Guess who deleted the whole chapter she promised to post right after the last one? Yeah so here is a bonus chapter with Tenten while I try and remember everything I need to rewrite.

I threw the door to weapon shop open in a dramatic way, walking in and locking eyes with Tenten behind the counter. Tenten for her part blinked startled and then started to grin once she realized it was me.

"Tenten, love of my life, future mother of my children, and all around wonderful person! I need some help." I said lean against the counter as Tenten giggled (whoo! Accomplishment!) due to me over dramatizing it.

"Why?" She asked smiling.

"Well every time I come in here calmly it's usually because my sister sent me to tell you that Lee is in the hospital or Neji needs to have a physical and he's avoiding the place or your sensei challenged mine and is currently hanging upside down from the Hokage monument." I started listing the stuff I have dealt with very often since becoming friends with Team Gai. My life is definitely more interesting this time around.

"Wait, Gai-sensei hasn't taken a challenge to hang upside down from the monument."

"Actually that's happening right now, I figured I'd go grab them later or wait for them to fall." I shrugged, "could go either way."

She groaned and rubbed her forehead muttering something I didn't bother trying to listen in on. I just reached over and poked her cheek causing her to look up showing her 'I'm so done with these idiots.' Ah, common look when dealing with annoying teammates.

"How busy are you?" I watched her blink and glance around.

"It's been pretty slow today," she turned back to me and narrowed her eyes playfully "what are you up to?"

I grinned and yelled to the backroom where I could hear Tenten's father, "Kaito-san I'm stealing your daughter for a bit!"

"Okay Haruno-san, just make sure she comes back in one piece!"

Tenten just groaned.

"Iris, seriously where are we going?"

"You've asked that five times already, ya know."

"And you still won't answer it!"

I stopped walking causing Tenten to run into me. I grinned. "Well you always complain at how everyone forgets that you are indeed a girl so~" I threw my arm out in the direction of the building we were stopped in front of.

"W-wait this is-"

"Yup! Today is a girl day, spa first and then we go clothes shopping-"

"You hate clothes shopping."

"-that I do, but it's a girl day so I'll suck it up."

"Iris, why are we really doing this? I know I don't get to be a girly often with training and helping at the store, but you aren't usually this keen on being girly."

"Well my sister made a very convincing argument about how I need to take a break and relax."

Tenten deadpanned. "She has one of your stuffed animals hostage doesn't she."

I immediately felt the tears come to my eyes, "My poor Beany's life is in danger and riding on me to save him!"

She stared at me for a moment before snorting and bursting into laughter. I pouted.

"C-come on Iris let's head i-in." She snickered as she dragged me into the building.

"Ow.. is this stuff supposed to burn?"

"I think so? Then again I haven't done this in years, next time let's drag Sakura and Ino with us."

"If we bring Ino we'll never get out of here alive."


"Go try this on!"

"Iris these colors clash horribly!"

"Then find colors that don't clash and try those on!"

"I'm starting to think you're color blind."

"It would explain a lot."

As we made it back to the best weapon shop ever, holding a few bags, I sighed and looked at Tenten who mimicked me.

"Today was the most exhausting day ever."

"Yeah, but was nice being able to relax and be girls and not-"

"One of the boys?" We shared a look and snorted.

"By the way Iris, what is it you needed help with? I doubt this day out was the reason."

"Oh right," I reached into my jacket and pulled out a scroll. "Here this has some metal in it and the designs I need to make a staff and sword, I was hoping you or your father could make them for me."

She took it from me with a look that told me she was calculating how much this would cost, "This will most likely be a custom order price since you are providing everything else."

I nodded "That will work and with that said we are here." We stopped in front of the shop and I grinned. "Hope you had fun~"

"I did surprisingly, well good luck getting your stuffed animal back from your sister."

I froze feeling the tears gather once again, and then took off running.

"Beany I'm coming to save you sweetheart!" I could hear Tenten laughing at me as I ran.

For those who are curious, Beany is the stuffed dango that Obito gave her a couple chapters ago.

So as of today RaTTLC is 2 years old! The hell did I manage that...anyway thank you everyone for reading this pile of crap that somehow manages to look decent, hopefully I can get this story to shippuden arc before it's 3. That is the goal and it's close.

With that said, would anyone like to see any certain fillers or movies done before shippuden starts? Please let me know in the comments or PM me. I'll try my best to get it in.