A/N: Espeon804 here with a -

Oh for crying out loud! I am so tired of these annoying plot bunnies! DO YOU HAVE SYMPATHY?! I HAVE A NUMBER OF FANFICS TO WORK ON ALREADY!

Anyway, this one is something I haven't done before… well, I've done one with the sequel (which I have never finished). I have beaten to main storyline on Red Rescue team. To celebrate the release of Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon, I decided to go for the originals! Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Red and Blue Rescue Team!

And… since these games aren't as great as the sequels (Me, personally, loves Explorers of Sky) I have decided to make this more… I can't… really explain it.

However, this will be based off my Very first (and I still have them today since I played the game months ago) Rescue Team!

You know, Exploration Teams do more… I just realized that.

Anyway… let's get on with this. I have other fics to work on you know…





- Chapter 1: You seem to be… the impish type! -

"I … I don't know if I am ready for this…" A young voice trembles as if they are afraid of what is to come. "I'm only 11. Are you sure this is a good idea?"

"No need to worry." A feminine voice assures the kid. "All you need to do is answer a couple questions. Answer them truthfully. It'll determine just who you will be."

"A couple questions? Why can't you just let me choose-"

"Now are you ready?"


"Then let the interview begin!"

"Darn it! I said no!"

"Do you like to play pranks?"

"Uh? Play pranks? What kind of question is that? Even you should know the answer to that one! Everyone calls me the prank expert! Not once have I been caught!"

"One day you will you pesky kid!" A grumpy voice in the distance shouts.

"Uh… yeah. Are we finish here?"

"You see a wallet on the side of the road. What do you do with it?"

"Finders keepers. That is if… nobody's looking of course. "

"You open the toilet seat and a hand comes out! What do you do?"

"How many more questions?! What kind of question is this?! Who comes up with these?! Why am I taking an interview in the first place! Can we just skip this and-"

"Answer the question."

The kid sighs. "Urrgh. Fine. Run away."


"How do you know if I am lying or not?! Look, you have brought me here in this ever-changing rainbow hue which is wired and I have to take some stupid survey just to jump in some world. I said I wanted to test myself! Not take a test! Did your buddies here me wrong or something?!" This is not what anyone would have in mind.

"Now." The voice demands firmly.

"Okay… I know this is a strange answer but I would try to pull it out. There could be someone stuck in there so-"

"You'll shake hands with it. Okay good. Now here's the next question-"

"Wait a minute! I never said anything about shaking hands with-"

"A test is coming up. How would you study for it?"

"Who even studies these days? Even 90 kids don't bother to study! I have no patience for that. I would rather be outside… you know where this is going."

"Do you like to fight?"

"I got in trouble for pouring ice cream in someone's pants. Does that count?"

"Do you hate to be the last person out of class?"

"Nah. More time for me to mess up the teacher's lesson plans."

"Do people tell you to watch what you say?"

"All the time."

"Have you ever made a pitfall trap?"

"Can I ask you a question?"

"This is not part of your survey but I guess you could…"

"Can you please step up here for a moment."

"Well… sure… I see no reason why you want me to but-" The sound of the ground collapsing is heard, followed by a scream. The area shakes as the person crashes. "That… was… a yes… is it?"

"Uh-yep! Are we done here now?"

"Y-yes… we are… oh… my poor back." The voice sighs. "By the way… Are you male or female?"

"Are you blind?"

"Considering on the fact that I am in a hole unable to see you… perhaps…"

"Fine… I'm a-"

"Well… you obviously like to play pranks…. And you have no problem with fighting. I think… you do this to get attention… from those who are lonely… you seem to be… the impish type then… oooh… I think I broke… my back…"

"Hey! You didn't even let me answer-"

"Well… and impish type like you… you will be a…." Suddenly, a bright light surrounds the unidentified kid.

"Hey! You never finished telling me who-" The kid never got the chance to finish. Being pulled into a questioner was annoying enough. To do that and not get the results… what's the point then?! But there is no time to even think on why. The light engulfs and covers… something isn't right… body shrinking… feeling lighter…

… oh yeah. The test.



Is it too late to regret this?



(Where… am I?)


(I hear a voice from somewhere…)

"Hey! Are you okay? Are you awake?! Say something!"

(Someone is here… I wonder… who it might be…?)

Light… the light… it's… so bright. No wait… there's something blue… that's the sky… and some clouds. The sun is not far and looking at it obviously is something not to be done. And this headache… it's no surprise to wake up with one after whatever has happened which can't be recalled as of now.

