Chapter 1: Awakening

It was nights like these where he was called to a private meeting with the Alpha werewolf of Beacon Hills California by threat of bodily harm that made Stiles regret that he ever stepped into the supernatural world. Stiles would sometimes internally lie to himself thinking that he would have been content to just live a normal life without all of the supernatural. He knew that even if he sometimes wished for a normal life, he would not feel as complete. Stiles found the supernatural fascinating and now that he knew that it was real, he just could not get enough. What is truly bothering Stiles, was the fact that the fact that no less than 24 hours after witnessing a brutal attack from the latest supernatural monster, the alpha Derek Hale wanted answers. It's not like Stiles did not have a general answer for Derek, but Stiles did not need for Derek to threaten to rip his throat out for the information. Stiles would have gladly given Derek the information if he had just asked. He could do without the violent and alarming erotic threats.

Yes, Stiles Stilinski will admit to himself that he had a massive crush on Derek Hale that completely eclipsed his former obsession with Lydia Martin. He was not sure when it had begun, but he knew for sure that if Derek ever found out about his feelings, that it would be the end of his life. Thinking about Derek triggered his ADHD brain to wonder why Derek and his new betas were threatening him if Scott was part of Derek's pack. Derek knew that Stiles was pro-pack, so why was the threat needed? All of Stile's thoughts ceased when he arrived a Beacon Hill High School pool just in time to see Derek and Erika using basketballs to practice the quick use of a partial shift to destroy the balls. This sight warmed his heart a little seeing Derek actually teaching his new betas. Stile had a feeling that if Scott had not been so stubborn then Derek might have been able to help him more. As if sensing that Stiles had arrived, Derek turned and faced Stiles simultaneously destroying the basketball in his hands.

"Stiles, about time you showed up," Derek said with his usual scowl set firmly in place. Stiles sighed internally because it was not like he could just teleport whenever he was called. He was human after all.

"Well yes almighty alpha. I came as quickly as my still recovering body could carry me since my jeep was just used as a murder weapon. Seriously, was the threatening necessary? I was going to come to you with the information as soon as I had enough to give you. That way the pack wouldn't be hunting down a monster with no idea what is going on. It would be like watching a puppy chases its tail." Stiles snarked back at Derek, which caused both of the wolves present to growl at the puppy comment.

"Stiles!" Derek growled out his eye becoming slightly red. Stiles inwardly smirked at how easy it was to rile Derek up with a few well timed canine comments. Considering who was in Derek's pack, the puppy statement was pretty accurate especially with Isaac. It always amazed Stiles that he would be able to elicit a verbal response from Derek rather than his usual form of communication throw manipulation of his facial features.

"Alright, alright this is what I know about the new monster in town." Stiles said quickly before not wanting to make the wolves any angrier. He then launched into a very detailed explanation of what he had witnessed, experienced and what he was able to uncover about the creature in the 24 hour span of time that he was given. Normally he would have flown off on to some tangent topic mid-way through his explanation, but considering what the creature did the night before Stiles able to stay on track. When he was finished with his recount of what happened, he took a breath and looked at Derek who's scowl had gotten deeper and darker.

"Well what is this thing?" Erika demanded, since being turned and being cured of her epilepsy she had very little patience.

"Erika," Derek started, "this creature that Stiles described is what is known as a Kanmia. It is sometimes the result of what can happen if the bite of an Alpha werewolf takes but there is some internal conflict within the person. Among the werewolf world, a Kanmia is considered an..."

"Abomination," Stiles finished for Derek. Stiles knew in his mind what Derek might be thinking, but before he got a chance to stop Derek's though process Erika spoke again.

"You said it had a long tail with acid green scales right," she said cautiously her whole body tense. Stiles saw that Derek had tensed as well and knew that it was not a good sign.

"Yeah it did, and I am going to go out on a limb and say that it is right behind me." Stiles replied without waiting for a response turned around. He saw the beast as it was slowly creeping through the stands on the far side of the pool. Stiles kept his eyes glued to the Kanmia while slowly backing up towards Derek and Erika not entirely fond of being paralyzed a second time in the span of 24 hours. All of the sudden the Kanmia hissed and blurred away in a burst of speed. Half a second later Erika was thrown across the pool. She tried to stand, but couldn't even move a muscle. There was a small yet noticeable cut on her cheek that the Kanmia had un-doubtfully graced her will while injecting its venom into the she wolf. Derek thrusted Stiles further behind him, but as he turned back around to fight the Kanmia, the beast raked a claw across the back of Derek's neck before retreating a good 10 feet away from the Alpha.

