A/N: This is my first Boys over Flowers fanfiction, and the first romantic fanfiction I've published in a long time. I hope to portray the characters correctly, but if I tend to be off, I apologize ahead of time. Also, please take note that this chapter is an introduction to what I have planned; meaning it is introducing my ongoing plot, and the characters that will more than likely play a large role in this story. I am in preparation of developing a stronger plot, hopefully you will enjoy what I have in store.

Currently, F4 is attending Shinhwa university, and this takes place during the arc where Yoon Ji Hoo has finally accepted his grandfather back into his life, thanks to Jan Di's help. Meanwhile, Geum Jan Di is living on her own with her little brother while their parents are staying at their Uncle's to make money for the family and pay off debts. Gun Jun Pyo is engaged to Ha Jae Kyung, although he clearly doesn't want to be.

And lastly (not to make this a long note), I chose a Ji Hoo / Jan Di love story because I do believe they are the perfect match with one another. I am a huge fan of Jun Pyo / Jan Di as much as any other BOF fan, but I also held lingering, conflicted emotions for the couple Ji Hoo & Jan Di could have been. To make up for Ji Hoo's loneliness, I've decided to dedicate this fanfiction to him and Jan Di. Enjoy & feedback is well appreciated. Any criticism or suggestions are accepted and welcomed.

"Geum Jan Di? Geum Jan Di!"

A loud 'smack' echoed throughout the room and awoke the sleeping Jan Di, who's forehead rested atop her school notebooks and desk. Her eyelids flickered open and her body subconsciously gave a small jolt out of the surprising & obnoxious sound of the firm surface of a meter-stick coming into harsh and brutal contact with the surface of a desk.

"Geum Jan Di; have you woken...yet?"

". . ." She didn't have the courage to respond to her teacher's question, so she remained utterly silent in hopes of not adding to the embarrassment she already felt. In fact, she didn't really feel like lifting her head from the desk - she could already feel the eyes of all the other students burning into her body; their gazes more than likely mocking her for such a typical 'commoner' move. However, it seemed as though her silence only worsened the situation.

"Geum Jan Di, you are being spoken to. This is a learning environment, not your bedroom at home."

You wouldn't be speaking like this to any of the other students if it were them..

She held back her thoughts and frowned. It was only then she finally lifted her head from the desk to make direct eye contact with her teacher, forcing a small, and uneasy smile onto her lips. "Sorry.." she mumbled quietly, avoiding the gazes of the other students.

"Can she even afford a bed?"

"Commoners are always sleeping. Why do you think they never get good education or any smarter for that matter? Clearly education is a low priority."

"She's just taking up class space by being here. We could actually learn something, if not for Geum Jan Di!"

Scolding, mocking, taunting voices echoed all around her throughout the room, although the teacher barely made an attempt to silence them. It was only after a moment he finally tapped his meter-stick against the blackboard in an attempt to merely grab their attention. Geum Jan Di already knew that it was not an effort to silence them for the sake of protecting her. No one did that.

No one but the famous F4; Song Woo Bin, So Yi-jeong, Yoon Ji Hoo, and last, but not least, Gu Jun Pyo. She was unable to meet with her friends often due to the fact that their schedules were slightly different. Madame Kang had made it so that Jun Pyo and Jan Di could barely talk to each other, let alone encounter each other during the school hours when she couldn't prevent them or meddle in their affairs. It was unfortunate, and often Jan Di missed seeing the curly-headed moron - she silently cursed his mother for interfering in their life. If not for that, they would still be -

Before her thoughts could even finish, a balled up paper was thrown directly at her forehead. She blinked, slowly processing just what had happened before averting her gaze from the fellow student to the crumpled up paper on her desk. Hesitantly and cautiously, Guem Jan Di slowly picked up the balled up paper, unwrapping it to read the hidden note inside.

' Do you know why Geum Jan Di never gets any smarter? This is why. I don't blame Gu Jun Pyo breaking up with such trash! '

Her heart silently shattered at those words; it took a direct hit to her chest. Geum Jan Di knew better than anyone else to ignore such hateful comments, but the reason it hit her so hard was because of the mentioning of their recent break-up. When Gu Jun Pyo returned to their school, and this was after the trip to Macau, the Shinhwa heir clarified that it was best to separate rather than be together. It was certainly rough for Geum Jan Di, although it definitely seemed easy for him. Perhaps it was because he was engaged. He had new responsibilities, but he also promised her that nothing would change. What made it worse was that he didn't give her a reason. He refused to give her one each time she asked, and eventually avoided her because of such. But even then the two managed to grow closer, although they remained nothing but friends.

"Geum Jan Di.. you're a mess.." she whispered to herself inaudibly, dropping her head back onto her desk as she sighed heavily.

Outside, where it was somewhat chilly out, Jan Di sat on a bench with her lunch on her lap. Chopsticks between her pale fingers, she picked up clumps of white rice and ate it till her mouth was practically stuffed. In utter silence, Jan Di repeated this cycle, unaware of her surroundings and seemingly focused on her thoughts rather than her meal. It was obvious, due to the fact that even she did not notice that her fingers were unusually pale and cold.

"You're upset."

