"Now, Killua. I want you to close your eyes." An unfamiliar voice calmly commanded. The white-haired boy did as he was told, and he could feel someone getting closer. When his eyes snapped open in fear, a man in a lab coat was standing in front of him, holding a small pill. Killua shouted in terror, kicking the man back to the other side of the room.

"Please, calm down. I just want you to try this medication." The man tried again, in the same soft tone.

"No! Get away from me! I won't let you!" The boy cried, running towards the door. He was stopped by two other doctors who were blocking his way out.

Killua fell back, crawling into a corner. When the doctors moved away from the door, they slowly made their way towards Killua. The latter bolted up and tried to run for the door. The doctors grabbed him by his arms, and forced him back into the white chair he woke up in.

He squirmed and kicked as hard as he could, getting more desperate as the first doctor came closer. He still couldn't budge. The man took the same pill, and forced it down Killua's throat.

Killua's fighting and resistance slowly gave in to fatigue. Within a few minutes, he was out cold.

When he woke up again, a strange boy was staring at him. Killua yelped in surprise again, backing up against the wall.

"No more! No more! Please don't make me do it again!" Killua pleaded, grabbing his head.

"Whoa, whoa! What are you talking about?" The boy asked. Killua looked up again. The boy was still sitting where he was on his bed. He was clad in green, and nothing more, with a confused stare claiming his amber eyes.

"Are you here to hurt me?" Killua whimpered.

"Wh-NO!" The boy shouted, causing Killua to wince. He stood up, and walked over to the enigmatic boy.

"Is this my bed?" Killua asked.

"Yeah, I think so…" The boy answered simply.

"Then…why are you in it?"

The boy seemed to be taken aback by the question. He tilted his head to the side like a dog, and said nothing. A few seconds later, he spoke.

"Oh…yeah. You were new here, so I wanted to see if you were awake."

"How long were you there?"

"I dunno."

Killua ran a hand through his matted hair. Sweat rolled down his face as he found a clipboard on the edge of his bed.

Patient: Killua Zoldyck

Age: 13

Gender: Male

Diagnosis: Paranoia, trauma

Notes: The patient was found in the woods, unconscious. It has been understood that the patient had run away, in fear of his past residence. It is not clear what had happened before he was found, and he refuses to tell the staff. He has been extremely resistant to try new medications, and so far, none have calmed him down, except for strong doses of morphine.

Killua put the clipboard down lightly. That was what happened? He turned his head to the boy, who was walking back over to his own bed. Killua followed him, and asked him his name.

"Gon! Gon Freecs!" He stretched a hand out for Killua to shake, which the latter hesitantly complied. When they stopped shaking hands, Killua picked up Gon's clipboard.

Patient: Gon Freecs

Age: 12

Gender: Male

Diagnosis: Concussion, memory loss, brain damage

Notes: The patient was reported by his aunt, who claimed that his father had irresponsibly endangered him. The patient had fallen from a tall tree, and hit his head badly. He woke up, remembering nothing of his past, or much about who he was. The patient's father is currently facing trials for child endangerment. The patient has shown no resistance when trying medications; however, he has no idea what he is doing. None of the medications have shown any difference in the patient, but he appears to be mentally stable.

Well, this kid had a pretty exciting backstory. Killua's eyes glanced around at the information again. Twelve years old? Not that far off.

Killua's thoughts were interrupted when a woman walked into the room.

"Mr. Zoldyck? Are you awake?" She blinked in puzzlement as she saw that Killua wasn't in his bed.

"Oh…yeah," He poked his head out from the curtains that separated his bed from Gon's.

"Could you please come with me? The doctor wishes to have a word with you."

Killua froze, his eyes going wide.

"No…" He gasped. "I…can't."

"You won't have to try any…"

"I said I can't go!" Killua shouted. Got flinched, moving farther behind his bed.

At this point, the nurse was making her way towards Killua, slowly reaching her hands out.

Killua shoved her away. Gon tried to grab Killua's shoulders to calm him down, but Killua spun around, pinning Gon against the wall by his neck. The nurse had left the room to alert the doctor of Killua's panic attack, but it would probably be too late by the time they made it to his room.

"Killua…stop! It hurts!" Gon let out a strangled cry.

"Why does it always seem like everyone wants to kill me? Tell me! Why?!" Killua cried, pushing harder on his roommate's neck. Gon cried out again, his vision blurring. Kill dropped him on the floor, and pinned him by his neck again.

"Why am I never safe? Why do I have to go through this? Why me? Why?! Why…" Killua fell to the ground as a doctor pulled a syringe from his neck. A nurse helped Gon stand back up, profusely asking if he was okay. Gon nodded, but then started to ask over and over, "Is Killua going to be okay?"

The doctor turned around, and said the three words that broke Gon's heart.

"I don't know."