"Derek," Stiles shouted as he rushed forward and caught the Alpha before he fell. He hefted one of Derek's arms over his shoulder and tried to drag him over to Erika. However, the Kanmia had other plans and cut the duo off.

"Derek, I'm sorry but I need you to trust me. Take a deep breath and hold it." Stiles whispered and not risking his probably only chance to save all of their lives pushed Derek into the pool. As Derek hit the water, Stiles pulled out a bottle of mountain ash that he kept on him at all times. After he had learned of its protective powers, he had kept a good amount on him for emergencies. Remembering Deaton's advice on how to use mountain ash, Stiles infused all of his will into the small bottle willing it to somehow protect Erika. He threw the bottle at the ground by the downed she-wolf before diving into the pool after Derek. Un-be known to Stiles, as he was infusing his will into the ash something seamed to break within him. The glass bottle shattered on the ground and ash inside flew into a perfect circle surrounding Erika.

Just as the circle formed Stiles and Derek breached the surface of the water both men gasping for air. Stiles immediately looked around for the Kanmia while tuning out Derek's current string of curses and threats to Stiles' life. The Kanmia approached the edge of the pool trying to see if it could reach out and attack the two in the pool. Stiles swam them closer to the middle of the pool despite Derek's protest. The beast hissed at them but seemed unable to get any closer to the water. It seemed like it was afraid of the water. The Kanmia prowled closer to Erika as she struggled in vain to move. Just as the Kanmia was about an arm's length away, the mountain ash barrier blasted the monster back into the shadows.

"Stiles," Derek growled. Stiles split his attention to focus back in on the enraged Alpha in his arms. In a different circumstance Stiles would have drooled at the sight of a drenched Derek along with having him so close, but now was not the time to be sporting a hard on. Re-adjusting while treading water was not the easiest thing to do but somehow Stiles managed to get himself turned to face Derek.

"What Derek? What is so important that you need to distract me from keeping you alive right now?" Stiles said loudly which caused Erika to growl at him for the disrespect he was showing her Alpha. Although at the moment Stiles didn't care.

"Well maybe you should have thought about that before you dumped us in over 8 feet of water while one of us is paralyzed." Derek snarled at the teen with anger plain to see in his eyes. Normally Stiles would back down at the look in Derek's eyes but something inside of him was urging him to be defiant. This feeling was crying out indignant that this wolf had the nerve to question him and his actions. Fueled by this feeling Stiles looked Derek straight in the eye knowing full well what he was going to say might get him killed later.

"Well excuse me for trying to save our lives. I was trying to get us over to Erika so we all could be safe behind a mountain ash barrier; sure lets blame Stiles for having to resort to plan B when plan A was no longer. At least the Kanmia either can't swim or is afraid of water otherwise Erika would be the only one of us safe. Now stop bitching and start healing!" He shouted at Derek. Derek himself was stunned silent as was Erika. Stiles took the silence as a moment to collect himself and try and think of a solution to their current problem.

Time moved quickly and soon the silence had stretched on for over an hour. This was too quiet for Stiles, but he could not devote any energy into filling the silence without losing his grip on Derek. Finally the universe seemed to take pity on him and Derek spoke.

"Why do you care Stiles? Why would you risk your life to try and protect us? Why not save yourself and leave us to our fates? What is in this for you?" Derek questioned. Stile stared at Derek for a moment in shock by the fact that in the time that he had been acquainted with the sourwolf, Stiles had never heard Derek talk this much in one go.

