Hi loves! So, THIS is the last chapter.

Isn't that weird? I feel like I've grown with this story, like it's helped me in my own recovery. And I know some of you said it had that effect on you as well. And honestly, I can't tell you how happy that makes me, that I was able to reach you all and even help some of you. That's all I ever wanted.

Even though this story is over, I'm still here for you all, all the time. And even though this story is over, remember that ours are still going, and your story is so important.

Also, I'm planning to try to get a book published one day so please keep this on your alerts because if it happens, I'm gonna let you guys know on here ;) I only say that because some of you have asked me if I plan on writing a book. I absolutely do plan on it!

Thank you to everyone who reviewed, messaged, favorited, saved this story. I am extremely grateful for all of the kind things you all said, and you all really kept me going. This story has been a wonderful experience for me, and I'm glad to have shared it with all of you!

I hope you all like the final chapter, please let me know what you think!

Hope POV

"Is she asleep?" I heard my mother whisper.

There was silence for a moment, and I could feel their eyes on the back of my head.

"I think so," my father replied.

My father and I wanted to stay with my mother overnight. So, I ended up curled up in the chair next to her bed while my father stayed laying in the hospital bed with her. Eventually, it was late enough that the lights were turned off, and the only light in the room was coming from the hospital machinery.

At a certain point, the sight of my mother laying in her hospital bed became too much, so I curled up and pretended to sleep. But I could still hear every word that my parents said to each other. It was extremely bittersweet to listen to them talk for hours in the dark.

"It's okay to be scared," she whispered at some point.

"I'm not scared," my father replied hesitantly. "What would make you say that?"

"Because I know you, Tobias."

"Fine, maybe I am scared. But can you blame me?"

There was silence for a moment, save for the soft hum of the hospital machinery. Then, I heard a soft rustling as if one of them was moving around on the hospital bed. When they settled, I heard her voice again.

"I'm not scared," she whispered. "Do you know why?"

"Why?" he asked.

"Because this isn't anything like before," she said, and I could practically hear her smile. "This isn't like the time that I was in a coma or the time that I was pregnant with Hope and we weren't sure if we would make it."

"This is different," she continued. "I'm not afraid, and you shouldn't be either. I'm ready."

"Ready?" my father asked.

"Yes, I'm ready. I made it so much further than I ever thought I would. Before I met you, I was just a miserable teenage girl who thought things would never get better. But things did get better.

"I met you, the love of my life. I found a way to help people with my work. We had a beautiful daughter. And on top of all that, I'm happy. I'm actually happy, which is something that I never thought would happen for me. Aren't you happy?"

"With you? Of course."

"With everything," she said. "I'm not afraid of death anymore. Because no matter when it happens, I know that I lived."

There was silence for a moment, and I had to bite my lip to keep myself from crying audibly.

"You did," my father whispered. "We both did."

"Thank you, love," she said, "for making my life worth living."

"Thank you for spending it with me," he returned.

"I'd do it all over again. I love you, Tobias."

"I love you more."

There was silence again, but it lasted longer this time. Eventually, I realized that it was because they had fallen asleep. And eventually, I fell asleep too.

In the middle of the night, I woke up to a strange sound from the machinery. I could hear a couple of nurses shuffle in.

"Should I wake him?" I heard one whisper.

Silence. And finally, I heard them leave the room. I covered my mouth with my hand and squeezed my eyes shut. It happened just like that, in the middle of the night.

Still in my father's arms, my mother was dead.

I look at myself in the mirror, as I fix my white dress. For some time after my mother died, it just felt wrong to have my wedding without her. But eventually, after talking about it with Lucas and my father extensively, I decided to start planning again.

By now, it has been about three years since my mother's death.

"Look at you," Christina says with a smile, as she fixes my hair. "You look perfect, cutie."

I smile back at her through the mirror. Ever since my mother's death, Christina stepped in and became an even bigger part of my life than she was before. Once Mom was gone, she began checking up on Lucas and I and helping me get ready for the wedding.

She told me that, years ago, before I was even born, she had promised my mom that she would be there for me if anything ever happened. I am grateful that she has kept that promise in every way.

"Thanks, Christina," I say.

"She's like a princess!" Sophia says to Brynn.

"She is a princess," Brynn grins. "My princess, to be exact."

"Even after all these years?" I chuckle.


I decided to have my three bridesmaids be my best friends from college. Still, I wanted Brynn, Sophia, and Christina to be there to help me get ready.

I also asked my father to give me away, but right now, he is with the rest of the men, helping Lucas get ready.

I look at everyone through the mirror- at my bridesmaids excitedly talking and helping each other with their hair and makeup, at Brynn and Sophia who eventually return to their own seemingly flirtatious conversation, and finally at Christina who is still worrying over my hair and dress.

"Thank you for helping me, Christina."

She looks up at me and smiles.

"Of course, cutie." She worries over my hair for a moment again before she stops and lets out a sigh. "You know, there's something I want to give you."