Oh… this headache…

"Oh! You're awake! For a second there I thought I had to get help…"

Standing surprisingly doesn't hurt, though it is a bit wobbly. Staying in balance is rather hard at the moment. But seeing this strange mouse standing there… wait a minute… that's a… "Is that a Cyndaquil?

"Huh?" The Cyndaquil tilts his head. "Yeah...I'm a Cyndaquil. Hey miss… are you alright? You seem to have been out for a while. Are you scared? If you are then don't worry! I'm no threat-"

"Now whoever said I was scared?! What is freaking me out is how in the world are you talking?! You're a Pokémon! Pokémon shouldn't be able to talk!"

"Well uh… you're a Pokémon too you know…" The Cyndaquil takes a couple steps back. "Are you sure you're okay? Maybe you took a hard knock on the head or something… but I don't see how you would have got hurt like that… considering on the fact that you have a skull and all…"

"Me? A Pokémon? And what do you mean by skull?" She is even more confused on what is happening.

This stranger is really strange. Finding her unconscious in the middle of a field is worrisome but now he is concerned with her brain. "Okay… um… by the way… who are you?" He decides to get a better picture of this one. "I've never seen you around before…"

"I'm a Human! Doesn't that ring a bell to you at all?! Don't you recognize one when you see one?!" Okay, now this Cyndaquil is starting to bother her with his claims.

"What?! You say you're a Human?!" The Pokémon gasps. "But… you look like a Pokémon! That's impossible! No Human has been sighted for decades!"

"For the last time, I am not a-" She took a heavy step just now and she feels something hit her foot. It hurt actually but not enough to make her yelp. Looking down she almost freaks out. "Is… that a bone?" Is something dead around here?

Cyndaquil is now wondering if this stranger even knows who she is. He points at her and says; "That bone is yours isn't it? If you say "no" then why do you have one on your head then? You're very strange if you ask me."

"Bone on my head?" She starts to think that the Pokémon is playing a prank on her. Maybe this is a dream… or is someone messing with her head? Talking Pokémon? Yeah, this has to be some dream. "I've got to be dreaming." She decides to pinch herself. However, as her hand reaches for her face, it touches something smooth and rough-like instead of what should be skin. "Huh?" Her eyes land on her arm and to her disbelief, they appear short and brown. "Huh?!" She looks back down but now at her feet. Instead of seeing What should be toes she sees a paw. "What?!" Now looking down behind her she sees a tail. It moves and she almost forgets how to breathe. "Wh-what is this…?!" She locates a puddle and causes for it. She sees a reflection which isn't her, but a strange creature with a skull on it's head! "aaaaAaaaAAAAH!" She flails around and falls back. "I… I…"

"You… what?" The Cyndaquil asks oddly.

"I have… turned… I'VE TURNED INTO A CUBONE!" How did this happen? Surely she was a human before. For some reason… she can't remember how this happened or why. She has no idea.

"Oh… um…" The Cyndaquil isn't sure if he wants to believe this or not. It could be some trick. Maybe this Cubone has hit her head so hard that she now believes she is a Human. Still, even if that is the case, he doesn't want to be rude. "Well… my name is Scorcher. What's yours?"

"My… m-my name?" This question feels like a math test. It scares her that she can't recall what it is. Still, her mind searches through her brain and she picks up a spark of memory. "Oh! That's right! My name is Ruby."

It takes a few seconds for Scorcher to grip on the name. "Ruby?" After seeing the Cubone nod in response he almost fails to suppress his laughter."That's a funny name!"

Despite the small rudeness she sighs. She'll ignore it. It is a bit odd for a Pokémon to have such a name anyway. "So uh… your name... is Scorcher right?

Scorcher nods. "Yeah. I don't really understand. You say that you were a Human right? How did you become a Pokémon then?"

Her mouth opens to reply but it quickly shuts. Honestly, she doesn't know. In fact… this is bugging her on why she can't recall how this happened…

"Help! Somebody! Help!"

"Wha-?" Scorcher had only time to turn around and something crashed right into him. He falls on the ground almost too hard but he quickly gets back to his feet. "Huh?! What's going on?!" He locates a butterfly Pokémon commonly known as a Butterfree. It lays on the grass slowly getting back to it's own little feet. "Are you okay miss?!"

The Butterfree starts to flutter her wings and is airborne- for a split second. She falls back down to the ground. "Oh no. My poor baby! My baby!"

Ruby is too confused about herself and what is now happening. Still, she approaches the bug Pokémon. "What's wrong?"

