You asked for it and here it is. The final chapter of Black Roses. Thank you to all who posted the amazing reviews this story has received over the last year it took to write. You are all amazing to me. Especially those who responded to my holding the story hostage lol. More of an Author's Note at the bottom. So here I give you the conclusion to Black Roses.


Dimitri and I stood outside Viktoria's room waiting for Stephan. After Vika awoke Dimitri and I spoke long and hard with her about her relationship with the blond freak.

We saw the blur that was Stephan's approach. His red eyes were all light and excitement when he saw us waiting for him.

"My King, my Queen, what has she decided?"

"Ask her yourself." Dimitri answered Stephan and we both stepped away from the door giving him leave to enter.

The door hinges whined as Stephan pushed it open. Inside the room Viktoria sat at the window looking out at the training that went on below. Her long dark hair was down and fell in waives. It was softer now than before her awakening, I had brushed it myself to help her prepare for the first-time Stephan would see her post all the drama. Her already naturally pale skin was now almost stark white and nearly iridescent. She was beautiful, stunning even.

"Vika?" he said her name like a prayer.

She turned and smiled sweetly at him, her new fangs peaking from her lips as she said his in return, "Stephan…"

After a moment of silence, they ran into each other's arms. They kissed and groped at one another, gorging on their passion. Dimitri and I let them have their moment for as long as we could stand it before we became nauseated.

"I believe that is enough sister." Dimitri said breaking their rapture.

"Yes my King, I swear to you I will take care of Vika. She is my one true love and I will adore her with every drop of blood in my body."

"It is your choice Viktoria. Personally, I think you could do better." I told her rolling my eyes.

Viktoria smiled from her place at Stephan's side. "I know you do Rose, and I know what I want." She said turning to Stephan and touching his face tenderly.

"We will be together always my love." Stephan said. His expression one so affectionate, he could almost pass for human. The sound of meat being torn through permeated the room followed by the scent of blood. Stephan stood frozen as Viktoria held up a red circular object that was dripping red. His expression melted away as he realized she had torn out his heart.

"What I want, what I need is a real man. Not a damaged sniveling excuse of a Strigoi with dead mommy issues and date a rape fetish. Sorry lover, but I'm doing you a favor. You are already dead inside," Stephan's body thumped as it dropped. "…And you will not take me with you into that darkness."

Dimitri and I smiled with pride as Vika turned to us and knelt.

"My King, my Queen, being that I killed your general, I offer my services as your second."

"Arise, we believe there is none better suited sister. Now go tell Stephan's former team they report to you know. Bring his heart with you. Any who refuse to follow you, make them eat it." Dimitri kissed his sister's cheek and she left. Finally alone, my husband turned to me only to smirk at my I told you so glare.

"Go ahead, say it." He said

"Hm, I could but it would be so much more fun to just punish you now."

"And how exactly may I make amends to my Queen?" Dimitri askes crossing the space between us.

"Well my King, you made me get on my knees. I think it only prober that you return the fav..."

Before I could finish the word, Dimitri, using his Strigoi speed dropped down and pulled out the back of my knees. I fell to the bed with a laugh and he tore off my leather pants in one fluid motion. "I rejoice in kneeling before my Queen, any man who does not feel the same for his woman doesn't deserve the air in his lungs." Dimitri buried his face between my legs and I felt unadulterated ecstasy. It was becoming more and more obvious how badly we needed each other. There was a growing dependency between us that we both felt, but with everything going on, hadn't had the time to address. In Dimitri's thoughts, I could see the burning he felt whenever I was out of reach. In mine, I knew he could read the aching that consumed me each time we broke contact. It was like we were becoming one organism. One whole being rather than just two halves of a whole.

Thanks to my husband's masterful skill with my lady parts I orgasmed 3 times in less than 10 minutes. He kissed my inner thighs before sitting back on his haunches and looking down at me triumphantly. "Have I earned your forgiveness my Queen?" he asked smugly.

"That and then some my King." I sat up and reached for his face. Bringing his lips to mine, we kissed deeply. I could taste my pleasure on his lips and tongue. "What is happening to us?" Now that we had 5 seconds to ourselves I had to ask. He knew exactly what I was referring to and exhaled, eyes closed, as I massaged his scalp with my nails. He loved when I did that.

"I don't know Roza. I feel like I need to touch you every moment of every day. When I don't feel your skin against mine I scorch. It's like this power we have begins to eat me alive when you are not near me."

"For me it's an aching. Like my bones start grinding against each other." I've asked Sidney about it but she says it must be more of the prophecy coming into play.