I watch her, as she walks over to the side of the room where her purse is. She reaches in for something before she starts walking back over to me, unnoticed by everyone else, as they are still engaged in their own conversations. As she walks toward me, she seems to be looking down at a small piece of paper. When she is standing next to me, she looks up from it.

"I want you to have this," she says, handing it to me. "I thought, maybe it could be your 'something old.'"

She smiles a little before I look down at the paper. But it isn't just a paper. Instead, I realize, it is a photo.

A photo of my mother, smiling, in a white wedding dress.

I bring my hand to my mouth to cover the emotions that this one simple picture managed to stir. She looks so young, so happy.

"She loved you so much," I hear Christina say.

"I wish she was here," I whisper.

"Maybe she is." I look up at her, and she smiles sadly at me. "Maybe she's watching you right now. I think she is."

"Yeah, maybe."

We both look up, as the door on the other end of the room opens. My father walks in, looking around a bit. But when his eyes reach me, he freezes and stares at me for a moment. I force a smile at him.

"What do you think?" I ask.

He takes a step forward wordlessly, and I feel Christina take a step away from me as if to give us our space. I can also feel the eyes of all the other girls in the room on us.

"You look..." He shakes his head a little. "You look just like her."

"Really?" I ask, my smile becoming real.

"Really," he says, his eyes glassy. "You look beautiful."

I bite my lip to keep myself from crying, as I close the space between us and put my arms around him. He hugs me back immediately, and I squeeze my eyes shut to keep my tears in.

"She would be so proud of you," he whispers to me. "I'm so proud of you."

"Thanks, Dad."

He pulls back a little bit, keeping his hands on my shoulders, and smiles a little.

"I hope he deserves you," he says quietly.

"He does," I chuckle lightly.

"All right," he sighs. He looks at me for another moment before he offers me his hand. "Then, let's get you married, my dear."

About two years after our wedding, Lucas and I had our baby.

We decided on the name, Victoria Beatrice Pedrad. I wanted to name her after two of the strongest women I knew in my life. They also happen to be the two women that I miss more than anything. When she is old enough to understand, I want her to have a reminder of these women and that she is just as strong as them.

But right now, today is just her first day of kindergarten.

"Excited, Tori?" I ask, as I place her breakfast on the table in front of her.

"Yes!" she says, grinning at me.

I can't help but smile back at her, as I sit down at the table with her and Lucas to eat breakfast before we put her on the bus.

"You know, Grandpa is coming over in a minute to see you get on the bus for your first day!"

"He is?" Lucas asks quietly.

As Tori makes a noise of excitement, I give Lucas a look to tell him that we will talk more about it later. He nods in understanding before returning his attention to his food.

Dad had planned to come over the morning of Tori's first day practically since the day she was born. But then, just days ago, Grandpa Amar passed away. I was afraid that my father would be too upset to come, but he told me that he was all right and that he wouldn't break his promise.

For the rest of breakfast, we talk with Tori about how excited she is for her first day. Finally, as I start cleaning up the used plates, I hear a knock at the door.

"That must be him!" Lucas says, grinning at Tori.

"Grandpa!" Tori yells excitedly.

"Backpack!" I remind her.

She grabs her small pink backpack and throws it over her shoulder before scampering to the front door to greet him. I can't help but chuckle, as I walk after her. Lucas opens the front door, and my father walks in. He barely manages to get a word in before Tori jumps into his arms and starts yelling again.

"Hey," he chuckles, as he picks her up. "How's my favorite girl?"

"Good," she grins, as she wraps her small arms around him.

I can't help but smile, as I watch him talk to her while he carries her to the bus stop with Lucas and I trailing behind him. As we walk, I take a few pictures of my dad holding Tori so that we have something to remember this day, and Lucas smiles at me as I do.

When we finally get to the bus stop, he sets Tori down on the ground, as she continues to chatter on about how excited she is.

"She gets the talkative gene from your mom," I mutter to Lucas, who chuckles in response.

"All right, sweetheart," Lucas says, as he kneels in front of her. "Just remember..."

I look at my dad, as Lucas starts to give Tori the first day of school lecture.

"I'm glad you came," I say quietly so only he hears.

"Are you kidding?" he says, smiling slightly. "I wouldn't miss this."

"I just thought maybe it'd be hard for you, since Grandpa Amar just-"

"He wouldn't want me to miss this either," he cuts in. "She's too important."

Once Lucas is done giving the lecture, he stands up with the rest of us, and we stand there talking until the bus finally arrives. I take another picture of her, as she gets on the bus. And once she is seated, she looks out the window and waves at us like crazy.

As I watch her, I find it unbelievable that she is already so big. I can feel tears tugging at my eyes at the thought. It is unbelievable that time is going so fast.

My father has told me that he has been a little more tired than usual lately. Of course, I immediately panicked since that is how everything started with Mom. And of course, he downplayed it and told me that he was fine.