Butterfree looks at the Cubone with fear. "My baby Caterpie! He was just playing in the woods and suddenly a crater broke from under him. He fell right in!"

"Oh no!" Scorcher gasps. "It's growing worse!"

Butterfree continues. "I tried to go and rescue him but I was attacked by Pokémon who live there. It was as if the disasters riled them up. I can't get close to him." She lifts her right wing and it limps injured. "Now I can't fly because of the many Pidgey who suddenly turned so aggressive. I got hurt in there."

Though she doesn't remember much of what occurred with her, some information still stays. "Odd. Pidgey are gentle and timid Pokémon. They are never viscous."

"Don't worry ma'am! We'll get your son back!" Scorcher promises.

"R-really?! Oh thank Mew I found you! He should be in the depths of Tiny Woods. Please be careful! He's very timid."

"No problem!" Scorcher nods and looks at Ruby. "Come on Cubone! We have a rescue to do!"

The Cyndaquil has already took off before the former Human could say anything. "W-wait a minute! You're okay with this but I still don't know how this happened!" And she means that in both ways: How is she a Pokémon, and what is going on that had this mentioned Caterpie have some accident? She literally just woke up and already she has to do some rescue.

"Come on!"

He looks like he could do it himself. Still, he pauses and turns to her direction. He could be looking at her but it's impossible to tell with his eyes so narrow. It makes her wonder how in the world - this world - could he see?

Reluctantly, she starts to run after him but she stops midpoint. Her instincts is telling her something but she can't figure out what it is. Did she forget something maybe? Yeah, that's it. She's forgetting something and it makes her feel insecure without whatever it is. What is she missing.

"Something wrong?" The Butterfree calls from far behind.

Ruby turns around and gives her a look telling that she's fine but her gut betrays her again. Her eyes are focused on the ground and they instantly land on the bone she stepped on before.

Butterfree looks at the same spot. "Oh dear you. Leaving without it is not a good idea." She hops to it and picks it up with her stubby hands but topples over and falls. It must be heavy. "Um… you're going to need this. No Cubone would dare to forget about it. You're vulnerable without it."

She's right. Ruby feels very unsafe as of now. Humans don't even carry bones and it's creepy enough that she is wearing a skull on her head. But this bone her is needed. It must be a Cubone thing or something. Quickly, she hurries to it and picks it up. It's a firm squeeze she's giving it and surprisingly the feel of it is rather smooth. She nods at the bug type and rejoins the Pokémon who found her. "I guess I have a lot to learn huh?"

Scorcher seems even more concerned now. "Well, if you really were a Human, this is going to take time for you to adjust to this." He makes his way for the forest with Ruby close behind. "Question is: How are you going to defend yourself? Butterfree did say that the Pokémon who live here are acting violent."

"Honestly, I don't know. I don't even know myself anymore…" She has a feeling that she could have amnesia. That is not good.

"Well… you have to learn somehow. There will be a day that you will have no choice to to fight."

That is not what she likes to hear. Among this woods some Pokémon are willing to ambush. She has enough worries already. This is not something she is looking forward to.

Something soft but sticky hits her face and body and she flails around in panic. "AAAAH! WHAAAAAH! GET OFF! GET OFF! GET OFF! I DON'T EVEN KNOW HOW TO FIGHT! WHAAAAAAH!"

"Ruby?! Ruby! Where are you?!" He knew that she was behind him. He should had checked on her occasionally because now this Pokémon he just met is in danger. He looks around in panic. She's nowhere in sight. "Ruby! Where are you!"


He hears the scream and his face goes pale seeing a white blob monster stumbling towards him. "AAH! MONSTER!"

"MONSTER!" The white blob repeats and it spins towards him. His face is hit with a bone and he falls on his back.

Wait… a bone?!

"Wait a minute!" Scorcher realizes what is going on. He runs at the white blob monster. "Ruby! Calm down! You're not being attacked!"


"It's okay! You're wrapped up! It's no monster! Just silk!"

"Silk?" The white blob stops moving. It shakes occasionally as if something's trying to burst out. "I'm stuck!"

"Hold on!" Scorcher turns his back on the silk blob. "I'm getting you out!" He takes in a deep breathe and fire bursts from his back. However, instead of the silk burning off like it should had it turns into a burning torch. "Oh no!"

"What?" Her voice is muffled in the silk. "Why do I smell smoke…? It's getting warm… hot… hot! HOT! HOT, HOT, HOT, HOT… I'M ON FIRE! WHAT DID YOU DO?!"