At the sound of a familiar voice, Jan Di's eyes widened slightly and darted over to where the voice came from. Approaching her, dressed in an expensive, white jacket, was Yoon Ji Hoo. His lips curved into a faint smile as he approached her, and something about seeing him made her feel a bit better already.

"Sunbae! ..I'm not upset." Jan Di lied directly to his face, averting her gaze as she went back to devouring her meal before it grew extraordinarily cold. However, even she could not hide anything from him. The second the lie left her mouth, Ji Hoo was already kneeling in front of her, peering over at her face with an analytical expression; as if he were observing her like she were an experiment.

"You're unhappy, then?"

"I'm not." She lied a second time but with a full mouth, somewhat pouting after swallowing the rice. "What makes you think I am.."

"You're Geum Jan Di. I think I know what a upset Geum Jan Di looks like by now. Besides," he added with his teasing smile. "You eat a lot more than you normally do when you're distressed."

She stared at him blankly, scrunching up her nose before sighing in defeat. He was very observant.

"So.. What's wrong?"

"...It's nothing."

He was silent for a few seconds. When Geum Jan Di glanced over at him, she noticed that he was very much focused on her, yet he...wasn't at the same time. As she stared at him, she realized he was in deep thought; almost as though he were contemplating the situation at hand. At last, he nodded slowly before speaking.

"You can always tell me what's on your mind, Jan Di."


Before another word could be spoken between them. he reached for her lunch box and set it aside on the bench. She was about to complain and object when he then reached inside his pockets. Ji Hoo had pulled out a pair of white gloves that looked soft to the touch. He then proceeded to take one of her hands - forcefully, even when she tried to object - and slipped one pair of the white gloves on, before moving onto the next. Then he glanced up at her, smiling yet again as he released her hands.

"If you're going to continue eating out here, at least be sensible enough to wear gloves. Otherwise, you'll get sick. And then you'll miss out on schoolwork. Can you really afford getting ill?"

"..No." His words were sweet in a sense, although she knew he was simply caring for her wellbeing. That's exactly how Yoon Ji Hoo was as a person. Either way, those sweet words managed to earn a smile from her. "No, I can't afford it. Thank you, Sunbae. Really.. thank you.."

She watched as Ji Hoo stood up in his place, keeping her eyes locked onto him.

"I'll let you finish your lunch, then. See you, Jan Di." His hand went to ruffle her hair in a playful way before he began to make his way off to his next class.

After his figure was no longer visible to her eyes, she slowly glanced at her hands and curled her fingers. "So soft.." Well, of course they'd be soft; they were expensive looking and she never had anything like it. It led her to wonder whether or not Ji Hoo's hands ever grew cold with these gloves on. Smiling to herself, she rubbed her gloved hands together, strangely enough no longer hungry or longing to stuff her face like she did earlier. In fact, she felt much better. The grief that befell her diminished for some time. "What would I do without you, Sunbae.."

Yoon Ji Hoo exhaled lightly as he left Geum Jan Di sitting on the bench alone.

In the chilly weather, he added silently to himself; completely irritable with himself for not insisting she at least eat in a warmer place. But knowing her, she'd argue with him until her lunch break was over, and then she would really be screwed. That was their stubborn Geum Jan Di; the one that each F4 member came to admire and appreciate. He was about to head to class when he suddenly heard footsteps approaching him from in front. Lifting his gaze, Ji Hoo found himself staring at Gu Jun Pyo. The two soon came face to face, maintaining cool and collected composure as they allowed the silence to flow around them before one of them actually opened their mouths to speak.

"Ji Hoo." He spoke almost quietly, clearing his throat as he finally shifted his gaze away from his friend. "..How's.." His voice trailed off, and Jun Pyo came off as awkward, almost.

"How's Geum Jan Di?" Ji Hoo finished for him, keeping his eyes firmly locked onto his 'friend'. He made no hesitation to answer. "She's coping. Actually, she's in the middle of lunch, so it's best not to try and speak to her yet."

"Pft, I wasn't going to speak to her.."

Ji Hoo rolled his eyes. A lie?

"I only wanted to know since you're supposed to be taking care of her. I'm not backing down from my promise, Ji Hoo. And neither should you.. Remember that I gave you this opportunity for a reason.. and if you're not going to take it.. then tell me now! I don't want this to be in vain!"

Ah, is that what this is about? Our promise?

"Did you think I was going to mess up and hurt her intentionally?" Ji Hoo challenged, still keeping his gaze locked onto Gu Jun Pyo. When he received no response from him, Ji Hoo simply continued as he walked past his friend; his shoulder brushing against his. "..I plan on keeping my promise, so you don't need to worry. But you've left her in such a sorry state.. It's going to take some more time.. She's not some plaything, Jun Pyo. She does have feelings, and she does require some time. Are you sure you won't swoop back in and make her day?"

"I told you, it's better this way! You know how the Witch is.."

"Is that why you've suddenly decided on this?"

"Believe it or not, I do want the best for Jan Di. And.. you are.." Jun Pyo had a hard time admitting things, so he didn't even finish that sentence.

"..I understand."

Ji Hoo inhaled faintly, heading to his class as he originally planned; leaving Gu Jun Pyo behind.

Gu Jun Pyo.. My closest friend, but also my rival.. Can this really work?