"In no particular order, I care because Derek that is who I am. I care too much sometimes. It was why that despite all the dangers of being a human in the supernatural world, I am still here. Why did I not just save myself? Well, let's be real for a bit. I was raised by a cop and the philosophy of protect and serve is hardwired into me. Don't get me wrong I am by no means a saint. Hell I have moments where I have even put my godfather to shame in regards to actions that are classified as legally wrong. I mean I did light Peter on fire without hesitation a few months ago, and manipulated Danny. I have never acted against you guys though. As for what I get out of this, I was under the impression that pack is family and that pack is there for you no matter what. I was relieved when you became the Alpha Derek because I wanted Scott and I to be in your pack and not Peter's. I was under the impression that we were pack, and if I was wrong I'm sorry for assuming." Stiles said. He let that speech sink in and a minute later Derek replied.

"You are right Stiles, you do care too much. This world is dangerous for a normal human, but you are also right about pack being there for each other. You could have left us, but you stayed and protected us. You have proven that even though you are human you are in the mindset of a wolf and pack. If you wanted to truly be part of the pack you would need to submit to me as your alpha. Could you do that Stiles?"

"The answer is yes Derek. I could, can, and will submit to you as my alpha. Although don't expect my mouth to comply since everyone in town knows that I have a barely functional brain to mouth filter." Stiles answered cheekily which caused Derek to roll his eyes and Erika to giggle weakly. Stiles grinned at that, but as he did so he began to realize that his legs were starting to burn and he was getting more exhausted by the minute.

"Hey not to put a damper on this great time we are having but does anyone know if the lizard is anywhere in the vicinity. I am getting really tired and really don't want to drown." Stiles said with a small whine in his voice.

"The Kanmia is gone and I have feeling/movement back in my legs. If you can get us to the wall, I can kick long enough for you to get out and help drag me out of the pool. It should be another five minutes before I have function back in my arms." Derek replied tired of being wet and held up by Stiles. Don't get Derek wrong, despite what was said earlier, he knew it was a good plan. However, being held up by Stiles put Derek too close to Stiles' scent. Stiles' scent had always intrigued and bothered Derek because it was all wrong. Stiles always smelled of curly fries, medicine, and citrus which did not make sense considering the time Stiles spent with Scott. He should have some trace of Scott's werewolf scent on him like Allison did, but he didn't. Now however, after Stiles had verbally submitted to him, Derek noticed what was wrong with Stiles' scent. He realized that his true scent was being completely masked with magic and it was way too powerful to be done by Stiles. Sure the teen was a spark and handy with mountain ash, but this was way above that. Derek stored these thoughts for later as Stiles managed to get them to the edge of the pool. Stiles let go of Derek while he climbed out of the water before dragging the alpha out of the water. After two hours of treading water fueled by adrenaline, Stiles had time to catch his breath. Five minutes later like he predicted, Derek was able to stand up and pulled Stiles up to stand too.

"First things first, while you have submitted to me verbally and I have accepted you into my pack, my wolf demands that you physically submit as well. I promise this will not hurt and after this is done we need to get Erika out of your barrier." Derek said. He faced Stiles and let his wolf come to the front of his mind and shifted into his full wolfed out form. Stiles locked his honey brown eyes with Derek's red alpha eyes. He was defiant for a moment before lowering his gaze and tilting his head to bare his neck to Derek. The alpha wolf moved forward into Stiles personal space and put his face in the teen's neck. Derek scented for a second before applying a shallow bite, not deep enough to turn the teen but deep enough to mark him as his pack. Stiles let out a small yelp at the pain inflicted from the bite, but the pain went away as Derek soothed the bite with a lick of his lounge. This caused Stiles to let out an involuntary moan of pleasure at the feeling.

As for Derek, after he had nipped Stiles his senses were flooded by the newly established pack bond that he felt with Stiles. It was surprisingly stronger than the others in the pack. While this confused him, he was more overwhelmed by Stiles' true scent which was now starting to appear after being included into the pack. It seemed that becoming part of the pack had either weakened or broken the magic that was obscuring the teen's scent. Stiles' scent was now a mixture of the familiar scent of pack, the wind through the forest after it had snowed, and the sweet dangerous potent honeysuckle aroma of pure magic. This put Derek and his wolf on edge, as they both wanted to pin Stiles to the ground and drink in his scent for hours at a time. Derek knew that he had to pull away, and when he did Derek noticed Stiles was a little flushed and his eyes dilated. This caused Derek to inwardly smirk since he knew that Stiles had a thing for him. Derek shifted back and let go of Stiles before motioning for Stiles to release Erika. Stiles move toward the barrier and stared at it for a moment before sighing.