"I'M SORRY!" He looks around for a source that could save his friend and locates a stream. "Ah!" He runs back a couple feet and causes forward. He takes the silk torch and watches it fly against a rock and rolling into a stream. He flinches. "Oops… I think I overdid that Tackle."

The silk breaks down revealing a very irritated and chard Cubone with water dripping from her skull. "Thanks…" She spits out a leaf. "A lot."

"Sorry…" Scorcher nervously chuckles.


Several minutes after the small incident the pair is walking deeper in the woods. The ground feels a bit unstable under Ruby's feet. If they are not careful a natural pitfall could form. It's awfully quiet, and it's making her feel uneasy. She decides to break the silence with a question; "So you speaciallize with fire huh?"

"Yeah." The Cyndaquil nods once. "How did you figure that out?"

"Well… your name is pretty much a giveaway… Really, it is. You nearly scorched me to death." Ruby replies.

Scorcher's face turns a hint of pink from his embarrassment. "Oh yeah." He frowns a bit. "Well… it can't be helped. I don't have much experience when it comes to fighting. I'm still trying to do better."


"Uh-what what that?!" Scorcher yelps.

Ruby spots a figure divine towards them. "Incoming!"

Scorcher takes the warning and ducks. A angry Pidgey flies over his head and is hack in the skies. "What the-?! Since when does a Pidgey attack first?!"

"I think this was what that Butterfree was talking about!" Ruby shouts with panic. "This is a good time to do that fire thing!"

"But I don't know any fire attacks?!"

"What?!" Ruby ducks her head and dodges another attack. "What do you mean?! You used fire in attempt to free me remember!"

"I'm ! Fire naturally comes out my back! As of now that is the only thing I can do with fire!" Scorcher ducks again and this time he spins to face the Tiny Bird Pokémon. He takes a step forward is gives it a scary stare.

For a second the Pidgey cowards and it jumps up and tackles him.

"Scorcher!" She doesn't know what to do. She doesn't know what she can do. Scorcher is constantly trying to bat it away and he is in pain. She grips on her bone. What can she do? Fearful, she takes a step back and something and s under her feet. She looks down and spots a group of pretty big rocks.

"Hey! Get off of me! What did I ever do to you- ow!" Scorcher finds himself being pecked by the bird. "Pidgey shouldn't know Peck!" He manages to throw it off and out of nowhere another Pidgey tackles him back down. Now he's struggling with two Pidgey. "OWW!"

Suddenly a rock smacks he bird on the face and it falls off of the Fire Mouse Pokémon slumped and unconscious. "Huh?" He is a bit confused. "Was that… a Gravelrock?" He looks at Ruby and sees her smiling almost Cheerfully.

"That is how to kill two birds with one stone!" Ruby throws a rock in the air and can catches it. "Hah!"

"Thanks Ruby." Scocher rubs his bruises as he walks up to her. "Looks like you can really aim huh? I've never seen a Pokémon take out two with a single Gravelrock.

"Beginner's luck?" Ruby asks timidly. "That could be it… I'm… still not use to this Pokémon thing.

"What is that suppose to mean?" Scorcher says a bit offended.

"Hey! I'm not trying to be mean! Don't take my words the wrong way!" Ruby sighs and takes the led. She makes a turn and her feet gets glued together with silk. "What the- oh… not again…"

"Intruder alert! Intruder alert!" The source of the voice is a pink bug wormish Pokémon known as a Wurmple. It hops around as if it is happy to have caught a enemy. "Intruder alert!"

"Hey! Free me from this will you?!" Ruby fights to get out and more silk warps around her, now trapping her body. "Oh, come on! I already was turned into a torch before because of this silk!"

Scorcher runs to the scene and sees the situation. "Hey!" He tackles the Wurmple and it stumbles a bit and tackles him back. Scorcher knocks out the bug type and runs to assist Ruby.

"No fire this time!" Ruby says this quickly. She doesn't want that to happen again.

"Okay… uh… give me your bone!" Scorcher plans out immediately.

"What?! No way! I can't even give it to you if I wanted to! I'm stuck - again!"

Loud screeching can be heard not too far. A swarm of angry Wurmple is running at them both.

"OH NO!" The pair glance at each other as if they made a silent conversation before looking back at the swarm.

"They really hate us huh?" Scorcher takes several steps back.

"Hey! Don't leave me here!" Ruby begs him.

He is stuck. This swarm is coming closer and closer. His throat feels tight from his building panic. At it's peak they are feet away.

