Can be read as stand alone but better if you read Arthur Pendragon's Omega first


Four years had passed since the wedding and coronation of Arthur Pendragon at thirty one he was in his prime. His Kingdom of Camelot had flourished since then. Magic was now accepted and the druids had taken their place back in society. The Princess Morgana Pendragon had given birth to a son Mordred he was now one year old and the apple of both his parents and the King and his consort's eyes. Both Morgana and Merlin Arthur's consort had worked together to bring magic back in a way that was acceptable to all. They had a teacher, one of the druid chieftains, Iseldir who had taught them to control their powers and he agreed that Consort Merlin was the strongest Warlock he had ever seen. Morgana was also a strong magic user but she also had the gift of sight.

Not only had Arthur legalised magic but he had given the omega's rights, they were now seen as equal to all other citizens and revered instead of treated as broodmares. Although it had only been four years already it was noticed that numbers of Omegas being born had risen. Kilgarrah the Great Dragon, who now flew free, told Arthur that was because the magic was coming back to the land as the balance was restored.

King Arthur was pleased with how his people were prospering and with new treaties peace had been achieved. It had been touch and go for a while King Bayard had been unhappy not to have a match for his daughter but Arthur had conceded a strip of disputed land as compensation. King Cenred continued to make noises but had not as yet felt strong enough to attack his much stronger neighbour.

The only disappointment to Arthur was the lack of a child. Since his omega had lost his first unborn child, as a result of torture ordered by Uther Pendragon, Arthur's father and previous King, he had not conceived another. The physician and the druids both believed Consort Merlin would conceive again but he was young yet and had suffered greatly at the time. In fact it had taken him a full two years to accept the loss and stop blaming himself. Arthur wasn't sure what he would have done in that time had his Mother in law not stayed at Camelot. Merlin was about to celebrate his twenty first birthday and visitors were arriving from far and wide for the celebrations King Arthur had planned for his husband and Omega.

Despite the loss of his child Arthur had never regretted marrying his soulmate. The two were as in love now as they had ever been. Merlin had recently regained much of his sass and spark that had been missing for so long and Arthur loved him all the more for it. He couldn't begin to imagine his life with the more traditional meek omega, he loved the challenge Merlin set him, even though at times like now he would gladly strangle him. Merlin had used his magic to leave behind his knight protectors and had disappeared off on Kilgarrah. Arthur shouldn't be worried after all the dragon would protect Merlin to his dying breath but even so….