"I really wish I carried another bottle and a broom or something for this stuff. It is too good of a thing to waste." Almost immediately after Stiles finished speaking the barrier around Erika shimmered and both wolves' sense of smell was flooded by the scent of magic. To all of their amazement, the mountain ash flew off the ground and collected itself in mid-air compressing itself into a solid sphere. This sphere then floated over to Stiles who caught it in his hand amazingly the sphere did not breakdown due to the water still dripping from the teen. The three just stared in wonder at what just happened.

After a minute they were able to collect themselves and got Erika to her feet. She was healed and able to move but was still somewhat numb. The three of them left the pool area and made their way to Derek's car. As Derek unlocked the Camaro, Stiles turned away to start his long trek home. He was not even two steps away before Derek stopped him with a hand on his shoulder.

"Stiles get into the car. I am giving you a ride home. It is my duty as your alpha to make sure you get home safe." He said and Stiles was too tired to argue. He let his alpha guide him back to his car and climbed in behind Erika. As soon as Derek was in the driver's seat, he pealed out of the parking lot. 40 minutes later he had dropped off both teens and was back at his train station den. Derek went to bed thinking to himself about how he could make sure to protect his pack and what it meant that his bond with Stiles was so strong.

Meanwhile in three different locations, after the mountain ash had flown into Stiles' hand:

Hamptons, NY:

Sitting in a mansion in front of a roaring fire sat a man in his mid-50's reading what appeared to be an old and well-loved book. Upon a closer inspection of the book, an observer could see that it was an original copy of Shakespeare's A Mid-Summer Night's Dream. The man calmly turned the page and his eyebrow twitched in amusement.

"It has been a while since you have come to this realm without it being a special occasion," the man said to the room at large. There was a deep laugh and a handsome figure stepped into the fire light and sat in the chair next to the other man. The newcomer was a beautiful man who looked like a model from a GQ magazine.

"I see you are feeling rather impish tonight seeing as you are reading that mortal's delusional encounter with us. The only thing that the poor mortal got even close to being right was your name." The younger man said which caused the man reading the tale to sigh fondly.

"I am feeling nostalgic and it was always a good story. You can't blame the mortal for getting somethings wrong with all the magic interfering. It is a shame that he got mother and your names wrong. Aunt Titania was never happy with that and neither was Erking, isn't that right Edmund?" The elder man responded. The now identified model known as Edmund chuckled. Edmund was known in many realms and anyone who was supernaturally aware as the Winter Consort to the Winter Queen of the Fae. While he may not hold the title of King, he was a very powerful fae and commanded respect. There were only a few who could speak to him in such a common manner and that happened to include the man sitting next to him in the other chair. This older gentleman was his adopted and youngest son who he and his wife (the Winter Queen) had raised and granted the magic of the Fae. His name was Puck Darkwood.

"You are right my son, they are not very fond of that story at all. Your mother and I love to tease them with it at times and even the Winter King finds the humor. Although as much as I love our chats my son, I am actually here to bring you important news," Edmund said. Puck closed his book and focused all his attention to his father, as he never ventured away from Nevernever unless it was very important. Seeing that he had Puck's full attention, Edmund continued. "Your youngest grandchild has begun the awakening process early. We were not expecting this for several more weeks, but something has sped up the process considerably. Your mother is currently on her way to speak with you son-in-law to ascertain what is going on. She will find out why little Genim has awakened early."

"You will tell me if he is alright won't you father. I was not happy when my youngest kit Claudia moved out to that place for the courts, and I am most certainly not comfortable with my grand-kit being out there by himself with just William." Puck desperately plead as his pupils became slits and his irises glowed a deep forest green. Puck is a kitsune and his family with a few exceptions were all kitsune blessed with the magic of the Fae. Kitsune were as notorious as werewolves in their protection of their young.