I even tried to convince him to move in with Lucas and I since he is in his seventies now. As much as the thought pains me, there is no telling how much time he has left. But of course, he said that he was fine on his own and that he would be able to take care of himself just fine.

Still, I haven't let up. I make the offer just about every time I see him. Especially since Tori will be leaving for college soon, which means that we will have plenty of room for him. In fact, I will most likely say it again today since Tori and I are going to visit him later today.

With that thought in mind, I reluctantly push myself out of bed. Saturday is supposed to be a day off, but it doesn't feel like one when I have to use the day to visit my father and go dorm shopping with Tori. And now, it will be even more difficult to fit it all in since I slept so late.

I look up, as Lucas walks into the room. I smile when I see him, but my smile immediately goes away when I see the look on his face. He looks at me as if he has just seen a ghost.

"What's the matter, Luc?" I ask. He slowly walks in and sits down in the bed next to me before he finally looks at me again. "Lucas?"

"Mom just called," he says quietly. "It's your dad, Hope."

"What happened?" I ask. "Is he okay?"

He looks at me for a moment before he reaches for my hand, and I feel my heart sink.

"He..." Lucas lets out a sigh. "He died last night. In his sleep."

I stare at him for a moment, as if he will tell me that he was just telling a cruel joke if I stare at him long enough. But the look on his face tells me that this isn't a joke. I look down at my lap, as he squeezes my hand.

"Wow," is all I can manage to say.

He puts his arms around my shoulder, as I feel tears starting to form in my eyes.

"Are you okay?" he asks.

I stay quiet for a moment, as I really consider the question. After all, it hurts to think that I'll never see my father again- that I'll never be able to talk to him or hug him again.

But almost immediately, I realize that he has practically been waiting for this. Every now and then, ever since my mother died, he would often make comments about seeing her again when he died. It was almost like he was looking forward to it, though he never outright said that.

Ever since my mother's death, he always seemed to be stuck in a haze. Sometimes, he seemed so depressed. I know that I will miss him, but I also know that he missed her too. And it is just the thought of him finally seeing her again that makes me smile a little through my tears.

"Yeah," I whisper. "I'm okay."

Four POV

There is nothing but darkness. I feel awake, and yet I cannot get my eyes to open, and I cannot get up off my back. It feels so odd. I begin to wonder if I am in a coma. But for some reason, something tells me that isn't it.

"Oh, look at you, love," I hear a soft voice say. I feel elated immediately when I hear it. "Open your eyes."

Suddenly, everything feels lighter. My eyes finally open. Everything is blurry for a moment, but I can tell that someone is hovering over me, looking down at me. A moment later, my vision clears, and I feel my breath hitch in my throat.

Her golden hair falls over her shoulders and frames my face, as she hovers over me. Her blue eyes bore into mine. Her pink lips are curled into a loving smile. She looks just like she did when we first got married all those years ago.

"Tris?" I whisper, suddenly afraid that I am in a dream and I will wake up any moment now.

But then, she brings her hand to my cheek and strokes it softly. And in that moment I know, it feels far too real to be a dream.

"Tobias," she says softly. "I missed you so much."

I stare at her for a moment, trying to make sense of everything that is racing through my head. From the moment I heard her voice, I felt elation course through me. Yet part of me is still afraid that I am going to wake up alone any second now.

"I don't understand," I say finally. "Did I... Did I-"

"Die?" she whispers, still stroking my cheek. "Yes, love, you did."

"I..." I shake my head a little, as I try to take this in. "What about-"

"Hope?" she cuts in. "Don't worry, she's all right."

"So this means..." I try again. "I'm not in a dream."

"No, Tobias," she grins. "You're not in a dream. You're with me now, and that's the way it's going to stay."

Suddenly, the elation coursing through me becomes overwhelming, as the realization fully hits me. I sit up, and she moves back to give me space, but she stays kneeling in front of me. As I move, I realize that something feels different.

I look down at myself, and I can't help but laugh a little. Just as Tris looks like her young adult self again, my body looks just as it did all those years ago. I even feel like I can move more easily.

I look up at her, the smile still on my face, and she grins back at me. I reach out for her. She brings her hands to my cheeks and rests her forehead on mine, as I wrap my arms around her. My eyes close again, as I appreciate the feeling of finally having her so close to me again. I could probably cry tears of happiness right now, but I manage to hold it back.

Before I can open my eyes, she brings her lips to mine and kisses me softly. I kiss her back with everything that I have, everything that I have been holding in for all those years without her.

"You really missed me," she chuckles when we pull apart.

"I did miss you," I tell her. "So much."

She smiles at me and strokes my cheek a bit.

"We'll never have to miss each other again, love."

I smile back at her, as I tighten my arms around her. Ever since Tris died, all I could think about was how much I wanted to see her. How I just wanted to kiss her, hold her, talk to her just one more time. All those years, it almost felt like torture. But now, she's finally here, in my arms. All of the waiting was worth it.

She was always worth it.