WARNINGS: Major Character Death. Implied Suicide. Mentions of blood.

It had been a quiet day.

Adrien wouldn't have even known. He'd checked the Ladyblog on his phone.

There was an on going akuma attack.

Nathalie pulled him out of the car and soon of was makeup here and clothes there. Eyes were always on him. There was no way out.

There was nothing he could do.

He fretted and worried until finally an hour later it was done and he was free.

He quickly made excuses for seeing a friend and fled the scene scampering over rooftops towards the fight scene.

Everything was tidy. He'd definitely missed it. He'd done nothing.

He was about to turn away and run home. He grabbed his baton and called Ladybug.

It rung for a beat or two before being picked up.

It wasn't Ladybug. It was Alya.

"Chat Noir?"

"Where's Lady?" He asked worried.

"She's ... Not in good shape. We've only just gotten her inside. You barely missed the fight. We're in the bakery..."

He was already scampering across the last few roofs before sliding down on his baton to the front entrance.

Marinette's father, he recognised from class, ushered him inside.

He scampered over to an unconscious Ladybug.

Alya was doing what she could to stop the bleeding that came from a decent sized slash on her leg. A woman who must have been Marinette's mother was off to the side on the phone probably calling an ambulance.

Chat quickly glanced at the earrings in his Lady's ear. One dot left.

And there was nothing he could do.

He carefully monitored her pulse while Alya kept pressure on the wound.

It was weak.

He was very worried.

There was a short beeping noise and a flash of pink light.

He couldn't breath.

Alya froze.

The ambulance arrived.

Nothing he could do.

Nothing but go home and wait.

It was his fault.

The next day at school was worrying.

No Alya, no contact with Alya.

That night he went to the hospital.

He came just before visiting hours closed.

He asked a nurse about the room number of Marinette Dupain-Cheng.

All his fault.

Adrien didn't go to school the next day.

All his fault.

Adrien withdrew from public schooling.

All his fault.

Plagg was eventually forced to move on. Adrien couldn't be Chat Noir anymore.

All his fault.

He couldn't do it without his Lady.

He was nothing without her.

All his fault...

So yeah.

This was a very... yeah.

I'm sorry. Not really but hey, I can try.

Reviews and Ideas are Appreciated and Adored!
