Hey guys! So, I am finally back with an update. First and foremost I want to apologize for not updating many of my stories- any of them really... This semester truly is a busy and hectic one (that is what happens when I decide to take 3 science classes and 2 other classes with a shitload of work)... Anyway I really think this chapter is a great one and I hope you lovelies will think the same by the time you get to the bottom :)


Klaus stood there dumbfounded as he met the eyes of the woman that he lay with the night before. She stood rooted to her spot and swallowed convulsively, trying to keep her eyes from his.

Without her head covering, she was even more magnificent. Her blonde hair cascaded down her backside as some curls framed her gentle face. She wore a gown of modest pink and her eyes- cornflower blue eyes- had him intrigued.

"Good evening," the older woman standing beside her announced and both men nodded in her direction.

"My lord, I would like to introduce my daughter- Caroline."

"Caroline," Klaus repeated, her name sounding fantastic on his tongue.

"Good evening," she curtsied when she was finally able to gain control over her stupor.

With a smile in Caroline's direction, the sheik approached her and took her arm in his just as he did with his wife.

The dark haired woman studied Klaus intently and he couldn't help but feel exposed. Did the woman know of his mating with her daughter? Would she demand they marry?

A feeling of dread crept over Klaus as he thought of how the sheik would take such news. After all, the man seemed devoted to his daughter like no other…

When they were all seated, Klaus looked directly into her- Caroline's eyes, but she quickly looked away.

Just as the servants began serving the first course, the sheik poured wine for them all. For Caroline, however, he poured but a sip.

"Papa," Caroline mumbled under her breath and he frowned, but poured her some more.

With a shy, but triumphant smile Caroline raised her glass as did the others.

Refusing to look at her lover, she kept her gaze on her father. She felt her mother watching her carefully and Caroline swallowed. Though Caroline tried to relax, it seemed to be to no avail.

After all, the man she gave herself to the night before watched her with an intensity she felt down to her toes.

"Your grace, how are you faring in our home?" Her mother questioned.

Klaus looked over at the woman and smiled genuinely.

"Your humble abode, my lady, is truly beautiful. The gardens are magnificent." He mentioned and the blonde's cheeks heated at the thought of there first meeting in the garden.

"Truly?" She asked. "Our daughter has helped the gardeners make it into what it is today. She sure does have a hand when it comes to decoration."

"Is that so?" He asked, looking at Caroline.

"Oh yes," the sheik answered before his wife could. "Her betrothed can hardly wait to have her in his home. After all, she brings light wherever she goes."

"Betrothed?" He questioned as he felt coldness seep into his blood.

"Papa," Caroline warned. "Nothing is official."

"Nonsense," he shook his head. "The man will be arriving soon and when he does you will marry him."

"You know that I do not wish to."

"I do," he acknowledged. "But there isn't much choice in the matter. You were promised to him and I never back down from promises that I make."

"I don't love him."

"You'll grow to love him, darling. But enough of this dreadful topic. Allow us to get back to this glorious dinner set out in front of us."

Looking down at her plate, Caroline couldn't believe her father… Was he really going to make her marry the man she couldn't stand?

Sighing, she looked away from her father and met Klaus's questioning gaze under her eyelashes.

The blonde knew at that moment that before the night was over, she would come face to face with her lover yet again. Surely, he would ask her why she hadn't been honest with him the night before.

When dinner came to a finish, Caroline begged off with a supposed headache that was bothering her.

Soon thereafter, Klaus did the same. Standing up from his seat, he looked over at the sheik and his wife and gave them a smile that didn't particularly reach his blue-gray eyes.

Making his way out of the dining room, he went over to the spiral staircase and ascended quickly.

Though he knew not where his lover and the sheik's daughter resided, he decided to risk it by making his way into the family wing.

Looking at the doors, he sidestepped the two doors that stood side by side and made his way farther down.

Trying the doors, he finally came to one that was unlocked and turned the doorknob.

Entering the bedchamber, he spotted her standing in the balcony.

With quiet steps, he approached her and just as she turned, he stepped onto the balcony.

"You weren't supposed to find out." She announced as she bit down on her bottom lip nervously.

"But I did," he responded as he joined her. "You should have told me who you were."

"If I were to tell you that I was the sheik's daughter would you have still offered the position that you did?"

Looking away from her, he shook his head and she sighed deeply.

"Am I to understand that you have relinquished your offer, my lord?"

"Yes," he told her immediately though he desperately wanted her as his own.

"Simply because I am of a higher class? Is that it?"

"I should have stopped when I found out that you were an innocent. I do apologize for that- for taking your virtue so carelessly."

"Carelessly? You were very careful indeed, my lord. And I don't want you having any regrets. What's done is done." She told him as she put her hand on his arm.

Moving away from her, he left her hand suspended in the air and cleared his throat.

"I shall tell your father of what conspired between us, my lady. I'll marry you."

"As you know that is impossible. I have a betrothed and father would never shake off such an agreement. Especially not with that man." She told him, trying hard not to shiver as she thought of the vile man.

"I have compromised you, my lady. Surely your father will do all that is in his power to protect your name from scorn."

"He will, but not in the way you imagine. Father is a very traditional man and he won't have his only daughter marrying an Englishman."

"I am a Duke. I have great power and the respect of people around the world. Surely I am a better candidate."

"I'm sorry, your grace. I know now that I should have told you, but at the time I didn't think father would introduce me nor my mother to such an esteemed guest. After all, his business ventures only ever include those that bring something to the table."