Next, he belches and a huge cloud or smoke flies from his breathe and blinds the swarm who end up attacking each other. Wurple are dangerous when very angry it seems. "Excuse me." Some gas he had there.

"Was that Smoke Screen?" Ruby guesses that it has to be. But never has she thought that anyone would burp and cause smoke to come out. Disgusting.

"Maybe it was." Scorcher smiles. "Looks like I gained some experience to use that huh? They call it a level up!"

"I understand that you are happy about your accomplishments but can you focus in getting me out of here?"

Scorcher turns around seeing Ruby still trapped in the silk. "Oh, right!"


They have been walking for some time now. It shouldn't be very hard to locate a crater but apparently it might just be. His far does this woods stretch is the one question that keeps crossing the Cubone's mind.

But finally, they get a break. They hear the one thing that one would recognize as crying.

"You hear that?" Ruby asks the Cyndaquil.

"Yeah! I think that could be Caterpie!" Scorcher runs ahead quickly but he is forced to stop when part of the ground crumbles in front of him. "Whaah!" He steps back quickly and before him is a faint crater on the ground. "I almost… fell in there…"

"Scorcher!" Ruby finally catches up. "Don't be so reckless! The ground is very unstable here! You would had been the next victim!" Cautious, she steps forward and looks down at the hole. "Caterpie! Caterpie! Are you in there?! Hellooooo?!"

The sound of tiny sniffles is now noticeable. "Wh-who is that?!"

"Don't worry, we are here to rescue you! Your mother is really worried so we'll bring you to her! Hang in there okay?" Scorcher calls down.

"O-okay…" More sniffles are heard but this time they are more calming.

Ruby frowns. They said they will rescue him but just how will it be performed? The home is too deep for them to just reach in here and grab him. At f they climb down they won't be able to get up. Her frown deepens until a string of silk is spotted in her view. It must have stuck there after Scorcher freed her earlier. "Hey… his strong is Wurmple silk?"

"Huh?" Scorcher sees what she is doing. Watching her ties the silk on her bone makes him smile. "Awesome idea! But it may not be enough to pull him up. It could snap. It's not strong like silk from a Spinarak." He looks down at the crater again. "Hey Caterpie! We can save you but we may need your help! Do you know how to use String Shot?"

"Y-yes…" replies the tiny voice.

"Good! So can you see that bone this Cubone is holding? If you do, aim for that, then we can pull you out!"

For a second it is believed that the Caterpie is down too low to see it. Thankfully, a good string of silk spews from the crater and wraps around the bone.

"Got it!" Ruby says. "Alright! Hang on tight! I'm pulling you out!" She begins to pull and step back at the same time. Finally, a green caterpillar Pokémon surfaces. "He's free!"

Caterpie stares at the duo for a couple seconds and suddenly he latches on Ruby with what could be a hug. "Th-thank you so much! You and your friend are so cool!"

"Let's bring you to your mom little guy." Scorcher smiles.

"Oh! My baby boy!" Butterfree immediately scoops her son from the ground into an embrace the second she saw him. "I was so worried about you! Didn't I warn you about going in the woods like that?"

"I'm sorry mommy. It won't happen again." Caterpie apologizes.

Butterfree gently places her son back down and nods at the pair. "Th-thank you so much! If you never had down up I wouldn't know what to do! Thank you to very much!"

Caterpie stares at Ruby cutely. "C-cool…"

Slightly embarrassed, Ruby and Scorcher laugh a bit. Ruby however is a bit uncomfortable with the attention the Caterpie is giving her. (He's just,,, staring at me. I think his eyes are sparkling. It's kinda cute… so I guess he's a bit attached to me…)

"No problem! Your son is safe! That is what matters!" Scorcher replies.

Butterfree glances at her hands which contains some berries. "Honestly I wish I could reward you better but I have no money. This is all I have to offer." She hops to the Cyndaquil and hands him the berries. "We should he getting home. I need to rest."

"You can go alone?" Scorcher asks with worry.

"It's alright. My wings will heal in no time. Until then, see you." And with that, she and her son hops away.

Scorcher looks as if he is overwhelmed with joy. "I can't beloved we did it! We saved a Pokémon!" He gives Ruby a grateful look. "I say you are very talented with this! If you weren't there to come up with the silk role we would have been stuck!"

He could be right. The idea just popped in her head so they might have been lucky back there.

His smile quickly fades. "Oh, right. I don't think you even know where you are huh?" Seeing Ruby shaking her head answers his question. "Well, follow me. I have the perfect place for you."

