all the time"

"That's not fair!"

"Life's not fair, kiddo" Alex ruffled Kara's blonde hair

"Let's go out for pizza than!" The younger Danver negotiated.

Alex looked unsure as she wasn't sure how Kara would act in public in her current form "I don't know, Kara. You must be tired from today?" She tried to reason with her sister "I mean you're still recovering from some pretty traumatic injuries"

"But I've been stuck in the DEO for ages, Alex" Kara continued "I want to go out" She argued in a whiny voice.

"Why don't we get pizza delivered here?"

"Pleeeease? I promise I'll be on my best behaviour" Alex knew there was no arguing with Kara when she had her mind set on something.

"Fine" Alex gave in "But there are some ground rules I want to discuss with you, Kara" Alex proceeded slowly, Kara nodded in confirmation.

"One you are to stay in my line of view at all times, except if you're going to the bathroom of course" Alex paced her living room "Two if you encounter any trouble no matter what it is get me straight away" Kara just rolled her eyes at her over protective sister "And three don't tell anyone who you are" The DEO agent said the last part in a stern way.

"You mean lie?" Kara frowned slightly, Alex couldn't help but soften at the look on her sister's face. She bent down eye level to her sister, taking Kara's even more naïve personality in her stride.

"If it's the only way someone won't find out your identity, like you did with Cat a few weeks ago" Kara nodded her head slowly "And finally no dangerous activities" The elder narrowed her eyes "Do you understand, Kara?" Alex repeated with authority in her tone

"Yes, Alex" Kara groaned

This gained a satisfied smile from the elder Danver "Good" She walked over to grab her coat, also retrieving a slightly smaller one to give to her


The DEO agent gave the spare coat to her sister, as she proceeded to look for her purse. Her search was interrupted when she looked over to her younger sister's current predicament.

"Alex, I don't think this coat fits me" Kara announced with her arms drowning in the sleeves of the jacket her sister just gave her.

The agent glanced down at her sister "Hmm I think we'll need to go shopping to get some clothes for you"

Kara stomped her feet "I don't want new clothes I want my old ones" Hank had warned her that Kara's mood swings would be spontaneous.

Alex rubbed her temples "Kara, they'll be too big for you"

"I don't care, I want my favourite jumper"

"Fine we'll stop on the way to your apartment after we get some food, but you're still getting some new clothes" She said rolling up Kara's sleeves "I think some nice black trousers and top would look good on you"

The kryptonian gave Alex a look of disgust "I don't want to wear black clothes, I want pretty colours"

Alex looked mildly offended "Black looks good on everybody"

"I'll look like a gothic midget" Kara deadpanned "Miss Grant would disapprove, Alex"

"Fine, but I get to pick out shoes"

"If you have too" Kara rolled her eyes

A journey that would've taken them 10 minutes had taken them nearly double the amount of time than it should've. Due to the fact that Kara thought it was a great idea to try and rescue a cat that was stuck up a tree much to Alex's chagrin.

"Oww! Alex could you loosen your grip a bit?" Kara grunted in slight pain, as she was being dragged into the restaurant by her elder sister.

"No!" Alex snapped at Kara, who in return looked like a kicked puppy "You're lucky you didn't get hurt"

"I've already said I'm sorry" Kara looked down at the floor, circling her feet a childhood trait she had retained.

"Sorry, is not going to cut it this time" The alien looked up to the elder woman eyebrows furrowing "You're grounded"

"I've never been grounded in my life" Kara's stunned expression said it all "Even Eliza didn't ground me"

"Yeah well now's the first" Alex proceeded to a quiet table in the corner of the restaurant as people were giving them looks.

"I wanted to help the poor kitty stuck up the tree" Kara pouted with her arms folded "She could've have gotten hurt without my help"

"The cat jumped out of the tree as soon as you climbed up there, she looked perfectly capable to me"

"I didn't know that at the time, she just looked really sad" Kara tried to get her point across to her big sister.

"Kara, I appreciate your good intentions but this needs to stop" Alex stressed "Until you get your powers back you can't do these things!"

"I was only trying to help" Kara's face crumpled into a saddened expression "I miss my powers"

"I know you do" Alex calmed down a bit "But you have also broken one of my rules, so I think a grounding is appropriate in this situation"

The younger huffed with a pout "fine! Just don't tell Winn or James, they'll make fun of me"

Alex couldn't help but think how dramatic little Kara actually was "I won't tell them if you behave, deal?"


"Now that we have that settled, what would you like to eat?"

"Ice cream"

"Kara" Alex used her stern voice on Kara once again "We agreed you could have dessert afterwards"

Kara shrugged "It was worth a try"

Once Kara and Alex had ordered, both their pizzas came within a few minutes

"Thank goodness for fast food" Alex was so thankful that their meal came quickly as she could see Kara getting a bit agitated.

"I'm going to the bathroom" Kara announced suddenly, as Alex tucked into her pizza. This puzzled the brown haired woman, as Kara was literally jumping up and down for the food to come a few minute ago.

"I'll go with you" Alex was about to jump to Kara's assistance.

"I can do this by myself" Kara raised her voice slightly, making Alex sit back down.

Kara marched over to the bathroom in her little stride. Glancing over her should to see if Alex was following her, when she was sure she wasn't she proceeded into the toilets.

Once she was in the bathroom she went straight into one of the cubicles bringing her knees to her forehead, her head was still slightly hurting from the incident that occurred a few days ago but she hadn't told Alex.

She lifted her head from her knees and felt a sudden sharp piercing pain in her ears and head, which made her burst out of the cubicle she was currently in and set of for the sink.

As she was turning the tap she twisted to hard and lifted the sink from its position from the counter, at this point Kara was quite shocked but excited that she had gotten her super-strength back and judging by the pain in her head and ears she was regaining some of her other powers.

Once she regained her composure Kara made her way back to her sister covered in water.

"Why are you wet?" Alex asked in concern wondering why Kara was drenched in water.

"I turned the tap on to hard" Kara lied a bit too quickly, but technically telling the truth. She didn't want her sister to know she had a part of her powers back, considering that her sister was being to over protective for her liking. She knew if she told Alex about gaining her super-strength she would be either stuck to her sister's side or be made to stay in the DEO, which she highly wanted to avoid.

"If you say so, are sure you're okay?" Alex pressed the matter sensing that something wasn't quite right.

"I want to go home now" A now tired Kara begged her sister "Alex can we just go?"

"But you haven't eaten your pizza?"

"I'm tired"

"If you're sure?" Alex gave her a quizzical look

Kara just nodded her head hoping no one had noticed the damage in the bathroom yet.

A/N: If you have any requests to be seen in my story feel free to share :)