"How is the alchemist?" He asked.

"I've sent her with Tanya's team to Romania. She will help them infiltrate the town surrounding the castle. The final trucks will be here in an hour to bring the chosen trainees."

"Such a joke how much of a tourist trap the place has become. Dracula must be spinning in his grave."

"Good thing we plan to put the old man at ease." I said smiling, still nude from the waist down. "Speaking of the Dracula, I have a gift for you."

"Do you?" He asked amused. "How exactly have you managed to keep that from me?" he asked indicating our bond.

"Same way you had to ask about Sidney. You've been busy and I may have locked you out of it."


"What kind of wife would I be if I couldn't surprise my husband occasionally?"

"Are you going to make me guess?"

I unlocked my mind to the memory of the gift I had procured for my husband. It was an epic artifact That I knew he absolutely had to have.

"You didn't Roza!" He said thrilled.

"Yeah, I did."

"How did you find it?"

"One of the Moroi trainees spilled it that his father had bought it off the black market. I told him he'd get special consideration if he brought it as an offering."

"Oh my Roza, you shouldn't have." He winked."

"But you are so glad that I did."


Standing on the safe side of a two-way mirror was killing me. The strange character that was Robert Doru had been handcuffed to the table before him and did nothing but speak nonsense in between demands to see his brother. One of my guardians questioned him but was getting nowhere.

"This is pointless." I said not taking my eyes off the glass.

"If you would permit me your majesty, I would be glad to put some of my baser techniques to good use." Abe, who stood at my right, said through clinched teeth.

"The man was held captive by Strigoi for over a year, I doubt there is any pain you may inflict on him that will get us along any further. Just look at him. He's like a child stuck in a man's body. His mind is broken."

"What do you suggest Lis?" asked Christian.

"I want to talk to him myself." I told my companions.

"Absolutely not Lissa, his guy is dangerous." Christian exclaimed.

I turned to him slightly outraged. "Queen, remember? I'm going in." I knocked on the glass and the guardian who'd been questioning Robert opened the door. "Leave us." I told him.

"My Queen," he began to protest.

"I said leave us."

When the door was shut, I turned to the man-child and gazed upon him with scrutiny. He was the first to speak.

"Queen Tatiana! You look great! Found a way to age backwards?" he laughed and kicked his feet in a very toddler like fashion.

"I know you know very well that I am not Tatiana. You know what happened to her don't you?"

He went quiet "Yes I know. You're a little girl. You're not gonna last long. They're gonna get you"

"Who is going to get me?"

"They, the all-powerful THEY! They will get you and they will hurt you. They will hurt you like they hurt me. But you won't get out like I did." He shook his head.

"Why did they want to hurt you Robert?"

"I want my brother."

"Yes you've said that several times. I am a woman of my word you will see your brother when I get the information I'm after."

He began to rock back and forth. "I don't wanna talk to you. You make me sad because I know they will get you and you will die."

"If not me, then someone who will hurt you again. Now answer me, why did the Strigoi want to hurt you?"

"Because I can do everything! I can move mountains, I can change the course of rivers, I can set fire to air and I can blow the fire out! I can feel and taste pain. I can bring people back from the brink of death, everyone, all people! I can do it all and that want to do terrible things with it all!" he shouted and dropped his head in his hands, sobbing.

I was stunned, "You're a Spirit user?"

He nodded with his head still down. "You are too. I can feel it." Robert rose his head and looked back at me. "They will get you too."

"What do the Strigoi want with Spirit users?"

"We can do things other Moroi can't. that makes us special and they want to do what we can do."

I remembered Rose and Dimitri's show of force at the demonstration. They were able to manipulate the elements. "They already can." I said so quietly it was almost a whisper.

Robert's face changed. "If they can then we need to run. There will be no stopping them. All we can do is hide."

"No, I will not hide. What are they planning?"

"They hate us. They want to destroy us. The one that got me wanted to be a Queen too. They are tired of living in the shadows. They don't want to be the things that go bump in the night anymore. They want to rule the world."

"But how Robert? You have to tell me how."

"No, I wanna go home. I want my brother. I can keep him safe. I can hide him." He was retreating I had to do something or I'd lose him and with Robert went all my information. Not caring about safety or protocol I went around to his side of the desk and grabbed onto the sides of his face. I looked hard into his eyes so he couldn't look away.

"No Robert. You cannot hide your brother or keep him safe. I found you remember? And if I can find you, they can find you. Your only hope of saving your brother is to help me stop them. Now what are they planning?"

