Hello and welcome! In case you didn't know me, it's nice to meet you!

This story plays sometime after "Professor Layton and the Eternal Diva", but before the following part (Mask of Miracles I think).

I don't own the characters or the game or whatever. Only this story ;) Also, I'm not a native speaker, so if you find language or typing errors or just have questions, criticism or ideas about 'Enchanting', don't hesitate to let me know.

I hope you enjoy ^^

"Woooah. This is it? That's the place we've been looking for, Professor?"

"Yes, Luke. This is the tomb I've been reading about." The professor answered his little apprentice.

Professor Layton, Emmy and Luke were staring down many, lithic steps, leading into complete darkness.

"Alright then, flashlights, everyone," Emmy stated and took three flashlights out of the leather bag she was carrying and gave one to each of her companions. Slowly, and not without being reminded to be careful by the professor several times, they went down into the mysterious-looking place.

After about ten minutes of walking through several rooms and corridors, Luke broke the uneasy silence.

"Professor, do you think there are traps here somewhere?" He warily looked around and stayed close to the professor. Emmy opened her mouth and was about to give some teasing comment, but the professor noticed the sly grin on her face and answered quickly.

"I believe if we are careful, nothing is going to happen to us." He reassured as they finally reached a room after a long passage. Professor Layton stopped and inspected the openings before him. Emmy, who had noticed the dilemma, too, exhaled in disbelief.

"What do we do now, Professor?" She asked and lighted the two tunnels they were facing. He placed two fingers on his chin and thought for a minute.

"Perhaps... I'm not sure, but we could split up-"

"I'm going with the professor!" Luke interrupted loudly and clenched the professor's sleeve.

"But Luke, I would have sent you two and-"

"That's okay, Professor," Emmy informed, "Really. You know I can take care of myself." She winked to assure him, since he did not look all that happy.

"Hmm... well, if you say so. But please, please be careful, Emmy! If something happens, we'll meet outside." He said and added a 'good luck' before they parted and went through each of the tunnels.

Professor Layton and his apprentice walked through the tunnel until they reached stairs, which led them to a large room. It was not as dark as the other rooms and there was the sound of water. When they searched around with their flashlights, they found a small creek, flowing through a stony channel. There were multiple statues and a huge image on the ground.

The Professor and Luke went into the middle of the room and examined the carvings and paintings beneath their feet.

Meanwhile, Emmy searched the room she had reached, which happened to be the one under the Professor's. She walked through the room and noticed moss and other plants on the statues and walls around her.

"There must be water somewhere..." she thought out loud. Something about the moss caught her attention. "Tracks!" She gasped and quickly lightened the walls around her. "Whoever was here, he can't be far..." she mumbled when suddenly a loud sound rang to her ears.

"Aaah! Professor!" Luke screamed as the ground began to crumble at his touch on one of the carvings.

"Quickly, run!" Professor Layton shouted, grabbed his apprentice's hand and sprinted towards the entrance while the floor behind them tumbled.

"What the-?!" Emmy – who was right below the giant fragments of the ceiling above her – dropped her flashlight and ran across the room. Splinters of the ceiling rained down, one of them cutting her arm and making her scream. Another rock hit her head, causing her to trip and fall. Just the moment before she hit the ground and was buried under the massive stones, something caught her and dashed away with the unconscious girl and out of the danger.

The Professor and Luke had just made it to the entrance. They coughed from the dust and looked back into the chaos. Slowly, the dusk disappeared, and they had a clear sight of the ruins they had accidentally created. The whole ground had fallen into the next room below and parts of the ceiling above had fallen too. A little light flooded into the room from outside, illuminating the destruction.

"Let's go back and find Emmy." The Professor stated and quickly walked back with his apprentice. When they reached the room, where they had parted, Luke looked back into the other tunnel and stopped. The professor noticed after a few steps further and turned around to see where his apprentice was.

"Luke?" He asked as he walked up to him. The little boy only stared into the tunnel with widened eyes and a slightly opened mouth.

"What is it, Luke? Come on, we have to get out of here; Emmy is probably worried." He said and started walking again when Luke's words made him stop once more.

"I don't think so, Professor..." he replied with a shaking voice, still staring into the second tunnel. The professor came back and gave the boy a questioning look. He followed his gaze and gasped when he realized what his apprentice was thinking.

Quickly, the two were running down the corridor towards the little light, that hadn't been there the last time they had looked through the tunnel. Both gasped as they saw the ruins in front them, where the room Emmy had gone into had once been.

"Oh no...!" Professor Layton exclaimed and started to make his way across the rubble. "Emmy!" He desperately shouted several times.

"Over here, Professor! Her bag!" Luke yelled and pointed to the leather bag between rocks. Both searched the area for over ten minutes, finding nothing but her bag and a splinter with blood on it. The two hurried outside, assuming – or more hoping – that she had made it outside. After some time, they reached the entrance of the tomb.

Panting, they looked around for a sign of the professor's assistant.

"Emmy!" They shouted again and again. No answer.

"There are no tracks of a vehicle... And our Jeep is still here." The professor noticed and looked inside the car, hoping to find the girl waiting in there, but without success.

"Look over here, Professor!" Luke exclaimed and pointed to the ground.

"Horse tracks? But only one horse… Still, they are relatively fresh." Professor Layton analyzed the traces. They were leading into a thick forest, which was impossible to traverse by car. The professor and Luke decided to drive back to the small village that was the closest civilization near the ruins and ask for advice. They were hoping for volunteers to search the ruins and help if they would find her wounded.

"I really hope Emmy is okay..." the professor sighed as they turned their backs on the tomb.