I don't own vampire academy

The world around me froze at those two word. The two words that had hunted me for over seventeen years. I felt numb.

The only thing I could hear was the ringing in my ears and my rapidly increasing heart rate thumping in the background, trying to break free from my chest. I felt Alex take a step forwards, taking a protective stance in front of me, blocking me from there view. "What's he doing here?" He growled out at Lissa. Sensing the impending fight I take a tentative step coming up beside Alex. Gripping his arm I give him a nod. Slowly relaxing he walked up towards the long dining room table and took one of the spare seats. Ignoring the concerned look from Lissa, I walk over to the last spare set. Unfortunately that set just happened to be opposite Dimitri.

"Dimitri and Tasha are staying her for a couple of weeks," Lissa explained to Alex. I could see the tension rise in Alex as he stared him down.

The rest of dinner went relatively smoothly as most people filled the silence with meaningless small talk. That was until Alex had had enough and stormed out of the room. "ALEX" I shouted after him as I set my food down and stood up to find him.

I found him by the door with his back turned. "How can you do that? How can you sit there and pretend that everything's fine?" Alex asked me in an early calm tone. He's too much like his father, I think to myself. "Because if i do something he will find out" I fought back.

"I need to get out of here. I'll see you at home," and with that he walked out of the door.

I went back in too the dining room only to be met with questioning looks. "Do you want me to go and speak to him?" Christian asked in a concerned voice."No, he just need to go home," though by the look on his face he did believe me but at that moment, I couldn't care less.

For the rest of the evening I checked my phone every few seconds just to see if Alex had tried to contact me. But nothing ever appeared. Sighing, I lean back on the sofa and hit the caller button again. The clinical sound of the voice mail met my ear. "Hey Alex it's mum again, please just call me back or send something to show me that your ok?" Hitting the end call button I put my phone down and look up only to realise what I had done. "Alex is you son!" No shit Sherlock. " Yes Tasha he is," I deadpanned. Sparring a glance at Dimitri I could see the hurt behind his eye. What the hell gave him the right. Then Tasha asked the question I had been dreading.

"Who's his father?"

And so I told her the same thing I told everyone that asked that question, he was some moira I had a one night stand with who wanted nothing to do with me or Alex. This worked on most people but the ones that knew me well... Let's just say that they saw through that pill of crap. Satisfied with what I said she dropped the subject though I could see that Dimitri was about to say something. "Hey Lissa you don't mind if I leave do you. I have an early class in the morning," I asked Lissa with a pleading voice. I had to get out of here. "Sure say night to Alex," and with that I walked out the door. Once I got to the bottom of the road I broke in to a run not stopping until I got back to the small apartment. Flopping down on to the sofa I burst in to tears and slowly fell asleep.