First, I want to explain why I am doing this post in the first place.

December of 2015, I had received Assassin's Creed Syndicate as a gift from a friend and I was absolutely thrilled to play it since it took place during my favorite place/time period. After playing only the first few minutes of it, I fall in love with Jacob and Evie as characters. Playing more and more and hours upon hours of this game, I knew I wanted to write a story. Usually, I like to make OCs to interact with these characters. I have never made an Assassin character before so I thought of one that would get along with the Frye twins, especially Jacob since she would be his fiancee. Thus birthed Moira Haywood and I began to write out the first few chapters of "Vows and Unities in London".

A year ago, I posted the first chapter of this Assassin's Creed story and hoped that it would be decently popular since Syndicate was still "fresh". In the past I have written fanfiction and not many of them were finished because I either didn't have the drive to finish it or not that many people had shown interest. To say the least, this discouraged me as a writer but that didn't mean I would stop writing, far from it. I would post the occasional one shot and I have only one full story finished on here but they went by the wayside. Not having the feedback I intended on getting from reviews showed that people weren't interested so a lot of my work was never finished.

"Vows and Unities in London" however, had changed so much for me. When I received a review after a week, I was surprised but very pleased that someone had shown an interest and encouraged me to write more. So write more I did and I kept on writing, letting the story develop more. As I wrote, I began to explore more with my descriptions, the character's emotions and how the story will unfold. This surprised me but in the best ways and I was only more excited to write more. After time, more reviews began to pop up with people telling me that they are enjoying this story, they want updates soon and are in suspense of what is going to happen next. I have even had a few say that this is one of the best stories they have ever read. Not only did this make me happy beyond belief, this gave me the initiative to see this story through to the end.

More reviews came in and many loved the growth between Jacob and Moira which struck a chord in me. I have finally written a story that actually is deep and has significant development with the characters. As I am finishing up this story, I realize that I want to dabble with the idea of a sequel involving Jacob and Moira with their marriage, their children and all around their future. When people said that they wanted a sequel, I was all for it. After a few more stories, many have said they actually enjoy Moira as a character which excites and makes me happy. I have never had anyone comment on liking my OCs except for one in the past. The fact there are people who like Moira, makes me want to cry with happiness. I have grown to love Moira immensely as I developed her character throughout four stories.

I had the thought in the back of my mind when I posted the first chapter "Don't get your hopes up, it may be like the others." You guys have proved me wrong. You guys are the ones that helped me make this story and the whole series happen. You are the ones that gave me courage and inspiration to see this story through to the end. With your help, I have achieved 13,000 views on this story alone. I have never had that many views on a story at all. Stories that I published seven years ago are now only at 1,000 views.

So, to everyone who reviewed, favorited and followed this story as well the rest of my Jacob and Moira stories, thank you. Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart. This means the world to me and I really couldn't have done it without you all.

Thank you for taking the time to read this as well.
