Ron stepped up to the large wardrobe. Lupin opened the wardrobe doors and out stepped his entire family. His boggart mother started crying and stepped toward him.

"Ron, you are a disappointment. You can never live up to your brothers." She spat through tears. The rest of his family glared at him with hatred. Another figure stepped out of the dark wardrobe.

"Do you think you are anything compared to me? The Boy Who Lived? Your just the 6th boy in a family of 7." Harry spat with venom dripping from his words.

"You're not the Oldest." Bill said.

"Or the coolest." Charlie smirked.

"Or the smartest." This time Percy.

"Or the funniest." Fred and George said.

"-and you're not the girl." Ginny hissed.

Ron knew this was all true. He could barely hear as Harry and Professor Lupin screamed at him to say the simple spell. He shakily raised his hand. But the word would not escape his mouth. He could do nothing but stay frozen until Professor Lupin jumped in front of him and said the simple word that Ron could not bring himself to say. He felt the eyes of his friends on him. He looked up into the eyes of Harry before his vision faded to black and he passed out.