Robert was quiet, stunned by my actions. Then he uttered one word "Bran…"

"The castle? What do they want with a relic?"

"Bran still holds power. Figurative power and literal power. They will take the castle and destroy us all."

"Castle Bran is one of the most well-guarded historical monuments in our society coming second only to the Royal Court. They will never get to it."

"You don't understand, they're already there."


The mountain base of Castel Bran


This was the moment that would define our lives for eternity. The remaining 574 soldiers we had stood before me. The fallen 21 had all perished in their own ways. Nine had died during training, 1 had been killed by my sister only for her to take his place and 12 who just did not make the cut were compelled to sit and burn to death as we blew up the manor. It would only be a matter of time before the location was discovered once we left it behind and we could not afford any evidence to be found of our plans or of how Rose and I acquired the power he had now. All the valuables had been shipped to secure locations for safe keeping and in batched we had sent our solders to Romania hidden in sun proof cargo trucks. There would be no going back to Novosibirsk, success or failure. As the cargo trucks that brought us to Transylvania drove away, we admired the blaze of the grand mansion we called home for over a year and said goodbye.

Upon our arrival we hid in the caverns of the Carpathian mountains until it was time.

Now here we were, ready to grab our destiny by the balls. I looked to those who had followed us here. In between them were wooden posts that had been sharpened to points. Our insurance policy that if we threw anyone off the wall, there would be absolutely no getting back up to fight again or run off and tattletale what they had lived through. If they fell, they'd meet with the long forgotten art of impalement. "My people," I addressed the mass. "This structure is the backbone of the Moroi strong hold in this continent. By sunrise, we will call it home!" they cheered.

"All of you, no matter if you were once Dhampir, Moroi or human knows what it is like to be oppressed. To be held to a standard you never asked to be held to or forced into a life that told you who were supposed to be. That dictated your worth. Today you are all the same. You are all members of the same race who will rise and shout to the powers that be, FUCK YOU!" More cheering.

"Tonight we will upsurge and as one, we will honor those who came and fought the battels before us, and in that glorious tradition we will storm the mother fucking castle!" I grabbed the broadsword at my hip, the marvelous gift from my Roza. I unsheathed it and held it high. It was a truly magnanimous object. The hilt was pewter with two dragons swirling around the grip. At the pummel was a massive red jewel. It was the sword of Vlad Dracula himself, long thought to have been destroyed or lost in time. But thanks to my amazing wife It had been found in the possession of some overly wealthy Moroi who's used it as a bedroom decoration. I would bring it home. I looked at Rose who shouted and cheered at my side, bloodlust and carnage in her eyes.

I turned and faced the mountain we were ready. "You all know your orders, no drinking. Anything you see that isn't a Strigoi you kill and keep going. If I see any of you stopping for a snack I will take your head off myself. You will have plenty of time to glutton yourself of precious blood. But not tonight. Tonight we reign! To your positions!"

The army broke into their assigned stations as my battalion and I began out assent to the top of the mountain and the castle wall. Rose and her brigade took the main road to the front. Through her eyes I could see her and the soldiers with her blitzkrieg every living they saw. I saw her run and jump on one Dhampir's shoulders, take his head and flip over him, decapitating him in midair. My team and I reached the top of the bastion, observing the guardians in their battel against my bride and her soldiers. Rose had not yet reached the front gate but was clearly giving them hell. They scrambled like roaches to save their precious castle and its guests.

"Close the gate!" The guardians yelled

"How the hell did they get past the wards?!" yelled another.

"Get the Moroi sublevel now!"

The fools had no idea that their pointless wards completely disintegrated at our very presence. Our power was enough to negate them just be us getting close enough. Half of the solders with me jumped down into the courtyard totally scaring the piss out of the guardians who had been focused on protecting the castle against frontward attack. The other half followed me inside the main bastion also known as the gunpowder tower. Once inside we ran full speed trampling any opposing body. I loved feeling their necks snap in my hands before I moved on to my next victim. I could feel Rose's adrenaline pump into me as mine pumped into her. We were unstoppable. I came upon a heavy oak door inlaid with iron doornails and bars. I paused to sniff the air and knew this was where the guardians had stashed the Moroi.

"We will break down the door for you my King." My solder Maxim said at my side.

"No need Maxim." I put my hand on the lock seeing in my head the inside mechanism. Once I could see, I influenced the pins with a twist of my wrist. The lock opened and the door creaked as I pushed it. Inside were 11 Moroi, all of them with official position in the royal court 3 of whom were council members.

