AN: UPDATE: My brother got his transplant! This doesn't mean I will have more free time to write if anything more of my time will be devoted to helping him. Please be patient and remember none of my fics have been abandoned. Please remember to leave me some awesome reviews!


Kurt and Sebastian are the same age

I changed Kurt's middle name from Elizabeth to Elijah

Sebastian was never into Blaine (I found the possibility of Seblaine disgusting when Kurtbastian was so hot)

Kurt and Blaine are over

This is the year after their first year of college

Sebastian attends NYU

Kurt and Hunter are cousins

CHANGE FOR THE BETTER (CH.4: Encountering A Douche)

It was just a normal Saturday morning, that's all it was for most people. However, for Sebastian Smythe each day since he and Kurt had become boyfriends, he found himself happier than he had ever been in his entire life. It was an odd feeling, but completely welcome as all things with Kurt were. It had been an amazing two weeks, filled with joy, love and happiness all feelings Sebastian hadn't allowed himself to feel in a very long time. The down side to this feeling however almost always welcomed something or someone to crush it. Sebastian learned that when he was waiting for his and Kurt's orders at the Lima Bean and it happened, and of course who else would be the source of it other than Kurt's asshole ex.

"What the fuck is this about you and Kurt being a couple?" Blaine demanded as he maneuvered himself in front of Sebastian with a cold glare. Just like that anger coursed through Sebastian's veins as he stood and stared down the shorter boy with an equally disgusted glare.

"Are you fucking serious right now?" Sebastian hissed while Blaine continued to stare him down

"I'm only going to say this once Anderson. Kurt and I are a couple, it's not some plot to get back at you or get in your pants or make you jealous. It has NOTHING TO FUCKING do with you so stay the fuck out of it." Sebastian replied before heading to the counter when his name was called.

"Please Sebastian you're just part of his downward spiral. Did you not notice how much he's changed? He's not my Kurt anymore, he's just another slutty bitch now.." Blaine's words were cut off by Sebastian's fist in his face, leading the shorter boy to crash to the ground, before Sebastian was pulling him back up and in his face, rage written all over his face.

"Don't you ever fucking talk about my boyfriend like that again, he went back to who he was before you manipulated him into who you wanted to be. You're fucking disgusting, you had that amazing guy and all you ever did was try and tell him how he wasn't good enough. The truth however is that he was always too good for you and your selfish, narcissism ass couldn't handle it. This is done I mean it leave us alone." Sebastian finished before storming out and driving off towards Hunter's house.

He tried to calm himself down before Kurt saw him, but his luck was finding both Kurt and Hunter playing basketball in the front drive. The minute their eyes met Sebastian knew Kurt knew something was wrong. He was proven right when Kurt hurried over to the car and jumped into the passenger side pulling the taller boy into a tight hug.

"Hey what's wrong?" Kurt asked as he pulled back and Sebastian knew he couldn't lie. So he told him, well him and Hunter who had joined them in the car. Every detail was leaked and by the end of it Hunter looked like he was out for blood while Kurt didn't seem fazed by it at all.

"Kurt what's going on in there babe?" Sebastian asked pointing to the boy's head

"Sadly this doesn't surprise me. It's just who he is." Kurt replied getting an angry response from Hunter

"That doesn't make it fucking okay. He's a little fucking prick." Hunter hissed

"Yeah he is, and hopefully that will be any encounter any of us have with him while we are here. Look we go back to New York in a week and a half, and Blaine will be here being his miserable self. He can't hurt us unless we let him, so don't" Kurt said staring straight into his boyfriend's eyes

Just like that all the anger the had previously coursed through Sebastian's veins dissipated. Kurt was right, of course he was right. While they may never fully be rid of Blaine Anderson, his role in their life was solely in the past, as long as they kept him there. Hunter on the other hand had other plans. It was time to teach Blaine that he wasn't as great as he thought he was. He followed Kurt and Sebastian inside and watched as Kurt filled a bucket with ice water and dipped a towel inside before wrapping it around Sebastian's hand.

"That should help with the swelling." Kurt explained before pulling his boyfriend into a tight embrace

"Thank you for fighting for me." He whispered

"Anytime babe, anytime." Sebastian replied before pulling the boy into a deep kiss

The day soon continued with thoughts of Blaine Anderson long forgotten. Well to everyone but Hunter but he would deal with that little fucker another day. Today was about making sure Sebastian was the right one for Kurt. Hunter was happy to say all signs were leading to yes. He hadn't seen Kurt that relaxed and happy while in a relationship ever. He was always on guard and doubting himself when he was with Blaine. Luckily it looked like those days were long gone. THANK GOD.

AN: Hey so we finally got an update! So, chapters 5 will be up sometime in January. Until then leave me some reviews and have a Happy Holidays!