"Peace my son. Genim will be fine and you will be able to see him soon. The court oracles have been watching the future and they see our family reunited and in perfect health. According to them now that Genim as begun the awakening process, he will be in less danger. That and we are both aware that unlike the rest of our family has more of your mother's and my more vicious tendencies coupled with William and Claudia's intelligence. Your mother will be checking on him tomorrow." Edmund said calmly. Both Puck and Edmund were very protective of their family, which is why Edmund's biological children were never hostile or excluded Puck from their family. "Now son I must be off. The new Winter Lady is still getting accustomed to the realm and can't be left alone for too long. That and you know how much I love to torture the traitor in the dungeons. Be well and I will see you on the solstice." Edmund said before disappearing into thin air. Puck sighed again before picking back up his book and continuing from where he left off. However, his mind was on his youngest family member, Genim the only son of his darling Claudia.

Chicago, IL:

Harry Dresden sat in the freezing car on a stake out with his police friend Lt. Murphy. They were observing "Gentleman" John Marcone, to see if he had any connection to their most recent case. Harry personally did not think that they would find anything, since despite being a regular mortal involved in the supernatural world John was not stupid enough to have dealings with a sloppy Firestarter. He wished that they could just go home already as it was too cold for a pointless stakeout. Just as this though crossed his mind for the 100th time, there was a knock on his window. Turning his head Harry saw one of Marcone's men, who he could not remember the name of, at the window. The goon motioned for Harry to roll down the window, which he did despite Murphy's protest.

"Boss would like a word with you Mr. Dresden. Would you please come with me? Lt. Murphy, Mr. Marcone said to tell you that he has no involvement with your current case but if he hears anything that might help he will send it to you. He also said that you should go home and rest as it would not do anyone any good if you were to get sick." The good said. Both Harry and Murphy were a little shocked by this but neither one of them was going to complain. Harry got out of the car and followed the goon inside.

20 minutes later Harry was seated in Marcone's study with a hot tea in his hand. John Marcone sat across from him behind a desk looking both happy and worried at the same time.

"What did you want to talk to me about Johnny?" Harry questioned figuring that it was easier to just get this conversation over with. While it was general knowledge that the two of them did not associate, John and Harry shared a well buried secret between them that would keep them linked until the day they died.

"Well Dresden, I just received a visit from a messenger from the Winter Court." John said which caused Harry to tense. John continued seeing that Harry was interested and not going to interrupt him. "The messenger was sent here to deliver a message to both of us. However, I told him that I would pass it along to you."

"What is the message?" Harry asked trying to keep his tone neutral. Even though he was the Winter Knight, it was always best to tread carefully when anything was related to the Fae.

"The message was that our god-son has begun his awakening and that we should be prepared for our lives to become more complicated." John stated with a smirk on his face. Harry groaned because there it was the carefully guarded secret the shared. The secret that both men shared a god-child, as John was best friends with the child's mother and Harry with the father. The child had very limited contact with either of them for his protection from both of their occupations. Although Harry had sent him a used car for his birthday last year, and he knew that John always send a birthday card in addition to regular correspondence with the boy. John's love and care for his god-son was one of the few things that Harry found likeable in the crime-lord. John had a soft spot for children, especially when it came to little Genim Stilinski.

"So we are just supposed to be ready for chaotic changes in our lives?" Harry questioned.

"We were told to prepare for that yes, but now that Genim has begun his awakening I am going to fly out to see him. I already have a flight booked for the morning. It is time I take a more active role in his life. Heaven knows Genim is lacking in some skills that he will need in the future if our letters are anything to go by." Marcone replied. Harry just rolled his eyes and got up to leave as he did have a case to solve.

Beacon Hills, CA: Sheriff's Department:

It had been a long night for Sheriff William Stilinski as he sat in his office doing some late night paper work. He had on deputy working in the office with him because it was a strangely quiet night in Beacon Hills, especially for a normal human. Unfortunately William Stilinski was not one of the regular humans who could enjoy a quiet night. Sure he was just a human with no supernatural powers, but he was all too aware of the supernatural world. It was a consequence of marrying into a supernatural family as well as being a cop. This is why Will was up late at work instead of at home with his son. He had to do the messy work of covering up all the supernatural incidences that happened in town so that regular people could sleep at night.