"Well, look what we have here." I said "You all remember what I told you about not drinking?"

"Yes my King," They all responded.

"Good, you 5…" I pointed to 5 of my solders, "…stay with them, we'll eat them later. But those three" I indicated the 3 council members. "Them you will keep alive and un-fed from. The rest of you come with me. Your Queen needs help on the exterior."

We turned and left the prisoners, returning to the battle above. That was when I felt the familiar burning, the constant burn whenever Roza was away from me, only this time it had intensified. The solders ran ahead of me and the burning blinded me. I reached for Rose through our bond and could feel that amidst the death surrounding her, her aching had exaggerated and she was reaching for me as well. We needed each other. I looked down to steady myself only to see that I was hard. The excruciating scald was emanating from my hardness. Noting the incongruity, I reached for Rose and sensed she too was aroused, painfully so.

'Roza,' I called her name through our bond

'Dimitri,' she called back to me.

'I need you my love. We must come together to make the pain stop, now.' I told her. We were on opposite sides of this massive intricate castle but we needed to get to each other that very moment. I tried to dematerialize to her side but could not. The pain was too severe; I could not concentrate. Knowing it would be the same for Rose I reached out to her again. 'Use the bond Roza. We will have to find each other another way.' She snapped the neck of a guardian and ran through a doorway that she felt would lead to me. I too ran in what felt like her direction. We were navigating this castle based purely on instinct.

Like two being living in the same body we felt each other's kills as we made our war through corridors, narrow tunnels, hallways. The painful arousal was getting worse. I almost could not see straight.

I opened the door to what looked like a council room. A painting of Vlad Dracula was positioned above the fireplace. I was compelled to stop and observe at the portrait for a moment. I could hear a whisper in my head that didn't belong to Rose. The disembodied voice said "Stay…" The portrait's eyes bore into mine and I was paralyzed. "She will come to you…" It spoke to me again. "Who are you?" I asked aloud. "I am he...who is to come…father…"

I wanted to ask the voice more but my attention was stolen by the sound of another door in the room being thrown open. There she was, my wife, my Queen, The love of my life. She was covered in the blood of her victims as was I. We ran into one another's arms. I wrapped her legs around my waist and her mouth devoured mine. All thoughts of the ethereal voice forgotten. Turning and placing her on the old wooden table, I pulled off my shirt and she hers. I grabbed at her body like she was my addiction. It was as though we needed to make love or we would detonate. That was when it hit me, we were in heat. I pulled back from her delicious mouth and looked at her. She had never been more beautiful or more fierce. I swallowed and touched her face. "The prophecy…" I said.

"This is it isn't it?" she asked breathless. "We've won. And now it's time..."

"Time to conceive our son." I finished her sentence.

"I love you Dimitri."

"I love you too Roza."

Conscious of this newfangled circumstance, we shredded each other's remaining clothing and wasted no time with playfulness. I thrust into her heat and thought I might implode right then, we shouted at the pleasure of both the joining of our bodies and the relief as the paid we had both felt dissipated. Our shouts however were drowned out by the screams that stemmed from the prey of our solders. My thrusts were hard and forceful. I felt like couldn't get deep enough inside her. Rose's nails dug into my shoulders drawing blood.

"Drink from me Dimitri!" she shouted.

I did as she bid and fed from her lovely vain. Rose did the same from me as her hips met mine upon my every thrust. Our fangs and loins made us one. A beautiful bloody monster. I began my release as my Roza's sex squeezed my manhood with all it's might milking me dry as I spilled into her. The orgasm shattered us from the inside out. At that moment, still inside her, I could feel my seed taking root in my beloved's womb.

"You can feel it too, can't you?" She asked

I nodded my head and lowered my face to my Roza's womb and kissed it tenderly. If I still possessed the ability to cry, my tears would bedeck her skin along with my kisses. I spoke the first words to my son in my native tongue.

"Окрепнуть моего ребенка, для вас мы дадим дар мира. Владимир"

(Grow strong my child, for you we will give the gift of the world. Vladimir)


I hope it was not a disappointment to anyone I really put everything I have into this story from beginning to end. thank you to everyone how understood the point of view I went for here and screw you to those who said the story was too dark... even if you were right lol.

Before you go off and try to hunt me down for leaving the story before the birth of little Vladimir don't worry! Keep your eyes pealed for the sequel:

"Blood & Stone"

Set to be written once I finish my Suicide Squad story "The Road to Hell"

See you then and stay evil!