"My lady, I cannot leave in good conscience knowing that I have...well, ruined you."

"Your guilt shall pass, your grace. Now, I do think you should retire to your bedchamber." She excused him as she looked away.

Surely the man would not make this harder than it already was. After all, he was leaving tomorrow and she doubted they would ever see each other again.

"My lady, are you certain that you do not wish for me to make it right by you?"

"Quite certain, your grace. Now, I do bid you a good night."

"Good night," he nodded as he turned away from her and made his way towards the bedchamber door.

As his footsteps retreated, Caroline shut her eyes and rested her arms on the elegantly styled rails.

It truly was goodbye, she realized. However, Caroline didn't know what else they could do… Nonetheless, she would carry the memory of their one night together for as long as she lived- especially when she married that man…

A sennight later, Caroline made her way into the drawing room and recoiled as she spotted her betrothed. He sat there with his thinning gray hair and watched the servants through beady eyes. Wanting to turn on her heel and depart, she couldn't because her father spotted her.

"Daughter, do come in." He urged as he stood up and made his way over to her.

Placing her hand on his elbow, he escorted her into the room and sat her across from her betrothed before he sat down beside the man himself.

"You look stunning as always, Caroline." Her betrothed announced as his black eyes gave her body a slow perusal.

Shifting uncomfortably in her seat, Caroline couldn't help but think of Klaus… He was on the boat back to England and would soon be there, she realized. At that moment, Caroline understood that the life that she dreamt of was out of the question.

"Thank you," she thanked when her father cleared his throat not-so-subtly urging her to reply.

"That dress becomes you, although the color is not suited for such an innocent such as yourself." He noted as he looked at her modestly-covered emerald dress.

"Not suited? How so?" She questioned as she narrowed her cornflower blue eyes at him and waited for him to speak of some nonsense that meant absolutely nothing to her.

"You look older than your age and not the innocent that we all know you are."

"The color of my dress does not signify my virtue. I've been wearing these 'non-virtuous' colors for a while now and my parents have said nothing which should make you understand that you have no right as well."

"Your tongue is still as sharp as I remember. Worry not, when we are married I'll turn you into a docile young lady."

Looking over at her father for support, she noticed him clenching his fists, but knew that he could say nothing. After all, her father's reputation as well as his business ventures were on the line…

"If you will excuse me," she mumbled under her breath, realizing that this was not an argument that she wished to take part in.

Just as she standing up, the man's clammy hands made contact with her arm and she felt a disgusting shiver run up her arm.

"Release me," she ordered, but he simply smirked.

"Your highness, if you will excuse me and my betrothed?" He said to her father.

"That will not be proper, Salim." Her father argued as he stood up and came over to his daughter's side. "You are not yet married to Caroline hence the reason I cannot allow you to stay with her without a chaperone."

"Oh, come on… We will be married very soon."

"Not for another six months!" Caroline said aloud.

"Something has changed…" Salim announced as he approached her slowly and just as she was going to move away, he clasped her face firmly.

"Release her this instant, Salim." The sheik commanded, but the man did not listen.

"I am right, aren't I? The last time I saw you was a fortnight ago, but now… You've changed- and not for the better."

"I'd apologize, but I find that I am not as sorry as you believe I should be." Caroline spat as her hands clenched into fists.

"Release her, Salim. I will not say it again and if you do not listen, I will have you escorted out of my home forcibly."

"You wouldn't," Salim said matter-of-factly. "Your reputation and that of your family depends on my kindness… You may be the sheik, but I doubt the people will appreciate it when I tell them that you have a debt to me- one that you cannot repay."

"My financial situation is of no concern to you or the people of this town."

"It will be when the people find out about you depleting the town of the money they have all worked so hard for."

"I did no such thing."

"No, you didn't. They do not know that, however. And do trust me when I tell you that I can be very persuasive if the need arises."

Placing a hand to his heart, the sheik cleared his throat and swallowed with difficulty.

"Say nothing else, Salim." Caroline warned as her father's face turned pale. "Papa," Caroline said, the worry evident in her voice.

"I'm fine," he reassured as he took a seat and inhaled.

"Now, where were we… Oh yes, you have changed. Something is different about you- you have become more outspoken than before."

"That's why I have my tongue, Salim. To speak and to speak of what I wish to." She argued as she thought of what would happen if she was to kick him in the groin.

"I don't like this." He announced. "You have left me no choice."

"No choice?"

"The wedding will take place in two day's time."

"NO!" Both Caroline and her father said at the same time.

"That was not a part of our deal, Salim. You said you were going to make my daughter your wife in six months. You cannot go back on your word."

"Yes, I can. After all, I hold you and your family captive. Perhaps not literally, but still."

"You cannot do this." Her father argued, but stopped when he saw his daughter go deathly pale before she crumpled to the ground.

Dropping Caroline like an unwanted piece of garbage, Salim made his way over to the door and looked back at father and daughter with disgust in his cold, unfeeling eyes.

"Your daughter will be mine very soon, Halid… And when she is, there will be nothing that neither you nor your wife could do about it."

"Go to hell," Halid, the sheik, responded as he gathered his daughter in his arms.

There you have it! So, Klaus has officially left and Caroline now has a looming threat over her head. Salim wants to marry sooner than expected and we now understand why her father gave an okay to Salim's proposal. Nonetheless, I have something up my sleeve, so do stick around :)

Please Leave Feedback!

~Hana :p