Will was very aware that his son had also become aware of the supernatural when Scott McCall had been bitten by the rouge Peter Hale. Will was proud that his son was willing to hide the supernatural and protect him and the town, but he wished that he could insure his son was safe. At least until he came of age and the Will would worry less. Just then there was a knock on his office door startling him from the file he was currently staring at, the murder of the mechanic who was working on Stiles' jeep.

"It is open come on in," He called out while closing the file and putting it away. The door opened and in walked a stunning woman with long auburn hair that had flecks of red and blond throughout and a lithe figure. William stood quickly knowing that this woman commanded the utmost respect and nothing good could happen from disrespecting her. "Queen Mab, what an honor it is to have you here. Please have a seat while I fetch you a refreshment." Will stammered nervously. He had never seen Mab in her current form without someone dying very soon. Mab was known as a cruel being when punishing someone, by making them see something beautiful before having them killed in a gruesome and painful way. Will was not willing to see that tonight.

"Calm yourself William dear, you are not in trouble. I arrived here in this visage so that I might fly under the radar and allow you and your son some comfort. Now sit down we have much to discuss." Mab said in a calm lofty tone. William sat down still very nervous, after all the being in front of him was Queen of the Winter court and most importantly to him the grandmother of his late wife Claudia. Mab scared him more than his father-in-law. "Now William dear, I am aware that recently this town's supernatural activity has grown exponentially. It is because of this that you have been putting in more and longer hours here as is your duty to the supernatural and to protect Genim. It is also why I am here," said Mab and Will gulped in trepidation.

"You see, the protective enchantment placed on Genim has suddenly broken. I estimate that in roughly three days he will have full control of his magic and at least a week before his elemental alignment reveals itself. What I want to know is if you know why the enchantment suddenly broke before his 18th birthday?"(In this story Genim aka Stiles was held back a year due to his ADHD) She finished and the room was quiet as Will considered the situation.

"Well my lady," Will began, but he was interrupted by Mab.

"William, though I love the attention to respecting me that you have always shown, I have told you before that you are family. As family you may simply call me Mab, or like Claudia and Genim you may call me Nanna."

"Well Nanna Mab, I know Stiles has been helping out his friend Scott. Scott was bitten and turned by Peter Hale. Derek, Peter's nephew, took the alpha power from Peter because he was on a revenge driven rampage. Derek has been in recent months rebuilding the Hale pack by taking in the teenage outcasts and the people in dire need of the bite. He has been attempting to recruit Scott to his pack and Stiles would naturally join with him. Could joining a werewolf pack accelerate the enchantment breaking?" William asked because if something accelerated his son's abilities, then as a father William was all for it.

"Just joining a pack of wolves would not cause this fast of a break since most alphas don't truly include humans. I know Talia did, but she was more inclusive than others. If Stiles was trained like a human spark and used a good amount of his latent magic in conjunction with full inclusion into the pack via physical submission to the alpha, then that could have broken the enchantment. Before you over-react, the submission would merely be baring his neck to the alpha and nothing more. That is the only way that I can think that the enchantment was broken, unless he mated the alpha." Mab said which caused Will to let out an uncharacteristic growl. It was not that he had a problem with Derek but as a father he wanted his child to remain pure for as long as possible. He also did not have an issue with the age gap between the two as Stiles would be 18 soon.

"If this is what happened are you okay with Stiles being part of a werewolf pack?" Will asked after he had calmed down from his moment of paternal righteousness. Mab flipped her hair back over her shoulder before gazing out of the office window.

"As a Queen, I do feel it is below my family to ever submit to anyone. Also I value loyalty greatly and the loyalty of werewolves is phenomenal. However, as a grandmother I want to know my grandchild is safe. Therefore I want to meet this Alpha Derek Hale and judge for myself if he and his pack are worthy to host my Genim." She said and Will could only nod in agreement with her. "Let us go to your home. I wish to speak to our little Genim in the morning, and you need rest if you are to think up a decent cover up." Mab said in a commanding tone that left no room for argument. After he locked up his office, he and Mab headed to his police car to head home. 20 minutes later, the pulled into the driveway and went in for the rest of the night. Mab cast a town wide calming spell to allow some brief peace before going to bed in the guest room. (Stiles has been in bed for about 20 minutes at this point.