Ruby begins to follow since there really is no where else to go. Could it be that this Cyndaquil is offering her a place to stay? Are Pokémon really that nice? Could be… but considering on what happened back at Tiny Woods with the Pidgey and Wurmple, she may have to think twice.

But… her mind is still wondering on his did she become this Cubone in the first place?

"We're here!"

How long have they been walking? She had lost track because certainly they are not at that field she woke up in, or that horrible Tiny Woods with the crazy Pidgey. Instead, she finds herself standing in front of what looks like a house made of rock and stone… and a flag sits beside it… there's even a mailbox. Since when did Pokémon use mail? But she can worry about that later, because she finds herself overjoyed for some reason. Why is that?

(I… don't know why but… I feel… so happy. It feels as if I am at home somehow… like.. the urging feeling to wag a tail… maybe I feel this way...because I am a Cubone!) She walks closer to it and her smile widens.

"I figured that you would like it. No one lives here so I had it for a while. I found myself building a house of rocks. Funny to hear from a Fire-Type huh? Well, I exaggerated a bit. I didn't build it. I found this a while ago but I saw no purpose of living here. But seeing you, it suites you best."

"Wow…" Ruby walks a bit closer to it, passing the rock wall-like fence.

"You know… seeing you back there is inspiring. You're a natural when it comes to rescuing it seems. So… do you want to form a Rescue Team?" Scorcher asks.

"A what?" The question interrupts her happy time.

"Rescue Team. You see, recently, a lot if natural disasters have been occurring causing many Pokémon to be out in danger. They get lost, separated from their friends and family and even trapped, just as Caterpie was. So Pokémon started to form Rescue Teams to help those in need. I'm asking you this because you were awesome back there. What do you say? There could be others out there in need if our help! Pokémon will get to know us… and maybe someone could know you by name and we could learn how this happened to you!"

He has his pint. Pokémon need help here it seems, just like she does. Perhaps one day as a Rescue Team, she would come across someone she could had known when she was a Human. It's an offer she can't turn down. "Alright. I'll do it."

"Oh, this is awesome! I knew you would agree Ruby!" Scorcher shouts with excitement. "But we need a team name. If we do good then our name would be known across the he world!"

"Team name huh?" What name would suit two Pokémon like them? Scorcher seems to have trouble with his fire abilities but he is a fire Pokémon after all. As for her she knows that she can't go alone. Teaming up with Scorcher they can both do better. She has a lot to learn, especially with these bones…

Fire and bones…

Fire and crossbones…

"Crossfire." She says her answer.

Scorcher thinks. "Rescue Team Crossfire… wow! It's a really good name and it really describes what happened today! We would cross danger to rescue anyone! Perfect!"

"So… what now?" Once again, she doesn't know what is to do.

"You are going to need your rest to go inside your new home. I'll see you tomorrow…" He yawns. "Whew. I need some rest too. That rescue really had worn me out…" He begins to walk away to go to his own resting place. "Rest up good okay…?" He yawns again and almost falls due to his drowsiness which wakes him up. "You didn't see that." He walks away faster leaving Ruby laughing at his clumsiness.

Ruby heads inside and is fascinated to see the inside so well built. She locates the bed and lays against it, finding it strangely comfortable for it to be made of straw. She watches the torches burn dimly and her drowsiness begins to overcome her. "Just maybe… I'll get to the bottom of this…"

Certainly, this is just the beginning of what this world has to offer.

A/N: Finally finish! Goodness! I swear, if these plot bunnies don't give me a break, I will cook them into stew.

Okay, I will never do that. That's just wrong.

It's short, I know. I usually write longer chapters in my other fanfics ranging from 2014- now, 2016, but the first chapters are always short with me. But hey, this could be long to some of you so expect it to be longer in the future.

By the way, in my HeartGold, I hatched a shiny Murkrow! Sorry, but that shiny was unexpected!

But what do you think? Be sure to review and even tell me what was your first PMD game and team!

Also, if you are a Dragon Ball fan, check out my fanfiction: "The wrath of the Earthling Saiyan" what would happen if Goku joined Raditz? Interested? Then go read it! It's kinda bumpy until CH. 14. CH. 13 is rather silly.. I might fix that. The sequel is much better, but read this suggestion first! Oh, by the way, it's rated "T" for the language and violence so if you're not around 15… uh… you might want to reconsider checking that out. I'm 17 so I'm fine.


I will feature reviews if you do! :)

To be continued to CH. 2!